Chapter 93 - Pride Before The Fall

Zaraki stood before the army of villagers armed with rakes, rods, and pitchforks. The army of villagers were all moving in sync, practicing different moves in a uniform fashion with their weapons.

At times, some of them would fall out of sync, and whenever this happened, Zaraki would yell at them to their faces, prompting them to get back in sync.

Hirai, Ken, and Akito remained on standby, standing right beside the assembled army as they awaited instructions from Zaraki. Then Ken looked at Hirai. "Is he really like this?" he asked the Elite.

"He gets like that only when he needs to be," Hirai answered him.

"But does he have to act like that?" Akito chimed in, "To me, it seems like he is just putting up a bossy persona without necessity." "It's all fake."

Ken looked at Akito with widened eyes and said, "Watch your tongue, Akito! "You are talking to Hirai!" he berated, expecting Hirai to lose his temper due to Akito's blunt behavior.