Chapter 102 - Weighing the Risks

In a private chamber, deep in the heart of the Zion Empire, the Zion Capital

It was a private area, shut out from the rest of the Empire and secured for the sake of confidentiality, given the crucial nature of the matters being discussed... 

The Zion Emperor Magus sat with his general, Senju, and his major, Ena. They came together to discuss the possible strategies to be employed to take down Langford Capital once and for all.

The private chamber where they were discussing was entirely sealed up and secure, with the only opening being a few air vents at the far top corner of the room. Those air currents were the only things giving air and illumination to the large, sealed room. 

The table on which they were discussing had an oil lamp in their midst, as the moonlight of the night was barely enough for them to see clearly. But even with the lamp's illumination, the corners of the room were still pitch black, showing how large the private room was.