Chapter 118 - War Preparations (5)

The messenger nodded as he stood up, while the King removed his signet ring from his ring finger and handed it to the young man. "Do it quickly," he said to him right before the messenger sprinted off to do as he was told. 

It was at that moment that he remembered his wife, Yumi Watanabe, and knew that he had to talk to her now that he had the chance—right before the wake of the imminent war, of which he was quite assured of his demise. 

He did not know what exactly he was going to tell her, nor where he would start from given their messed up marriage... But he was determined to tell her the things he had failed to tell her for the past several years and now, especially, as her husband. He was going to make up for his shortcomings as a husband, as he was determined not to go away with regrets. His demise was fast approaching, and he wanted to put right as many things as possible before leaving.