Chapter 117 - War Preparations (4)

That same evening, King Watanabe could not rest. He was so restless that he could not sit on his throne. He was walking back and forth at the front of his throne, making the Princess uneasy when she saw him.

He had an even more vivid dream on one of the previous nights, foretelling his imminent demise at the hands of the Zion Empire.

He foresaw strange phenomena surrounding the city's destruction, including visions of a large crimson dragon wreaking havoc within the city's walls and swarms of inhuman creatures slaughtering women and children.

He wondered what they all meant, even though he had heard that similar type of dream from Lady Haruka...

"That's it!...", the King said all of a sudden, sounding like a mad man who had lost it from excessive anxiety, "...the village Chief!"

This sudden outburst and strange behavior made the princess concerned.