Chapter 125 - Unknown Creatures

On the parapets of Langford's capital city stood several watchmen on duty. They had been taking turns watching ever since the confirmation that the Empire had begun rallying forces to take down the Langford Kingdom.

Now it was dawn, and soon they would be switching places with a new batch of watchmen, who would keep watch while they went to rest and rejuvenate before coming back to resume their duties when the new batch returned for their rest and rejuvenation by nightfall.

Among the watchmen on duty were two uniquely talkative ones. Several times they had been told to keep silent but couldn't, so they resorted to whispering close to each other instead.

Because of this, the watchmen in-between had to switch places with them so that they would be together and keep the commotion to a minimum, as they could not stop talking to each other.