Chapter 127 - A Call For Evacuation

Some time ago... 

The princess was in her chamber, walking back and forth, feeling very uncomfortable with the way things were going. The city was on lockdown, and all though it was calm, she could sense things gradually getting out of hand, and she knew it.

As she walked back and forth, feeling increasingly anxious with every passing second, she was startled by a somewhat familiar voice that came from the dark.

"It is good to think critically during critical times when the situation at hand demands it, but worrying and remaining anxious over your problems makes you weaker than you know," the voice said.

She could quite easily guess who it was, given her previous encounter with it.

"Uncle?" she correctly called into the dark corner of her room. And her guess was right, as Arata came forth from the dark space, revealing himself to her slight relief.

"You worry too much, Maria," he said to her.