Chapter 171 - The Black Hydra; The Second Wave

Then the front part of the ship shot up, taking the whole vehicle with it. It seemed the ship was about to turn upside down. Almost everyone in the shop held on to something for dear life, while the few that couldn't hold on to something slid down the open floor and crashed into the cabin.

While the ship remained in that slanted position, the cause of it sprang out of the water, and it was what the Captain feared it would be...

a black hydra.

It was a massive snake whose thickness rivaled that of the whole ship; its color was deep black; and it had five heads, each with two horns. The beast set its faces down at the ship, terrifying everyone who stared back aboard, before giving a deafening shriek from all of its heads combined. 

At about that time, the sky had darkened all the more as clouds covered the moon and lightning flashed across it. A storm had been brewing for a while now, and it had begun to rain heavily.