Chapter 172 - Black Hydra; Unstoppable

Captain Mako had to get his act together, or things would fall apart from this fabled assault. He looked out past the raging seas as he held on to the stringers at the side of the ship. 

He could tell that from the little protruding rocks showing up on the surface of the sea, it was quite clear that they were approaching the shores of Brittania, and it was only a matter of time before they had reached their destination.

This gave him temporary peace of mind, knowing that this ordeal with the hungry fable would only last for a short time, as they would be at the very shores of Brittania in about an hour or so. 

Some of the Queen's soldiers had been tossed overboard by the sudden upward movement of the ship, while the others were clinging to the stringers for dear life, as most of them had now lost their weapons and had no means of fighting against the fable.