Chapter 190 - Mia's Sincerity

Mia ran off so fast that she barely noticed Jin was standing right in front of her, though he wasn't facing her. But the momentum of her speed almost tripped him into falling on his back. But thankfully, he regained his body's balance to avoid falling, but in that fraction of a second, he noticed something off...

Mia was crying.

Now Jin cared for Mia, and he didn't like what he saw. He looked back into the room she ran out of and saw Ken sitting on the ground, looking sober.

"Why is Mia crying?" Jin asked in a somewhat angry tone. Ken was not in the mood to explain to Jin; after all, he wasn't obligated to give him one, so why bother? So he chose instead to rudely dismiss Jin, not wanting him to remain around for now. 

"Why not ask her yourself, Jin?" he said to Jin. "After all, you are the cause of everything."