Chapter 24

"It is a great pleasure to meet you. I am Sara, the oracle priestess of the Tenion Temple,"

An angelic voice rang through the audience chamber of Muno castle. An elegant girl bows in front of us. She has bright green eyes that remind me of newly sprouted leaves, with long pale hair, a shade between gold and silver. The girl's pale skin looks lovely paired with her hair, and her smile is so beautiful I'm surprised she doesn't have a long line of people wanting her hand in marriage. The girl wore Western-style priestess garb with a simple embroidered pattern in blue and gold thread.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Sara. I am Satou Pendragon, a hereditary knight and vassal of the Muno Barony. I have only recently received the honour of this title, so I hope you'll look kindly upon me,"

Sara's beauty seems to have enchanted Satou. Miss Nina had to nudge him to get Satou to introduce himself. Miss Karina looked displeased to see Satou's gaze on Sara's ample bust.

"I'm Kura Suou," I politely bow when it is my turn. Since I was only a guest, I was the last person to introduce myself. "A knight in the service of Earl Seiryuu and a hero. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Sara."


"So you're the one," Sara gasps, hearing my introduction, but a large man clad in shiny armour beside her looks me up and down. "I was expecting more when I heard of your battle with the demon in Seiryuu City."

"She looks like she would struggle to tear paper,"

The pair of knights behind miss Sara look amused at my claim. I don't really blame them. I know I am strong, but my body doesn't show it. I have little in the way of muscles, and my healing skill takes care of any scars or calluses I obtain. From their perspective, I probably just seem like a young girl playing a hero. Even the official-looking guy at the back of their group is looking at me suspiciously. Sara is the only one that seems to believe my claim. She stares at me with admiration, but I can't help but feel something is off. I can't explain it, but I get that feeling as she smiles at me.

From what I understand, these people came here to help the people of this land. Outside the castle's courtyard are countless wagons and soldiers ready to lend us their aid. When I took a quick look, they seemed to have plenty of food, medicine, blankets, and clothing. I'm glad they arrived. Even with all my supplies, those seeds and fertiliser, we would only have been able to provide for half of the territories population.

"Hero Kura here is stronger than she looks," Miss Nina is the first to speak up. "She took down a demon-possessed hydra and killed thousands of goblins single-handedly during the battle. There is plenty of whiteness that could attest to her strength if my word isn't good enough."

The two knights take a step back when miss Nina glares at them while the official looks like he might pass out. It seems that miss Nina is more terrifying than I thought. The official can barely put two words together as he stutters an apology.

"Lady Nina… I am terribly sorry… we meant no ill will, I assure you… please… please find it in your heart to spare us from your rage…."

With the official's apology, miss Nina seems to calm down, and the knights let out a sigh. I appreciate her defending me, but she didn't need to scare them like that.

"Did you say the demon assimilated with a hydra?" But now the knights look worried for a different reason. "A lesser demon shouldn't have been able to take over a demi-dragon."

"It must have been an intermediate one then,"

As the knight continues their conversation about the demon, miss Nina turns her attention back to Sara.

"I'm surprised that the duke would permit his lovely young granddaughter to leave the territory,"

"Having left my house, I no longer have any connection to the duke, I'm afraid,"

Sara smiles sweetly as she answers. Even though she claims to no longer be a noble, she still maintains the elegance of one. Even when the knights panicked, she maintained a calm demeanour as she took the news in.

"Then what about the temple, sending their precious oracle into such danger?"

"The head priestess was kind enough to support me,"

"I see. The holy woman of the Tenion Temple is as graceful yet bold as ever,"

"Besides, I must also exorcise the traces of the Undead King's curse, which the head priestess was unable to do,"

"Is she unwell?"

"I'm afraid so. Recently she has been unable able to leave the sanctuary of the temple grounds,"

I'm not sure what this sanctuary is, but if the head priestess is sick, maybe I could help her. If I explain how my healing abilities work, maybe Sara could arrange for me to pay her a visit. But first, I should let her know there is no need for an exorcism. But before I have a chance, we move to the parlour.

"…And so…in the end, the masked hero and the forest giants did away with the demon army, but the castle would have fallen before reinforcements arrived were it not for Sir Pendragon and his comrades,"

Miss Nina explained the battle in more detail. The maids must have worked themselves to the bone to prepare this room. It is spotless, and baron Muno had the furniture repaired while Satou provided the snacks. There were a total of eight people in the room. Baron Muno, the magistrate Miss Nina, Sara, her two knights sent by her grandfather, the official, Satou and me. We all sit and eat, but I don't feel comfortable with how the knights stare at me as if they are sizing me up.

"So, what was the demon's goal in attacking this territory?"

I don't know why the knight is glaring at me when he asks that. I have no idea what I did wrong, but I hope nothing bad happens between us. This is starting to feel more like an interrogation than a friendly conversation, but I have nothing to hide.

"The demon was using an item called a chaos jar to resurrect the demon lord," I answer.

Sara's eyes widened, and the knights jumped to their feet. They quickly stand between miss Sara and me as if there were some threat. They need to calm down. Don't they remember miss Nina telling them the demon has already been defeated?

"Wh… what did you say?!"

"This is a serious matter!"

The knights panicked as the official's face lost all its colour. They are acting like the world is ending… well I suppose a demon lord is a world-ending event, but I managed to stop the demon's plans. Only Sara seems to handle the news well. After a moment of panic, she quickly recovers.

"Please remain calm, both of you," Sara gently tells the knights.

"But… my lady…."

"This is not the time to be calm!"

"And yet you call yourselves knights defending the Ougoch Duchy and Tenion Temple? Baron Muno here is perfectly at peace. This can only mean that the resurrection attempt has already been thwarted, does it not?"

"Yes indeed," Baron Muno nodded. "Hero Kuro defeated the demon and sealed away the chaos jar."

The chaos jar is still in my inventory, but I guess that counts as being sealed away. I have no idea how to safely dispose of it, though. Satou and I travelled to a remote area to try some things, but nothing we did made the chaos jar safe to handle. Satou and I are the only ones who can get near it without being driven insane or forced to flee in terror. Maybe Sara might know of a way. I could try asking her when everyone has calmed down.

After answering a few more questions, I finally had a chance to tell Sara about how I dealt with the core room ghost cursing anyone who entered. They were surprised to hear that, but after baron Muno confirmed he could make a contract with the city core, they believed my claims. I was interrogated again by the knights, but they soon calmed down.

When our conversation ended, miss Nina took the official to her office to take care of some paperwork. I was planning to go and train with Pearl and the soldiers, but before I could move, Sara requested a tour and Satou and I ended up being her guild. The two knights have to leave to perform their own duties and are replaced by some younger knights. The pair were a young man and woman, with the man named Heath and the woman named Ina. They seem friendlier than the last knights to me, at least… they seem to be keeping a close eye on Satou, though.

"Now then, where would you like to go?"

"Could I ask you to guide me to the Tenion Temple of Muno City first? After that, I should very much like to pay a visit to the city's orphanage if it's all right with you,"

I can understand Sara's request. It seems perfectly natural for her to want to visit her temple branch in this city, and I could picture her smiling face as she plays with the children. Unfortunately for her, the orphanage no longer exists.

"My apologies. I can certainly take you to the Tenion Temple, but I'm afraid it won't be possible to visit the orphanage,"

"Whyever not? I shan't be repulsed or offended, no matter what the conditions might be,"

"No, that isn't the issue. You see…."

Satou beats me to expose the city's lack of an orphanage alarming Sara, but I quickly explain why that isn't bad. I tell her about the demon in disguise shutting down the orphanage, causing her to nearly cry. Her knights look like they might kill me for upsetting her, but I ignore the looks they give me and move on to the good news.

"Please, do not worry. The children are being cared for in the castle," I assure her.

"In…the castle?"

"That's right. I can show you if you'd like. Or would you prefer to start with the Tenion Temple, as originally planned?"

"No, I will visit them first. Please show me the way," Sara responded with remarkable warmth.

As we lead Sara towards where the children usually play, swords clashing and music playing soon reach our ears. A deep, commanding voice barks orders as the knight's training area comes into view. It is a small area, primarily an open sand-covered sparing ground. Trees and storage sheds surround the grounds, with Mia sitting under one of those trees playing her lute.

"Oh? What an unusual sound…."

"It certainly is a merry tune, though I cannot say I've heard it before,"

Miss Sara tilted her head curiously with refined grace, and the guy knight Heath agreed.


Mia smiles and jumps to her feet the moment she spots us. She must have been a little chilly because she had a pale-yellow cardigan over her periwinkle-blue dress.

"A… an elf? What is Cyriltoa the Songstress doing here?"

"No, if it was her, she'd only be moving one hand,"

I wonder if I will get a chance to hear this Cyriltoa the Songstress perform when I'm in the old capital. Mia is already so good it's hard to believe anyone out there could be better than her. I hope I find the time to go to one of her shows. As I entertain that idea, Mia runs up to me. She has become much more clingy since I woke up after being bedridden for five days.

"Hi, Mia,"


Mia answered my greeting with a short nod, then squinted rather unpleasantly at Miss Sara behind me. She must be in a bad mood. I rub the top of her head as she rubs her cheek against me. Mia picked up this habit recently after watching Pochi and Tama do it to Satou. It's cute, but the frown on her lips takes away some of that cuteness.

"It's nice to meet you. I am Sara of Tenion Temple,"

"Mm. Mia,"

Mia barely acknowledged Sara returning only her name to Sara's polite greeting. Sara must be used to things like this. She smiles as Mia moves over to sit on a nearby wall to continue playing.

"Is that a traditional song of the village of Bolenan?"


Mia shook her head at Miss Sara's question and answered with a word. The song Mia strummed on her lute was Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries." Satou played it on his phone, and she quickly learned the song. Mia's talent surprised me. I would never be able to learn how to play a song after only listening to it two or three times.

"Are you entertaining the soldiers while they train?"


Mia looked past us toward Sir Zotol, a knight who had been appointed to reorganise the barony's armed forces. He appeared to be refereeing for the soldiers' bouts and hadn't noticed us.

"Next! Miss Nana, Miss Karina and Miss Liza versus Miss Pearl," he shouted, and four girls appeared from among the soldiers.

Liza and Pearl are the first to enter the sparring grounds. Clad in black armour made from hydra leather and ironshell by Satou, they look pretty intimidating. Pearl has her magic sword on her hip and a limiter bracelet around her wrist. I was shocked when I saw she had reached level forty-eight. She is by far the strongest person in our group after Satou at myself. The bracelet around her wrist is to make it a more fair fight because of the level gap. Liza, who was the next strongest, was only at level fourteen. Nana had reached level ten during the battle, while miss Karina was at level eight.

Pearl was already at a high level when we first met. She was a warrior before being enslaved. Since we met, we thought through the demon's labyrinth in Seiryuu City and the Cradle. Thanks to that, Pearl's level rapidly rose far above everyone else's. I'm the others will catch up soon. We are planning to go to the labyrinth city after taking Mia home, so it should only be a matter of time.

"Hey, get a load of that demi-humans spear,"

"A weapon made from monster parts…? That's a rare sight,"

"She must be a former labyrinth explorer or monster hunter,"

"But isn't that bunny girl using a magical sword?"

"You're right. It must be a powerful one. I can sense the magical energy from here,"

"That's my old sword,"

I spoke up as the knights discussed the spear Satou made for Liza and the magical sword I gifted to Pearl. I was afraid not to say anything. How they looked at Pearl's sword gave me the feeling that they were thinking of taking it. But that only landed me in another interrogation. I told them my made-up back story about being a former mon hunter, and when the knights asked if I found the sword in a treasure chest, I just nodded. They seemed to believe my story, but they started questioning me about how I became a hero. Thankfully, Sara calmed them down as the sparring match was getting ready to start. It was a good thing she did. When I told them about my battle with the high demon, the knights nearly collapsed.

"Master!" Nana waved at us the moment she saw us watching. "Everyone. Hero Kura and master Satou is watching us, I report."

Pearl and Liza turn our way, hearing Nana's report. They bowed in our direction before taking their positions. Miss Karina looked confused for a moment before bowing and joining her team. Unfortunately, her movements caused her oversized chest to dramatically sway.


"Oh, grow up,"

The guy knight, Heath, stared at miss Karina's chest earning him a smack from the lady knight Ina to the back of the head. I'm surprised miss Karina is so clueless about those things and their effect on men. Even Nana seems small compared to her. But that is probably for the best. With how bad miss Karina is with men, I am sure she would lock herself in her room if she were to know.


At the signal, everyone moves. It seems it's Pearl verse Liza, Nana, and miss Karina today. Liza charged forward, but in a flash, Pearl was beside her. Liza's first strike hits only air, but she quickly moves to block Pearl's counter-attack, only to be pushed back. Before Liza can recover, Pearl attacks again. Still, Nana is there to block it with her shield, boosted by her practical magic. Before Pearl's weapon could meet the shield, a transparent magic shield blocked their path. It shatters on impact, but it absorbed enough of Pearl's attack for Nana to push her back.

"Hmm, so that shield girl's a Practical Magic user? If she's not equipped with a staff. She must have a ring or something as the catalyst," Heath comments, watching Nana wrap a transparent magical layer of armour around herself.

"At I think the bunny girl is using blink," Ina observes.

Their both right. Nana used the Practical Magic Spells, shield and Reinforce Armour just now, while Pearl used blink to get around Liza. It's a helpful skill Pearl learned recently, and she even taught it to me. I still have a long way to go, even though I maxed that skill out. The last time I used it, I put a me size hole through one of the castle walls and knocked myself out for several hours.

"That girl with the curly hair… Was that a blue light?!"

"Is she wearing some kind of Holy Armor?!"

The knights exclaimed with surprise at Miss Karina, who was hiding behind Nana.

"Lady Karina!!"

"Yes, Mr Raka!"

At Mr Raka's urging, miss Karina jumps out from behind Nana. Aiming a roundhouse kick at Pearl's head moving so fast, she appears as a blur. Miss Karina has slightly improved in controlling Mr Raka's power, but she is still sloppy. Pearl ducks under her kick before swiping miss Karina's leg, but Nana forces her back with a Magic Arrow before she can land a blow.

"They're so fast," Heath gasps. "How are they moving like that?"

Nana also learned the skill blink. She isn't as proficient as Pearl, but Nana can use it to shrink the gap in their speed. Miss Karina can only keep up thanks to Mr Raka, but Liza stands out for using her skill alone to get past the level gap. I know next to nothing about how to use a spear in combat. Still, even I can tell Liza is approaching the proficiency of a master with her weapon. Liza attacks at every opening and blocks Pearl's attacks while doing her best to keep Pearl at a distance.

But things quickly start to fall apart for the team of three. It all started when miss Karina recklessly charged Pearl getting in the way of Nana as she attempted to hit Pearl with her shield. Instead, Nana hits miss Karina sending her flying. Miss Karina hit the ground hard and rolled to a halt. Thankfully Mr Raka ensured miss Karina was unharmed, so she was quickly back on her feet.

Things only got worse from there. Nana's movements slowed as she burnt through her mana, while miss Karina's reckless attacks caused more friendly fire incidents. Before long miss, Karina was down for the count, and Nana needed to retire so she could recover. She wanted my help, but I couldn't have her make those sounds in front of the company, so I handed Nana a magical potion.

Liza is at least putting up a better fight. As it comes down to just her and Pearl, their movement speed picks up to the point where it becomes a blur. Their swords glow, leaving light trails behind them, with Pearl's turning blue while Liza's red. Watching their match reminds me of some sci-fi film I watched a long time ago.


"No, it's incomplete…."

The knights' words caught my attention, so I turned toward them. It must have made Satou curious because he inquisitively asks.

"Incomplete, you say?"

"Yeah, those girls haven't mastered 'Spellblade' yet. About half a year before one of my superiors learned 'Spellblade,' her weapon left magic traces like that while she was fighting,"

Satou and I must be unique because we learned the skill by putting points into it. The only problem I found with that skill is that I have to be careful not to pour too much of my mana into my sword. Satou didn't seem to have that problem, though. When I asked him for advice, he told me he could use Spellblade at will from the get-go.

The sparring match ends with Pearl's victory after she knocks the spear from Liza's hands. Unfortunately for Liza, despite her skill with the spear, she just couldn't overcome the level gap between them. The knight Sir Zotol gathers them around, reviewing their performance. Miss Karina was back on her feet too. She wanted to go another round, but her maids talked her out of it. We decided to take our leave at this point and continue towards the children.

"So that young lady with the curls was baron Muno's daughter?"

Sara was surprised to hear that when Satou mentioned who miss Karina was. Miss Karina was meant to greet Sara with us, but she snuck away to train with the soldiers, and by the time we noticed, it was too late to go and find her.

"That's right. She was even on the front lines in the defense of Muno City a few days ago,"

The latter was shocked when Satou told the knights and Sara about Miss Karina's identity.

"Mistress, she sounds just like your elder sister, Lady Linegrande,"

"Please refrain from calling me 'mistress.' You are not wrong, though… My sister, though the daughter of a duke, always did enjoy training for battle,"

"And magic, too! Why, she revived the lost magic of two family lines at the royal academy, defeated a floormaster in the labyrinth of Celivera, and a hero even personally requested her to become an attendant!"

The lady knight's Ina's eyes sparkled as she gushed about the accomplishments of Sara's sister. If these stories were true, this Lady Linegrande must be exceptionally talented. But I feel something is bothering Sara when I see her reaction to the knight's praise. Her hands were clenched so tightly that her fingers were turning white.

"Ah! It's master, sir!"

Before I can ask her what is wrong, a voice calls out to us. Looking up, I can see Pochi leaning out of a window with Tama quickly joining her.

"It's true!"

"…Animal-eared folk?!"

Tama and Pochi disappear from the window as Sara gasps. Tama and Pochi had been on cleaning duty in the barracks with the other kids. There were plenty of homeless people and orphans in the city that are now living in the barracks. The adults here work in the fields growing crops or repairing the damage to the city while the baron employs the children to clean the castle.

It wasn't long before Pochi and Tama came running out of the barracks entrance. They are pretty fast, running up to Satou with big smiles on their faces. But they have something in their hands that seems to be moving.

"Did you finish cleaning?" Satou asks, rubbing the heads of the two making their tails wag.


"We were exploring the attic together, sir,"

The two of them replied, fishing for some more praise. Satou softly smiled, scratching them both behind the ears.

"Great job," Satou replies, eyeing what is in their hands. "By the way, what are you two carrying?"


"Look at this, sir!"

Both girls unfold their hands, revealing a pair of dead rats. Sara, who had taken a peak, lets out a cute scream and throws herself at Satou, pressing against him.

"How dare you expose Lady Sara to such things!"

Ina cries as she draws her sword, scaring Pochi and Tama. Satou turns around to try to stop her, but that only worsens things.

"Just wait a moment, please,"

"You insolent cur! Get away from Lady Sara!"

Satou's ability to get himself in these kinds of situations really is a double-edged sword. As she turns around, he ends up hugging Sara close to his chest, angering Ina more and becoming the centre of her rage. On the other hand, Satou would probably admit to enjoying the feeling of Sara's chest against his body.

Ina swings her sword. She intends to strike Satou with the flat part of the blade, but it would still probably hurt. Satou ducks just in time to avoid the attack, but unfortunately, his talent strikes again. I'm starting to wonder if he is doing this on purpose as he buries his face in Sara's chest. I can hear Ina let out a low growl, so Satou better fix this before she kills him.

"Oh my!"

"I am terribly sorry, lady Sara,"

"N… not to worry… I know it wasn't intentional,"

Satou releases her and apologises as Sara turns red. Sara seems to be forgiven, but her knights look even angrier than before.

"Stand behind me, Lady Sara," Ina stepped in front of Sara, pointing her sword at Satou.

"Please put the sword away, Ina,"


"Ina. Put it down,"

"…Very well,"

Thanks to Sara, things have calmed down, but the knights are still eyeing Satou suspiciously. They sheath their swords, but Pochi and Tama are still looking terrified.

"Master, did me and Tama do something wrong?"

"Well, some people don't like rats, so don't go showing them without warning,"

"I understand, sir. I'm sorry for scaring you, ma'am,"

"We're sorry,"

The girls bowed regretfully, and Sara accepted their apologies with a kind smile. At the barracks entrance, the children who had been cleaning with Pochi and Tama were peeking this way.

"That was quite a surprise. But everything is fine now," Sara noticed them and called out gently, and the children ventured toward us one by one.

"Mister Viscount, we cleaned it all up,"

"It's good and clean now,"

"We worked really hard,"

One after another, the elementary school-aged children joined the crowd around us.

"Great job, everyone," Satou told them.

Reaching into his Storage by way of his pocket Satou handed each one a sweet pastry as a reward for their hard work. We walked with the children toward the barracks where they were currently living and where they had just cleaned. This was where the soldiers from the Ougoch Duchy would be staying.

"Miss hero, come play with us,"

"I want to fly again!"

"Can you make the lights again tonight?"

"I'll come by and play later,"

I smile as the small children take hold of my hands. I have been playing with them a lot recently, helping them clean and playing games with my magic. I would use air magic to make the kids hover and put on a light show with my fire magic. The children really like chasing after balls of fire. I would create despite my warns to not touch them.


Sara looked at me hearing that one, so I explained how I would lift them up with air magic and assured her no one was hurt… apart from Arisa when she tried to show off. Still, that was only a bloody nose. Pochi, Tama and Mia a lot better behaved when I made them fly. As long as I didn't go too high, Mia and Pochi really enjoyed the game.

"I see," Sara looks worried, but she quickly relaxes and smiles when she turns to face the children. "Is it fun living here?"

"Yup! We get to have breakfast and supper every day!"

"There's even dried meat once in a while!"

The older children enthusiastically answered Sara's question. The meat had come from Satou and my own Storage. We had plenty of meat to donate, even if Pochi and Tama looked sad at the loss of meat. Well, there are plenty of monsters out there, so it won't be long before we have too much to eat again.

As we approached the children's barracks, the scents of steamed fish and fresh herbs wafted through the air.

"Smells good?"

"Smells like sasakama, sir!"

"And what might sasakama be?" Unable to follow, Miss Sara looked to Satou and me for help.

"It's thinly diced fish steamed with herbs and grilled in the shape of a small board," Satou answers.

Arisa was the one that named the dish. We made the dish by steaming the fish with some herbs before moulding it into an oval and cooking. Their only similarity to the Japanese dish sasa kamaboko was the oval shape, but Arisa had mentioned the name. It stuck, hence sasakama. Currently, a group of young women are making the dish beside the barracks. Leading them, Lulu gently gives them advice before breaking into a smile as she sees us.


Cheerfully Lulu approaches, wearing the same maid outfit as the other maids. Still, despite the similar clothing, Lulu's idol-like looks make her stand out amongst them. It's a shame this world can't see her beauty.

"Yikes, she's a homely one,"

"Cut it out. It's unseemly for a temple knight to poke fun at someone's appearance,"

"Yeah, but…"

It makes me wonder what people think of me. Lulu was a very beautiful girl. Back in Japan, she would have suitors lined up around the block to get her attention. But this world's beauty standards mark everything that makes Lulu beautiful as repulsive. If someone like her is ugly in this world. What does a person like me look like to the people of this world? At least Lulu didn't hear them. She doesn't need any more blows to her self-esteem after all she's been through. Lulu is still smiling as she reaches us.

"Master, we've finished a test dish with burdock and carrots. Could I ask you to taste it for us, please?"

"Yeah, of course. Lulu, this is Lady Sara of the Tenion Temple,"

"I… it's nice to meet you!" Flustered, Lulu bowed hurriedly to Sara.


"Pochi would be premist not to taste it, sir,"

I'm pretty sure Pochi means remiss. Tama and Pochi grabbed Lulu's hands and dragged her back toward the spot where the sasakama was cooking. Satou beckons to us, and we follow toward the other women.

"Sir Knight, miss hero," As we approached, one of the sasakama cooks came to meet us.

"How's it going?"

"Thanks to both of you, everyone is healthy, well fed and doesn't go cold at night." This person was the former director of the orphanage, an old woman with surprisingly good manners for someone from the poorer parts of town. "How might I be of service today?"

Somewhat perplexed, the former director eyed Sara and the knights behind us.

"No need to be alarmed. These kind people came from the Tenion Temple to visit." Satou gave a simple explanation and then left the rest to Sara.

"A sympathy call, is it? We are certainly most grateful to have you,"

"Please, no need to be so formal. I've only come in the hopes of healing anyone who might be sick or injured. Could I ask you to show me around?" Sara smiled warmly at the former director.

"Well, you see…." Faltering, the former director looked back toward me.

"What's wrong?" Sara watched us a bit doubtfully.

"You see, there are no sick or injured here,"

"Whyever not…? Have they been quarantined elsewhere?" Misunderstanding, Sara drew closer to the former director with a grave expression.

"No, it's not that. It's just that hero Kura has…."

"She what?" Sara's intensity was clearly overwhelming the director.

"She used a magic spell to cure 'em all!" A group of children hiding in my and Satou's shadows chimed in for the former director's place.

"Is it true?"

"It is indeed," The former director nodded. "I don't know how she did it, but just being near her was enough to heal even the most gravely injured soul."

Wow, she's making me sound like a saint there. It's a little embarrassing to hear her praise me so much. She tells Sara about how Satou is teaching people about alchemy, but Sara's eyes stay on me. It's a shame that Satou's lessons aren't getting recognised. I attended a few to max out my Formulation and Transmutation skills, so I can attest to their quality.

"Goodness, how very wonderful,"

It's starting to feel a little uncomfortable with Sara and the former director staring at me. Even the knights are staring at me with admiration. I should be used to this by now, but it never gets any easier. Thankfully a particular pervert comes to my rescue.

"There you are, master!"

Arisa came barreling towards us, moving so fast she barely stopped herself from crashing into Satou. Not that I think she would complain about that. Today Arisa is different from usual. She usually wears a blonde wig to hide her violet hair, but it is on full display today.

"Violet hair?"

"I hope she doesn't curse us…."

The knights mutter about some curse and even take a step back. There's some stupid superstition in this world about violet hair. For some reason, people think it brings bad luck, but I never had any misfortune around Arisa. Still, at least here, few people believe in that myth allowing her to ditch the wig for a while.

"You mustn't look down on others based on superstition," Sara reprimanded the knights again.

"Look, look! It's onigiri! Here, I'll give you one, master!" Arisa gleefully handed him a ball of white rice.

"Where did you get white rice?"

I was wondering that too. I hadn't seen any rice while helping stock the pantry yesterday.

"In the relief supplies from the duke's army! So obviously, I had the head chef Miss Gert cook some up, and I ran off to find you so you could have one!"

Arisa was wheezing, her face flushed from excitement. She must have sprinted here from the castle, despite being terrible at exercising. I was surprised she could track us down like that. But I have come to never underestimate Arisa when it comes to locating Satou. No matter where he goes, she always seems to find him one way or the other.

"Thank you, Arisa,"

"Hee-hee! They do say that happiness is meant to be shared!" Arisa beams before biting into an onigiri of her own.


"Pochi wants a bite, too, sir!"

Tama and Pochi gazed at Arisa pitifully.

"I'm sorry. I only brought two. There are more in the kitchen, so we'll go get them later, alright?"


"Yes, sir!"

After that, we visited the Tenion Temple in the city, then toured around to inspect the in-progress gabo fields in the slum quarters and the tenement construction sites.


That evening, dinner was served in the nobles' dining room in Muno Castle. The participants from Muno Barony were the baron, his daughters, Lady Soluna and Lady Karina, Magistrate Nina, and Satou. The Ougoch Duchy participants were Sara, a priest, a handsome civil official, and eight temple knights. I was sitting at the far end of the Muno Barony side, next to Miss Karina. Because there were more people from the Ougoch Duchy than would fit on one side, the young temple knights were seated near Satou. I was also sitting on the Muno Barony side opposite Sara.

"Now then, let us toast to the peace and prosperity of the Ougoch Duchy and the Tenion Temple."

Baron Muno raised his glass, and a rare feast for the barony began. This will be like the meal I had in Seiryuu City, with seven courses being served, but it should be better this time. I'm not saying the food earl Seiryuu gave me was bad, but Satou made most of the courses we were about to eat. If the samples he let me try are anything to go by, we are in for a treat. First, deep soup bowls arrived in front of each person.

"Hey, Heath. Is it just me, or is salt soup for a lord's supper rather…?"

"Quiet, Ina. It's inevitable in a barony with a food shortage,"

"I suppose. And I do smell something good back there, so I'm sure the later dishes will be more impressive,"

Ina and Heath quietly comment on the food, looking slightly disappointed. I can't wait to see them change their minds once they try it. Somewhat reluctantly, the two dipped their spoons into the transparent broth. The moment they put the spoons to their mouths, they froze completely.

"…Delicious! What is this?"

"Don't talk to me. Let me enjoy my soup,"

Ina can't help singing the soups praises. At the same time, Heath maintained a stoic expression as he reverently brought the next spoonful to his mouth. Similar reactions were occurring elsewhere. The maids were hiding smiles at the feedback from the dinner guests.

"Never in my life have I tasted such a soup. Whatever is this dish called, pray tell?"

"Go ahead and tell her, Sir Pendragon,"

Surprised, Miss Sara asked a question that Miss Nina deflected toward me.

"This is called a consommé soup. It may look simple, but it's actually a remarkable blend of flavours from different ingredients,"

The soup is tasty. I only had this stuff out of a tin before, and those experiences are nothing like this. This soup is so much more flavourful. I have no idea if it was Satou's Cooking skill, the fresh ingredients or the fact Satou used his Transmutation skill while cooking.

"Hey, do you think we can get seconds?"

"I'm sure we could, but as for whether we should…."

Ina and Heath quickly empty their bowls and stare longingly at the others, who are still eating. They remind me of Pochi and Tama when they go looking for seconds. Some people were hesitant to try the soup on the Ougoch Duchy side, but seeing the knight's reaction, they swiftly started to eat. Ina seemed to have really liked the soup because she quickly flagged down a maid to ask for seconds. This soon spiralled into a wave of requests for seconds until every last drop of soap was consumed.

Next came hors d'oeuvres consisting of sasakama and cheese, with fried potatoes and potato chips on the side. The unique texture of the chips was very well received. The combination of sasakama and cheese was especially popular with beer drinkers.

After the appetiser came the salad, consisting of decorative, thin slices of celery over leafy greens with strips of daikon radish arranged to look like a feather. I heard someone asking a waitress about the dressings that came with the salad. We had mayonnaise and tartar sauce, which were very popular at Muno Castle, and a sweet-and-sour orange sauce commonly used in the Shiga Kingdom. The more reserved adults chose the orange sauce but most requested that the servants pour a little of each kind over their salads.

"This white stuff is great. I've never found vegetables so tasty before,"

"What is this vegetable anyway? The transparent white one. I've never had a texture like this,"

"Mmm, it has a little kick that goes well with the white sauce,"

The knights continued chatting as they ate the salad.

"Radish, you say?!" Exclaimed Sir Keon, a temple knight, after a short exchange with a maid.

When Satou first suggested the daikon salad, the castle head cook, Chef Gert, did warn him that some people in the old capital despised radishes. I was surprised when I heard that. The people of this world have so many superstitions.

"That was daikon radish? But I ate all of it…!"

"The rumour that eating radishes summons orcs are only a superstition, y'know."

"But…daikon, though!"

"I mean, I've never eaten it before, but it was delicious. Didn't you like it, Ina?"

"Well… It was good, but…."

Judging by the knights' conversation, superstitious people intensely disliked daikon. No one complains, but I would shelve radishes if I were in charge of cooking. Moving onto the next course consisting of fish, Satou made tempura this time. We are served a plate of shrimp and vegetable tempura.

"What is this lumpy yellow stuff?"

"I don't know, but I bet it's delicious,"

Satou has clearly won over the knights. He must be happy seeing how they can't get enough of his food. Watch as other people start to smile as they eat before bringing a piece of shrimp to my lips. It was bliss. I'm petty sure the cooking skill adds flavour because no one's cooking should taste this good.

Next, the main dish is fried cutlets from long-haired cows. Instead of large slabs of meat, these were bite-size pieces that we'd tried flavouring in various ways. There were three normal pieces, one coated in red pepper powder and one fried with cheese. Satou made sure to colour-code the meat to allow everyone to easily pick the ones they liked best.

"These are crispy and delicious, too!"

"Mmf, spicy!"

"Spicy? This reddish one, you mean?"

"It's spicy, but it's good. And cheese comes out of the yellowish one! That was a surprise,"

"C'mon, don't spoil it for me. I could really get addicted to this combination of crunchiness and thick cheese,"

If the knights' exchange was any indication, they were enjoying the meal. Everyone quickly ate their food, trading pieces of meat for their favourites after they were told. Unfortunately, there were no seconds available for this course.

"Oh my! So the final dish is pancakes?!"

"Ho… ho, these are all the rage in the royal capital, I hear!"

Surprisingly it is Sara who praises the next dish. Both she and the official sat next to her couldn't contain their excitement as the maids placed a pancake covered in fresh cream in front of them.

"Is this the same white stuff as earlier?"

"I dunno if that sauce would go very well with pancakes…."

"I mean, I've never had pancakes before, have you?"

Are pancakes expensive? I used to always treat myself to one at a local café whenever I got paid back in Japan. I wasn't expecting to hear people from the lower nobility not being able to try them if even a person like me, who lived paycheck to paycheck, could afford them.

"Delicious… This is incredibly good!"

"No kidding. It's even better than the ones I had in the royal capital. And look, there are two cakes with sliced fruit in the middle!"

"I wonder how they make the white stuff on top? Wish I could bring some back with me,"

"It's so sweet and delicious. I bet they could make some truly incredible desserts if they worked together with the famous confectioners of Gururian City."

If they have tasty food in Gururian City, I might have to find time to visit after I defeat the demon lord. If Heath compares Satou's pancakes to their confections, they should be pretty tasty.

The meal ended successfully, with surprisingly Sara ordering a third round of pancakes. For someone her size, I don't know where she puts it. After that, at Baron Muno's invitation, most men moved on to a drinking party in the salon. While the woman went with his eldest daughter, Soluna, to have tea in the parlour.

I'm a little nervous. I have been to parties and feasts and met with powerful nobles before, but I have never once been to a tea party. I had tea with Henry before I left Seiryuu City, but we were hanging out as friends. Here everyone's eyes are on me, and I don't know what to say. Thankfully it soon became clear I wouldn't have to think that hard.

"Hey, miss hero, is it true you have been travelling with Satou?"

"Do you think he would come and serve my family?"

"Is he single?"

"Hey ladies, Satou is the third noble of the Muno Barony. Don't try and steal him,"

It seems I wouldn't have to think of things to talk about. Before I could even taste my tea, I was bombarded with questions; for some reason, they were all about Satou. I don't even have to think about answering because one question follows closely behind the other.

"Besides, I won't let you steal Satou away from my little sister,"


Miss Karina blushes brightly, hiding her face. She can sometimes be cute, but I don't think Satou is interested in her. If he was, I'm sure he would have agreed with miss Nina when she tried to set them up. I'm surprised he did turn her down. I have lost track of the number of times I have caught him glancing at miss Karina's oversized assets.

"But she hasn't secured him yet,"

One of the noble ladies that is accompanying us looks scary. If I didn't know any better, I would say she was planning on locking Satou up and keeping him all to himself. I will be sure to warn Satou to be careful of her when I next see him.

"Tell me," The scary woman continues. "Does he have a nice body as well as a pretty face?"

"I… I wouldn't know…."

I saw him once by accident. I was practising magic by myself a few days ago. There were plenty of pockets of goblins around we were all taking care of, and I was using a few for target practice. I chased a few the river, and Satou was there wasting something nasty, looking off his clothes. He wasn't completely naked, but he was stripped down to his underwear. We went our separate ways agreeing to never speak of it. But to answer the scary women's question, yes. Satou does have a nice body. I don't know if the others will agree since they call a beautiful girl like Lulu ugly.


Four days after the night of the feast, we decided to depart. Sara and the people she brought with her are leaving today, so we decided to depart after them. Sara has already left at the head of the column while we wait at the rear, awaiting our turn to depart.

We weren't the only ones hitting the road along with her; Miss Karina and her attendants were also leaving. The baron's daughter was going to the royal capital by way of the old capital to deliver a letter to the king summarising the events of the demon attack in the Muno Barony.

As I understood it, the only people in this territory with titles befitting a messenger to the king were Miss Nina and the baron himself, neither of whom could leave at present. For that reason, it was decided that sending a member of the baron's family would be the next best option, and ultimately the duty fell to Miss Karina. A report to the king had already been made using the City Core. Still, it was considered courteous for the lord to send a messenger to explain in person.

"Master, I believe we'll be departing soon,"

Lulu called out from the coachman's stand. The parking area in the castle is nearly empty. Just a few more wagons, and then it will be our turn to depart. If Satou can free himself, that is.

"Satou, hero Kura, please take care of my dear Karina,"

"Of course. We'll be parting ways at Bolehart City, but until then, you can certainly count on us,"

Satou smiles reassuringly at the worried baron Muno. He was reluctant to let miss Karina go, but miss Nina managed to convince him. Still, Satou's assurance makes him relax. We would only be accompanying her for about a quarter of the journey. Still, we will do everything we can to protect her.

Our destination Bolehart City was the dominion of the dwarves in the Ougoch Duchy. I wonder what they are like. Unlike the elves, who don't appear what they like in the stories I read. The dwarves are apparently gifted blacksmiths and miners, from what I have been told. Miss Nina told us about one of her friends there who runs the mitral blacksmithing operation. Dohal, I think she said his name was. Miss Nina warned us he could be a bit cold at first, but once he warms up to people, he is a great person to go drinking with.

"You know you can come back here once you've seen Lady Karina to her destination, don't you?"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. We need to bring Mia back home to the Bolenan Forest,"

Miss Nina's comment was offhand yet serious, but Satou responded sincerely. She had also given him a letter of introduction to several influential aristocrats and a few personal letters she'd asked him to deliver.

"I wish you'd at least leave Miss Arisa with me. Without her, my workload's about to double,"

"Oh, I couldn't! I just can't bear to live unless I'm by my darling's side,"

Arisa appeared out of nowhere to respond to Miss Nina's complaint. Clinging onto Satou and looking up at him. It would be one thing if it was just Arisa. Looking around, I could see a group of maids slowly but surely closing in. they were looking at Satou tearfully, clutching their hands to their chests.

"Please don't go, Lord Hereditary Knight,"

One of the maids, a slender redhead, rushed forward with a cry and clung to him. She had opened the floodgates as a wave of maids cascaded toward Satou to embrace him and try to stop him from leaving. Some of them even tried to kiss his cheek or forehead.

"Sir Knight, please stay here forever!"

"Yes! Who will make crepes if you are gone, my lord?"

"Forget crepes! Can't we get one more taste of that fried chicken?"

"No, marry me and cook for me forever!"

"At least leave little Tama with us!"

"What are you saying? Pochi is much cuter!"

Before I knew what was happening, the maids had surrounded me. They didn't try and kiss me like they had with Satou, but they clung to me with pleading looks in her eyes.

"I want to hear Lady Mia's music forever…!"

"I want to eat those sweats!"

"I want more of that juice!"

During my downtime, I spent some time learning a few cooking tips in the kitchen. I learned a lot of recipes from the head cook. I improved my drink-making abilities after I started to experiment. My Klite Berry Juice proved to be a hit with the maids when I offered them some and o maid a mixed berry version using the berries found growing outside the city. The others seemed to like the mixed berry juice, too, but Mia said she preferred the Klite Berry Juice.

As for the sweets, I was feeling hungry one night and made myself a midnight snack. One of the maids found me, so I offered her a taste. The following day most of the maids cornered me, asking to try the sweets too. I didn't think it was that good since I accidentally burnt it, but the maid from the night before couldn't stop singing its praise.


I feel something poke me, and when I look down, I find my Mia frowning as she tugs on the hem of my top. Pochi and Tama seem to think the maids clinging to us are a new game. They start trying to climb onto Satou as Arisa jealously kicks him in the back.

"Everyone! I understand we're all sad to see them go, but you mustn't trouble them," The head maid clapped her hands briskly, drawing her subordinates' attention away from me.

"That's right. Besides, Sir Knight baked a pound cake for us that's sitting in the dining room right now. Once you finish your work, you can come and have a piece each," With this announcement from Chef Gert, the maids all flooded away from us like the ebbing tide.

"You haven't had breakfast yet, right? It may not measure up to your cooking, Sir Knight, but please take this if you'd like,"

"Thank you very much. I'm sure it will be delicious," Satou accepted the boxed lunch that the head chef Gert handed him and passed it to Lulu in the coachman stand.

"Are you heading out? If you get bored of travelling, please come back anytime,"

"Once we've trained in Labyrinth City for a year or two, I promise we'll return awhile,"

Nodding to Miss Nina, I boarded the carriage.

"Please take care of little Tama and Pochi,"

Baron Muno spoke in the same tone he'd used when entrusting his own daughter to us. No, if anything, it was even more emotional. During our stay, he'd doted on the two like they were his grandchildren, so it wasn't surprising that he was sad to see them go.

"Don't worry, I will,"

The baron still looked worried.

"It's okay!"

"Pochi is fine anywhere, sir!"

Tama and Pochi, who were busy receiving little pouches of sweets from Miss Soluna, turned to the baron and grinned cheerfully.

After Satou and I helped the smaller girls onto the carriage, we were ready to leave. Satou had upgraded our ride while we were here. Gone was the canopy, and in its place was a wooden compartment that was great at keeping the wind out. Windows allow plenty of light in, while the cushioned benches make for a comfy ride. Satou should go into business making these carriages. I'm sure he would make a fortune.

We waved from the windows and the back of the carriage. Behind the baron and company, the rest of the castle staff and the children and elderly in the care of the castle had all gathered to see us off. Of course, this also included Miss Soluna, the former fake hero, Hauto; Sir Zotol; and the other soldiers. With Liza and Nana leading the way on horseback, our carriage departed from Muno Castle.