Chapter 31

"A hundred gold to the one who brings me the hero's head!"

Iron, steel and a few magical weapons but just standard armour. Individually, they aren't much of a threat, but they might get lucky together. We are going to need some time to prepare. I cast the fence spell, putting up a wall around us. But before I do anything else, I do the same for Tolma and Hayuna. Using the spell air current, I knock the people threatening the couple back and put up a protective barrier around them. However, that spell should be considered air gale with its power. The people I hit with it might not be able to walk again.

"Nana, protect Tolma and Hayuna," I begin taking out the girl's weapons and kicking off these ridiculous heals. I had our armour, too, but Pear was the only one who could wear it without changing clothes. "Mia, go with her. Pearl, handle the guards. Karina, don't do anything reckless. Just focus on the cultist."

"Orders have been registered, I confirm,"


"I'll take care of them,"

"When have I ever been reckless?"

With everyone in agreement with the plan, I lower the barrier around us. I was I little worried when I handed Raka back to Karina. I'm going to have to keep my eye on her.

"You all need to stay away from those ghosts and only attack them from a distance. They can paralyse with a single touch,"

With everyone ready, I drop the fence spell around us and kick things off with my ice storm spell, killing four ghosts. That last one was faster than I was expecting and managed to twist out of the way of my attack. Pearl and Karina are the next to attack, with Pearl slashing at the soldier's legs where ever the gaps in their armour appear. Karina meanwhile sends the cultist flying with punches and kicks.

"I thought you said this would be easy!"

"What's with those two? We can't even keep up with them,"

Perfect. Karina and Pearl have the enemy's attention squarely on them. They didn't notice Nana as she pushed past the people before her. Somehow her shield is giving off sparks of light as if she is going to use the skill spell blade with it. Earl Kuhanou said it once belonged to a hero, so it must have hidden power.

"How could you let that girl trample you like that?!"

The cultist leader at least seems to have noticed Nana trampling his guys. But even he failed to notice Mia as she copied Tama's and Pochi's leg-slashing attack. She is a lot more sneaky than I gave her credit for. Even the people she attacked didn't notice her before it was too late. One moment they planned on attacking Nana, and the next, Mia jumped out from behind her and cut their legs with a small knife.

I guess I should get started too. The cultists aren't that much of a threat since most of their members are between levels three and seven. The guards are a more significant problem since some are level twenty, but Pearl has no problem handling them. Mia and Nana are together, and Karina has Raka's protection. The only threats are the cult leader, who is level thirty and has some nasty-sounding skills and the viceroy, who can use the city cores power.

But I take out that last remaining ghost first with another blast from my ice storm spell. It dodges the first two ice shards, but the third, fourth, fifth and sixth shards tore it to pieces. Now to take out the most significant threat. The viceroy looks shocked and scared to death as he shivers, his face drained of colour.

"Ah! Miss hero… this isn't… I was just… as viceroy I invo…."

I won't let him finish his chant. Rapidly closing the distance between us, I knock him down with a single punch before the city cores power can be brought down on us. The viceroy goes down without any problems. Now it is just the cult leader.

"You guys really are a handful," The leader chuckles. "This might not be the boring massacre I was expecting." Taking out a staff with a human skull on top, I shivered, looking into the black mist pouring from its eyes. "That doesn't mean you will be leaving this place alive."

He slams the staff into the ground causing a black liquid to surround him. Slowly the liquid takes several humanoid forms. When it is done, four black figures standing seven feet tall move between and man the leader.

"You should be honoured," The cult leader darkly smiles. "The last time these living creatures of pure malevolence were seen was when the Great Dogheaded Demon Lord raised all the temples of the world to the ground. I never thought I would be able to see them with my own eyes. I'll thank my master for giving me this chaos staff after our lord has been returned to us."

These are probably the worse enemy I have faced yet. My MP is being slowly drained by these creatures' passive abilities, and they are entirely immune to magical attacks. But getting close to them has its own risks, as the monsters have a poisonous cloud floating around their bodies.

"Kill her," The leader orders, but the monsters don't move. "Didn't you hear me? I said kill herrr ahh!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the cult leader is gone. All four of the monster moved until they merged as one giant blob. When they separated, a fifth dark figure stood where the man once did. Moments later, they move again, merging with other bodies and creating more of themselves. I tried to trap them with the fence spell, but they shattered it with a single touch.

"Try and keep the bodies away from the centre of the room!" I call out as I cut one down. They aren't very tough, but it will be a real problem if they keep draining me. "Nana! Take Tolma and Hayuna and get out of here!"

"But, hero Kura…."

"Nana, those things are the worse enemy you could possibly face. Please, don't fight me on this,"

"I… I understand… I will follow your order and withdraw. I confirm,"

It is troubling to have my MP drained, but it could be fatal to Nana. I don't know how her body works, but it can't be good, considering the trouble Nana has when she needs me to top up her MP. They don't seem to have been affecting her just yet. Nana has no problems picking up both Tolma and his wife and carrying them out of the room.

I cut down another of the dark figures, but these guys are starting to get annoying. As soon as I take one down, two more are brought to life by the others. If only I could use magic, then I could kill them all at once.

"Repeat after me,"


It's strange. I could have sworn someone had just whispered in my ear. But Pearl, Karina and Mia are too far away to whisper.

"Repeat after me. Piece the Heavens. Go on saying it,"

"I…" I didn't imagine it. But no one near me is awake. But it can't hurt to try it. "Piece the Heavens."

"Oh, be careful, my hero. The more mana you put into it, the larger it will grow,"

True to her word, the sword grows when I pour my mana into it. Twice, three times, four times and finally, five times its size. The sword grows and grows, but it doesn't feel any heavier. I could have grown it larger, but then I wouldn't be able to swing it around in the confines of the hall. I wish she had told me about this trick sooner. I have no doubt about it. That voice I am hearing belongs to the dragon god.

I swing my now massive holy sword cutting down ten of those dark figures in a single swing. My MP took a big hit, but it should recover soon. Gjallarhorn even shrunk back to its original size. Still, I could quickly grow it again. With another swing and only two dark figures remained. I didn't bother to increase Gjallarhorn's size this time and quickly cut them both down.

"Master," Pearl is the first to approach me. It looks like everything went well for the others during that fight. "We have secured all the cult members and soldiers."

"Good work,"

"Me too?"

Mia is the next to reach me. Hugging my side and brushing her head against me like a cat.

"You did a good job, too, Mia," I reply, patting her head.

"And me?"

I don't know why Karina looks like a kid being left out, but I don't mind praising her.

"Yes, you handled yourself well during that fight,"

"It was a significant improvement from your last battle, Lady Karina,"

"Hero Kura! Is it safe to return?! I inquire,"

"Yeah! It's safe!" Nana pokes her head into the room before curiously stepping inside. "Are Tolma and Hayuna safe?"

"Yes, I found the temple knights in another room and left master Tolma and his wife with them. They said they would head for the city's temple and send more knights to arrest everyone here."


It looks like everything has been taken care of. We just need to wait for the temple knights, and we can return to the ship. I wonder if it is too late to join Satou and the others for dinner at that restaurant. Picking up that man's staff, I put it into storage before more creatures could be summoned.

"It's not over yet, my hero," What is it now? I couldn't even finish cleaning up what was left of that orb before the dragon god spoke to me again. "The demon lord is about to awaken. Step through this door, and maybe you could save that priestess."

"Master! Behind you!"

A white shinning door suddenly appears behind me. It could have been mistaken for an actual door if it wasn't giving off so much light or showed up in the middle of the room.


"Enemies might appear, I caution,"

"No, it's fine," I take a moment to prepare myself. "The dragon god created this door. The demon lord is about to revive, and it will lead us to them." I take a step towards the door and reach for the handle. It even feels like an actual door. "If any of you want to stay behind, you don't have to force yourself to…."

"Don't go!"

"Master, please stay!"

"It is too dangerous, I believe!"

"But if I don't go then…."

"We know, but… we all saw a vision. When we slept after that meal, we all saw the same thing," Everyone holds me back for some reason and looks terrified. Only Karina is left out, looking confused at the scene as Pearl explains things. "We all saw you die."


Pearls POV:

"Nana, watch the rear more cultists are coming,"

"They won't get past me, I declare,"

I could only watch. My body moved, and my voice came out, but I had no control over anything. All I know is that my master needs help. Fighting alone against the demon lord, she looks like she is getting tired while all I can do is watch as cultists and lesser demons keep me from her.


My head moved up just in time to see Mia's arrow bring down a spider-like monster, but there were still more. I cut down the second one, only for the third to knock me down. Fortunately, Mia fired a second arrow killing it before it could attack me.

"Thank you, Mia,"


"Hero Kura! There's another sword! I warn!"

I snap my head around, only to see Nana's warning was too late. We all cried out as a golden sword sliced our master in two. Until then, he had only used two swords, but this third one came out of nowhere. With a whip-like limb made from bone, the demon lord attacked so fast that our master couldn't react in time. I don't think I had screamed as loud as I did seeing that before.


Kura's POV:

"If you fight the demon lord, you will die, master,"

"No, I won't," It's only right I tell them about it. "I can't die. I have a unique skill that is similar to the one the Undead King Zen had. I wake up whenever I die at the last place I slept."



I nod my head. It seems to have calmed everyone down, but they still seem worried. After seeing a friend die, I can't blame them for that. If I had seen one of them die, I wouldn't let them enter the fight either.

"Even if I am cut down by the demon lord, I won't die," I take a deep breath and open the door. "I will beat the demon lord. Are you coming with me?"

"I don't like it, but I am going with you,"

Pearl steps forward first. She looked at me worriedly but with determination.


"I will come to, I declare,"

Mia and Nana quickly volunteer as well. But then a problem raises its head.

"Hero Kura, I wish to join you as well,"

"Lady Karina, that is far too dangerous,"

Karina jumps forward, ignoring Raka's caution.

"Karina, you aren't ready to face a demon lord," She looks like she is about to cry. I hope I don't regret this. "But if you focus on the monsters, you can come."


"Yes," I am probably making a mistake, but Karina could be helpful. "Take care of the monsters, and we will handle the rest."


Seeing Karina's excited look only makes me worry more. I hope I didn't make a mistake.


After stepping through the door, we are in a cave somewhere. No, it doesn't feel like a cave. It feels like… like how the labyrinth in Seiryuu City. Oh. We're in the old capital, well underneath it, to be exact. Satou's valuable mapping skills will be able to know for sure. Still, according to the limiting information on my map, we appear to be somewhere under the centre of town.

"Keep an eye out for monsters. I think we are in a labyrinth,"

Everyone nods, and we take a moment to put on our armour and prepare for battle. Karina somehow managed to squeeze her… assets into Nana's spare armour. It's not that I am jealous, but does she really have to be that big? At least she should be safe now. With the combination of that armour and Raka's protection, nothing should be able to harm her. But Mia's another story. I make a mental note to make something light for her to wear in battle.

We follow the path as it winds deeper into the labyrinth until we reach a vast open space. Reaching an egg-shaped room, we stop just before what my appraisal says is a teleportation circle. At the other end of the room, cultists chant together before a small stage containing an altar. On that stage stands an elderly-looking man with sickly-looking skin flanked by two priestesses in pure white robes. But it is what sits behind them that catches my eye. Sat on a stone throne raised above everyone else, Sara sits with a wicked look on her face.

"Brothers! Sisters! Our lord's return is nigh! Soon he will be released from his vessel and lead us into a glorious new world!"

The older man raises his hands as the cultists cheer. Raising from her seat, Sara slowly floats towards him. The older man makes room as the two priestesses in white draw scary-looking daggers. We have to move now, but it isn't going to be easy. At least two hundred cultists and nearly fifty tamed spider monsters are sitting in webs above them.

"With the blood of these followers of the false gods, our lord will be reborn!"

Sara kneels and raises her head with a smile on her lips. Both the other priestesses move their knives to her neck as the cultists cheer and cry out for Sara's death. Possession. When I scan the area, I can see that Sara and the priestesses have been possessed by demons.

"Karina, forget about the monsters. As soon as we attack, start ringing the demon sealing bell and don't stop," Looking to the stage, I prepare my first spell. "Nana, Pearl handles the cultist. Mia, take care of the monsters. The priestesses on stage are processed. I'm going for them as soon as Karina drives the demons out of them."

With everyone agreeing to the plan, we attack. Mia's arrow pieces the head of the largest spider as my ice storm spell tears through the rear lines of the cultists. It's chaos. The cultists scream and yell as Pearl, Nana, and I charge into them, cutting them down one after the other. The cultists can't even put up a fight. Most aren't even level five yet or have any combat skills. Most of them are second or third noble children with only administrative skills. The ones that do put up a fight are quickly taken out.

I leave Pearl and Nana behind, carving a path straight to the stage. I feel a strange sensation as I run. Something has wrapped around my body, and I am running through water. I reach the stage as Karina starts ringing the bell causing all three processed priestesses to drop to their knees, holding their heads in pain. The older man tries to kill Sara, but I swiftly knock him out.

A pair of orbs leave the two priestesses' backs, tearing their clothes off as they exit. A red orb and a blue one, driven out from the girl's backs, slowly grow and morph into horrific figures. But nothing happens to Sara. Even as the other priestesses lose their possession status, Sara remains under the control of a demon as she smiles devilishly at me.

I'll come back for her. Meanwhile, I kick the orbs away and grab the two priestesses. Hopefully, the demon sealing bell would work over time. I take the girls and run. Using my skyrunning skill, I hop over the fight with the dwindling number of cultists and monsters and take the priestesses to a spot out of sight. It's not perfect, but I use my wall spell to create a barrier of stone around them and the fence spell as a second layer of defence.

"What A Boorish Fellow, Interrupting Our Ritual, Indeed,"

"Truly A Vulgar Human, Yes,"

Demons. Powerful ones at that. Even from a distance, I can feel their strength. Somehow these demons feel even more powerful than the one I fought in Seiryuu City.

The one that ended its sentence with "Indeed" has blood-red skin and elk-like horns. With was at least thirteen feet tall with a thick tail that cracked the ground when it wiped down. It was level sixty-three and could use space magic. "Yes," was a few feet shorter, with bluish-brown skin, buffalo horns and two sets of bat-like wings. Like the other demon, this one is also level sixty-three, but this demon can use gravity magic. Both demons stand beside Sara as her body floats up, losing her clothing as she ascends.

"Quite so. You must be incredibly foolish to interrupt the rites of my second coming, surely,"

Sara showed no shame as she addressed me. Her light green change to a glimmering purple as an overwhelming feeling takes me over. I almost run feeling it, but I stand my ground. I promised to change her fate.


It must have been psychic magic. Pearl only manages to weakly call out as she and the other collapse. I quickly collect them and put them with the priestess, not taking my eyes off whatever has possessed Sara. I grab the demon-sealing bell and ring it again, pouring magic into it to strengthen the effects. Satou had mentioned that Arisa had used this method before, but it still wasn't enough.

"Hmm. How unpleasant, surely,"

The other two demons winched in pain, but Sara didn't look the slightest bit affected. Shaking her head, she brushes off the bell's effect as the other two demons take a step forward.

"Master, Leave This To Us, Yes,"

"Very well. You will defeat the hero, surely,"

The blue demon stepped forward with mouths opening up on its shoulders, letting out a loud howl. I didn't need to wait for my danger sense ability to tell me to move. I'm running before the warning goes off as the ground where I was standing is crushed by an invisible force.

"Rather Impressive Reaction Speed For A Human, Yes,"

"Humans Are Normally Crushed By That, Indeedm"

I put up a giant wall of stone between the demons and me and quickly worked on reinforcing the defences around the priestesses and my friends. I doubt I could retreat with them, so this must do for now.

"Earth Magic Seems Plain For A Human, Indeed,"

"But Walls Are No Use If I Can Fly Over Them, Yes,"

The blue-skinned demon appears above the walls with its wings doubled in size. But I was ready for the demon and unleashed my magic as soon as I saw him. Razor-sharp icicles from my ice storm spell, balls of fire from my fire shot spell, needles of air from my air needle spell hit first. They are shortly followed by lightning bolts, hammers of air, blazing javelins and magical arrows as I unleash every attack spell I know. Hopefully, one of those spells will be super effective against him.

I knock the demon back with a kick and finish my attack with the rock smasher spell on the wall I made, sending large pieces of stone flying into the demon. But when that wall disappeared, I wish it hadn't. I intend to finish the demon off with my holy sword, but instead, I freeze when I see all the blood.

"How could… you slaughtered them all?" Everything is red. The blood and body parts of the cultist cover everything. "Weren't they loyal followers?! How could you?!"

"As my devotees, their greatest desire must have been fertilising my revival, surely,"

The demon inside Sara answered while playing with the blood on her hands. That smile. Every time Sara flashes me that evil smile, it sends a shiver up my spine.

"Coward… killing people who can't fight back and hiding inside of a hostage," I take a step forward and point my sword at Sara. "Stop hiding and face me!"

"Hmph. This girl is important to you, surely?" I wouldn't have hesitated to attack if they weren't inside Sara. "What reaction would you make if I were to break her? How deep would you fall into despair if I were to kill her? Your fear, your anguish would give me much strength, surely."

"You would learn how much pain you can endure if you harm her. Now stop hiding and face me, demon lord!"

"Bwa… ha… ha… you dare challenge me? Then you must truly be a hero, surely,"

"I may have lost once to the hero Shiga Yamato and the sky dragons, but only when they worked together. I have no time to waste on mediocre heroes. If you wish to fight me, defeat my subordinates. If you win, then I'll return this girl's body to you as a prize before our battle,"

I have no way of knowing if they will keep their word, but I have no choice but to go ahead with the demon lord's challenge. If it comes down to it, I could always find a way to force him from Sara's body.

"Be Careful Of Her Magic, Yes,"

"Fear Not. I Have The Reflection Defence On My Side, Indeed,"

The red demon appeared before my eyes, splitting the air itself. It must be because of his space magic. I fire off ten fire javelins and countless magic arrows at him, but they turn around.

"I Shall Return These, Indeed,"

They create an earth wall that cracks when my fire spells hit it. My magic arrows had a homing feature, so they turned back towards the demon, but I was unsure if they would hit.

"How Annoying, Indeed,"

The red demon teleported to dodge the arrows before my sense danger skill went haywire, and it appeared right next to me. I barely block the attack, but the force of the blow sends me flying hard enough that my air cushion spell could barely slow me down in time. Even then, the wall cracks when my feet touch it.

"Don't Keep All The Fun For Yourself, Yes,"

Before I can even catch my breath, the blue demon uses its gravity magic to try and crush me. Thank god for my danger sense skill, or that last attack would have hit me. But the blue demon left himself open. I move as fast as I can, feeling that watery feeling again and appear right in front of the demon. I was about to cut into its arm, but a sudden force knocked me down.

Gravity Resistance. I could barely move at first, but once I put enough points into that skill to max it out, I could move as usual again, just in time, as the demon tried to punch me. I had little time, so it was a good thing I gained another new skill. Warp. Once I max out that skill, I can teleport over short distances quickly as the air gets that watery feeling again.

I warp again, this time appearing above and behind the blue demon, but my danger sense skill activates when I am about to attack. I don't know what is wrong, but I trust the skill and wrap away.

"This New Hero Has Sharp Intuition, Yes,"

"If Only She Had Cut Me, She Would Have Been Sliced In Two As Well, Indeed,"

So they both have the reflection defence skill active. I would have been in trouble if my danger sense skill hadn't warned me. But before I can think more of it, something pulls me towards the red demon. It must be his space magic because I gained the resistance, and my body stopped moving when I maxed it out.

"For Such A Weak Looking Hero Magic Has Little Effect On Her, Indeed,"

"Har… Har… Har… You Are Making Excuses In Your Old Age, Yes?"

The demons barely even look at me as they bicker amongst themselves. But at least this gives me a chance to test their defences. Warping around, I shoot off fire shots spells from different angles and distances. Watching my spells bounce off the demons, I learn that they don't always bounce back towards me.

"No Matter How Many Times You Try, It Will Not Work, Indeed,"

My sense danger skill warns me of the threat as the demons howl. Rushing around with my skyrunning skill, I can barely outpace the attack as the ground behind me cracks and shatters. I won't be able to fight them both at once, so I put up multiple stone walls between the two demons. The red-skinned demon will be the first to die.

When the demons attack, let up I make my move. I borrowed one of the spells Satou made for Mia. Mustard mist is a spell that works a lot like pepper spray. A thin yellow mist fills the air making the demon cough and shields its eyes. It was more effective than I thought, and even got through that troublesome reflective defence.

"What An Annoying Spell, Indeed,"

But the effectiveness of the spell was just a bonus. I cast that particular spell mainly to gather more information about the demon's defence. Reflection defence consisted of countless random holes floating around the user, some absorbing objects and others ejecting them. Each hole was smaller than a dust particle, so I couldn't see them. I can see the mist being sucked up and spat out. So they weren't physical holes but minuscule teleportation gates.

I shoot off a few fire shot spells at the gaps between reflectors to see what would happen, but every shot is absorbed and spat back out. The absorbers had a wide range of coverage, but surprisingly a few shots managed to get through. Still, it won't be enough to defeat it. To make things worse, the blue-skinned demon breaks through my walls, and I only just barely dodge out of the way of its horns.

I have an idea. Water shoot, another spell Satou created. When Mia used it, the water came out in a small jet. But with my maxed-out water magic, I create a massive wave soaking both demons despite that annoying defence of theirs. Let's see if they can reflect this. Before the demons react, I electrify the water, causing them both to cry in pain.

It worked better than I thought it would. The reflective holes spark and vanish. I can't tell if the power of my spell is overwhelming them or the demons' inability to focus, but I will take the win. Now I need to take them out before they can put their defences back up. In the blink of an eye, I turn the red demon to dust, and a second later, the blue one joins him in death. I even got the light-speed attack skill as a reward.

</p><p>I quickly max that skill out and drink some mana and stamina recovery potions before I turn to the primary opponent. I hope I am ready for this. </p><p><0> </p><p>I use my warp spell to return to the stage where Sara, or the thing possessing her, awaits me. Sitting on the stone throne, she still has that terrifying smile and doesn't look upset at her falling comrades. Instead of cursing me or threatening to avenge her friends, she stands up and applauds me. </p><p>"Wonderfully done, surely. I must apologise for mistaking you for a small-time hero, surely," Still naked, the demon within Sara talks in an imposing stance. "I did not expect a lone hero to defeat my courtiers entirely alone, surely." </p><p>Sara's body glowed with a faint purple light. Something didn't feel right. I need to get that demon out of her as soon as possible. </p><p>"I've upheld my end of the bargain, demon lord! Leave Sara's body at once!" </p><p>"Very well. It is a ruler's duty to reward those who have completed a trial, surely," </p><p>The demon lord cast his arms open, and the purple light covering Sara's body deepened in colour. </p><p>"Hero. I have judged you to be a worthy opponent, surely," They declared, and an intense violet glow burst forth from Sara's eyes and mouth. "Black-haired hero, hunting dog of Parion. You will entertain me as Yamato did, surely? I will not forgive any disappointment, surely." </p><p>"Once you leave that body, I promise to give you a fight you won't forget!" </p><p>"Then I accept your challenge, surely," </p><p>A cracking sound suddenly reaches my ears. Sara's body was torn open. Her back exploded, sending blood everywhere as a boar's head emerged. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you. </p><p>"I have enough power now that you have sacrificed my courtiers for me, surely," </p><p>The boar-headed, purple-skinned demon lord appeared and cast Sara off like old clothes. His childlike form expanded immediately, growing to five times larger than an average adult. Violet rings of light rippled across his body, turning his skin to shining gold. I should never have trusted him. </p><p>No. It's not over yet. I refuse to let things end this way. I promised Sara I would change her fate and do whatever it took to save her. </p><p>"The Time Of My Resurrection Has Come. Quiver In Fear, Humans! Today The World Takes Its First Step Toward Utter Destruction, Surely!" </p><p>I warp close to the demon lord and punch him with all my strength and everything I could gain from the body strengthing spell. I poured my magic into the mithril in my glove and created a spell blade. I struck him so hard that several fingers broke, and the demon lord's face caved in. But by the time the demon lord hit the wall, my hand had already healed. </p><p>I quickly pick up Sara and put her body into storage. I don't know how, but I will bring her back. With her body stored in my storage space that defies time, I can wait as long as it takes to find a way to give her life again. The Tenion Temple is an excellent place to start. If that holy woman was able to help that murdered noble Tolma mentioned, then she must be able to help Sara as well. </p><p>"That Was Quite The Punch. But Don't Think It Will Defeat Me, Surely," </p><p>The guy's going to be tough. A level one hundred and twenty Golden Boar Demon Lord with three unique skills: unbeatable strength, mighty warrior, and protean. I don't know what they do, but those skills most likely boost his stats. </p><p>The demon lord had fewer skills than I was expecting, but they all seemed befitting of him. He had primarily common skills such as sword and evade but with a couple of rare ones mixed in. Lesser magic nullification, explosive magic and destructive mage were the most troubling among the rarer skills. </p><p>But the demon lord had a cheat ability. I'm surprised, Satou, and I haven't earned it yet. His golden skin is a unique skill that gives him the best defence stats I have ever seen. Physical damage was reduced by ninety-nine percent, and magical damage was reduced by ninety percent. If only Arisa were here to see it, she would never be able to call Satou, or me cheats again. </p><p>"As I Have Just Been Revived, I Am Weaker Than I Once Was, Surely. This Is A Rare Chance At Victory For You, Surely?" </p><p>I hope he is lying about being weaker. Even in this state, I don't like my odds at victory, and if he regains his full power, the demon lord will truly be unstoppable. </p><p>The demon lord opens up a black void in the air. I was worried it was an attack at first, but quickly, he pulled out a red cape and a pair of sabres. The sabres were magical swords far stronger than any I had seen before. When he holds them, the golden glow of the demon lord's body surrounds the sword increasing their attack power further. The red cape boosted the demon lord's speed, and like the swords, its power increased the moment it bathed in that golden light. </p><p>I take a deep breath and step forward. I wish Satou would show up soon. With his OP map skill, he probably already knows what is happening. As soon as he gets here, this demon lord is as good as dead. But where is he? Surely he should have gotten here by now. </p><p>"Now Then, Come At Me With All Your Body And Soul, Surely," </p><p><0> </p><p>Satou's POV </p><p>"You are mistaken again, my dear Satou," I try not to let my anger get the best of me as a pie hits me in the face. "That door was the pie-face door." </p><p>This is getting annoying. Surrounded by thousands of doors, with only one that would let me out of this hell. It would be a breeze if I could use my skills, but somehow the rainbow-coloured hair girl who trapped me has sealed them all away. </p><p>"Just let me out of here already. My friends are in trouble," </p><p>"You may leave as soon as you locate the correct door, my good sir," But there are hundreds of them! "That last one marks two hundred and fifty-three down. You still have one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five to go." </p><p><0> </p><p>Kura's POV </p><p>"Now Then, Come At Me With All Your Body And Soul, Surely," </p><p>I already knew I would have to. Any less would mean certain death against an opponent this strong. I need to make sure he pays for killing Sara. </p><p>"I have no intention of going easy on you," </p><p>He smirks as I use my warp to get behind him, but the demon lord is fast. He swiftly spins and parries my strike with one sword and counters with the other. I evade with the warp skill, but he stays with me and attacks again, forcing me to roll under his blade but giving me a chance to strike at his legs. Unfortunately, he jumps back at the last minute. </p><p>I give chase, forcing him to block one attack from the front that I attack from the rear using my warp skill, but he blocks that blow too. But my attacks are starting to have an effect. Since the fight started, I have been adding magic to my holy sword, slowly increasing its power over time. While fighting the red and blue demons, I doubled its power, but now, it is nearly ten times the strength after all this time. It is still absorbing my mana and growing stronger now. I'm a little scared of how strong this sword can get. The effects show when I knock back the demon lord's sword with that last attack. </p><p>The demon lord tries to attack with his other weapon, but I block it. I push his sword back and knock the demon lord off balance leaving him wide open. I don't miss the chance. Pouring all my magic into my fist, I create the most powerful spell blade of my life. It may not kill him, but it is satisfying to watch the demon lord's jaw explode as I hit him under the chin. The demon lord is knocked up into the air and flies a few minutes through the air before landing on his back, causing the ground to shake. </p><p>This is it, Mr demon lord. With all my might, I charge with my skyrunning skill and aim a slash at his head. But the demon lord still looks amused. I aim right at his head, but before I can land the blow, a shield similar to the one Raka creates blocks me. It wasn't enough to stop me. The shield cracks as I pour more strength into the attack and eventually shatters. I finally got rid of that amused smile. As the shield breaks and my holy sword pieces the demon lord's head, he finally looks surprised and alarmed. </p><p>"Impossible…." </p><p>Impossible. The demon lord could only mutter one last word before I sliced his head in two. As soon as I cut a few inches, the demon lord started crumbling away, and I felt slightly disappointed. Shouldn't it have been more challenging? I shouldn't be complaining about a quick victory, but I don't feel satisfied. </p><p>Suddenly my sense danger skill screams to life, and I don't bother to look around as I use my warp skill to get as far away from the demon lord as possible. One of the demon lord's sabres struck the space where I was standing, and it wasn't a dying spasm. Slowly the demon lord gets back to his feet, shockingly with a new head sprouting from its neck. I knew he wouldn't be easy to put down, but I didn't expect this. If someone had told me a story about this, I wouldn't have believed them. </p><p>"To Think That You Would Force Me To Use The Effects Of 'Mighty Warrior'..." </p><p>The demon lord jumped backwards, putting us at opposite ends of the room, but my danger sense skill was still detecting something. When the feeling disappeared, I checked my skills to see if anything had happened. Two new skills have appeared. Helmet splitter and instant death resistance. I quickly max out both skills. I don't know when he hit me with an instant death attack but thank god for my ability to learn things quickly gave me the resistance I needed. </p><p>"I Shall Take This Seriously As Well, Then, Surely," </p><p>The golden light gets brighter as the demon lord charges. I met him halfway but was pushed back. He's stronger now. Not impossible for me to handle, but I couldn't knock his sword back anymore like I used to. The biggest problem is his speed. Well, I can match his strength. The demon lord has become notably faster than me. But that makes my first objective more straightforward. </p><p>I faint an attack to the left and strike right, but he sees right through it. I'm pulling out every trick I know, but the demon lord doesn't fall for any of those. That smug amused grin returns, ticking me off. I start throwing in magic, but the demon lord dodges or blocks the spells with one of his swords. A few of my spells he doesn't need to evade as his lesser magic nullification renders them harmless. </p><p>"Not Bad Hero. You Are Rather Skilled With A Sword And Must Have Had Some Good Teachers, Surely," </p><p>"More than I could count," </p><p>But nothing they taught me is working. Thanks to my teachers, I could hold my ground but couldn't gain the advantage. I don't think I could win without fighting dirty. </p><p>I cast the spell mustard mist, but it doesn't affect the demon lord. He doesn't cough or look discomforted. But that spell really is effective. I breathe some in by accident, and it burns my lungs as if there were an inferno inside. At least, it appears to help hide me. I use air currents around me to protect myself and attack like crazy. </p><p>I dart around the demon lord using the mist for cover and the warp skill for speed. Sometimes he blocks me, but I am starting to land hits. Finally, I hit my target. Cutting the rope holding the demon lord's cape in place, I steal it from him, putting it into my storage. With his speed drained, it should make things more even for me. </p><p>"Such An Annoying Opponent," The demon lord howls, blowing the mist away. "But I commend you On Stealing An Item From Me. If You Survive, You May Keep It As An Reward, Surely." </p><p>We attack again, with me now having the speed advantage, but the demon lord can make up for that shortcoming with his skill with a blade. I have never fought anyone like him before. He sees through my faints with ease, and his faints are impossible to notice. If it wasn't for my danger sense skill, I would have been killed a hundred times by now. But I have a few more dirty tricks up my sleeve. </p><p>I let the demon lord start to back me up into a corner, but I spring my trap as we move. Using the wall spell, I create a small stone wall at his feet, tripping the demon lord. Once he is off balance, I warp closer to him, so close he can't use his swords effectively and aim to cut off his head. I hope his mighty warrior can only work once before needing a lengthy cooldown. </p><p>"You Shall Not Reach Me, Surely!" </p><p>Multiple layers of that shield appear between the demon lord and me. They shatter one by one as my holy sword slices through them, but slowly they drain my sword of its momentum. I had to have cut through at least a hundred shields when my sword stopped. Letting out a roar, the demon uses that moment to counterattack. </p><p>One of the demon lord's sabres comes down, swinging at me at an unnatural angle. I block it in time, but the force pushes me back until I create a pillar of earth to stop myself. It was the strongest attack yet with the air ring as blinding sparks lit up the entire room, and the cavern shook. I might have been blinded by that light if I didn't have the light intensity adjustment skill. </p><p>The demon lord's second sabre comes at me with the demon lord's arm moving like a whip with no bones. I put up barriers with the fence spell, but they do nothing to stop it. Even stone walls barely slow it down. Ultimately, I warp myself above the attack at the last minute. Seeing my chance to attack, I twist mid-air and slice off the demon lord's hands at the wrists. The demon lord howls in pain as it backs away. I quickly put the two sabres away in my storage before he could recover them. </p><p>"You Are More Thief Then Hero, Surely," The demon lord comments as his hands grow back. "But You Shouldn't Think They Are My Only Weapons, Surely." The demon lord pulls out another pair of sabres, but they don't appear as powerful as the first two. "Let Me Show You My other Powers Two." </p><p>Dark rings appear around the demon lord spinning at high speed with jagged edges. They shot towards me at the speed of bullets, and the magic I fired to intercept them had no effect. Luckily they are weak to my holy sword, as a single slice is enough to destroy them. </p><p>I cut down four rings before being forced to dodge the demon lord's sabre. I cut a fifth ring, then jump over the second of the demon lord's sabres, cutting a sixth ring mid-air and a seventh once I land. I block another two strikes from the demon lord before ducking under the eighth ring, causing it to cut through two of those shields, but it stops on the third before it can harm the demon lord. The demon lord jumps back as I block the ninth and tenth rings, but as I deal with the eleventh ring, I warp away as my sense danger skill activates. </p><p>Everything in the area I once stood was destroyed. The stone walls I created over the cause of this battle and the cave floor shattered. The rings vaporised. The bodies of the cultist turned into a bloody mist. Some devastating invisible attack decimated the area in the blink of an eye. </p><p>"How Did You Avoid My Greater Destruction Magic, Surely?!" </p><p>So the demon lord doesn't need to chant to use magic. That is going to make things more interesting. Attacking from a distance isn't an option anymore. I warp as close as I can and kick off the next stage of our battle. </p><p>The demon lord has lost some of his attack power without those sabres, but he is still a skilled opponent. Attacking with both his sabres, I was forced to use one of the sabres I stole from him to fend off his assault. I learned the two-sword style skill in seconds and quickly maxed it out. </p><p>Since this allowed me to match and destroy his shield every once in a while. The demon lord started throwing those rings at me again. I dodged and destroyed them, so the demon lord started shooting invisible bullets at me. In the end, one of those bullets grazed me. I hissed in pain, but it was worth it since I got the necessary resistance skill. Without slowing the fight, I max out my new destruction resistance skill. When that skill reached level ten, those bullets and dark rings evaporated on contact. It made me feel itchy wherever it hit but did no damage. </p><p>"You Are Stronger Than I Thought. I Must Apologise. Comparing You To Yamato Was An Insult. You Have The Skill To Defeat Alone, Surely," The demon lord comments as we continue our fight. "Your Resistance's Are Incredible. You Are A Worthy Opponent, Surely." </p><p>"You're not bad yourself," I reply. "No one has made me work this hard before." </p><p>We exchange blows as I slowly cut down his shields slightly faster than the demon lord could create them. But it wasn't long before the sabre I was using broke. The demon lord immediately follows up and attacks my now open side, but I am not defenceless. I cast the forge spell on the ground between turning the broke sabre into hot melted slag and forcing the demon lord back. </p><p>For some reason, that spell seems to work particularly well against him. Could he be weak to fire, or was it the spell's effect? Whatever the reason, the demon lord's shields break one after the other as he is forced to retreat. </p><p>"Inferno?! So, That's Your Secret Weapon, Surely!" </p><p>The demon lord let out a mighty roar as soon as he stopped shouting. A sudden powerful pressure threatens to crush me, and the light intensity makes it impossible to see. A gust of wind throws me back, and I am forced to put up a stone wall to protect myself from it. I'd taken a direct hit from a wide-range magical attack. Everything was destroyed, and when I checked my stats, I found I had gained the ability to use explosive magic and resistance against it. I lost half my HP, though, so I took a moment to drink some potions while I maxed out that resistance skill. </p><p>I was lucky to still be in one piece after taking that hit. But the pain was something my luck didn't cover. That really, really hurt. Even with my pain resistance skill maxed out, it was agony. My clothes didn't fair much better as they were shredded. Bad enough, I was practically naked. This was my spare set of armour too. Even my magical robe was destroyed. The only thing I had left was my mithril-plated gloves. With little choice, I put on regular street clothes so fast that I gained the quick change skill and got ready to fight. But before I return to battle, I use the spell anit-itch to take care of that itchy problem I was having. </p><p>"Hmph. It Seems That Was A Draw, Surely," A draw. I don't think that was a draw. Half of the demon lord's body was burned, and some limbs were missing. "How About This, Surely?!" </p><p>The demon lord fired another explosive magic spell at me along with those rings and invisible bullets… but I could see vague outlines now. A quick glance at my menu and I see another skill called magic vision has appeared. When I max it out, I can see everything clearly. </p><p>I use skyrunning to avoid everything the demon lord throws at me. I run above him and attack like a bird of prey from high up. Swooping down, I cast my forge spell, raining death down on him, shattering the demon lord's shields. Some remained when I swung my sword, but not enough to block my attack this time. </p><p>Tearing through the flames and what little defences he has left, my holy sword cuts into the demon lord's body. But nearly instantly, his golden skin ripples, and I start meeting more resistance. I managed to cut through it feeling like I was cutting through some kind of film. It was a tough defence, but it will break after a few more hits like that. </p><p>I repeatedly slash with all my might, finally cutting into his shoulder and making the demon lord glare at me. In retaliation, the demon lord losses the bones in his arms again as his limbs turn to whips allowing him to strike at me with his sabres. But while this move allows him to attack me in impossible ways, the demon lord loses some of his sword skills when he does this. I block both his sabres only to realise too late it was a trap. </p><p>This time, my danger sense skill wasn't enough as several white spears shot out of the demon lord's chest. I did my best to evade them, but one spear stabbed my right ankle, causing me to cry out in pain as a second spear dug into my left knee, and a third pierced my stomach. Gritting my teeth, I break the spears and pull them from my body, jumping back just in time to dodge the demon lord's sabre. </p><p>As I land, I quickly realise I am not out of danger yet. The demon lord threw both his sabres at me, and while they weren't hard to block, they were only a distraction. As soon as I dealt with his swords, I realised too late that the demon lord was right behind me. Before I could react, he snatched me up and crushed me in an overwhelming powerful bear hug. </p><p>This isn't good. It hurts like hell as he squeezes harder and harder. My arms are pinned to my sides, so I can't use my sword, and even with my maxed-out strength, I can't force his arms away. It's getting harder to breathe. My insides feel like they are about to come out, but he keeps increasing the tightness. </p><p>It's stupid, but I have no choice. At this rate, the demon lord will crush me to death. I cast the forge spell above us. It's hot, but I don't suffer any damage even as my clothes burn away, leaving me naked again, and my skin turns red. But it worked. The demon lord's grip loosed enough for me to escape as his body melted away. But it wasn't enough. The demon lord puts some distance between us as his body heals. </p><p>I take a moment to drink some more stamina and MP potions and put on some new clothes. By the time I am ready, the demon lord has completely recovered. It's time to end this. </p><p>I rush forward using warp to move around erratically so the demon lord can't predict my movements. I used my water shot spell to soak the ground, but the demon lord was mistaken in thinking I was planning to attack him as I had done with those other two demons. While he hops out of the water, fearing my lightning spell, I switch to my fire shot spell, boiling the water and filling the cavern with a thick screen. Using the steam for cover, I move about, creating a series of stone walls tall enough to nearly reach the cavern's ceiling while attacking the demon lord occasionally. He blocks every attack, but that's okay as long as he thinks I am only using the steam for cover to launch sneak attacks. </p><p>"You Are Too Sneaky To Be A Hero, Surely," </p><p>The demon lord howls, blowing away the steam, but it is too late. The walls are in place to protect my friends and those priestesses. Even if he breaks on, there are others to keep this contained. It's time to end this. </p><p>I activate my forge spell at full power and even use the skill I was afraid to touch. Magic overload. It has become easy to control since I maxed it out, but I am still burning through MP at an alarming rate. But it is doing its job. With that skills boost, my forge spell fills the stone enclosure I made in seconds. I turn off that skill as the heat becomes too much and starts to melt the stone wall, but I keep my forge spell going as the demon lord melts away. </p><p>"Impossible… To Keep A Spell Active… This Long… Surely…." </p><p>The demon lord dies and repeatedly returns, only to find himself trapped in my fiery death pool. It has come down to a contest of endurance. What will give out first, my MP or his life? Whatever the answer is will decide the victor of this match. </p><p>Eight, nine, ten times, the demon lord returns to life. I am downing MP potion one after the other just to keep up. The demon lord isn't going down without a fight. He tried to grab me multiple times and lunched more spells than I could count at me, but I dodged everything he could try. Two walls have been breached, but I keep the tank topped up and make more walls between him and my friends. Elven, twelve times the demon lord, has died, but he still comes back. My forge spell isn't enough. </p><p><0> </p><p>"So this is the stuff that makes holy swords?" </p><p>Satou was always making something new whenever we had night watch duty together. Today is no different. For some reason, he decided to make a bunch of holy weapons. Spear's axes, swords, arrowheads, you name, and he is attempting to make it tonight. But that blue-coloured metal solution is interesting. It formed the core of holy weapons and was surprisingly pretty. </p><p>"Yeah, but you have to be careful," Satou nods. I don't think I have seen him handle anything with such care before. "Too much magic and heat, and it becomes highly unstable. It might be even too much for one of us to withstand." </p><p><0> </p><p>Ah! That stuff might do it. Looking through my storage, I find I still have it. Satou was giving me lessons on how to make holy weapons. I might not be as good as him yet… or I have made something that works. Still, as luck would have it, I have a single vial of that cerulean liquid left over from my last lesson. </p><p>At this point, I look down at the demon lord, who is more bone of a skeleton, trying to claw his way towards me. Now I really am going to end this. I pour my magic into the vial, magic overload until my danger sense skill goes crazy. If Satou thinks this could kill us, it should be enough for him. </p><p>"This is…." The glass of the vail started to creak as the liquid inside bubbled. I aim at the pool where my forge spell is hitting and throw the vial as hard as possible. "For Sara!" </p><p>Justice for Sara and the people he killed before Yamato and the sky dragons defeated him. A few seconds after the pool swallowed the vial, everything turned blue as the burning hot liquid exploded. The now blue pool hit the demon lord on all sides before the pool erupted like a geyser sending blue droplets across the room. </p><p>I lost another set of clothes when one of those blue droplets hit me, but it was over. When everything had settled down, I didn't see the demon lord anywhere or any sign that he would be coming back. But I don't let my guard down yet. Not until I know for sure he is gone. </p><p>That attack was more powerful than I expected. It might be possible to kill Satou and me. After putting on another set of clothes, I was my skyrunning skill to reach the bottom of a newly formed pit. It looks like the demon lord really is gone. All that I find a broken purple core of the demon lord. Just to be sure, I cut the core in half and put the core parts into my storage. </p><p>"Hee… hee… looks like he lost," </p><p>"He lost just like he lost to Yamato," </p><p>Just as I was letting my guard down, I got some company. </p><p>"Now he lost to the dragon gods hero," </p><p>"And she didn't even let us leave the core before locking us away," </p><p>They don't seem like they were a threat. They were small floating balls of light similar to the ones I saw when I helped the undead king Zen pass on. Still, the fact that they came out of my storage was concerning. </p><p>"So much for orcs," </p><p>"What should we use next?" </p><p>"Those weasels seem rather clever," </p><p>"Oh yes, they would be perfect," </p><p>The lights float away without a care, leaving me alone. </p><p><Title Acquired: Demon Lord Slayer.> </p><p><Title Acquired: Demon Lord Slayer: Golden Boar Lord.> </p><p><Title Acquired: Demon True Hero.> </p><p><0> </p><p>"Master!" </p><p>I was exhausted when I climbed out of that hole. My MP has dropped to only ten percent, and I could feel the effects. It didn't help that it was so hot in hear after I used the forge spell none stop for nearly an hour. At least Pearl was there to catch me as I collapsed. </p><p>"Master! You're alive!" Pearl hugs me. </p><p>"Hero Kura!" </p><p>"Kura!" </p><p>Mia and Nana quickly join them, nearly crushing me to death with their joint hug. They must have been really worried about me. After reassuring everyone, I was okay and borrowing some of their stamina and MP recovery potions. I recount the events that followed after they went down as I recovered. </p><p>I left out telling them about a few close calls to not worry them, but they knew something must have destroyed my armour. But they took me for my word as I recounted my battle and didn't question anything I told them. </p><p>Once I recovered, I washed away the dirt from the battle, and we took care of a few loose ends. There was that teleportation circle that needed to be destroyed, and some of the cultists still remained intact enough that they could be hiding something dangerous. At least they were quick jobs and only took a few minutes. The teleportation circle needed a few cuts with my sword to be put out of action, and the cultists had nothing on them. I saved the pieces of the teleportation circle for Satou. It seemed like something he would be interested in studying. </p><p>Once we were done, Pearl led us back to where Karina and two priestesses lay. They were okay, according to Nana and Pearl. They just haven't woken up yet. But the destruction of my battle with the demon lord got closer to them than I would have liked. Only one of the walls I put up remained, and that was falling apart. The stone walls and fence spells beyond it were also damaged. It was a miracle no one died. </p><p>When we reached the unconscious ladies, we found that both priestesses were already awake. Karina was still out cold, but those two were trembling as they huddled together against the far side of the protective shelter. </p><p>"Wh… what are you planning to do with us?" </p><p>"Please, just let us go back to the temple," </p><p>"If it's money you want, our parents will…." </p><p>They are both still naked, so I hand the girls the last of my spare clothes to change into. </p><p>"We are not here to harm you," I kneel down and smile. "We will take you back to the temple once you are changed." </p><p>"Y… you're letting us go home?" </p><p>"Yes, we have dealt with you kidnappers and will take you home once you both are dressed," </p><p>I give them some privacy to change and borrow Pearl to run tests. I was curious about the strength of some of these new skills. I tried to see if I could transport her with my warp skill, and it didn't work. But I learned the link effect skill. After putting some points into it, I could use my warp skill to transport multiple people simultaneously. The only problem is they all have to be touching me. It may be a bit uncomfortable for Karina and the two priestesses, but it should allow us to leave this dungeon in less than an hour. </p><p>"We're done changing," </p><p>Just as we finished running our tests, the priestesses returned. Once again, I am reminded of my shortcomings when I see the shirts stretch. Still, those two appear to be unharmed and aren't as nervous as before. </p><p>"Hero Kura… is the battle with the demon lord over?" </p><p>"Demon Lord!!!" </p><p>"Hero!!!" </p><p>"Do you two remember anything that happened?" </p><p>"The last thing I remember was going to bed," </p><p>"I can't remember anything after a shadow grabbed me when I was watering plants in the temple garden," </p><p>I give them a brief rundown of what happened, causing both girls to cry. </p><p>"Please forgive me, Goddess Parion," </p><p>"My purity has been sullied...." </p><p>I'm sure they will cheer up soon. As everyone grabs hold of me, I warp us out of there. The priestesses stopped letting go after the third jump, but over an hour had passed by the time we reached the exit. Still, despite the longer-than-expected journey, everyone smiles when we step out into the moonlight. Until a group of well-armed guards surrounded us, that is. </p><p>"Halt!" </p><p>"How did you break into the duke's castle?" </p><p>"I'm sorry," I step forward. "We rescued these two priestesses from the demon lord worshipping cult. They were operating in the labyrinth below the city. This was the nearest exit." </p><p>"Priestesses?" </p><p>An older man with a surprisingly good physique, a full head of white with a matching long beard. All the soldiers instantly part ways for him, with a few younger guards shaking at his presence. He looks at me with a powerful stare that could make even the bravest people cower. </p><p>"Tell me, was there an oracle priestess from the Tenion Temple with them?" </p><p>"Yes, sir, but she…." </p><p>"So she couldn't escape her fate," The man is silent for a minute. "If you can provide me with the location of my daughter's body, I will reward you." </p><p>"But, sir, there is still a chance to save her," </p><p>"You can… how… I will grant any wish you desire if you can save her," </p><p>"I don't know how it works, but I need to speak with the holy lady at the Tenion Temple to know if it will work or not," </p><p>"Very well," The man nods before turning towards the guards. "Prepare a couple of carriages. I will take our guest here to the Tenion Temple. Make sure the two priestesses make it back to their respective temples. Send messengers right away to let them know what has happened." </p><p>"Yes, sir," </p><p>"But, sir, are you sure you should trust these intruders?" </p><p>"Quiet. The duke has that artefact. If they were lying, he would know," </p><p>With his orders given, the duke turns his attention back to us. </p><p>"I want you to tell me everything that happened on the way," </p><p><0> </p><p>It didn't take long to reach the Tenion Temple I during the ride. I told Duke Ougoch everything that had happened, from my battle with the cultists in Zurute City to my battle with the demon lord beneath the city. At first, he didn't believe me, but once I showed him the demon lord's core, his face paled as he realised I was telling the truth. </p><p>I also explained to him my plan for Sara. I told him what I heard Sara and Tolma discussing in Gururian City. The duke confirmed the story was true, and I breathed a sigh of relief when the duke told me that Sara could only be saved if she was treated as soon as possible after death. Good thing time doesn't pass in my storage. </p><p>Stepping out of the carriage, we find temple knights, priests, and priestesses waiting for us. Several people stumble by us out of nearby taverns, but they quickly disappear after seeing the duke. </p><p>"Duke Ougoch," An elderly priest steps forward, looking panicky. "Is it true? Has a demon lord really appeared in our city?" </p><p>"Yes, but worry not. The brave hero and her companions here have already defeated it," </p><p>The duke points to me, and the priest blinks. </p><p>"But isn't the hero from the Saga Empire a young man?" </p><p>"She is not from the Saga Empire," The duke shakes his head. "There have been rumours of someone for the last month earning the title of hero in the Seiryuu City. This young lady is that hero and has already shown me the demon lord's core to prove her point." </p><p>"I… I understand," The priest took a moment to recover. "Now, about your meeting with the head priestess. She is waiting for you in the sanctuary, but she might be unable to help." </p><p>"I am aware," </p><p>We are led through the temple, passing through guarded doors as we are led to the upper levels of the temple. Both the duke and I knew coming here that we might not be able to save Sara, but we agreed it was worth a try. </p><p>"Welcome, Duke Ougoch. It is a pleasure to see you again," </p><p>It was hard to believe that the woman before us was in her eighties. I would have believed her if she had claimed to be in her twenties. </p><p>"It is a pleasure to meet with you again, lady Yu," The duke bows his head, and I automatically follow his lead. "I take it you know why we are here." </p><p>"Yes… I am sorry about Sara. I had hoped she would have found a way to escape from her fate," A stream of tears rolled down both the dukes and the holy woman's faces. "I know you want to use it, but I am afraid it isn't ready." </p><p>"Excuse me, but might you tell me what the problem is," </p><p>"I take it you are the brave hero who defeated the demon lord," </p><p>"Yes, my name is Kura Suou," I step forward and bow. </p><p>"I can tell you, but you mustn't mention a word of what I say to anyone," After I promise to keep it a secret, we sit down to talk. "Three conditions must be met for me to resurrect a person. First, the Tenion Temple must have baptised the person before their death. Second, the retrial must be completed within four-quarters of their deaths. Finally, there must be enough magic stored in the Treasurer of Resurrection." </p><p>The holy woman took off her neckless showing me a baseball-sized object covered in strange runes. It isn't golden or expensive looking, but it looks like it has been looked after with great care. </p><p>"Unfortunately, it was used twenty years ago to bring the duke's child back to life, so it cannot be used for another ten years," </p><p>"May I hold it?" </p><p>The holy woman nods and hands me the treasure. It barely weighs a thing. I tried to put some magic into it, but something blocked my first attempt. It is starting to remind me of Nana's body. I just needed to find the right path and correct flow. I think I understand how it works now. It will take me some time, but I found the correct method. </p><p>"Remarkable, it took me fifty years to learn how to do that," The holy woman stares at the treasurer in my hand. "At this rate, filling will take only a few moments." </p><p>Slowly and carefully, I fill the Treasurer of Resurrection. It is a real pain, and I make a mistake if my concentration slips for even a second. When it was done, the treasurer gave off a faint glow. </p><p>"It's filled," I hand the treasure back to the shocked holy woman. "We can use it now." </p><p>"Will you be able to use resurrection magic now?" I ask. </p><p>"Yes," The holy woman nods. </p><p>"Okay, I'm going to bring out Sara's body now," </p><p>I gave the duke time to prepare to see his granddaughter's lifeless body before bringing Sara out of my storage. Her body is in better shape than when I put it in. I started using healing magic on her as soon as I recovered from my battle with the demon lord. All of Sara's wounds have healed, and somehow the blood she lost was returned to her body. </p><p>"Sara…!" </p><p>"My sweet little…." </p><p>I was prepared for this sight, but it still got to me. The duke holds his granddaughter's hand as the holy woman takes a moment to wipe away her tears. </p><p>"I will begin the chant now, so can I ask everyone to remain quiet," </p><p>The holy women straightened up and began a lengthy charm. Even after I stepped back to give her some space, I could feel the power of the magic being cast. It's not as strong as the demon lord's magic, but still more powerful than anything I have felt a human cast before. After what feels like years, the spell is complete, and Sara is brought back. </p><p><0> </p><p>After everything was handled, Sara was taken to her room to rest. She may be back among the living, but she hasn't woken up yet, and Sara's body will be weak for the next few days. But not long afterwards, we excused ourselves. Leaving the temple, I informed the duke about my place to return to reunite with our friends back in Zurute City and return by boat with them the following day. </p><p>Mia had fallen asleep, so I tied her to my back and held Pearl and Nana's hands as we wrapped them down the river. Karina was a bit nervous with all the water beneath us and held onto me too tightly. I'm sure Satou would have enjoyed how she is pressing against me if he and I were to switch potion. We had a close encounter with a giant monster sleeping on the river bank. Still, apart from that, we returned to Zurute City in a shorter time than it took us to exit the labyrinth. Apart from startling the ship's night watch when we appeared on the ship, everything went smoothly. </p><p>"Karina!" </p><p>"My lady!" </p><p>As soon as we arrived, Karina's maids tackled her. After hugging her and checking she was okay, they finally went around to ask her where she had been… then lecture me. When they learn, I let her come with me to fight the demon lord. It really would have been better if I had left her behind. All this commotion drew Satou's servants to the ship's deck. </p><p>"Is master back?" </p><p>"I don't see him, sir," </p><p>"Excuse me, is master Satou not with you?" </p><p>Before I can answer that question, Satou appears. Well, he didn't appear. It is more that he fell onto the ship. He looks like he has seen better days. Worn out and with his clothes and hair a mess, Satou picks himself up. I don't think I look half as bad as him, and I went through hell tonight. </p><p>"Master!!!" </p><p>Unfortunately, Satou can't rest yet as all his servants rush over to hug him. It took a while for everything to calm down before I could tell them what had happened that night. I left out the details of Sara's resurrection, but it would be safe to let Satou know about them later. Speaking of Satou, he seemed to have had a very strange night. Trapped in a room filled with countless doors and only one way out. The way he described his abductor's voice sounded familiar, but I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. I'll ask her next time the dragon god visits my dreams. Until then, I want to rest as my body finally starts to give out from all that has happened tonight. </p></div></div></div><div class="Chapter_controlBox__hpIP2"><a id="j_chapterPrev" class="Chapter_prevBtn__3BGID" href="/book/22083699705220905/68798160637577844">Last Chapter</a><a id="j_chapterNext" class="Chapter_nextBtn__v6L3K" href="/book/22083699705220905/69192463062978474">Next Chapter</a></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json" nonce="d2Vibm92ZWw=">{"props":{"messages":{"ADD_7100f":"Add to Library","IN_6e1be":"In Library","SEND_bd3eb":"Send Gifts","_MONTH_bc1a3":"/Month (1st Month Special)","COINS_39b14":"Coins In value","HAPPY_ebf82":"Happy reading.","EXPIRES_cfc36":"Expires","AFTER_08b72":"After Membership is purchased, it will become effective in 24 hours, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Membership.","MEMBERSHIP_27657":"Membership benefits can be used for one account across the platform.","AFTER_ec612":"After being activated, The corresponding Coins will be deposited into your account immediately. 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The story usually sets in modern cities and takes the love between men and women as the center.","EASTERN_c3ffd":"Eastern novel is a subgenre of fantasy novel that has elements of Asian culture as the foundation, such as cultivation, xuanhuan, wuxia, or xianxia. It usually contains the Daoist culture as the elementary core.","GAME_5e391":"Game novel is a subgenre of webnovel that set in a game. The core of the story is based on the game and it also involves fantasy elements. A main plot is that heroines play a game immersively with a helmet and the storyline is spread in the game.","URBAN_116dc":"Urban fiction is a subgenre set in a city landscape. The tone for urban fiction is usually modern, focusing on the city living.","FANTASY_d1c1f":"Fantasy fiction is a subgenre of speculative novel involving magical elements, typically set in a fictional universe and sometimes inspired by mythology and folklore.","HISTORY_5668c":"History fiction it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","TEEN_ddf2a":"Teen fiction is a subgenre of webnovel that is written for or marketed to young adults. Heroines are mostly students and the story is happened on campus.","SCI_FI__5e052":"Sci-fi  is a subgenre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes etc.","FANTASY_fb88e":"Fantasy fiction is a genre that involves magic and supernatural elements. The background is set in a fictional universe or unpredictable world and characters use magic to fight against powerful supernaturel enemies such as dragon. Compared with Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy refers to Western fantasy and is inspired by mythology and folklore. Fantasy is also distinguished from science fiction and horror though there is an overlap between the three.","SCIENCE_c38b5":"Science Fiction (sometimes shortened to Sci-Fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, extraterrestrial life, sentient artificial intelligence, cybernetics, certain forms of immortality (like mind uploading), and the singularity.","HORROR_c39a3":"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror,. Horror intends to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere for the reader.","SPORTS_ff72c":"Sports novel is a literary genre that focuses on the theme of sports. Characters are athletics or love sports. The main plot usually involves various competitions.","ACTION_12c9e":"Action fiction is the literary genre that includes spy novels, adventure stories, tales of terror and intrigue (\"cloak and dagger\") and mysteries. This kind of story utilizes suspense, the tension that is built up when the reader wishes to know how the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is going to be resolved or what the solution to the puzzle of a thriller is.","A_d9d77":"A war novel or military fiction is a novel about war. It is a novel in which the primary action takes place on a battlefield, or in a civilian setting (or home front), where the characters are preoccupied with the preparations for, suffering the effects of, or recovering from war. Many war novels are historical novels.","REALISTIC_fc592":"Realistic fiction typically involves a story whose basic setting (time and location in the world) is real and whose events could feasibly happen in a real-world setting.","HISTORICAL_23dbe":"Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting related to the past events, but is fictional.An essential element of historical fiction is that it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","ACG_6ff33":"ACG (\"Animation, Comics, and Games\") is a term used in some subcultures of Greater China and Southeast Asia. Because a strong economic and cultural connection exists between anime, manga and games in the Japanese market, ACG is used to describe this phenomenon in relative fields. The term refers in particular to Japanese anime, manga and video games.","FANFICTION_16d60":"Fanfiction whose original work is animation or comic, such as naruto and one piece.","FANFICTION_6000e":"Fanfiction whose original work is video game, such as Pokemon and Zelda.","FANFICTION_dd361":"Fanfiction whose original work is celebrity, such as BTS.","FANFICTION_818a3":"Fanfiction whose original work is music or band, such as Justin Biber.","FANFICTION_40215":"Fanfiction whose original work is movie, such as Star War, Marvel.","FANFICTION_5efa3":"Fanfiction whose original work is published literature, such as Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice.","FANFICTION_9b3fe":"Fanfiction whose original work is drama or TV show, such as Chicago PD, the Walking Dead.","FANFICTION_3cfc8":"Fanfiction whose original work is theater, such as Shakespeare.","FAN_d69e1":"Fan fiction or fanfiction is fictional writing written in an amateur capacity by fans, unauthorized by, but based on an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator as a basis for their writing.","CONTEST_57fb2":"Contest","CHS_c4125":"chs / week","THE_27c7b":"The translator’s schedule is xxx.","ORIGINALS__10b37":"Originals' Power Ranking","TRANSLATIONS__493b1":"Translations' Power Ranking","NEW_d14ab":"new second category female page title","NEW_54eaf":"new second category female page description","NEW_7dec3":"new second category female page keyword","NEW_0dac6":"new second category male page title","NEW_a8b57":"new second category male page description","NEW_67494":"new second category male page keyword","LGBT__fe16e":"LGBT+ fiction is a subgenre of webnovel and plots the story of LGBT+. The most popular plots include boys' love and girls' love. ","TEEN_03578":"Teen fiction is a subgenre of webnovel that is written for or marketed to young adults. Heroines are mostly students and the story is happened on campus. ","SCI_FI_fb542":"Sci-fi is a subgenre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes etc.","HORROR_0b017":"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror,. Horror intends to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere for the reader. ","RECEIVE_a30c7":"Receive yyy Power Stone daily","DMCA_WEBNOVEL_COM_73433":"","WEBNOVEL_COM_566ad":"","CLICK_2e63a":"Click on the paragraph and you can modify the lacking parts. ","YOUR_04c70":"Your version will be seen by other users, and might become the official version. ","THIS_1305a":"This paragraph has been edited! ","COIN_34d40":"Coin is essentially a virtual credit used on, and its current function is to save you time by allowing you to skip bonus chapters' advertisements. ","AD_a0c6b":"Ad may contain sound. 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I cast the fence spell, putting up a wall around us. But before I do anything else, I do the same for Tolma and Hayuna. Using the spell air current, I knock the people threatening the couple back and put up a protective barrier around them. However, that spell should be considered air gale with its power. The people I hit with it might not be able to walk again.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3b98c582618cbebff9e090829c8d0b81","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Nana, protect Tolma and Hayuna,\" I begin taking out the girl's weapons and kicking off these ridiculous heals. I had our armour, too, but Pear was the only one who could wear it without changing clothes. \"Mia, go with her. Pearl, handle the guards. Karina, don't do anything reckless. Just focus on the cultist.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c93ca9ca059895735b73c7d653a3efa3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Orders have been registered, I confirm,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"15ed953b399d7ca2df229b4801cca9da","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Okay,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8c1bbc8f92c0533ab795982cde65d0a8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I'll take care of them,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b28b9c1dd33ab059a1183c910eb3dd36","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"When have I ever been reckless?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d44c7cb1388a8b82ae6aa68cfe3331bd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"With everyone in agreement with the plan, I lower the barrier around us. I was I little worried when I handed Raka back to Karina. I'm going to have to keep my eye on her.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f8269901dcd3c1140d4eb323eb9d5408","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You all need to stay away from those ghosts and only attack them from a distance. They can paralyse with a single touch,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cdeaf0d92de4e7937fc996a6367968cb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"With everyone ready, I drop the fence spell around us and kick things off with my ice storm spell, killing four ghosts. That last one was faster than I was expecting and managed to twist out of the way of my attack. Pearl and Karina are the next to attack, with Pearl slashing at the soldier's legs where ever the gaps in their armour appear. Karina meanwhile sends the cultist flying with punches and kicks.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"68f751bed9b58c75aebc86c64279c7f2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I thought you said this would be easy!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dfa904a01ecb5abeb9883480e384d53d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"What's with those two? We can't even keep up with them,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6c7710f03c9130a7b2cd5ce80dcda552","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Perfect. Karina and Pearl have the enemy's attention squarely on them. They didn't notice Nana as she pushed past the people before her. Somehow her shield is giving off sparks of light as if she is going to use the skill spell blade with it. Earl Kuhanou said it once belonged to a hero, so it must have hidden power.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"588ca105a01febe3029289fb3b915caa","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"How could you let that girl trample you like that?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"93dea3e377c58a46f15c5ae9ff3ec011","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The cultist leader at least seems to have noticed Nana trampling his guys. But even he failed to notice Mia as she copied Tama's and Pochi's leg-slashing attack. She is a lot more sneaky than I gave her credit for. Even the people she attacked didn't notice her before it was too late. One moment they planned on attacking Nana, and the next, Mia jumped out from behind her and cut their legs with a small knife.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"577d8ec13792dafb95e235498e1ee8bb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I guess I should get started too. The cultists aren't that much of a threat since most of their members are between levels three and seven. The guards are a more significant problem since some are level twenty, but Pearl has no problem handling them. Mia and Nana are together, and Karina has Raka's protection. The only threats are the cult leader, who is level thirty and has some nasty-sounding skills and the viceroy, who can use the city cores power.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"77c439924f583efd1a3418dd93df8377","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"But I take out that last remaining ghost first with another blast from my ice storm spell. It dodges the first two ice shards, but the third, fourth, fifth and sixth shards tore it to pieces. Now to take out the most significant threat. The viceroy looks shocked and scared to death as he shivers, his face drained of colour.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3c8aa1c9b48368f012d54ffd4ab41c67","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Ah! 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Nana has no problems picking up both Tolma and his wife and carrying them out of the room.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f419cb2b7a40a2a271c10043094c3e11","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I cut down another of the dark figures, but these guys are starting to get annoying. As soon as I take one down, two more are brought to life by the others. 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I could have grown it larger, but then I wouldn't be able to swing it around in the confines of the hall. I wish she had told me about this trick sooner. I have no doubt about it. That voice I am hearing belongs to the dragon god.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f19e5af1d9fab2ddc5096b523d913751","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I swing my now massive holy sword cutting down ten of those dark figures in a single swing. My MP took a big hit, but it should recover soon. Gjallarhorn even shrunk back to its original size. Still, I could quickly grow it again. With another swing and only two dark figures remained. I didn't bother to increase Gjallarhorn's size this time and quickly cut them both down.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f696bf336a71450b2246dca25664bd9f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Master,\" Pearl is the first to approach me. 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I couldn't even finish cleaning up what was left of that orb before the dragon god spoke to me again. \"The demon lord is about to awaken. Step through this door, and maybe you could save that priestess.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b653ad2cd96c7dc335d90038e6f18ad8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Master! Behind you!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9b1d0c592529d09964ef111078ae85fc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"A white shinning door suddenly appears behind me. 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When we slept after that meal, we all saw the same thing,\" Everyone holds me back for some reason and looks terrified. 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The cultists scream and yell as Pearl, Nana, and I charge into them, cutting them down one after the other. The cultists can't even put up a fight. Most aren't even level five yet or have any combat skills. Most of them are second or third noble children with only administrative skills. The ones that do put up a fight are quickly taken out.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1ed1c12adb8b06dca4064455ab05a1c2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I leave Pearl and Nana behind, carving a path straight to the stage. I feel a strange sensation as I run. Something has wrapped around my body, and I am running through water. I reach the stage as Karina starts ringing the bell causing all three processed priestesses to drop to their knees, holding their heads in pain. 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I doubt I could retreat with them, so this must do for now.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f352ef7cb92a9d6f84bb158fd3d7e8f0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Earth Magic Seems Plain For A Human, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b725a0cf0a30cb2257d8fdc202b6b22b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"But Walls Are No Use If I Can Fly Over Them, Yes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ee4775e243d6e4d9930720c49ebb7274","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The blue-skinned demon appears above the walls with its wings doubled in size. But I was ready for the demon and unleashed my magic as soon as I saw him. Razor-sharp icicles from my ice storm spell, balls of fire from my fire shot spell, needles of air from my air needle spell hit first. They are shortly followed by lightning bolts, hammers of air, blazing javelins and magical arrows as I unleash every attack spell I know. Hopefully, one of those spells will be super effective against him.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5f1f1dfb2a1930530b415714bb4f634c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I knock the demon back with a kick and finish my attack with the rock smasher spell on the wall I made, sending large pieces of stone flying into the demon. But when that wall disappeared, I wish it hadn't. I intend to finish the demon off with my holy sword, but instead, I freeze when I see all the blood.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"32b073438cf99753bc98dd35827120af","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"How could… you slaughtered them all?\" Everything is red. The blood and body parts of the cultist cover everything. \"Weren't they loyal followers?! How could you?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d989fcfe6914731f3858f98120093e84","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"As my devotees, their greatest desire must have been fertilising my revival, surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0cc764e1c11152f4a5960d6aac6eb929","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon inside Sara answered while playing with the blood on her hands. That smile. Every time Sara flashes me that evil smile, it sends a shiver up my spine.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0ec344dc24c5f3cdb2b99f9362539486","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Coward… killing people who can't fight back and hiding inside of a hostage,\" I take a step forward and point my sword at Sara. \"Stop hiding and face me!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"44346f934303c2e88bef5fb7b60e1d57","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hmph. This girl is important to you, surely?\" I wouldn't have hesitated to attack if they weren't inside Sara. \"What reaction would you make if I were to break her? How deep would you fall into despair if I were to kill her? Your fear, your anguish would give me much strength, surely.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"79722bb9cbf0f9117dc941f0df874ca7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You would learn how much pain you can endure if you harm her. Now stop hiding and face me, demon lord!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a1bb768d0362199828a03aec8c8e138e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Bwa… ha… ha… you dare challenge me? Then you must truly be a hero, surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1f25b48fe014b10bcb606d68f8853a5b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I may have lost once to the hero Shiga Yamato and the sky dragons, but only when they worked together. I have no time to waste on mediocre heroes. If you wish to fight me, defeat my subordinates. If you win, then I'll return this girl's body to you as a prize before our battle,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"812fd738f61423142d4b119d55df7d3c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I have no way of knowing if they will keep their word, but I have no choice but to go ahead with the demon lord's challenge. If it comes down to it, I could always find a way to force him from Sara's body.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"719effc8d5d08f1e0e30085b234ee73e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Be Careful Of Her Magic, Yes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1fa4c9ef9ad1d3ecb7531905a7f417b2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Fear Not. I Have The Reflection Defence On My Side, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e8716c695ca2ad47989076514404c697","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The red demon appeared before my eyes, splitting the air itself. It must be because of his space magic. I fire off ten fire javelins and countless magic arrows at him, but they turn around.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3b6d10e17b08c1d2296ce341f8d50bef","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I Shall Return These, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9e01a10c59c1d521c40100b262c57c42","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"They create an earth wall that cracks when my fire spells hit it. 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Even then, the wall cracks when my feet touch it.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f2e7683a9a2e7c55a13ee1ae96638124","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Don't Keep All The Fun For Yourself, Yes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"587fe85d07a8e512039e1397a76a6916","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Before I can even catch my breath, the blue demon uses its gravity magic to try and crush me. Thank god for my danger sense skill, or that last attack would have hit me. But the blue demon left himself open. I move as fast as I can, feeling that watery feeling again and appear right in front of the demon. I was about to cut into its arm, but a sudden force knocked me down.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c98833f14842f21f17873aa0d31d98b0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Gravity Resistance. I could barely move at first, but once I put enough points into that skill to max it out, I could move as usual again, just in time, as the demon tried to punch me. I had little time, so it was a good thing I gained another new skill. Warp. Once I max out that skill, I can teleport over short distances quickly as the air gets that watery feeling again.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d21a10a376d47d418a63ad03f5984d64","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I warp again, this time appearing above and behind the blue demon, but my danger sense skill activates when I am about to attack. I don't know what is wrong, but I trust the skill and wrap away.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"311629f6587e6b43b2bf3065f43db0c2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"This New Hero Has Sharp Intuition, Yes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"98d4b1ebcef0732f519a20c96af66a37","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"If Only She Had Cut Me, She Would Have Been Sliced In Two As Well, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ccc8e3c50c8acdf1d8ebdbe0230d2149","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"So they both have the reflection defence skill active. I would have been in trouble if my danger sense skill hadn't warned me. But before I can think more of it, something pulls me towards the red demon. It must be his space magic because I gained the resistance, and my body stopped moving when I maxed it out.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"99116fc417f859ab14410cf2a4d012c5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"For Such A Weak Looking Hero Magic Has Little Effect On Her, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d16a6d31b91749f10d9cc95b538c265c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Har… Har… Har… You Are Making Excuses In Your Old Age, Yes?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1d674e2599a6d51bfa473ea75c05eaf8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demons barely even look at me as they bicker amongst themselves. But at least this gives me a chance to test their defences. Warping around, I shoot off fire shots spells from different angles and distances. Watching my spells bounce off the demons, I learn that they don't always bounce back towards me.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6429d0bccf6f4805bad0ca96428a7981","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"No Matter How Many Times You Try, It Will Not Work, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"44042a380b90f274593d1dd24e95567f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"My sense danger skill warns me of the threat as the demons howl. Rushing around with my skyrunning skill, I can barely outpace the attack as the ground behind me cracks and shatters. I won't be able to fight them both at once, so I put up multiple stone walls between the two demons. The red-skinned demon will be the first to die.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"be94cbbff63cddf6bd8f16d6415ba098","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When the demons attack, let up I make my move. I borrowed one of the spells Satou made for Mia. Mustard mist is a spell that works a lot like pepper spray. A thin yellow mist fills the air making the demon cough and shields its eyes. It was more effective than I thought, and even got through that troublesome reflective defence.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"38ca8a2ffc687cf4fc829dba2391c08d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"What An Annoying Spell, Indeed,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3393dfcc5f6b4fc211be1f55ac792a27","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"But the effectiveness of the spell was just a bonus. I cast that particular spell mainly to gather more information about the demon's defence. Reflection defence consisted of countless random holes floating around the user, some absorbing objects and others ejecting them. Each hole was smaller than a dust particle, so I couldn't see them. I can see the mist being sucked up and spat out. So they weren't physical holes but minuscule teleportation gates.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"55765dff3333090d0dda23e4efbdd328","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I shoot off a few fire shot spells at the gaps between reflectors to see what would happen, but every shot is absorbed and spat back out. The absorbers had a wide range of coverage, but surprisingly a few shots managed to get through. Still, it won't be enough to defeat it. To make things worse, the blue-skinned demon breaks through my walls, and I only just barely dodge out of the way of its horns.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8b901e86c4ff394f465bb6e32d6161c1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I have an idea. Water shoot, another spell Satou created. When Mia used it, the water came out in a small jet. But with my maxed-out water magic, I create a massive wave soaking both demons despite that annoying defence of theirs. Let's see if they can reflect this. Before the demons react, I electrify the water, causing them both to cry in pain.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"25e71cbff4de7f693e597718bc068367","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"It worked better than I thought it would. The reflective holes spark and vanish. I can't tell if the power of my spell is overwhelming them or the demons' inability to focus, but I will take the win. Now I need to take them out before they can put their defences back up. In the blink of an eye, I turn the red demon to dust, and a second later, the blue one joins him in death. I even got the light-speed attack skill as a reward.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9093dd0839138ab6b2d0686a38b54998","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cTitle Acquired: Lightning Master.\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e9ef6d3a8a02506b6955c7b0f72e2a3b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I quickly max that skill out and drink some mana and stamina recovery potions before I turn to the primary opponent. 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I must apologise for mistaking you for a small-time hero, surely,\" Still naked, the demon within Sara talks in an imposing stance. \"I did not expect a lone hero to defeat my courtiers entirely alone, surely.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22b8990287c7a2556080062321eaf053","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sara's body glowed with a faint purple light. Something didn't feel right. I need to get that demon out of her as soon as possible.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6e1fe3f6b32985259dbe4fcf58575a5a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I've upheld my end of the bargain, demon lord! Leave Sara's body at once!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"81833a3df23210783958ac066b9c5f05","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Very well. It is a ruler's duty to reward those who have completed a trial, surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c7efd43f82a37677ea1b03713b2d22a3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord cast his arms open, and the purple light covering Sara's body deepened in colour.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ea18bbd5fbc78ab7b5fe5299b0dd93de","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hero. I have judged you to be a worthy opponent, surely,\" They declared, and an intense violet glow burst forth from Sara's eyes and mouth. \"Black-haired hero, hunting dog of Parion. You will entertain me as Yamato did, surely? I will not forgive any disappointment, surely.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7c129e4cf79599134399b4fe06f0cc11","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Once you leave that body, I promise to give you a fight you won't forget!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cdc47e54ae16e1c1ebbb6861822386ef","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Then I accept your challenge, surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6288de79a28afbb9fb5cc6d1e1551528","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"A cracking sound suddenly reaches my ears. Sara's body was torn open. Her back exploded, sending blood everywhere as a boar's head emerged. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22c36c96b0b6a0773b003f9ff3ea71c8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I have enough power now that you have sacrificed my courtiers for me, surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fb4439ed34578ea199067f049ac8bbdf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The boar-headed, purple-skinned demon lord appeared and cast Sara off like old clothes. His childlike form expanded immediately, growing to five times larger than an average adult. Violet rings of light rippled across his body, turning his skin to shining gold. I should never have trusted him.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"37bbc6bf10680d4e6b67debedb68f036","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"No. It's not over yet. I refuse to let things end this way. 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But by the time the demon lord hit the wall, my hand had already healed.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9cf84c7c7e40a41199404eac3cd23ce0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I quickly pick up Sara and put her body into storage. I don't know how, but I will bring her back. With her body stored in my storage space that defies time, I can wait as long as it takes to find a way to give her life again. The Tenion Temple is an excellent place to start. If that holy woman was able to help that murdered noble Tolma mentioned, then she must be able to help Sara as well.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"81677222da8a0747c3f15ab2e7737771","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"That Was Quite The Punch. But Don't Think It Will Defeat Me, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f4fd7f1bb532123b1cbfeceb1066fd24","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The guy's going to be tough. A level one hundred and twenty Golden Boar Demon Lord with three unique skills: unbeatable strength, mighty warrior, and protean. I don't know what they do, but those skills most likely boost his stats.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"bb398984ed203fbba9ad0c10d8f4d13d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord had fewer skills than I was expecting, but they all seemed befitting of him. He had primarily common skills such as sword and evade but with a couple of rare ones mixed in. Lesser magic nullification, explosive magic and destructive mage were the most troubling among the rarer skills.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2e83a0ad03d5c8b3dd69a83b8d1a4830","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"But the demon lord had a cheat ability. I'm surprised, Satou, and I haven't earned it yet. His golden skin is a unique skill that gives him the best defence stats I have ever seen. Physical damage was reduced by ninety-nine percent, and magical damage was reduced by ninety percent. If only Arisa were here to see it, she would never be able to call Satou, or me cheats again.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d4f733c67a18a916a5f6747d2f86e52d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"As I Have Just Been Revived, I Am Weaker Than I Once Was, Surely. This Is A Rare Chance At Victory For You, Surely?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f03c3be03b771ffcc6346fddb7b5f385","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I hope he is lying about being weaker. Even in this state, I don't like my odds at victory, and if he regains his full power, the demon lord will truly be unstoppable.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f945643b50452eb8f78ff9aee5f657b7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord opens up a black void in the air. I was worried it was an attack at first, but quickly, he pulled out a red cape and a pair of sabres. The sabres were magical swords far stronger than any I had seen before. When he holds them, the golden glow of the demon lord's body surrounds the sword increasing their attack power further. The red cape boosted the demon lord's speed, and like the swords, its power increased the moment it bathed in that golden light.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6e35f6e20fab9a7dd2e57b405dbfacbc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I take a deep breath and step forward. I wish Satou would show up soon. With his OP map skill, he probably already knows what is happening. As soon as he gets here, this demon lord is as good as dead. But where is he? Surely he should have gotten here by now.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1a440d48ea8f04a61dc921d4f45d6126","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Now Then, Come At Me With All Your Body And Soul, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22696d9f3b4993bcbb00464ff8c9ece0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6728be4211276e5eda608a242f617141","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou's POV\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e8d741f1a992a5cc32cf8efe2573a908","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You are mistaken again, my dear Satou,\" I try not to let my anger get the best of me as a pie hits me in the face. \"That door was the pie-face door.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"facacdc1339ae5ee280ed7b0851e8430","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"This is getting annoying. Surrounded by thousands of doors, with only one that would let me out of this hell. It would be a breeze if I could use my skills, but somehow the rainbow-coloured hair girl who trapped me has sealed them all away.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a92ae1ba2e063202a41623f4efcac72a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Just let me out of here already. My friends are in trouble,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d6bc7f2de945399e4e3dbcbbbab01c35","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You may leave as soon as you locate the correct door, my good sir,\" But there are hundreds of them! \"That last one marks two hundred and fifty-three down. You still have one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five to go.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3d01d30403191996a951de5a608f4db5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"270e7fde7a7556d518beeb42cf1ecb26","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Kura's POV\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ac553abe0029c8015f7b823a9a07ba5b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Now Then, Come At Me With All Your Body And Soul, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d8f93800696295c01838fecd8f565b4c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I already knew I would have to. Any less would mean certain death against an opponent this strong. I need to make sure he pays for killing Sara.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e996518b17d7e32ba37c187ceaa6b765","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I have no intention of going easy on you,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a5de39fdce326c3c61c2a8f930a90711","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"He smirks as I use my warp to get behind him, but the demon lord is fast. He swiftly spins and parries my strike with one sword and counters with the other. I evade with the warp skill, but he stays with me and attacks again, forcing me to roll under his blade but giving me a chance to strike at his legs. Unfortunately, he jumps back at the last minute.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9a9058cafe8c827a9296ea1a28ebcd6b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I give chase, forcing him to block one attack from the front that I attack from the rear using my warp skill, but he blocks that blow too. But my attacks are starting to have an effect. Since the fight started, I have been adding magic to my holy sword, slowly increasing its power over time. While fighting the red and blue demons, I doubled its power, but now, it is nearly ten times the strength after all this time. It is still absorbing my mana and growing stronger now. I'm a little scared of how strong this sword can get. The effects show when I knock back the demon lord's sword with that last attack.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"79c16f92f54ddfe84e31f09ebf302a05","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord tries to attack with his other weapon, but I block it. I push his sword back and knock the demon lord off balance leaving him wide open. I don't miss the chance. Pouring all my magic into my fist, I create the most powerful spell blade of my life. It may not kill him, but it is satisfying to watch the demon lord's jaw explode as I hit him under the chin. The demon lord is knocked up into the air and flies a few minutes through the air before landing on his back, causing the ground to shake.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"26dd2dbcbc5b05e523e8fc5c6011b2b9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"This is it, Mr demon lord. With all my might, I charge with my skyrunning skill and aim a slash at his head. But the demon lord still looks amused. I aim right at his head, but before I can land the blow, a shield similar to the one Raka creates blocks me. It wasn't enough to stop me. The shield cracks as I pour more strength into the attack and eventually shatters. I finally got rid of that amused smile. As the shield breaks and my holy sword pieces the demon lord's head, he finally looks surprised and alarmed.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b54a06784be29e987a3f00a6beca9017","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Impossible….\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"35d2f807ff423beb768c935c1d0b5add","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Impossible. The demon lord could only mutter one last word before I sliced his head in two. As soon as I cut a few inches, the demon lord started crumbling away, and I felt slightly disappointed. Shouldn't it have been more challenging? I shouldn't be complaining about a quick victory, but I don't feel satisfied.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"87909420cf4e27d335021d4c305fe23a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Suddenly my sense danger skill screams to life, and I don't bother to look around as I use my warp skill to get as far away from the demon lord as possible. One of the demon lord's sabres struck the space where I was standing, and it wasn't a dying spasm. Slowly the demon lord gets back to his feet, shockingly with a new head sprouting from its neck. I knew he wouldn't be easy to put down, but I didn't expect this. If someone had told me a story about this, I wouldn't have believed them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9f6ce4a0a5eb018d4cc0804f54ee8564","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"To Think That You Would Force Me To Use The Effects Of 'Mighty Warrior'...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0f2538f77cb42afea68e93ea671ea992","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord jumped backwards, putting us at opposite ends of the room, but my danger sense skill was still detecting something. When the feeling disappeared, I checked my skills to see if anything had happened. Two new skills have appeared. Helmet splitter and instant death resistance. I quickly max out both skills. I don't know when he hit me with an instant death attack but thank god for my ability to learn things quickly gave me the resistance I needed.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"337c0f9191a378b79ebabc3157773c3d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I Shall Take This Seriously As Well, Then, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0ac279e3ee485778212d90c69b6f2cbe","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The golden light gets brighter as the demon lord charges. I met him halfway but was pushed back. He's stronger now. Not impossible for me to handle, but I couldn't knock his sword back anymore like I used to. The biggest problem is his speed. Well, I can match his strength. The demon lord has become notably faster than me. But that makes my first objective more straightforward.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"843fca5faa02c1beb07473f1410c3570","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I faint an attack to the left and strike right, but he sees right through it. I'm pulling out every trick I know, but the demon lord doesn't fall for any of those. That smug amused grin returns, ticking me off. I start throwing in magic, but the demon lord dodges or blocks the spells with one of his swords. A few of my spells he doesn't need to evade as his lesser magic nullification renders them harmless.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6a9d84cb1f9cced41ffb85da149e7397","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Not Bad Hero. You Are Rather Skilled With A Sword And Must Have Had Some Good Teachers, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f92bf443a97402c90615af40674488db","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"More than I could count,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fb00322f1e791a2ac778932f9f1cf522","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"But nothing they taught me is working. Thanks to my teachers, I could hold my ground but couldn't gain the advantage. I don't think I could win without fighting dirty.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"52bd556d73482d2196d4ad2651d5aea9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I cast the spell mustard mist, but it doesn't affect the demon lord. He doesn't cough or look discomforted. But that spell really is effective. I breathe some in by accident, and it burns my lungs as if there were an inferno inside. At least, it appears to help hide me. I use air currents around me to protect myself and attack like crazy.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"12df4ad0204c5db61ad4741a4004be7a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I dart around the demon lord using the mist for cover and the warp skill for speed. Sometimes he blocks me, but I am starting to land hits. Finally, I hit my target. Cutting the rope holding the demon lord's cape in place, I steal it from him, putting it into my storage. With his speed drained, it should make things more even for me.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"93dd8add10a0b5b8668ba27342544f00","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Such An Annoying Opponent,\" The demon lord howls, blowing the mist away. \"But I commend you On Stealing An Item From Me. If You Survive, You May Keep It As An Reward, Surely.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"68e39d7fbbc8acca8d43d5dce873dd4d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"We attack again, with me now having the speed advantage, but the demon lord can make up for that shortcoming with his skill with a blade. I have never fought anyone like him before. He sees through my faints with ease, and his faints are impossible to notice. If it wasn't for my danger sense skill, I would have been killed a hundred times by now. But I have a few more dirty tricks up my sleeve.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f9bf76243b26454f1466600da23d922a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I let the demon lord start to back me up into a corner, but I spring my trap as we move. Using the wall spell, I create a small stone wall at his feet, tripping the demon lord. Once he is off balance, I warp closer to him, so close he can't use his swords effectively and aim to cut off his head. I hope his mighty warrior can only work once before needing a lengthy cooldown.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"aaff35a8a5195a113623c4b0c881f264","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You Shall Not Reach Me, Surely!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"00fe1bf31ddf859a5a9bb888c9c698d4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Multiple layers of that shield appear between the demon lord and me. They shatter one by one as my holy sword slices through them, but slowly they drain my sword of its momentum. I had to have cut through at least a hundred shields when my sword stopped. Letting out a roar, the demon uses that moment to counterattack.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fbd36ca9cf1c0457d80cd9cb3f14f364","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"One of the demon lord's sabres comes down, swinging at me at an unnatural angle. I block it in time, but the force pushes me back until I create a pillar of earth to stop myself. It was the strongest attack yet with the air ring as blinding sparks lit up the entire room, and the cavern shook. I might have been blinded by that light if I didn't have the light intensity adjustment skill.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a9a5d6d5dfe641e86d0f02145e094024","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord's second sabre comes at me with the demon lord's arm moving like a whip with no bones. I put up barriers with the fence spell, but they do nothing to stop it. Even stone walls barely slow it down. Ultimately, I warp myself above the attack at the last minute. Seeing my chance to attack, I twist mid-air and slice off the demon lord's hands at the wrists. The demon lord howls in pain as it backs away. I quickly put the two sabres away in my storage before he could recover them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d481fa86ea788c6940b52b578e18d5f4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You Are More Thief Then Hero, Surely,\" The demon lord comments as his hands grow back. \"But You Shouldn't Think They Are My Only Weapons, Surely.\" The demon lord pulls out another pair of sabres, but they don't appear as powerful as the first two. \"Let Me Show You My other Powers Two.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f75c10af0539bbdcf5e4b9dd2fc18d06","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Dark rings appear around the demon lord spinning at high speed with jagged edges. They shot towards me at the speed of bullets, and the magic I fired to intercept them had no effect. Luckily they are weak to my holy sword, as a single slice is enough to destroy them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d553e1fd4c6dfbafc5175fde4819dd4a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I cut down four rings before being forced to dodge the demon lord's sabre. I cut a fifth ring, then jump over the second of the demon lord's sabres, cutting a sixth ring mid-air and a seventh once I land. I block another two strikes from the demon lord before ducking under the eighth ring, causing it to cut through two of those shields, but it stops on the third before it can harm the demon lord. The demon lord jumps back as I block the ninth and tenth rings, but as I deal with the eleventh ring, I warp away as my sense danger skill activates.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d309715728905c06a74e9b40cd65579f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Everything in the area I once stood was destroyed. The stone walls I created over the cause of this battle and the cave floor shattered. The rings vaporised. The bodies of the cultist turned into a bloody mist. Some devastating invisible attack decimated the area in the blink of an eye.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3d49aec7ab3c652df9360b0ce1903972","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"How Did You Avoid My Greater Destruction Magic, Surely?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"99f5aa55993404919974e951d8ba61db","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"So the demon lord doesn't need to chant to use magic. That is going to make things more interesting. Attacking from a distance isn't an option anymore. I warp as close as I can and kick off the next stage of our battle.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2187cffbd81ca2998e589293a5ea020e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord has lost some of his attack power without those sabres, but he is still a skilled opponent. Attacking with both his sabres, I was forced to use one of the sabres I stole from him to fend off his assault. I learned the two-sword style skill in seconds and quickly maxed it out.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d4ef4c77db45a018abafa144a4fd1fdd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Since this allowed me to match and destroy his shield every once in a while. The demon lord started throwing those rings at me again. I dodged and destroyed them, so the demon lord started shooting invisible bullets at me. In the end, one of those bullets grazed me. I hissed in pain, but it was worth it since I got the necessary resistance skill. Without slowing the fight, I max out my new destruction resistance skill. When that skill reached level ten, those bullets and dark rings evaporated on contact. It made me feel itchy wherever it hit but did no damage.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2ecef2950ad58811a4c9313997a52b84","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You Are Stronger Than I Thought. I Must Apologise. Comparing You To Yamato Was An Insult. You Have The Skill To Defeat Alone, Surely,\" The demon lord comments as we continue our fight. \"Your Resistance's Are Incredible. You Are A Worthy Opponent, Surely.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6b8df00fde2cc4184cb9053051186473","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You're not bad yourself,\" I reply. \"No one has made me work this hard before.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"99f69623083019b92512d238f8491cd5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"We exchange blows as I slowly cut down his shields slightly faster than the demon lord could create them. But it wasn't long before the sabre I was using broke. The demon lord immediately follows up and attacks my now open side, but I am not defenceless. I cast the forge spell on the ground between turning the broke sabre into hot melted slag and forcing the demon lord back.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"12e3483f6c1be5a1cfbb63830cb08325","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"For some reason, that spell seems to work particularly well against him. Could he be weak to fire, or was it the spell's effect? Whatever the reason, the demon lord's shields break one after the other as he is forced to retreat.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0504205db6f4a7eb1075ccd3a6e7aa56","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Inferno?! So, That's Your Secret Weapon, Surely!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4843ceac22bb7a1fb13fd6a12e9b13d5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord let out a mighty roar as soon as he stopped shouting. A sudden powerful pressure threatens to crush me, and the light intensity makes it impossible to see. A gust of wind throws me back, and I am forced to put up a stone wall to protect myself from it. I'd taken a direct hit from a wide-range magical attack. Everything was destroyed, and when I checked my stats, I found I had gained the ability to use explosive magic and resistance against it. I lost half my HP, though, so I took a moment to drink some potions while I maxed out that resistance skill.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8a92b8a813966c464e2b51bc843a3af9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I was lucky to still be in one piece after taking that hit. But the pain was something my luck didn't cover. That really, really hurt. Even with my pain resistance skill maxed out, it was agony. My clothes didn't fair much better as they were shredded. Bad enough, I was practically naked. This was my spare set of armour too. Even my magical robe was destroyed. The only thing I had left was my mithril-plated gloves. With little choice, I put on regular street clothes so fast that I gained the quick change skill and got ready to fight. But before I return to battle, I use the spell anit-itch to take care of that itchy problem I was having.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b8d994e4227cc0b395596fbd22d33013","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hmph. It Seems That Was A Draw, Surely,\" A draw. I don't think that was a draw. Half of the demon lord's body was burned, and some limbs were missing. \"How About This, Surely?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1332a31ab9f675e58d30f2e3b0890ccb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord fired another explosive magic spell at me along with those rings and invisible bullets… but I could see vague outlines now. A quick glance at my menu and I see another skill called magic vision has appeared. When I max it out, I can see everything clearly.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b9d667fddccc5bd547f9a88e20e30aed","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I use skyrunning to avoid everything the demon lord throws at me. I run above him and attack like a bird of prey from high up. Swooping down, I cast my forge spell, raining death down on him, shattering the demon lord's shields. Some remained when I swung my sword, but not enough to block my attack this time.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"04745c7d68c485eddd145702c2a4841a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Tearing through the flames and what little defences he has left, my holy sword cuts into the demon lord's body. But nearly instantly, his golden skin ripples, and I start meeting more resistance. I managed to cut through it feeling like I was cutting through some kind of film. It was a tough defence, but it will break after a few more hits like that.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9dfac1ce55ee1e590f0b161ad420fbd3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I repeatedly slash with all my might, finally cutting into his shoulder and making the demon lord glare at me. In retaliation, the demon lord losses the bones in his arms again as his limbs turn to whips allowing him to strike at me with his sabres. But while this move allows him to attack me in impossible ways, the demon lord loses some of his sword skills when he does this. I block both his sabres only to realise too late it was a trap.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"97487178cfe81ce2a56ad97f1a13eeba","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"This time, my danger sense skill wasn't enough as several white spears shot out of the demon lord's chest. I did my best to evade them, but one spear stabbed my right ankle, causing me to cry out in pain as a second spear dug into my left knee, and a third pierced my stomach. Gritting my teeth, I break the spears and pull them from my body, jumping back just in time to dodge the demon lord's sabre.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1dde8edd7e7aeec58283063a3eb86bae","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"As I land, I quickly realise I am not out of danger yet. The demon lord threw both his sabres at me, and while they weren't hard to block, they were only a distraction. As soon as I dealt with his swords, I realised too late that the demon lord was right behind me. Before I could react, he snatched me up and crushed me in an overwhelming powerful bear hug.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3a8b2b360d4df5296c934300da4962df","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"This isn't good. It hurts like hell as he squeezes harder and harder. My arms are pinned to my sides, so I can't use my sword, and even with my maxed-out strength, I can't force his arms away. It's getting harder to breathe. My insides feel like they are about to come out, but he keeps increasing the tightness.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f5ad3a5cf40fe5f8af65cec6b057db39","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"It's stupid, but I have no choice. At this rate, the demon lord will crush me to death. I cast the forge spell above us. It's hot, but I don't suffer any damage even as my clothes burn away, leaving me naked again, and my skin turns red. But it worked. The demon lord's grip loosed enough for me to escape as his body melted away. But it wasn't enough. The demon lord puts some distance between us as his body heals.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9fd00825ff219a61502905cee4df4b25","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I take a moment to drink some more stamina and MP potions and put on some new clothes. By the time I am ready, the demon lord has completely recovered. It's time to end this.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fb2bd28f9c193eaa80b555b784c0ac12","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I rush forward using warp to move around erratically so the demon lord can't predict my movements. I used my water shot spell to soak the ground, but the demon lord was mistaken in thinking I was planning to attack him as I had done with those other two demons. While he hops out of the water, fearing my lightning spell, I switch to my fire shot spell, boiling the water and filling the cavern with a thick screen. Using the steam for cover, I move about, creating a series of stone walls tall enough to nearly reach the cavern's ceiling while attacking the demon lord occasionally. He blocks every attack, but that's okay as long as he thinks I am only using the steam for cover to launch sneak attacks.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0daafd9c749045bed67e2e05cfa01931","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You Are Too Sneaky To Be A Hero, Surely,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"47c7b1d605df2b022ddc91db43f05324","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord howls, blowing away the steam, but it is too late. The walls are in place to protect my friends and those priestesses. Even if he breaks on, there are others to keep this contained. It's time to end this.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"34206f8a9c512fa112c3cc45b5b33ccd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I activate my forge spell at full power and even use the skill I was afraid to touch. Magic overload. It has become easy to control since I maxed it out, but I am still burning through MP at an alarming rate. But it is doing its job. With that skills boost, my forge spell fills the stone enclosure I made in seconds. I turn off that skill as the heat becomes too much and starts to melt the stone wall, but I keep my forge spell going as the demon lord melts away.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6d5a5af38b4420167d84d78650560e36","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Impossible… To Keep A Spell Active… This Long… Surely….\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"01ba10fbf98cd2845abf6d66f0fdba55","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The demon lord dies and repeatedly returns, only to find himself trapped in my fiery death pool. It has come down to a contest of endurance. What will give out first, my MP or his life? Whatever the answer is will decide the victor of this match.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"eccddfaf766d2404886739d8e1c5ac04","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Eight, nine, ten times, the demon lord returns to life. I am downing MP potion one after the other just to keep up. The demon lord isn't going down without a fight. He tried to grab me multiple times and lunched more spells than I could count at me, but I dodged everything he could try. Two walls have been breached, but I keep the tank topped up and make more walls between him and my friends. Elven, twelve times the demon lord, has died, but he still comes back. My forge spell isn't enough.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"bf797ff388225fc6d316d8752c75288d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5ad0580ee5b4680a1fc0494a88752453","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"So this is the stuff that makes holy swords?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"08d2ee0f5be411fed2e670f101c9b82a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou was always making something new whenever we had night watch duty together. Today is no different. For some reason, he decided to make a bunch of holy weapons. Spear's axes, swords, arrowheads, you name, and he is attempting to make it tonight. But that blue-coloured metal solution is interesting. It formed the core of holy weapons and was surprisingly pretty.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f4025eceb28e9c6e610e12f4208f7656","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yeah, but you have to be careful,\" Satou nods. I don't think I have seen him handle anything with such care before. \"Too much magic and heat, and it becomes highly unstable. It might be even too much for one of us to withstand.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"54afe450177a876cab950d10c7362f4d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d1106a5d1d3d858445ce57758aaa7336","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ah! That stuff might do it. Looking through my storage, I find I still have it. Satou was giving me lessons on how to make holy weapons. I might not be as good as him yet… or I have made something that works. Still, as luck would have it, I have a single vial of that cerulean liquid left over from my last lesson.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8e6c925ea6c647b92674be7bda241abf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"At this point, I look down at the demon lord, who is more bone of a skeleton, trying to claw his way towards me. Now I really am going to end this. I pour my magic into the vial, magic overload until my danger sense skill goes crazy. If Satou thinks this could kill us, it should be enough for him. \r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a4feb27e7197dfe40b4b9ddcae19ff59","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"This is….\" The glass of the vail started to creak as the liquid inside bubbled. 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Just to be sure, I cut the core in half and put the core parts into my storage.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"eee361b1ed54bae05856378330ce3dcf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hee… hee… looks like he lost,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d613e79bcd5cd151de7cf9d7b6fb1422","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"He lost just like he lost to Yamato,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"070d8c99d3fcc89f78a3d92f14221965","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Just as I was letting my guard down, I got some company.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d2093323cdc4f224a12d84adc301d81b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Now he lost to the dragon gods hero,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"82b86ec0f73405569a84ae92aff0087a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"And she didn't even let us leave the core before locking us away,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3b62168f7dd3c014b5f1b1c8012e1142","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"They don't seem like they were a threat. 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It was a miracle no one died.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2f2d8bbc828a9489cccd6347330c0fbe","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When we reached the unconscious ladies, we found that both priestesses were already awake. 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