Chapter 33

"Hero Kura, bridge-shaped monster sighted, I report. We should prepare for battle, I advise,"

"Oh nooo!"

"Dangerous danger, sir!"

Nana's declaration caused Pochi and Tama to start to panic. She needs to think before she talks. I had hoped the time we spent making a flying horse-shaped plushie and our talk would have had some effect, but Nana never seems to change.

"Calm down, you three. That's just a special kind of bridge called a drawbridge,"

At least Satou is quick to calm everyone down. That bridge is probably important, and I would hate to have to explain why Nana, Pochi and Tama attacked it. A stare out ahead of the ship as he explains the bridge to them.

A hundred-foot section in the middle of the vast area across the river was raised in the air so the ship's large sails wouldn't crash into it. The river was over half a mile wide, so it didn't look like a big gap, but in reality, it was similar in scale to the Tower Bridge in London. It is the most impressive piece of architecture I have seen since entering this world. It even has a signalling system using flags to help control the shipping traffic.

"It's said that the gods created this bridge a thousand years ago...."

We must have gotten the tour guide's attention she starts to talk about the bridge. She went on to inform us that the bridge pier included barrier posts so aquatic monsters couldn't approach the outskirts of the old capital. A few more posts are scattered around the river as another layer of defence.

Once we passed through the bridge, it took us no time to dock at the harbour. You can really tell that the martial arts tournament is being held here. Everywhere I look, I can see warriors of all races wandering around. None of them seems stronger than me with the height level I can find belong to a level forty-three bird folk man. I wonder if I will end up facing him during the tournament.

Unfortunately, Satou informs me there are still members of the Wings of Freedom demon-worshipping cult in the city. There were thirty in total. Nine were in the lower parts of town, fifteen were lurking below the castle of a noble called count Bobino, and four were detained in the dungeon of the duke's castle. The last two were inside the duke's castle as well. The third son of the duke, who was also Sara's uncle and his right-hand man. Satou and I agreed to hand the names and locations of the remaining cult members to the duke when we meet him. The last thing we wanted was another demon lord to appear after all.

"Sir Satou! Hero Kura! The carriage my brother sent for me has arrived! I'll be taking my leave now,"

Tolma seemed to have fully recovered from his seasickness. Ran over to us as a fancy-looking carriage arrived… that didn't have a horse pulling it. But it gave off a weak magical feeling, and when I used my appraisal skill, I learned the carriage was a golem car.

"Did you have plans for where to stay in the old capital? If not, you should stay at our house! With the martial arts tournament going on, I doubt many open rooms will be left,"

"I appreciate the offer, but we're all right. We'll be staying in the house of the esteemed Count Worgoch,"

Count Worgoch was the viceroy of Gururian City. After we defeated the lesser hell demons that attacked his territory, the count offered to let us stay in his parents' mansion here in the old capital. I won't be surprised if I stay at the duke's castle at some point, though. We never planned to meet again when we parted ways since we were both tired and worried about Sara. But I sent a message to him for the standard noble greeting, so it won't be long before he contacts me.

We waved to the Tolma family as they entered their vehicle, then took Satou's carriage and horses to Count Worgoch's mansion. We wouldn't get lost thanks to the tour guide's cart leading the way.

"This is quite a comfortable ride,"

"Yes, it's amazing to be able to speak so easily in a moving carriage,"

Karina and her maid escort Pina marvelled aloud.

"Well, of course! Our master enhanced it with love!"

I don't understand Arisa sometimes, but I am impressed by how she can use anything as an excuse to either flirt or hug Satou. Still, she will probably drive Satou away if she keeps this up.

As soon as we passed through a large set of gates near the harbour, we were in the middle of the aristocratic quarter of the city. We were stopped just inside the gates, but the guide in front took care of things, so all Satou and I had to do was show the silver plate that was proof of our nobility.

The streets of the aristocratic district were paved with stone, and the buildings resembled concrete. I can remember someone telling me that this area was built with a special kind of Earth Magic called architectural magic. I can't remember who it was, but I am sure it was when I stayed at Muno Castle.

"Hey! Why are your eyes wondering when you have me?"

Arisa catches Satou staring at the plan-dressed maids running around the streets. Why do I feel he will try to spread the maid outfits around the old capital. As long as he doesn't cause any trouble, I don't see any problems.

The cart arrived in a quiet neighbourhood where the wealthiest aristocrats lived. Each mansion was as big and spacious as they might be better described as palaces. Arisa was quickly tired of viewing the houses and lobbed a question at Karina instead.

"Are you staying with Count Worgoch, too, Lady Karina?"

"I… indeed. I was planning to stay at Orion's boarding house, but as it seems, several other young men are staying there besides him...."

We had initially planned to accompany her there to meet Orion, but that will have to wait. Orion was Baron Muno's eldest son, five years younger than Karina at age fourteen. He was studying abroad in the old capital. Viscount Nina told us he had wanted to study at the esteemed academy in the royal capital. Unfortunately, the nobles there objected to his visit. The barony's reputation as a cursed territory forced him to study in the old capital instead.

Eventually, we arrived at our home for the foreseeable future. It's not that far from the duke's castles. At Count Worgoch's impressively mansion-like estate, the viceroy's parents, the previous duke and his wife greeted us. Once we'd exchanged pleasantries, they directed us to the count's private house. We parted ways with the guide, who went to the duke's castle to deliver a report and a letter from Satou and me.

The viceroy's house was a large three-story mansion with stables and separate lodging for the servants. When we stopped our carriage in front of the entrance, twenty servants were waiting for us, led by a thin older gentleman with grey hair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Sebaf, the supervisor of this house," The man bowed politely, as did the staff behind him.

"Aw, man…." Arisa muttered.

"I am Satou Pendragon, a hereditary knight. Thank you for having us, Mr Sebaf,"

"Please, you may simply call me Sebaf,"

"I'm Kura Suou. I'm a knight in the service of Earl Seiryuu and a hero. I thank you and your staff for taking care of us during our stay,"

"So the rumours were true,"


One of the younger maids whispered to herself, but an older maid quietly scolded her. Then timidly introduced Karina as well. After, Sebaf guided us to a living room where we could relax. Satou had left with Sebaf to take a tour, but I wasn't interested, so I stayed behind with the others. While everyone else settled down on the sofa, I studied the large bookshelf looking for any title that stood out to me.

There were so many books, but I was disappointed I couldn't see a spell book. Then again, something that precious would be left on some shelf to be easily stolen. But there aren't many books that jump out to me. Most of them are history books or romance stories involving heroes. I see guild books for sewing and similar hobbies among them that Nana might like.

"See anything you like?"

Looking to my side, I spotted Arisa had joined. Repositioning myself, I make sure to hide the book on seduction techniques from her. Arisa is bad enough as she is. The last thing I want to do is give her some inspiration. I could probably distract her with one of the romance novels. Still, something tells me the moment she sees that book, it will only be a matter of time until Arisa gets her hands on it.

"I was just browsing, but a few of the hobbies guild books might be worth the read,"

"Really, are there any interesting ones?"

"A few sewing, flower arranging, and art guilds but nothing else,"

"Well, this is a noble house after all…." Arisa mutters to herself. "Oh! But this one might be worth my time. "Love on the Road" "A tale of love between merchant and servant as they travel from town to town." This book must have been written with my master and me as inspiration."

I can't stop Arisa from taking I, but it is better than having her touch that seduction book. I'm sure Satou could deal with anything she picks up from that book.

"Are they storybooks?!"

"Fun stories, sir?!"

It didn't take long for Pochi and Tama to arrive. They run up and down the length of the bookcase, poking at the books as they struggle to read the titles.

"Is this good?"

"What about this one, sir?"

Eventually, they just started taking books out and asking me about them. Still, they quickly lost interest when they didn't see any pictures. But they were good kids and returned the books instead of leaving them for the house servants to clean up. Ultimately, I used my appraisal skill to aid their search and found a picture book about a knight for them to read.

"It's so real,"

"It looks like I am there, sir,"

Happy with my selection, they run off and start reading it together. Well, I don't think they are reading the book. From the sounds of things, Pochi and Tama seem to be making up their own story about the knight's quest for meat to go along with the pictures.

Ultimately, I picked up one of the hobby books with detailed explanations of how to of woodcarving. It could be an excellent way to pass the time on the road. Finding a free seat, I start reading, only to stop a few pages in when Sebaf returns with Satou to show us to our rooms.

My room seemed too big. It had several smaller chambers, including a bedroom, a study, and a dressing room. An extra-large bed was in the centre of the bedroom, big enough to fit our entire group. The room I had back in Seiryuu City and Muno Castle were half the size of this room. Satou and I were the only ones on this floor. Karina's party was staying on a different floor. I didn't see an "accidentally got into the wrong bed" type of event in store for Satou. After we got settled, we all went our separate ways.

"It's Tama?"

"And Pochi, sir,"

"What a beautiful mirror. The reflection is quite different from that of a copper mirror,"

Walking past the dressing room attached to Satou's room, I peek in, hearing the voices. Pochi and Tama look like they are having fun waving and pulling faces at their reflections. Liza looked just as entranced as the younger kids staring at the mirror while lightly touching the surface. I had only stepped in for a moment, but it looked like I might be staying longer than I thought.

"We're back!"

"Master! The kitchen here is amazing!"

Arisa and Lulu quickly arrive and block the entrance. Flushed with excitement, Lulu started telling us all about the magical tools used for cooking.

"There was even an oven and a refrigerator!"

"Guess what! There was milk and fruit in the refrigerator. You should bake a cake or something!"

"Good idea. Maybe I'll try making a sponge cake,"

Sound like we are going to be enjoying cake at some point. Arisa shrieked with delight upon hearing the news causing Pochi and Tama to come running into the room.



Pochi and Tama quickly join Arisa as she jumps for joy. Satou is going to have no choice but to make that cake now.


"We have received two messages from the elderly man, I report,"

Mia and Nana are the next to arrive with a letter from the former Count Worgoch and Duke Ougoch himself. The count invited us to dinner that evening while the duke accepted the request for a meeting the tour guide had delivered on my behalf. According to the letter, he will meet with us tomorrow morning. Both invitations were directed toward only Karina, Satou and me, so the others would have to stay behind.

Dinna that evening was super tasty. The count went all out with the meal serving us courses of delicacies in the old capital. Satou and I might be able to replicate them if we get the ingredients so the others could enjoy this treat too.


Karina, Satou and I went to Ougoch Castle for our audience with the duke the next day. He looked even more impressive than he had the last time we met. He is wearing armour that looks like it could withstand an attack from a dragon and has a powerful glint in his eye. His knights are just as impressive as they form two lines on either side of us.

"Welcome, daughter of Leon. Ipasa has told me all. I have heard that you fought valiantly on the front lines in defence of Muno City and even took on a demon in Gururian City,"

Leon was Baron Muno's first name. They must have a good relationship as they he smiles at Karina. But that doesn't stop Karina from shaking and hiding behind Satou. I doubt whether or not she would be able to return his greeting at all.

"Not only that, but you participated in eliminating the demon lord and aiding in rescuing my granddaughter. I commend your bravery and owe you a debt, young lady. I'm sorry I didn't thank you properly the last time we met,"

"B… but all I… I…."

As predicted, her shyness gets the better of her. Stuttering, Karina looks to Satou and me for aid, but even we are beaten to the punch. Instead, Raka spoke up for her, glowing blue on Miss Karina's chest.

"I accept your words with gratitude on behalf of my master,"

"Oh-ho, a magic tool that understands human language? It's just like the invincible armour that my parents spoke of in legends,"


A slender consul standing near the duke with the appraisal skill confirmed Ruka's identity. His slitted eyes resembled a snake's as he observed us appraisingly. Still, because he didn't have nearly as powerful a presence as the duke, I barely noticed him before. But as he spoke, my mind was elsewhere.

Invincible armour. If the legends about it our true, I would love to get my hands on it. Maybe then I won't end up naked in a fight again. But getting that armour would involve a dangerous quest or dealing with a noble who would be hard to convince to hand it over. I hope it is earned through a quest, though. It is much easier to punch a dragon than talk with a noble, after all.


Before anyone could move things along, the doors to the room burst open, and lady Ringrande came running into the room. Her voice may have startled Karina, but the knights and even the duke seem unfazed as if this sort of thing always happens.

"Rin… this is official business. Leave us,"

"Not likely! I heard that Miss Karina and Satou were here, so I came to rescue them before you put them through the wringer,"

I hope she didn't include me because her grandfather wasn't planning on treating me the same as Satou and Karina. It might be true. Lady Ringrande doesn't seem like the type of person to abandon someone over a rivalry. At least, I hope that is not the case. Ignoring the duke's complaints, Miss Ringrande looked around at the armoured knights stiffly lining the audience room.

"Honestly. What kind of welcome is this for the heroes who saved Gururian City? Besides, it doesn't seem to be intimidating the person you wanted it to,"

Oh, was the duke trying to intimidate Satou? I doubt using knights would be enough to accomplish that since we both have the strength to conquer this entire city single-handedly if we wanted. I had assumed the knights were supposed to be some honour guards giving us a warm welcome. The other nobles we met before had either knights or soldiers nearby, so I didn't think much of it.

"I can't get anything past you, Rin,"

The duke raised a hand to signal the officer standing nearby, and the knights marched out of the room. Besides us, the only people who stayed in the room were the council, a haughty-looking level fifty military officer, and a few knight guards, including Sir Ipasa. As well as some maids and other servants, of course.

"Now, is that good enough?"

The duke grumbled to Miss Ringrande. Then he signalled to the consul, who took a rectangular tray from a nearby servant and carried it over to us.

"As thanks to Hero Kura Suou of Seiryuu Earldom, Lady Karina Muno and Sir Satou Pendragon of Muno Barony for their heroic service in protecting Gururian City from demons, Duke Ougoch hereby bestows upon thee the Ougoch Duchy Sapphire Medal,"

Laid on the tray were two heavy-looking medals and three velvet sachets teeming with gold coins. There were at least one hundred gold coins in each bag. Karina's eyes were practically sparkling at the sight of such wealth.

"So that's the Sapphire Medal…."

Sir Ipasa murmured in admiration. These medals must be pretty rare if he reacted that way.

"Please accept these gifts. They are well deserved for your achievements,"

The duke's words manage to snap Karina out of her trance. It seems he mistook her stunned reaction for one of reluctance to accept such a large sum. At least it didn't seem to offend him.

"You may not have heard, but lesser hell demons like the one in Gururian City have been attacking every city in the duchy. Gururian and Sutoandell are the only two cities where damage was minimal. The rest may take years to fully recover,"

I need to be more careful of my evolution of demons. I have been getting too careless with them after killing so many. Mia was nearly killed back in Gururian City because of me. Demons, even lesser ones, are a deadly threat that can destroy entire cities. I need to ensure I never forget that, or someone I know could end up losing their life.

Once we'd accepted the medals and rewards, the next item on the agenda was the letter from Baron Muno.

"It's signed by Leon, but I don't doubt Nina wrote it. She always did know how to make a troublesome request sound like an easy favour,"

If I remember correctly, Duke Ougoch was the one who recommended Vicecount Nina as consul for Muno Barony. But despite their past relationship, Nina seems to be asking for something pretty big. I am starting to wish Satou, and I did as Arisa suggested and took a peak at those letters.

"Not only is she asking for a loan and extra supplies, but she also wants us to lend civil officials, military officers, and even engineers? Impossible,"

But despite her big request, it was an intelligent move. Nina was most likely only asking for the loan and supplies. The other requests were added to make the latter seem more reasonable. The duke also notices it as he turns to Satou with a mischievous smile.

"How about this? Sir Pendragon, I will grant all these requests if you become my vassal. I can even make you an honorary baron if you wish,"

I look at Satou and see he is just as surprised as I was hearing that news. But he doesn't seem tempted to accept the duke's impressive offer. I'm sure countless people would be saying he is stupid to refuse. I imagine anyone other than Satou would jump at the chance to be given such an offer. Karina must think so, too, as she suddenly leaps in front of him.

"Y… you mustn't! S… Satou is a vassal of my father. E… even you cannot take him away, Your Grace!"

Karina spreads her arms out childishly, trying to hide Satou from the duke as her chest swings from side to side. Satou is lucky Arisa isn't here, as I notice Satou watching those mountains move. It doesn't look like Karina has to worry about losing Satou. Not when her oversized assets keep bewitching him.

"Hmm. No luck, huh?"

"C… certainly not!"

The duke smiled amusingly at Karina's furious response. She seems to have managed to charm him into a good mood.

"Very well. Daughter of Leon, worry not. I will not steal away this person you hold so dear,"

"D… d… dear…?!"

At that, Miss Karina turned bright red and just about fainted immediately, and Satou quickly caught her. I'm sure Satou will claim later that how his hand momentarily grasped her chest was just an accident.

"Your Grace, Lady Karina is quite pure-hearted, so I beg you not to tease her too much," Satou politely requested.

"I suppose. She is Leon's child, after all,"

As the duke chuckled, Miss Ringrande whispered into his ear. When she was finished, the duke called Sir Ipasa over, and they exchanged quiet words. They must be using some spell or magic item because I can't make out a single word that they are saying.

"Hmm, a miraculous dish, you say…." However, the magic seems to break when the duke loudly gasps like that. "Sir Pendragon. Ipasa tells me you made a remarkable dish called 'consommé soup,' and Rin spoke highly of your 'tempura.' I am hosting a banquet tonight for the highest nobility of the city, and I would like you to cook these dishes for my guests and me. If they are satisfactory, I shall give Nina the requested aid."

"I would be remiss in refusing a request from Your Grace, but I must confess that preparation of consommé soup is a lengthy process, so it would be impossible to make it in time for tonight's dinner,"

"Very well. Then we shall make do with the tempura for tonight. I shall host an evening party for the nobility three days from now; you may prepare the consommé soup for that occasion,"

"It would be my pleasure,"


A young maidservant led Satou to the kitchen of the duke's castle. Several maids were looking after Karina while she was unconscious. We told them to return her to Count Worgoch's place on the carriage that brought us here once she felt better. But knowing her, she was going to barge right into the kitchen to try and help Satou.

As for me, the duke and lady Ringrande dragged me into a sitting room, demanding to know all about my battle with the demon lord. I had told the duke some details, but it seemed it wasn't enough. I guess he was too worried about Sara at the time to properly listen to my tale. But even now, there are a few parts he struggles to believe.

"So there really were two greater hell demons down there," The duke gasps, shaking his head. "We were lucky you managed to contain the fight to the old labyrinth beneath the city."

"I find it hard to believe that you could defeat all three of them alone," But lady Ringrande still isn't convinced. "Even if that bell weakened them. Not to mention the demon lord you claim to have fought was the Golden Boar Lord that even the ancestral king couldn't subdue without the aid of the dragons."

"Well, I would have lost too if I didn't know the forge spell," I admit. "I would have never been able to defeat the demon lord's regeneration ability without it."

I didn't think much of the forge spell when I first learned it. I didn't even think I would use it, but that spell saved my life, the lives of my friends, and the city's people.

"Such a faulty spell," Lady Ringrande quietly whispers, looking deep in thought. "How did something like that work?"

"It was most likely because I mixed this in with the spell," I pull out a single vial of that cerulean liquid. I asked Satou for more in case I needed it again. "My forge spell and this combined were enough to defeat the demon lord."

"This is… don't tell me…." Before I could react, lady Ringrande ripped the vial from my hands. "This is an ingredient in making holy weapons. How did you get your hands on this?!"

"Rin, please calm down,"

Lady Ringrande got too worked up over something so small. As soon as she confirmed what it was, I found her shaking me again as she had done on the boat. It was good that the duke was there to pull her back, or I might have ended up with whiplash.

"But she just brought out something so valuable so casually! This stuff is used to make the most powerful of weapons. It should be locked up in a vault!"

"I brought it from a travelling merchant who didn't know what it was," I quickly tell her. "When I asked him about it, he said it had been handed something his grandfather brought, and no one in his family knew what it was or where he brought it."

It was better to lie than tell them Satou made it. If word got out that Satou could make something valuable, he would never have a moment's peace again. They seem to have believed my lie at least, and after a few more questions about that merchant, I take back the vail and secure it away in my inventory.

We move on to other subjects, like the situation in the Muno Barony and the new labyrinth in Seiryuu City. Duke Ougoch was practically interested in the materials from the dungeon. At the same time, lady Ringrande wanted to know more about my fight with the greater hell demon that earned me the hero title. They had heard a lot of rumours about the events in Seiryuu City, apparently. Afterwards, I told them about rescuing Mia and recovering the holy sword Gjallarhorn. Finally, we ended with the standard for me of letting other people see and hold my sword.

But just as I thought things were coming to an end, we hear the commotion from outside as Karina wakes up. The maids looking after her insist Karina rest while they prepare her carriage, but she keeps saying she is fine as they sound like they are running through the halls. It was only a matter of time until something like this happened, but I didn't think she would make such a scene. I wonder if it is her instincts or luck, but she seems to be heading straight for Satou without getting lost. Hopefully, she won't end up destroying the kitchen.

Before long, I was invited to the banquet by the duke, and I found myself in lady Ringrande's room getting changed with her. I am glad I have my own dress to wear instead of having to borrow one from lady Ringrande and be reminded all night of how much of an advantage she has over me.

"Where did you acquire that dress? I have never seen anything like it before,"

"Oh, Satou… he made it,"

I may have made a mistake. I must apologise to Satou and warn him that he may receive more dress orders after tonight. I swear I didn't mean to let his name slip, but I admitted he made the dress before I realised. But it is a lovely dress. It doesn't look out of place among the fashion of the nobility but is more comfortable to wear and is different enough to catch the eye. It seems to have caught lady Ringrande's eye for sure.

"What's it made of?" Lady Ringrande asks as she softly strokes the material of my sleeve. I hope this doesn't become a standard event of the night. "It's dark but soft to the touch…."

"I'm… not sure…." I reply, moving away as she touches my side.

"Oh, are you ticklish by chance?"

"So what if I am?"

I can't help that. I was ticklish in my old world, too. I wish there was some resistance skill in this world but no such luck.


Lady Ringrande and I are the last to arrive at the banquet, and for some reason, I appear to be the guest of honour. It must be just my imagination that the duke probably had this banquet planned long before he knew I existed. Everyone is likely just staring at me because I am new and shiny. But at least most of the guests look like they are already couples, so it doesn't look like I will have to deal with marriage offers tonight.

After greeting everyone, we sit down to eat. We exchanged small talk about everyday subjects during the first few courses, but once Satou's tempura stole the show. Shiitake-like mushrooms, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, shrimp, green shiso, pickled ginger, lotus root, and fanged eel. Satou has outdone himself with variety and taste. It was so good that Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen spent the rest of the meal debating which was better.

Once we had eaten, everyone moved to the salon, where the real discussions began. The younger nobles try to secure funds for ventures while others discuss trade or toast successful deals. As for me, I have been surrounded by a group of noble ladies asking about my dress. I do my best to avoid mentioning Satou this time but finding ways to deflect the comments is hard. Lady Ringrande doesn't seem like she is going to drop Satou's name, so he should be safe from their attention.

"Sir Pendragon! Your tempura is a work of art! That crispy coating on the crunchy shrimp was exquisite!"

"No, no, Marquis Lloyd. The pickled ginger tempura reigned supreme. Nothing else could possibly compete,"

"I beg to differ, Count Hohen. Shrimp is the ultimate tempura. That vivid taste and texture were so unlike boiled or roasted shrimp…."

At last, I get a distraction as Satou's arrival causes Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen to start another great tempura debate. From what I hear, those two are big foodies, and nobles take note of anything they consider to be tasty. It doesn't look like Karina is with Satou, though. I hope it wasn't because of a kitchen-related accident.

"Marquis Lloyd, Count Hohen, I am in complete agreement that tempura is delicious, but please give Sir Pendragon some space. At the very least, he ought to be allowed to greet the duke first,"

"As you wish, Sir Worgoch,"

"Indeed, you make a fair point. Sir Pendragon, let us discuss tempura later,"

The former Count Worgoch was the eldest man present. Thanks to his intervention, Satou was able to free himself and could go and say hello to the duke. But now he gets a taste of what I have been through as all the eyes are on him. The nobles present were the pillars of the Ougoch Duchy, all ranked viscount or higher, primarily the heads or former heads of prominent families.

Even Tolma was present, greeting Satou with a friendly wave and casually complimenting his cooking. I can't see his elder brother, Viscount Siemmen, anywhere. Tolma was probably here in his brother's place.

"Sir Pendragon. Your cooking was truly delicious, and…."

"Wasn't it?"

With a powerful glare, the duke silenced lady Ringrande, sitting beside him.

"I am sure the meal at the evening party will be just as pleasing. I shall make a public call for capable men to send to Muno Barony. If no one comes forward, only then shall I order some to do so,"

"Are you certain? I haven't yet completed my end of the bargain,"

"I insist. Think of it as compensation for tonight's dinner. If you can impress the nobles at the evening party just as much, then I will permit you to solicit donations and investments for the barony as well,"

I really underestimated Satou's cooking abilities. Not only did he impress the duke and everyone else with his tempura, but now that dish secured an unreasonable deal. To think one simple dish could have made such an impact.

"Grandfather, those are rewards for Baron Muno, aren't they? Shouldn't you reward Satou himself, too?"

"Hmm, a fair point… What might you desire?"

And the dish keeps granting greater returns. Thanks to lady Ringrande, the duke seemed to be planning to reward Satou even further. If only Satou had something in mind, he could have replied instantly instead of looking lost momentarily. But then again, I am no better. When I was in his position, I didn't know what to ask for either.

When the duke asked what I wished for as a reward for saving Sara when we arrived at the salon, my mind also went blank. Ultimately, I asked permission to buy magical scrolls and books and secure a look at the dukes and lady Ringrande's privet collection. But for some reason, I felt lady Ringrande wanted to test my magical abilities when she offered to show me her scrolls and books.

"Seeing as you have generously agreed to assist the barony already, I couldn't possibly accept any further reward,"

"Oh really? Restraint's not a virtue, you know! You should be accepting it proudly after the excellent dinner you gave us," Lady Ringrande gave me a similar lecture when I hesitated when asked. "How about this? Would you like to become the exclusive chef of the hero Hayato?"

"Come now, ask whatever you'd like. Do you want Rin as your bride, perhaps?"

"Hey! Grandfather, you know I'm a follower of the hero, so I have no intention of marrying until the demon lord's been dealt with!"

Oh, so he told her. I mentioned it to the holy woman and the duke the night we saved Sara. I didn't see any reason to hide that there were still six more demon lords. It makes sense to tell her since she is a hero's follower.

"I have no such desires that would be so far above my station. Though, if it's at all possible, receiving permission to purchase scrolls and spell books in the duchy would be a most unexpected joy,"

"Hmm. You are truly free of greed to request not the items themselves but simply permission to purchase them. Very well, I shall grant it,"

The generous duke called over a man in a butler's uniform to write up a permit. He was a different man than the one who wrote my permit, but he is probably busy now.

"If you ever decide to quit being Leon's vassal, you ought to come here instead. I would hire you as a chef anytime," The duke commented.

"Wait a minute, Your Grace! Sir Pendragon should be the head chef for the Lloyd family instead. He would be wasted as a mere sous chef!" Marquis Lloyd protested.

"It is most unbecoming to attempt to lure away a vassal of Baron Muno, Marquis Lloyd," Said Count Hohen. Unfortunately, it seemed he wasn't saving Satou. "Incidentally, Sir Pendragon, would you happen to be a married man?"

"No, I feel I'm too young for that, and I have no wish to settle down anytime soon."

"Why, then, you should take one of my daughters or granddaughters around your age. You could become a member of my family if you…."

"Count Hohen! Are you trying to make our knight into your son-in-law?!"

Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen seemed to be good friends. They spent some time jousting over Satou. It turned out there were an awful lot of greedy nobles in this duchy. Several more nobles make bids on Satou after them until the duke silences them. I'm surprised I haven't received any offers like that yet. They certainly have been eyeing me up like a prize all night.

With lady Ringrande's aid, Satou was freed and could speak to others. Because a few of them had workshops and studios in the old capital or rare spell books that might interest him, Satou made sure to get on everyone's good side. The way he goes around makes me think that Satou might have made a good politician back in Japan.

"Sir Satou, hero Kura, it turns out my brother is currently in Labyrinth City on scroll workshop-related business. I'm told he'll return soon by way of the royal capital. Would you mind waiting until then for the scrolls? I don't believe it should be longer than a trimoon, at the very latest,"

"Certainly. We plan to stay in the old capital for a while, so that's not a problem at all,"

Satou's words and my smile seemed to ease Tolma's apologetic mood. A trimoon was only ten days. Since we have been in the city for a while, the wait wasn't a problem. The main problem is the number of invitations we receive for tea and dinner parties.


"I'm sorry to call you here so. late at night, brave hero,"

Just when I thought my night was ending and I was about to leave the duke's castle, a messenger arrived for me. For some reason, I was called to the Tenion temple by request of the holy woman. At first, I was worried something might have happened to Sara, but when I arrived, I saw that wasn't the case.

The head priests or priestesses from all the temples are present. Heraluon, Garleon, Urion, Zaicuon Karion, Tenion and Parion. None of the temples was left out. They all stand and greet me as the holy woman bows apologetically.

"It's fine. I'm sure you wouldn't have sent for me unless it was necessary,"

After showing me a seat, the head priest from the Heraluon temple turns to me. Wearing a ceremonial robe that reminds me of a rising sun, the head priest is a tall elderly man with bright blue eyes a short greying hair.

"So you do have the true hero title," He mutters before clearing his throat and continuing. "We would like you to confirm some facts for us. You fought the demon lord in the labyrinth below the city, correct?"


"The demon lord you fought was the Golden Boar Lord, correct?"


"But you claim six more demon lords will appear this cycle, correct?"


"And how did you learn of this?"

"The dragon god told me the night after I earned the hero title,"

"So you spoke with a god…."

The whole room looks shocked by this news, from the head priests and priestesses all the way to the knights standing guard. They look at me for a moment before collecting themselves.

"A… and did the dragon god say where they would appear?"

"No," I shake my head. "Unfortunately, I only knew there were going to be seven appearing. But I think they would appear everywhere your temples predicted."

"We need to send a message to the capital at once,"

Parion's head priestess, a young lady who appears to be in her twenties, quickly jumps to her feet. She has long blonde hair, green eyes and a chest that moves like Karina's hidden under her light blue robes. But while the others look shocked, one, in particular, seems oddly annoyed.

Zaicuon's head priest. A chubby man with a bold head, cold golden eyes, and currently clenching his hands into tight balls glares at me.

"So we trust the dragon god's words when all she does is sleep and fight," He spits out the words shooting me a hateful look. "How do we know she isn't sending the demon lords?"

"Because the demon lords are the subordinates of the dark god," Urion's head priest, a man in his forties with a muscular body, quickly speaks up. He wears an indigo robe with a golden gavel hanging from a chain around his neck. "Besides, it isn't in the dragon god's nature to needlessly cause death and destruction."

I sat there listening to the priest and priestesses argue back and forth briefly before the holy woman and the head priest from the Heraluon temple calmed everyone down. Zaicuon's head priest really seemed to hate the dragon god for some reason, as he constantly blamed her for all his problems. But once the hatred towards the dragon god was calmed, he turned on me.

"Couldn't this girl be deceiving us?"

"If she was, I would have known right away," Urion's head priest tells him, pointing to the gavel. "Urion is the god of Trial and Judgment. The artefacts he has gifted humanity with grant those who wield them the ability to see the truth."

"I have received an Oracle message from Goddess Tenion regarding the defeat of the demon lord," The holy woman adds. She stands and smiles. "Thank you for protecting my beloved old capital and the oracle priestesses. Priestess Sara is not yet able to leave her bed, but the other two Oracle priestesses have returned to their normal lives."

"I'm glad to hear it,"

I managed to keep my promise and help Sara defeat her fated death. Part of me must have doubted that she would live because the holy woman's words lifted a significant weight off my shoulders. It sounds like she will fully recover, and hopefully, she will be on her feet again in no time.

"Now, we need to decide on what to announce to the public," The head priest from the Heraluon temple says, getting the meeting back on track. "A demon lord has been defeated, but the season of the demon lord isn't over yet. I don't think it will be possible to announce the demon lord's defeat without inciting panic by declaring six more will soon appear."

Everyone stops and thinks for a moment. Will it really be that bad to tell the truth? I'm sure some people will panic, but if we give them hope of victory, it shouldn't spread. Still, I agree that announcements must be careful about what is said. I had no answer to give them or advice.

In the end, the head priests and priestesses agreed to announce the first battle with the demon lord had taken place. They would tell the public I drove the demon lord out of the old capital. The only people to know the truth will be the king and nobility. They said they would announce it tomorrow before everyone left me alone with the holy woman.

I stayed longer than I should have, recharging the Treasurer of Resurrection while we talked about everyday stuff. After eating tea and pastries the temple provided, we talked until the treasurer was recharged, and the holy woman looked about to fall asleep.

"Thank you, Hero Kura. Though I hope that we never have need of this again,"

"As do I,"

Seeing how tired she was, I bid her farewell before returning to Count Worgoch's estate. Satou left in disguise to deliver the list of demon lord worshippers to the duke not long after I made my way to the temple, so he should already be home by now. As long as the duke listens to him, the demon cult should be finished by tomorrow.


As soon as I entered our current home, I found Mia waiting for me frowning. She looked tired as she gave me a disappointed look, but she was looking cute as well with the way she hugged a stuffed rabbit I made her. I ended up making too many toys on the boat. After Nana's horse Mia, Pochi and Tama asked for their own toys. I even ended up making one for little cutie Mayuna.


"Sorry, something came up that I needed to take care of,"

"There you are… wait, Satou isn't with you?" Arisa is the next to appear, wearing a night dress that is too grown up for her. "I swear he better not be visiting another brothel…."

Arisa grumbles to herself as Mia leads me away. I feel sorry for Satou. He is probably enjoying himself right now and has no idea what he is walking into when he returns.


There is something peaceful about the night sky. The shining sky, the big bright moon and the pleasant quietness. Even the chilly bite of the night air isn't that unwelcome after the warm summer we had.

"Lady Seiryuu,"

It's a shame this moment of peace couldn't last longer. My lady-in-waiting means well, but times like these are my only break from the pressure and high standers expected of me. I just simply nod and call back my friend.

"Don't worry, Goldie," I gently stroke his feathers. "You can come out and play again soon."

I dispel my summon, letting her fade away. They only are brief, but her brief flights grant Goldie more freedom in minutes than I get in a year.

"Lady Seiryuu, please come back inside. We will be landing soon and must get ready to disembark,"


I can see the lights of the old capital already. We should have arrived hours ago, but the strong wind we encountered over the Lesseu Earldom delayed our airship. It really was a freak occurrence. I remember the ship's captain even commenting on how unusual it was for rough weather to appear over the Lesseu Earldom this time of year.

I follow my lady-in-waiting back inside the airship. I have a few tasks to take care of in the morning, greeting the duke, meeting with a few noble families that we are close to and paying my respects at the temples. Still, once that is taken care of, it shouldn't take me too long to track her down.