Chapter 41

Side Stories:

A few short segments to show what the girls were up to while Satou and Kura were away.


Mia's Story

It has been a day since we watched them disappear into that subdimension. That was an elf ship, you know. My clan was the one who donated it to the Saga Empire Heroes. It's a good ship. One that could fight demons. No one has to worry about them. Not even a dragon could bring down that ship, you know.

But it's sad. Since we came to this city, Kura has been so busy I rarely see her. Now she has left the city without me for several days and will be just as busy when she returns. But things will get better, you know. We will have plenty of time together as soon as we live this place.

Still, things aren't all bad in this city. There is one place, you know. Filled with spirits and nature. A place humans occasionally relax, but most walk right past it. It's such a waste. A place like this should be enjoyed, you know. It is the perfect place to sit down and practice the lute Ciya gifted me. I've gotten pretty good at it, too, you know. I have been playing it while Kura and the others trained.

"A beautiful song as always, miss elf,"

This must be a human thing. Whenever I play here, humans always drop coins on my coat. I put it down there to sit on, but now the people passing by have ruined it. Coins hurt, you know. At least they drop enough coins for me to buy snacks when I take breaks.


Pearl's Story


Another victory. Ever since I received my reward for winning the martial arts tournament, I haven't had a moment's rest. But despite my busy day, my only complaint is that my opponents are too weak. Most are noble brats who couldn't believe a demi-human could win the tournament. I'm more than happy to prove my strength to them.

"You as strong as they say,"

But my opponent this time was different. He was a knight like my master, not as strong but still talented. Out of everyone I faced today, he is the only one I had to put any effort into beating. He even nearly beat me. I completely underestimated his speed and almost took a hit in the opening seconds of our match. I'm sure my master would have scolded me if she were here for letting my guard down in a fight.

"Thank you," I reply, sheathing my sword before bowing to my opponent. I have no problems bowing to a skilled opponent who doesn't think I am inferior for being a demi-human. "You are the most skilled opponent to face me this day."

Unfortunately, my next opponent isn't like him. A spoiled noble brat by the looks of him. We haven't even crossed swords yet; he already looks like he has won. What a fool. Didn't he just see a skilled warrior be taken down by me? I won't have a problem showing him how misplaced his confidence is. I doubt our match would last more than a few seconds.

"Not bad for a slave," I roll my eyes. He really knows how to make me like him. "You were lucky your previous opponents let you win. You will know true strength when I am through with you."

"Let's have a good match,"

Despite not wanting to, I must show my opponents respect. I bow and draw my sword.

"Yes, let us begin. Feel three to attack any time. I'll be generous and let you have the first… wait!"

That feels good. Seeing the look of terror in his eye as I wipe that smug look from his face is so refreshing. I was overestimating this brat when I said our match would last a few seconds. In only one, I have his sword in my possession and that noble on the ground crowing. I hope my next opponent will put up more of a fight.


Nana's Story

This is heaven. Why won't Hero Kura let us live like this every day? The larvae are smiling and laughing as we play.

"You are doing a good job with the children, Miss Nana. Thank you for coming today to help out,"

"No, I should be thanking you, lady Sara, I insist. Without you vouching for me, I would never have been able to play with the larvae,"

"It's the least I can do after you and Hero Kura rescued me from the demon lord," It is clear why Hero Kura calls Lady Sara an angel. The way she smiles does match the images of angels I have stored in my database. "Besides, the children are so happy when you visit."

Yes. Smiling larvae is the best. I wish Hero Kura would let me take some with us. Their smiles will brighten up our trip. Maybe I could bring a few back with me. I'm sure when Hero Kura will change her mind when she plays with the larvae. But everyone is working against me.

"Miss Nana, it will be too dangerous for the children,"

I didn't even get to ask Lady Sara for help before she turned me down. Why is everyone trying to foil my goal of having a larvae paradise? Maybe I could sneak one out.


Pochi, Tama and Liza's Story

"Pochi, be careful of the people in front of us!"

"Pochi is always careful, sir!"

It was a mistake to job through the city instead of the manor grounds.

"Tama, don't slide under a carriage like that!"

"But it blocked my way!"

Those two are a handful at the best of times, but now they want to get strong enough to impress our master when he returns. I admire how seriously they take their lessons with Mr Kajiro, but they can't be this careless in the city streets. It would reflect poorly on our master if we were to cause trouble for the citizens of this city. I shouldn't have agreed to let them leave the manor.

"You two need to slow down!"

Pochi and Tama have too much energy. We have been running for nearly an hour, and they don't seem tired. Still, at least they aren't fast enough that I lose sight of them. Just how much longer can they… oh they finally dropped from exhaustion. I stop and take a moment to catch my breath.

"You two should have said something if you were this tired,"

"P… Pochi can still… run… sir…."

"This is… nothing… we can go… on…."

"This is enough training for today," I pick both girls up and carry them under my arms. "We are returning to the manor."

"B… but… training, sir…."

"We… are not beaten…."

These two… while I like their spirit, they need to slow down before they hurt themselves.

"Do you want to be too tired to eat dinner tonight," I tell them as I walk. "I believe Miss Lulu said we were having hamburg steak."

"That… bad, sir,"

"We'll rest our stomachs…."


Arisa's Story

There are so many options, but that is a big city for ya. The stores had everything I could have wanted and more. I was so glad I still had some pocket money saved up. Now let's get to work. What would Satou like more to see when we reunite? A classic schoolgirl uniform or maybe a nurse outfit or sexy teacher look? I should make some other things too. I have a few design ideas that will make Satou regret not asking for nightly services from me.

But I should make stuff for the others too. A lovely dress for Lulu that will bring out her natural beauty and show this world how wrong it was to call my big sister ugly. Or I could make a cute maid outfit for her to wear while serving our master. It would be nice if Satou would take both of us as his wife.

But I should get the most essential outfit done first. I'll make sure to craft something that will make Satou unable to turn me away from his bed at night. Just wait. I will be able to show you my amazing nightly service.


Lulu's Story

Perfect. It doesn't compare to my master's cooking, but I am confident people will like this. I have been practising the recipes my master Satou had left me none stop since he left. So far, everyone seemed to like my meals, but I am nervous about my master's opinion. Will he like it if I cook this for his dinner when he returns?

"Miss Lulu, your cooking truly is on another level,"

"You are good enough that I bet the king would employ you once he had a chance to taste your cooking,"

"Oh no… I am still nothing compared to my master…."

The maids looking after the guest manor have been so kind to me. They showed me all the best stores and traded recipes with me.

"Yeah, even cold, his cooking is unrivalled," Everyone loved my master's cooking. That was an unquestioned fact. "Hey, do you know if Master Satou is married?"

"Ma… married…? No… we… I mean, he isn't…."

"Oh, so I have a shot at snagging him and eating his cooking for the rest of my life,"

"Stop that. Sir Satou is a noble now. Us servants can only admire from afar,"


I can only admire him from afar… master would never….

"Hey! Lulu, are you in here?!"

"Arisa, please don't shout,"

My sister and I were former members of a royal familiar of a fallen kingdom, but you could never tell with Arisa's behaviour. Despite how I love seeing Arisa so carefree and happy, she must remember her behaviour when others are around.

"I know, I know but come with me for a second,"

"Arisa, please calm down,"

Before I know what is happening, Arisa has my hand and is dragging me from the room. She's moving so fast that I must run to avoid being dragged.

"But I just finished a dress for you, and I need to know if it fits,"

"Arisa, you shouldn't waste pretty things like that on someone like me,"

"But why wouldn't you want to dress up a beautiful young lady," Arisa. She and my master are the only people I can believe genuinely mean it when they say stuff like that. "Plus, I'm sure our master would fall in love with you when he sees you in this dress, Lulu."

"Lo… love me…."

Well, I suppose it can't hurt to try on this dress.