Chapter 44

The day after our trip to the orphanage, I hoped to spend it relaxing, but unfortunately, Princess Menea swept into the room where Satou was reading, and I was helping Pochi and Tama draw. She was smiling and waving to us, but despite her cheery greeting, it was pretty clear that she was very irritated. At first, I wasn't quite sure what was wrong. However, after a few minutes of conversation, it became clear that the princess had come to demand an explanation from Satou.

"You promised we would meet after your trip today," She said, her anger rising. "What happened to that promise? I simply couldn't wait for your invitation any longer, sir Satou... miss hero, it is a pleasure to see you again,"

I think they promised to go sightseeing together, but I could be mistaken since Rusus and Fifi were playing a game with me at the time.

"Hey, your highness, how much longer do we have to be quiet?"

Princess Menea wasn't alone when she came to visit. Sat next to her was a brown-haired girl who looked to be around Arisa's age.


A black-haired boy tried to get the girl to be quiet, but she didn't appear to be listening.

"I apologise for her poor manner, Sir Satou... miss hero, I'm looking after these two children, you see. You two, Introduce yourself to Sir Satou and Hero Kura,"

"Mm'kay! The name's Yui Akasaki. I used to be an idol. Do you two recognise me?"

Yui was a petite but charming girl with brown hair that reached her shoulders and dark eyes. She didn't look like any of the idols around her age I had seen on TV, but something was amiss. When Yui talked, her lips didn't move in sync with the words that escaped her mouth.

"Yui, don't be rude. Speak like a proper young lady,"

"Yeah, yeah,"

Despite Princess Menea scolding her, Yui doesn't look like she will change. The princess must have noticed, too, as she continues to lecture Yui as the boy speaks up.

"I'm Aoi Haruka,"

"He might not look like it, but Aoi is a boy, y'know!"

Yui adds as she ignores the princess scolding her. Aoi had long hair for a boy and large black eyes. It would be easy to mistake him for a girl. Both he and Yui look Japanese and have names from that world. They must be the surviving people summoned by the Lumork Kingdom.

"So, which version of Japan are you two from?" Yui asks, hopping up and pointing in our direction. "Are you from the Great Island Empire Japan, like Aoi? Or maybe the Southern Japan Federation, like me? Wait, you're not from the People's Republic of Northern Japan, are you?"

I wasn't anticipating that yet it doesn't shock me in the least since this alternate reality exists in equal measure to my original world. It makes me wonder if there's a version of Japan out there where people have access to magic. I'm more astounded that I didn't consider this potential sooner. However, Satou, Arisa, and I only mentioned the word 'Japan' when we spoke about our original worlds.

"C'mon, which one?"

"None of the above. According to records, my ancestors are from the country of Japan,"

Satou gives his standard reply when it comes to this question.

"And you?"

Yui is getting too close to me, even with Princess Menea trying to pull the girl back into her seat.

"The town of Puta. Say you are from the town of Puta,"

"Nope, I'm from a small town called Puta,"

Satou gave me a curious glance when the Dragon God mysteriously whispered into my ear, something he didn't seem to have noticed. I wonder what the powerful deity said and if she will tell me anything else. I can only hope that her plans aren't too crazy or outrageous.

"Aw, man, you're both natives? Here I thought one of you two might be the eighth person," Yui sank back into her seat. "Too bad, your Highness. You seemed pretty excited when you thought you might've found the eighth person."

She must have had her hopes up. Princess Menea looked troubled as she sat there in silence.

"By the eighth person, do you mean one of the Japanese people who was summoned to your kingdom, your Highness?" Satou asks.

"I... indeed. They're missing, you see,"

"Yeah, 'cause a demon got 'em,"

"Yui!" Princess Menea swiftly silenced Yui for her careless remark.

"What does that mean?"

"The... the truth is..." Princess Menea looks down, reluctant to answer Satou, but she tells him in the end. "When the final summoning rite took place, a black greater demon attacked the royal castle. The demon destroyed the altar used for summoning, along with much of the castle, and carried off the person who'd just been summoned."

No one was strong enough to stop the demon, and most people were trapped by the falling debris of the crumbling castle. But according to one of the survivors who saw the eighth person, the recently summoned person had short black hair. No one saw their face; the summoned person might even be a girl. Still, Satou looked worried for a second there. Is it possible he really is the eighth person?

"When did this happen?" I ask as Satou looks like he is thinking things through.

"A little over two months ago. Do you remember when countless meteors fell in the northern sky? It was the day before that,"

"The star fall..."

I look to Satou, and he really is worrying he might be the eighth person. No one else seems to notice, but Satou is clearly running the events of that day through his mind. Could it really be him? No. Satou is too strong to be summoned by them... it must be just a coincidence.

"Too bad neither of you aren't the eighth summon, though?"

"Why is that?"

For once Yui speaking out was helpful. She managed to grab Satou's attention and snap him out of his thoughts.

"Well, it'd be pretty cool if a normal person from Japan managed to become some big-shot noble, right? It'd give the rest of us hope that we can make something of ourselves here, too,"

Yui must be dreaming big. She has sparks in her eyes as she lists what she wishes to do in this world.

"Wouldn't it be faster for you to marry rich, Yui?" Aoi asked.

"Eh, I dunno, all the nobles here have sorta European features. I like Japanese guys like Satou here. Oh, I know! Satou, if you become a high-class noble, wanna get married?"

Yui is undoubtedly an ambitious dreamer, and while she may be cute and friendly, life as nobility could pose a more significant challenge for her than it would for me. Despite my fear of encountering the king and saying something that could get me killed, I'm not sure she is cut out for noble life.

"Yui! If you want to marry a nobleman, you'll have to learn etiquette, a the very least," Menea gives Yui a cold stare.

"Oh, my bad. You've already got your sights on this one, right, your Highness?"

"Y... Yui!... Sir Satou, I must apologise again for Yui's rudeness,"

Princess Menea is bright red as she tries to cover Yui's mouth, but the former idol is too fast for her and slips out of reach.

"But your Highness, don't you need to nab a high-ranking noble of the Shiga Kingdom 'cause your fiancé got killed?"

"Yui, can't you put things a bit more delicately?"

"C'mon, forget about some stupid prince whose kingdom got wrecked by the Weaselman Empire. You gotta live in the moment and find someone new! You said you hardly even knew the guy, right?"

Aoi's attempt to stop Yui wasn't enough as Yui continued.

"Yui, that's quite enough,"

"R... right,"

Princess Menea finally got Yui to stay quiet with a deathly quiet voice. Yui sat back down, looking like she might finally behave. After Satou stirred the conversation back to the summoned Japanese people, Princess Menea was more than happy for the change of topic. Princess Menea and company told us all about the other summons.

The first two started screaming strangely and charged at the royals. They were cut down by the guards before they could take more than a few steps. They were probably just trying to figure out what was happening and where they were.

The third was a young man in his late teens. They gave him a translation right, but he fled the castle that same day. He didn't make it very far. By the time the soldiers sent after him caught up, he was already dead and devoured by monsters in a nearby forest. There was no body, but they were sure he was dead when they found his arm and a large pool of blood. Part of me hopes that he is still alive since there was no body, but that is probably a foolish dream. This world is a dangerous and cruel world, after all.

The fourth person was a man in his thirties. I couldn't fault the Lumork Kingdom for his death. In the midst of his battle training, the man attempted to attack a noble who was observing his training. According to Princess Menea, the man was executed later that day. He was probably desperate and wanted to escape the life they forced on him, but that doesn't excuse his attempted murder.

The fifth person was a woman in her late twenties. After they gave her the translation ring and explained the situation... the woman sadly took her own life that same night.

"Suicide? Why?"

"The late king told her that we had no way of sending her home,"

"Really? Couldn't the summoning rune simply be changed to return someone home?"

"Lady Yuriko's power, which was used to summon people from Nippon, is very unstable. Even with the help of the weaselfolk's summoning-rite device, she was never able to connect to the same world twice,"

Yuriko had a Unique Skill called World Connection. From what Princess Menea is able to describe, this skill was able to connect to parallel worlds. Unfortunately, it had two flaws. She couldn't control which world she would connect to or reach out to the same world twice.

"Finally, the sixth person is Aoi, and the seventh is Yui,"

So aside from Aoi and Yui, the others are all dead. I can understand why Hayato and his party members held such hatred for the Lumork Kingdom. Not only did they kidnap eight people, but they got most of them killed. At least Princess Menea looks like she is taking responsibility for Aoi and Yui. But Satou still asks his next question.

"So how is the Lumork Kingdom going to look after these two children from now on?"

"They won't be left to the kingdom at all. I'm going to be studying abroad at the royal academy in the Shiga Kingdom, so I intend to bring them with me as my attendants,"

It is probably for the best. At least with Princess Menea, Aoi and Yui won't be forced to do something they don't want to do. They will probably even be able to study at the academy, too, if Princess Menea takes them with her. Just then, there was a knock at the door, and the butler entered the room.

"Sir Knight, sir Hero is here to see you,"

"Oh, really," Satou looks like he has something to say. "Please show him in."

"Right away, sir,"

Yui was looking excited to hear who the guest was, earning another scolding from Princess Menea, but once again, she shrugged it off.

"Yo, Satou! Sorry to show up out of nowhere,"

"Whoa! He's a total hottie!"

Yui leapt for the Hayato, but Rin intercepted her. Princess Menea my be too slow and weak to stop Yui, but Rin has no problem forcing Yui back into her seat. Death glares were sent her way from Princess Meriest and Priestess Loleiya, who had also accompanied Hayato.

"Hmm? Who is the improper child? She looks a bit like you three," Princess Meriest scoffs while glancing between the kids, Hayato, Satou and me.

"That's correct. They're from a Japan slightly different from Sir Hayato's," Satou quickly informs them.

"Oh, so you're victims of the Lumork Kingdom..."

Hayato frowned as he walked over to Yui and gently patted her on the top of her head.

"Hey! Don't treat me like a kid! I was a pretty popular idol back in the day, you know!"

"Oh, yeah? I'm sorry,"

"No worries. Anyway, there's something I gotta ask you, hero. Is it possible for us to get back to Japan?" Yui asked Hayato in a bright and cheerful voice.

Unfortunately, Hayato doesn't look like he has good news. In contrast to Yui's optimistic look, Hayato has a grime expression as looked at his companions.

"Meri, Rin, Loleiya. Do you know anything about it?"

"No, I'm afraid it's not been passed down in the Saga Empire,"

"As far as I know, there's no method in the Shiga Kingdom, either. We could try investigating the forbidden books in the royal castle, but they're off-limits to anyone but the King or the Lady of the Forbidden Archives, the sixth princess, Sistina,"

"The Parion Temple of the Saga Empire has no information, either. Perhaps the Parion Province in the west would know more, but I believe it would be best not to get one's hopes too high,"

Too bad. I had hoped there would be a way. Maybe there is some information regarding how to get back home sealed away in some forbidden library or vault.

"Gotcha. No dice, huh?"

"So we can't go back... I won't get to see my grandpa or my grandma or my friends from school... ever again..."

"What about you, Kura?" But the Hayato speaks up. "I have heard you can speak with the Dragon God. Can you ask her about getting those two home?"

"I can try," I nod. It was a good idea. "But I will have to wait for them to contact me, so I can't say when I will be able to ask the Dragon God about it."

Considering she just spoke to me, I think she already knows and will give me the answer sooner then they think. I pray I will be able to bring those two some good news. After hearing my answer, at least Aoi and Yui appear to have some more hope. Aoi was crying in Princess Menea's embrace, but he weakly smiled. Yui meanwhile slapped her checks lightly.

"All right!" The sulking ends now! From here on, I'm aiming to be the best idol in this world or maybe the queen of some kingdom,"

Yui really does dream big, and her ambitions keep growing. She could give Arisa a run for her money. Yui jumps up, raising her fist to the sky, narrowly avoiding hitting Hayato.

"C'mon, Aoi. You're pretty smart, so I bet you could be the best inventor in the world or something!"

"Leave me alone, Yui. I could never be the best at anything,"

"Oh, don't give up before you even try. We're still kids, so we're supposed to just run forward as fast as we can, even if we fall on our faces!"

"But what if I do fall?"

"Don't be stupid. The important thing is that you keep running! That's just how we are,"

"You mean that's how you are, Yui..."

Despite his doubts, Aoi looks brighter by the second with Yui's encouragement. As long as they don't lose that optimism and Princess Menea keeps supporting those two, then Yui and Aoi should have bright futures ahead of them.

"Sorry, I couldn't give you better news," Hayato bows.

"Nah, it's not your fault,"

"All right. Sorry, Princess Menea, Kura, but can I borrow Satou for a bit,"

"Y... yes, of course. My business is by no means urgent, so I will excuse myself,"

"He's all yours,"

Princess Menea and I leave the room with Aoi and Yui in tow. We bid goodbye at the gate with the princess and those two heading to the Duke's castle while I take a brief walk. Everyone else is busy with their own thing, apart from Arisa, who was napping when I last saw her. I figured I would explore the city for a little bit.

Without any plans or a destination in mind, I soon found myself in a street bustling with shops overflowing with goods. Although the aromas of the food carts were tantalising, it was too early to enjoy a meal. Instead, I perused the items in the stores for sale.

"Welcome to Secret Sea!" A cheerful kid smiles and waves as she struggles to look over the counter. "If you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you,"

When I first saw the shop, it seemed to be selling items that they claimed came from the sea, but my appraisal skill soon confirmed what I had been suspecting. The items came from the nearby river. Despite this, I found that the items this place offered were relatively affordable and well-suited to gifting purposes. Necklaces made from shells, stones that were marked with fossil imprints, and some bones that they said were used to make medicine for pain and discomfort.

These items were all on display in the shop. I ended up buying some of the bones and what looked like some interesting fossils, and I was satisfied with my purchases. Ultimately, I didn't mind that the items were not from the sea, as they made excellent gifts and were inexpensive.

"Is that everything?"


"Okay, then it will be... one... two... three..."

"Here. Take this,"

"But that is..."

"It's fine,"

After estimating that I should only pay six silver for the fossils and bones, I paid eight. This was primarily due to the kind gesture I witnessed of the kid sharing her lunch with her seemingly younger sister, who looked quite undernourished. With the extra money I gave her, I just hope she can now afford to get some food.

At the second shop, I found second-hand clothing. However, they were all dirty and torn, so no purchases were made. On the other hand, I found a butcher's shop and purchased some meat for dinner some night. The owner warned me that it would be chewy. However, this shouldn't be a problem since Liz likes her food chewy, and Pochi and Tama are not picky about their meat.

I didn't anticipate buying so much from the fourth store, but it turned out to be a general store with all sorts of items that I thought might be helpful along the journey. These included string, thread, rope and anti-insect powder. The elderly couple who ran the store were very pleased with the amount of supplies I purchased.

At the fifth and last store I visited, I found an impressive selection of wooden boxes and barrels of varying sizes. I hadn't planned on purchasing any of them that day, but upon further consideration, I decided that a few barrels would be incredibly beneficial. I bought two large, two medium and five small barrels, making liquid storage much more straightforward.

My unplanned shopping trip turned out to be beneficial, as I found some really useful stuff. While browsing around, I stumbled across a food stall selling fried fish on a stick. It was incredibly delicious! I was so taken aback by its unprecedented goodness that I decided to buy not one but two! I knew that everyone else would love it too. I brought some for them and put them away into my storage before finding a place to sit down for a moment.

"You got them?"

My enhanced hearing allowed me to overhear a suspicious conversation as I ate. Glancing around, I noticed what seemed to be an underhanded deal between a Tigerfolk man and an unknown individual. Although their features were concealed due to their hooded robes, the other person appeared to have dark fur, meaning they were demi-human.

"And no one saw you?"

"No, no one never does,"

From what I can tell, the Tigerfolk man is the buyer in this deal.

"You have her location, right?"

"It's all here. Your princess is being held with the other slaves. I also added the location of the guards and their schedules. Everything you need to rescue your princess,"

I'll have Satou keep an eye on the situation just in case, but I'm hoping they don't stir up too much trouble while trying to save their princess.

After I had finished my meal, I found myself in a park admiring a troupe of acrobats. They were skilful, performing jumps and flips with trust that seemed unbreakable. However, the sheer harmony of their actions truly captivated me. Everyone was moving together, always in the right place. I enjoyed the show immensely, and when the crowd began to pay out, I also put some silver coins into the hat one of them used to collect donations.

"Hey! Miss hero!"

As I was about to depart, a man in his mid-thirties who was part of the troupe of acrobats called out to me. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a powerfully built frame. There familiar about him. I felt as if I had seen him before.

"Thank you for healing me the other day. I was able to perform without a hitch, thanks to your magic,"

I definitely remember him now. He was one of the individuals I assisted at the orphanage while Sara took a respite. If I'm not mistaken, he had mentioned discomfort in his lower back.

"I'm glad you are feeling better," I smile back.

"Better? I am so much more than better," The man laughs. "I feel like a new person. I can perform that I used to, thanks to your magic. I cannot thank you enough for what you did."

"You don't have to thank me, sir," I continue to smile. "I help people because I want to, not for a reward. I'm glad to hear of your improvement. You and your friends are really talented."

"We have a really great group here," The man nodded, smiling. "We've known each other since we were kids. We shared so many memories growing up together. And now we can show everyone our talents, all thanks to you. When I thought I'd never be able to perform again, you were the one who brought me back. So if there's ever anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask."

"It's okay," I shake my head. "Just keep making people of this world happy, and that will be enough for me."

"That I can do," The man laughs again before we say farewell and part ways.

I decided to make a swift exit before the whispers started to swirl around me. I didn't want to end up like Hayato after he visited the orphanage the other day. I've realised just how difficult it is to try and be a hero sometimes. Getting out of there before anyone got too worked up was the best decision.

"I scouted out the area," I ended up overhearing two Tigerfolk as I passed by the alley. "The princess is there but under heavier guard than we suspected. We might not have enough people for this."

"We will still proceed with the plan. We can't let our princess remain in those conditions,"

Something really is going to happen soon. As long as they don't do anything too bad, I am not planning on getting involved. They just need to get their princess out safely and quietly.

Seeing the time, I only make one final stop before returning home. I visited the store by the arena that sold tea and coffee. I brought large bags of a few types of coffee and tea before heading home. But I underestimated how busy the streets would get. When I returned to the guest mansion, it was almost time for dinner.


"Hero Kura, it is ill-advised for a woman to stay out so late alone. My library says there is a high chance of attack. Please take someone with you next time, I advise,"

Nana and Mia greet me at the door. I pat Mia on the head as I apologise for being out so late, then stop Nana when she starts listing the statistics of being attacked in various ways. I'm surprised she knows all that when she acts in... some dangerous ways herself.

"I take it everyone else is training," Looking at the clock, I see it is around that time.

"Pearl, Liza, Tama and Pochi are indeed training, but Lulu is helping in the kitchen, and Satou disappeared with Sir Hayato. Arisa is passed out with a nosebleed while listing the explicit activities she thinks those two are up to and is currently in her room,"

"Mmm... very explicit..." Mia confirms with a nod as she turns bright red.

"And finally, Mia and I are currently with you. I conclude my report,"

I'm glad Nana was the one to answer me. It would have taken Mia three or four times as long to relay that information. Still, she didn't need to tell me that she and Mia were with me. But at least I know I can depend on her to give me the information I need.

Satou arrives home shortly after me after spending all day sparing with Hayato. It sounded like she had a good time, and later that night, he was able to pass on the skills he learned from Hayato to me. Strength, Endurance Enhancement, Muscle Enhancement, Iron Skill, Defence Shell, Magic Power Armour, Foresight Versus Human, Field Control, Sixfold Rapid Attack, Gap Attack and Gap Defence. I ended up spending all my remaining skill points on those new skills.

Strength level ten, Endurance Enhancement level eight, Muscle Enchantment level five, Iron Skin level ten, Defence Shell level five, Magic Power Armour level five, Gap Attack level ten, Gap Defence level ten, Foresight Versus Human level five, Field Control level five and Sixfold Rapid Attack level ten.

Trying out these skills in sparing matches against Satou and Pearl, I am starting to understand how to best use them. Satou certainly had a great day to be able to learn such valuable skills. I had earned the Sword Dancer title by the time we retired for the night.

The following day we parted ways with Hayato and his party. Joining the crowd of nobles, we had to wait to bid goodbye to him after the king of the Shiga Kingdom and the emperor of the Saga Empire spoke with him. They didn't take long but made a big show of Hayato's farewell. Crowds of people, musicians and speeches. The who even was just too much for a simple goodbye.

"First, we're checking the Labyrinth City Celivera in the Shiga Kingdom and the Yowork Kingdom, then heading to the Parion Province,"

When it is finally our turn to speak with Hayato, we exchange plans quickly before saying our goodbyes. I had no idea how hard being a hero was. Hayato is putting in a lot of hard work to find a demon lord, and one appeared before me when I wasn't even seeking one out.

"Princess Arisa, please take care until we meet again,"

"I shall pray that fortune is on your side, sir Hayato,"

Arisa took Hayato's hand and smiled. Amusingly, Hayato's face turned red just from a bit of hand-holding. He really is a lolicon through and through. Hayato had to hide his embarrassment by heading up the ramp of his magical airship. But he managed to compose himself by the time he turned around to call out Satou.

"Don't you dare laugh, Satou! Listen, make sure you don't lose control because of Arisa's cuteness, got it? Always adhere to the law of 'Yes, Lolita! No touching!"

He's lucky no one understood what he meant. Satou also got lucky that no one noticed Arisa just pinched his bottom. She has been getting too daring lately. But despite that, we all still smile and wave as we say our goodbyes to Hayato and his party.

"Well, there he goes,"

Satou comments as we watch the Jules Verne fly away.

"Yeah," Arisa nods.

We stayed until we couldn't see the ship any more. Satou, like the others, were luckier than me. They got to leave right away, while I had to socialise with the nobility for a few hours after that. At least I had Henry there, which made things more bearable.


"An escort for an auction?"

"That's right. I'm told it will be held in the black market across the God's-Crossing Bridge,"

It was the day after Hayato, and his party left, and Princess Menea paid us another visit. Yui, Aoi, and the knight that came with us on the dragon-slaying quest are also here. The God's-Crossing Bridge was a large bridge across the big river near the city. I didn't realise it had a cool name like that.

"Sir Knight..."

"What's the matter, Mr. Sebaf?"

The elderly butler Sebaf approached Satou looking concerned. It was unlike him to interrupt people like this, so it must be important.

"The black market district, Muraas, is rather a dangerous area. The auction your Highness mentioned is known as a dark auction that trades in illegal goods, not an officially sanctioned auction,"

Princess Menea swiftly put a hand to her mouth to cover her surprised reaction to Sebaf's explanation.

"With your prowess, sir Knight, I doubt you would have any problems with ruffians and their ilk. However, Muraas is home to many disreputable businesses, so it might lead to some unfavourable gossip if you were seen there. If you do intend to go, I would encourage you to bring a recognition-inhibiting magic tool,"

"Thank you, Mr. Sebaf,"

Sebaf bowed and humbly stepped away without judgement once he said his piece.

"What do you wish to do, your Highness?"

Satou asks. I don't think she would have needed something at the auction. She must want something done there. It must be important if Princess Menea was willing to go to an unsafe place for it.

"Why don't you just get Mr Satou to find someone to sell us some?"


At first, Princess Menea got angry with Yui. However, she must have decided she didn't have much choice, so she explained why she wanted to go.

"It's not that I have no money whatsoever, but if I'm going to study abroad in a major power like the Shiga Kingdom, I'm afraid I find myself a bit short..."

So it was money she wanted. Princess Menea intended to sell the soul grass she picked from the dragon mission, the Blood Crimson Magic Core I gifted her, and some other things she'd brought from her hometown. Those things included a large lump of dark stone, fragrant wood, teaware, a few art pieces and two memo pads.

"Is this Japanese?"

I had the same question on my mind, but I couldn't ask it. Unlike Satou, I have been telling people I don't understand Japanese. They looked like they were written by the same person who wrote the pottery notes Satou had found.

"Yes, it was given to me by the third person who was summoned,"

"Have a look at this, if you would,"

Satou took the memo out of his storage by way of his pocket and showed it to the group.

"Hey, it's the same!"

"Yeah, I'm no expert, but this looks like the same handwriting to me,"

Yui and Aoi compared the notes and nodded in agreement.

"Sir Satou, wherever did you acquire this memo?"

"From a grey ratfolk friend of mine. I haven't met the person who wrote it, but..."

Satou stopped when he saw that Princess Menea was starting to cry as she clutched the memo.

"Thank goodness..."

Aoi and Yui comforted her from either side. It looked like she was generally relieved and not just putting on an act that the third person was alive. While she recovered, Satou and I looked over the notes she'd brought out. One talked about raising shellfish and culturing pearls, while the other was a table of alloys and their mixture ratios. They weren't complete, but what was written was accurate. Still, Satou looks like he is interested in buying them.

"I think that the third person might have been in Seiryuu City at some point..."

I comment after reading the notes over. I had seen a chief in the castle using a similar memo to prepaid soy sauce. Now that I think about it, his description does match that of Lilio's boyfriend... it might just be a coincidence, but I still pass that information on to Princess Menea.

"Is he doing okay? Is he still in Seiryuu City?"

"It sounds like he is doing fine... but I haven't met him in person. Unfortunately, he had already left Seiryuu City by the time I arrived there,"

"So he's gone..."

The princess looked like she was about to cry again after I answered her rapid-fire questions, but Yui was there for her.

"Don't worry, princess. The trail might have gone cold, but we know he is alive now,"


"Recognition-Inhibiting magic tools vary in price by grade. We deal in grades one through six, and the inhibition rate increases with each grade. In addition, grades four and higher can only be purchased by nobles of the old capital,"

Once Princess Menea calmed down, Satou and I went with her to the magic toll shop in the noble district to buy recognition-inhibiting magic tools. Princess Menea was accompanied by her escort knight, but Aoi and Yui stayed behind at the guest manor with Arisa and the others, keeping them company.

I only came out of curiosity. Satou would be accompanying Princess Menea to the dark auction, not me. I just wanted to know more about these recognition-inhibiting magical tools and if I could see through them. It turned out that wasn't a problem for me at all. I could see through all the grades the recognition-inhibiting magical tools with my analysis skill. When it comes to these grade one, one can block someone with the analysis skill of level one, so someone would need a grade ten recognition-inhibiting magic tool to fool me.

I actually had plenty of recognition-inhibiting magic tools in my storage. I had found them on the Wings of Freedom cult members. They ranged in grades from four to nine, but most of them had words like demonic and demon lord added to their names, so I didn't want to use them.

"Even a grade three would also make it difficult for someone without the analysis skill to notice who you are, so it should be more than enough for a little trip to the black market,"

"How did you know?"

The shopkeeper chuckles when Princess Menea looks surprised.

"Whenever there is a tournament in town, you can be sure that visiting nobles from other kingdoms and fiefdoms will want to visit the black market,"

No wonder the store seemed so well stocked in these recognition-inhibiting magic tools. I was starting to get worried about how easy it was to get hold of such dangerous items. But while I was thinking about it, Satou and the escort knight chose a mask type that hid the upper half of their faces, while Princess Menea chose a veil type.

"Grade three are three gold coins apiece, so I'll accept seven gold coins for the three of them,"

"That's quite affordable for magic tools,"

I couldn't help but comment upon hearing the price the shopkeeper offered. I was expecting him to charge them two or three times the price.

"Well, grade three and below will lose their effectiveness after a few years, and they require the wearer to refresh the magic power supply every few minutes,"

With such a reasonable price, Satou didn't hesitate to pay. He brought all three of them, much to Princess Menea's distress.

"Wait a moment, sir Satou. I think my guard and I will buy grade-one tools instead, please. Grade one would be cheaper correct,"

"Yes, that would be one gold coin apiece,"

Looking at princessMenea's expression, it was clear that the price was still far too expensive for her. She was pretty good at saving money for someone raised in the royal castle. Still, in the end, Satou brought the grade three tools and let them borrow the two they picked out.

When we returned to the mansion, the butler had prepared a small plain-looking horse-drawn carriage to take Satou and company to the black market. I saw them off before leaving myself. Unfortunately, there were maids already waiting to prepare me for the evening. Tomorrow Henry and her mother will return to Seiryuu City in the morning, and I was invited to have dinner with them tonight. I certainly wasn't expecting the other guests.

"Good evening Hero Kura,"

When I arrived, the king greeted me first, and it all made sense why the maids had forced me into such an ornate, though uncomfortable, costume. I certainly wasn't expecting it! I can only hope that Satou soon brings in some less tortuous garments. This sort of clothing is almost lethal.

"You're Highness,"

I've lost count of how often I've dipped my head out of respect for the king. It's practically become a reflex by now, though I don't mind bowing to him. He's quite gracious and friendly, after all. We sat and chatted in the drawing room for about an hour prior to our dinner. Our conversation didn't have a particular focus or purpose. We discussed the reconstruction project of the arena and surrounding area and some general topics.

I was so sorry that Pochi and Tama could not join us for dinner since it was fantastic. The chef had remarkable skills, and the meat dishes came close to matching the meals Satou prepared. Clearly, they had gone to great lengths in order to accommodate the king. They even brought out the best wine to impress him.

Lady Seiryuu expressed her gratitude to the king for the support he offered to Seiryuu City. They spoke of how the city was progressing, and Lady Seiryuu looked like she felt a sense of great pride that things were beginning to look up.

The king initially wanted to discuss the notorious Prince Sharorik but luckily changed the topic to the heroic qualities of his heir, Prince Soltrick. Admiration shined in his voice as he spoke of the Prince's remarkable swordsmanship and battle prowess while critically analysing my reactions. After discussing Seiryuu City, the conversation took a more positive turn.

At every opportunity, the king brings up his son, Prince Soltrick, touting his swordsmanship and leadership skills. The Prince has funded the construction of new roads, which has increased trade within and outside the kingdom and has become an icon of hope and pride for the people of the royal capital. Does the king perhaps wish to convince me to recruit his son into my party?

If I am to recruit the Prince, I need to meet him first. Prince Sharorik has broken my faith in the Prince, and I'm sure the king will understand the trouble the Prince has caused me when I tell him. The king doesn't demand that I recruit Soltrick; he just discusses his accomplishments and observes my actions. If I had given some fascination to his words, I think the king may have even recommended it. Luckily, I stayed emotionless throughout the evening, thanks to my poker face skill.

By the end of the meal, I had learned more about Prince Soltrick than I anticipated. The king was vigorously trying to persuade me to recruit him. However, when I arrive at the royal capital, I will be sure to meet him. If Prince Soltrick is as the king described him, I will be more than content to recruit him. However, I won't hesitate to leave him behind if he is anything like his brother, Prince Sharorik.

As I made my way back home, the streets were eerily quiet. I wish the carriage had an open roof, so I could fully take in the beauty of the stars, but alas, I had to settle for gazing at them for a few seconds before climbing inside. Once I settled into the carriage, I could relax and ride home in peace. At least, I tried to...

"Stop the carriage,"

Without hesitation, I leapt out of the carriage as the coachman stared at me in confusion. Violently shaking his head, he had no time to ask me why I was in such a hurry, for I had already noticed a friend in peril and couldn't delay any further.

Sara and her few remaining knights are bravely battling the flaming red slugs. Being close to them is unbearable, as they fill the air with intense heat. Sadly, the knights seem to be in a dire state, and out of the four members, three have been killed off, while the last one doesn't look like he can survive for much longer. To make matters worse, Sara struggles to keep up a magical barrier, shielding herself and a group of little children from the vicious slugs.

I take out my holy sword and swiftly slash the nearest fire slug. As the beast collapses, I race toward the last knight, who is valiantly battling a horde of fire slugs. His trusty sword is melting before his eyes, and time is running out. With a burst of energy, I strike the offending creature, cutting through its tough hide with my sharp blade. The knight looks at me with hope and appreciation, and I feel a surge of pride in what I was able to do.

I shot my magic arrow spell with precision and determination at the two slugs that were trying to break through Sara's magical barrier. The magic arrows glowed brightly and sent a wave of destruction that engulfed the two slimy creatures and tore their bodies beyond recognition. As the two of them melted away, I quickly took out the last remaining slugs that were eating the dead knight's bodies. My magic arrows were so powerful that the slug's bodies were completely obliterated in the process and no trace of their existence remained.

The darkness and dampness of the night were palpable as I quickly used my powers to tend to the wounds of the knight and Sara. Distantly, the sound of guards alarmed over a fire in the black market drifted to our ears, making me anxious for Satou's safety. Nevertheless, I had faith that he would be all right.

Sara was still visibly shaken, so I led her to the carriage, where the knight stated he would remain behind to watch over the fallen until someone could come to transport them away. I then swiftly eliminated the few remaining fire slugs that I spotted skulking around in the shadows before giving the coachman instructions to take us to the Tenion Temple. Sara shakes her head as we ride away.

"This is getting worse," She says, clenching her hands into tight fists."There have been so many burn victims lately. I'm sure it's the work of one noble. When I asked the victims, they were too scared to tell me who it was, but I am sure it was him. I had just finished treating the children when the fire slugs attacked. If you weren't have save us, we would have all…"

"It's alright," I assure her, comforting her by placing my hand on top of hers, feeling her fists begin to slowly relax. "You can rest easy now. I'm here to protect you."

"If you hadn't been there to save us from the fire slugs, I'm sure we would all have been in grave danger," Sara says, her voice filled with sincere gratitude. "And you have saved me from so much more... from assassins and even the Demon Lord. I truly owe you my life."

"You don't owe me anything,"

"I definitely want to do something to show my gratitude; if there is anything I can do in return, I will do it gladly."

"You are doing an amazing job. You're making a real difference to the people of this city, and the children at the orphanage adore it when you come and spend time with them. You are already doing so much." I tell her. "If anything, I owe you a debt of gratitude Lady Sara as you are helping to liberate two of my companions from a horrendous curse."

"No, you don't owe me anything. I wanted to learn Prayer Magic because it is my duty as a priestess to use holy magic to help people in need... and it will impress... never mind, it's nothing!"

Sara began to blush inexplicably. When I proposed that neither of us was obligated to the other, she simply nodded her head and diverted her gaze out the window. A few minutes of silence followed before any further conversation was exchanged.

"Hero... Hero Kura... do you think I could be strong like you someday?"

Sara's cheeks were lightly coloured as she nervously glanced my way, asking if she could become as strong as me one day. With the moonlight softly illuminating her, Sara honestly looked like a beautiful fairy.

"Everyone has the potential to be strong if they have the determination and bravery to take the initial step," I nod. "Strength is more than just physical strength; it is a willpower that comes from within. It is the determination to achieve one's goals, regardless of the obstacles you face. True strength is not measured by how much you can lift or how many enemies you can beat. It reflects the power of your spirit. But finding some good teachers helps."

"Can you teach me how to defend myself?"

"Sure, but I won't be able to teach you any magic. I use magic differently to others ever since becoming a hero. Is there anything you want to learn specificity?"

"I just want to be able to defend myself if someone tries to kill me again,"

"Yeah, I can teach you some self-defence moves,"


The following day was a long series of goodbyes. The Emperor of the Saga Empire and the King of the Shiga Kingdom left early in the morning. Every noble from the old capital had gathered to pay their respects, and I was forced into an uncomfortable, stiff outfit that threatened to suffocate me. Luckily, I wasn't required to do much throughout the final ceremony, dodging the burden of having to speak or move.

Once the monarchy had departed, a number of high-ranking families followed. Henry and his mother included. Fortunately, the farewells were swift, allowing me to return to the guest house and change out of my costume. When I returned to the guest manor, I found a tasty treat waiting for me.

"Oh, man! Japanese food!"

"Tofu, miso soup, and even natto!"

Upon seeing the spread of typical Japanese cuisine, Yui and Aoi could barely contain their delight. Satou had arranged a farewell party for Karina and Princess Menea, who were to travel to the royal capital the day after tomorrow; Karina had to personally give her report to the king in the royal capital, despite it being easier to do so in the old capital.

Karina and Princess Menea were taking a large aircraft from the old capital, so there was probably no need to worry about their safety. I had brought coffee for Satou, and when I gave it to him, his smile caused me to feel the jealousy of Arisa for a few hours. Eventually, she stood up and declared she would obtain the most scrumptious coffee beans in the city. She abruptly left, and Satou hastily dispatched Liza to accompany Arisa as protection.

"How nice, Sir Satou! I can't believe you knew that we were departing on the same aircraft as Mistress Karina the day after tomorrow!"

When Princess Menea arrived, she had a delighted look on her face. Later, Satou would confess that he had been unaware of her travel plans, a fact that Karina had informed us of only a few hours prior. It is quite remarkable that Satou can remember specific details well but quickly forget others; I had lost count of how many people he had met whom he did not remember the names of once we reencountered them.

"All right, all right, that's enough..."

"Mm. Too close,"

Arisa quickly intervened when Princess Menea drew too near to Satou, and Mia backed her up from a seat on my lap. Despite this usually being punishable, since Arisa was a former princess and Mia an elf, Princess Menea found it hard to reprimand them.

"Sir Pendragon, you're really going to have Her Highness Princess Menea sit at the same table as those beastfolk?"

"Yes, Lady Menea has given her permission,"

Satou politely responded to Karina's younger brother Orion's complaints. It wouldn't have been a problem to set up a separate table if Princess Menea had refused. But she happily consented, so we could all eat together. Karina had insisted that she wanted the beastfolk girls to join us, so her compliance was very helpful. Pochi, Tama and Liza are currently sitting in front of the mountain of steaks while Pearl is looking, unsure of where to start as they wait for the feast to start.

"Thank you all for gathering today for Lady Karina and Princess Menea's farewell party,"

Satou began the meeting with an introduction that I had heard on numerous occasions at business events. Unlike one of my supervisors, Satou at least seemed to be genuinely enthusiastic about being there. We hosted a casual party outdoors so that everyone could have a pleasant time conversing while indulging in the buffet-style food.

We had six days before we were to depart from the city; all we were waiting for was the arrival of the scrolls that Satou had ordered. Marquis Lloyd and Count Hohen had promised to host a farewell party for us then.

"This kobumaki is delicious,"

"Right? Our master's cooking is the real deal!"

"Are you guys old farts or what? The chicken and potatoes are way better!"

Aoi and Arisa savoured the authentic Japanese cuisine, but Yui seemed to favour the fried food and kabobs.

"Oh, that's junk food. But if that's what you like, we have chips and soda water over there too,"

"For real?!"


Yui and Aoi's eyes welled up with emotion as they tasted the potato chips and soda water, a nostalgic reminder of their old homes.

"This is the last hamburg steak I'll have for who knows how long..."

Once Karina finished the massive stack of hamburg steaks, she sighed, pleased.

"Karina, come with us?"

"Tama's right, ma'am! Let your maid person go to the royal capital so you can travel with us and master, ma'am!"

"Could I really?"

Karina spun around and gazed at Satou with a glimmer of hope, yet this was far from a simple situation. Due to her standing as nobility, Karina had many obligations, which Satou had to be sure she met. If Orion had been older, Karina would have potentially asked him to take her place. However, allocating a minor to this task is not considered reasonable. Pina, the maid, and Satou shook their heads, and Karina's countenance drooped in disappointment. Just then, one of the housemaids appeared with a fresh plate of hamburg steaks.

"Ah, another chance! Are you still at full power, Tama and Pochi?"

"Aye, aye, sir!"

"Pochi is always at full power, ma'am!"

It's a shame those lines meant they were only going to binge eat. They could have sounded pretty cool in other situations.

"The tofu steak is delicious as well, I report,"

"Mm. Yummy,"

Mia exited my lap as soon as the banquet commenced and began walking around, extolling the virtues of the tofu hamburger to the other guests. Nana, her most recent target, seemed to appreciate it despite her usual impassive expression.

"Is everything good so far?"

"Yes, this ankake sauce is quite delicious,"

"Amazing as always, master,"

Lulu and Liza happily showed Satou their dishes as he checked in on them, singing the dish's praise.

"Sir Pendragon, may I have a moment?"

"Yes, of course. If you'd prefer to speak alone, we can convene over there,"

Orion had a serious look as he approached Satou. He is probably worried Satou is trying to steal his sister away. I think Satou is the only person who doesn't seem to realise Karina has feelings for him.

"Kura. Awe,"

Well, Satou shouldn't need my help with Orion. I'll just enjoy the feast, letting Mia and Nana take turns feeding me the dishes they sample.



"I'll miss you, sir!"

"Oh, you two..."

Karina tightly hugged Pochi and Tama as they said goodbye. The three of them had formed a strong bond during their time in the old capital, and Karina had a unique opportunity that she was fortunate enough to experience. Tama and Pochi got trapped in between Karina's mammoth-like chest, struggling to break free. Satou then had to step in and tap her on the shoulder, prompting her to finally let go of them.

"Here, I made you a list of conversation starters. You don't want to end up a spinster, do you?"


Karina blinked in confusion as she accepted Arisa's social crib notes.

"I bequeath this stuffed animal to you, I declare,"

"Mm. Wind chimes,"

"Thank you, my friends,"

Nana's and Mia's gifts were very cute. Nana has become great at sewing, even if she only makes cute children's toys.

"Here, these are from Miss Liza and me. They're pastries, so you can have a snack on the journey,"

"Oh, my, pastries with nuts? I shall treasure them,"

"N... no, you should eat them before they go bad..."

Lulu gave a rare comeback to Karina's airheadedness comment. But Aoi and Yui soon grabbed my attention.

"Here, these are for you two,"

"Oh man, potato chips! And is this flask full of soda? Dude!"

"Come on, Yui, thank him properly. We're very grateful, Sir Satou,"

Satou had given them sweets and soft drinks for the trip, along with an omamori-style charm. There was a single gold coin tucked away in each one. Arisa suggested it just in case Yui and Aoi ever got lost or anything.

"What are these?"

"I heard that the Japanese have good luck charms called omamori, so I attempted to make them for you,"

"Thank you very much. It's wonderful," Aoi put the charm carefully into his pocket.

"Oh yeah? That seems kinda fishy...but I'll take it. Thanks," Yui, too, accepted her charm and put it in her pouch.

"Sir Satou!" Just then, Princess Menea dragged Miss Karina over to Satou. "Come, Mistress Karina, give Sir Satou a farewell embrace."

"Oh, I, um...ah!"

Karina hesitated, prompting Princess Menea to give her a gentle push. In that moment, Karina's curvaceous form collided with Satou's chest. He doesn't have to look so happy about it.


Princess Menea embraced Karina and Satou with a bright smile. Her chest was pretty big for her age too. Lucky. Though hers could never compete with Karina's. Satou truly is starting to look like he was the protagonist of some harem series.

"Sir Satou, if you do marry Lady Karina and become a viceroy, please make me your second wife, okay?"

Menea's voice was playful as she whispered in Satou's ear.

"Excuse me! That's way too close, even for a farewell scene!"

"Hee... hee, I'm sorry,"

When Arisa began to complain, Princess Menea excused herself humbly and apologised. Karina, however, was in a state of utter terror; her rosy cheeks and unseeing eyes suggested the gravity of her distress. Her intense fear of men and her shyness intervened, making the situation intolerable for her. Thankfully, Karina's attendants hurried over to aid her.

"Well, have a safe trip,"

"Thank you, Sir Satou. Once you find a place to stay in Labyrinth City, please do write to me at the royal academy. I shall be sure to reply,"

"All right, I promise,"

Satou accepted Princess Menea's offer, vowing to also contact Aoi and Yui. Karina, who had revived and overheard their discussion, quickly flew towards Satou.

"P... please write a letter to me, Muno Castle. You simply mustn't forget!"

"I won't... don't worry,"

Satou already planned to send letters to Baron Muno and Magistrate Nina once we got to Labyrinth City, so he could easily include one for her also.

"W... well then, I'll be on my way. Satou, when you finish your business in Labyrinth City, please come back to Muno City... No, I know! I, too, shall obtain permission from Father and come to train in Labyrinth City myself!"

"Certainly. If the baron permits it, I would be happy to see you there,"

Karina really surprised us with her plans to go to such a risky city. Even though I wasn't sure she'd get her father's permission, she looked so excited and enthusiastic that I didn't have the heart to say anything. Satou grinned at me as Karina, Princess Menea, and the others boarded the ship and waved farewell.


"L... like this..."

The following day, I held a training session with Sara, during which Arisa and Lulu asked to join in when they heard my agenda. Mia was present, playing pleasant music. I shared some basics which I had taken away from the self-defence class my parents had insisted I take before I moved to the city, nothing that was too difficult.


I give a nod of confirmation as Lulu anxiously awaits my approval. We borrowed a few manikins from the guest manor for this lesson, and her elbow is now pressed against one of their necks.

"Going for the throat is one of the best ways to disable an attacker. You can disrupt their breathing with a hard strike to the throat, and your attacker will likely stop attacking you. You want to try and stay an arms-width away and use your elbow and forearm. You need to strike hard and fast before your opponent has a chance to react. Your attack should double over, struggling to breathe after that, allowing you to escape,"

Despite Arisa's height, which kept her from hitting her attackers in the eyes, Lulu and Sara hesitated to use kicks to the groin as a form of defence. In order to give them a chance to learn and practice this technique, I took the time to go over the technique with them prior to discussing how to disarm an opponent.

"If your opponent tries to attack you with a knife, then you need to grab their wrist,"

Since Lulu was the closest to me, I asked her to join me in a demonstration. I handed her a wooden knife and told her to try and stab me; however, before the fake weapon could make contact, I quickly snatched her wrist.

"It's risky but may be your only choice. But when you grab their wrist like this, you can control the direction of the knife, and you will most likely be able to attack your attacker using one of the methods I just showed you,"

I grab the wooden knife from Lulu and start slowly attacking her and the other girls, allowing them to practice their defence skills while providing advice for improvement. After a few attempts, Lulu manages to block my attacks at full force, which is highly commendable. Arisa, however, is having a bit of difficulty. Even with me moving slowly, she can hardly react quickly enough. Conversely, Sara can defend herself well against someone of average speed.

It took almost half an hour before Arisa could join Sara and Lulu, but I was glad they could protect themselves against knife-related assaults. But now I was going to move on to some more advanced stuff.

"But this may not be enough," I say as we take a short break. "If you need to keep fighting them for a while longer, have a firm grip on their wrist holding the knife and continue to hit their head, neck, and legs until they have collapsed to the floor. Hopefully, they remain there, but you may need to physically pin them down if they don't. Most importantly, make sure that you keep the blade pointed away from yourself."

We practised putting someone on the ground, with the girls taking turns throwing me down. Luckily, everything went smoothly, apart from Lulu constantly apologising for her actions. Subsequently, we shifted our focus to something a bit more delightful. Arisa and Sara did their best to deflect my knife until they could chant the words that would end with a simple light spell. Initially, they had difficulties, often even biting their tongues, but after a while, they grasped the concept. Furthermore, Lulu was tasked with getting a crossbow and pointing it at me.

The primary aim of this training was to enable Sara, Lulu and Arisa to stay alive; any victory against their opponents would be an added bonus. As they weren't front-line fighters, they ran the risk of being overwhelmed if they engaged in close-quarters fighting. With a few more sessions, I hoped they would be able to hold their own for long enough until one of the front-liners could assist them.

"I thought you would teach us to throw people,"

As the lesson finished, Arisa was the only one complaining. Her muttered complaints were about being unable to 'throw people away from Satou'. Meanwhile, Lulu and Sara thanked me, and after we planned another training session for the following day, we said our goodbyes, and I accompanied Sara to her carriage.

"Thank you for today, Hero Kura,"

"It's fine. I'm sure everyone will be happy to know you can defend yourself better now, Lady Sara,"

"But still, I am thankful for you taking the time to teach me,"

"It was a pleasure to teach you, Lady Sara. You are a fast learner and should be able to put thugs in their place in no time,"

"Thanks to you, I will be... and you can... just call me Sara... if you like..."

"Sure, and Sara, you can drop the hero part and just call me Kura,"

"Yes... Kura... I should get going now, but thank you again for today,"

For the next few days, I taught Sara, Lulu and Arisa how to throw punches without injuring their hands and where to target their opponents to cause the most disorientation. Both Sara and Lulu followed my direction attentively, whereas Arisa was more demonstrating the move with little attention to detail, which set her back; to make matters worse, she almost caused injury to herself and Lulu when Satou stopped by for a visit.

Training the girls was undoubtedly a worthwhile endeavour. The bandits, thieves, and cultists should no longer pose a threat. We had plenty of time left over, and I employed my illusion magic to create a few monsters and instructed them on the best way to take them out. They may not become the most talented Monster Hunters, but they should have no trouble handling the creatures I showed them.

"So if I were to shoot it here and here, it would be unable to move?"

"That's right?" I nod as Lulu points to an armadillo-like monster I am showing them. "Even if you cannot kill one yourself, you can stop it so someone with a weapon or spell that can harm the monster can finish it off."

I owe my vast knowledge to my high intellect. It allows me to assess monsters quickly and pinpoint where to strike to defeat them. Contrary to Arisa's belief, this is not attributed to special skills such as 'Weak Point Detection' but my analytical thinking.

"So we don't get to make the kill shot," Arisa moaned, kicking e pebble through the illusion.

"Not always. There will be monsters you can't defeat by yourself, but you can certainly aid in their defeat but targeting certain areas of their body or using certain spells. It doesn't matter how tough a monster is. They all have some weak spot or element they are vulnerable to,"

I devised a test on the fifth and final day of our training. With the help of Pochi and Tama, we would take on the girls one by one. This time, however, their goal was not to defeat us but rather for Arisa and Sara to avoid capture long enough to cast a basic light spell while Lulu again attempted to achieve a shot with her crossbow.

Initially, it was a challenging three-on-one situation for the girls, but by the conclusion, Lulu and Sara had passed the test nine times out of ten. Pochi and Tama were fast and agile, yet their movements were somewhat predictable and even though I was easing up on them a bit, I still wasn't going easy. Surprisingly, their success rate was much higher than I had anticipated. I figured they'd only pass one out of ten times. On the other hand, Arisa could not secure a win most of the time, even when I held back. Ultimately, Arisa achieved a success rate of two out of ten times.

</p><p>Yesterday, I went shopping and found the supplies we needed for a treat, homemade ice cream! I tried to recreate a vanilla flavour and think I got pretty close. We had to use magic to make it, but luckily, Satou had already made a magical tool to help us out next time. Lulu and Sara have been working so hard with their self-defence lessons, so I decided to reward them with this treat. Arisa still needs some more practice, but I'm sure they all enjoyed it on this warm day. </p><p>"Ice cream!" </p><p>Arisa soon cheered up, snatching her bowl out of my hand as soon as I offered it to her while Lulu and Sara politely accepted. It was a good thing they weren't as fast as Arisa because they learned from her that eating ice cream too fast can give you a headache. </p><p>"Cooling," </p><p>"It's cold, sir," </p><p>Pochi and Tama appear to savour every moment as their tails wag in unison with each spoonful they eagerly consume. To my dismay, they weren't heeding my suggestion to slow down and were consuming the dessert much too quickly, as evidenced by the subsequent ice cream headaches they endured. On the other hand, Lulu and Sara are much more sensible; they are taking their time, relishing the taste of the delectable treat with each bite they take. </p><p>"Did you make this yourself he... Kura," </p><p>"Yes. I learned the recipe from someone I met while travelling before I became a hero. I think they were planning on opening a stand one day selling this stuff," </p><p>"It is surprisingly easy to make," </p><p>Last night, I taught Lulu, Sara, and Satou the process of making ice cream. When we were finished, we had made enough for everyone, including Mr Kajiro, Miss Ayaume, the Saga Kingdom samurai pair, and even a bit extra for the holy woman at the Tenion Temple. I intended for Sara to take the extra and deliver it to the head priestess. </p><p>We had a lovely time, and it was the ideal way to conclude our training session. However, instead of sending Sara off with a coach like usual, she asked me to go and meet the holy woman. I quickly informed the others of my intentions before I took a ride with Sara in the carriage. </p><p><0> </p><p>"Hero Kura," The holy woman and head priestess of the Tenion Temple, Lady Yu, smiled as Sara and I entered the room. "I'm glad I got to see you again before you left the city." </p><p>"It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Yu," </p><p>We settled in the temple's sanctuary, and I gave the holy woman the ice cream before we began talking. </p><p>"My... I have encountered a dish I haven't eaten in a long time..." </p><p>"You have eaten this before?" </p><p>"Yes," Lady Yu nods to Sara's question. "When I was a hero's companion, I travelled to many places and tasted many different dishes. Ice cream might not be as common in the Shiga Kingdom as it is in the Saga Empire, but the hero I aided gifted the recipe to multiple merchants as we travelled. It was the last thing we ate together before he returned back to his homeland." </p><p>I'm relieved to hear that since it backs up my story of learning it on my travels. But most of all, it makes me want to visit the Saga Empire. I wonder if they have flavours other than vanilla. I hope they have chocolate and someone is willing to tell me how to make it. But I'm sure if Satou and I experiment a bit, we could probably figure out that information by ourselves. </p><p>"I can remember he made it very popular in a coastal town on the continent's western edge. I'm happy the people remember him fondly despite the fact that he tried to make the women there wear something he called... what was it... ah, yes... bikinis. I can remember the mayor of that town nearly chasing us out of town when he asked his daughter to try one of those things on. He was the kind of person who would cause trouble without even realising it, you see." </p><p>"He sounds like an interesting person," I comment. </p><p>"Yes, he was," Lady Yu nods. "There were times when I wanted to kill him and times when I wanted to kiss him. There isn't a day that goes by that I wish he didn't return to his homeland once we defeated the demon lord. But enough about the past, I wanted to talk to you about the future. What would you say to recruiting Sara here as one of your followers?" </p><p>"P... priestess..." </p><p>"Come on, Sara, just the other day, you were talking about how hero Kura is helping so many people, and you wanted to do the same," Lady Yu comments as Sara speaks up. It looks like Sara wasn't told about this recruitment pitch either. "Besides, learning Prayer Magic is a hard path and travelling with hero Kura will help you achieve that goal." </p><p>"But... I'm not strong enough..." </p><p>"Strength isn't the only thing a hero needs from their followers," Lady Yu tells her. </p><p>"She's right," I nod. "Even if you can't fight, you can still heal injuries, and I am sure you have plenty of other skills to offer." </p><p>"See Sara, hero Kura here doesn't see your lack of physical strength as a weakness," Lady Yu smiles. "And if you really want to fight, I have a gift for you... here, take this. I wrote every spell I know in there and some notes below them on how best to utilise them. You won't be able to use them all right now, but with time and training, I am confident you will have mastered those spells by the time we next meet." </p><p>Sara was handed a small notebook by Lady Yu, with its neatly crafted design and Cutesy handwriting by the head priestess. The notes were found to be more than useful; after studying them, Sara should soon become an expert in wielding holy magic. </p><p>"Are... are you really okay... with taking me... with you, even though I am not as strong as my sister?" </p><p>"Yes," I smile and nod. "You might not have your sister's skill with the sword, but you are still a very reliable person and someone I can trust." </p><p>"I... I understand... I promise I won't hold you back!" </p><p>"My, what a wonderful view to warm my old heart," </p><p>As Lady Yu chuckled at Sara's beaming smile, making her blush, we spent the following hour making arrangements for Sara to join us at the city gates the next day. Lady Yu mentioned she had already received clearance for this from the Duke and the temple. As I left, the only task left was to inform the rest that we were acquiring a new companion for our journey. No one will likely complain once I explain how it would speed up Sara's training to learn Prayer Magic. </p><p><0> </p><p>"Ah!" </p><p>"Let go of my balls!" </p><p>Unfortunately, my return journey to the guest manor was less tranquil than when I first set off to the Tenion Temple. Instead of leisurely walking and taking in the sights, I stumbled upon what appeared to be a confrontation between two criminal gangs. </p><p>"Eek!" </p><p>"Gramps! Out of the way!" </p><p>Before I could intervene, a mysterious figure appeared and knocked the club out of the criminal's hands, sending him to the ground. The homeless old man had been unfortunate enough to find himself in the crossfire, but the unnamed hero had saved him from an imminent blow. </p><p>"Are you alright, sir?" </p><p>He was an orc; I had to confirm it, but he certainly was an orc. He was remarkably friendly, too, as he assisted the elderly gentleman in standing up and led him out of the fight. </p><p>"The guards are coming! Let's scram!" </p><p>When I see the city guards approach, the gang members disperse in a hurry. I spot something on the ground; it appears to be alchemist notes dropped by the fleeing orc. I attempt to yell out, but before I can, he has already rushed down a staircase and out of sight. </p><p>I quickly realised that coming down the stairs into the seemingly endless sewer system was not a wise decision. The entire place was a labyrinth, and the water was full of white crocodiles. As I cautiously made my way forward, some of them started making loud splashes with their tails. </p><p>As soon as I laid eyes on the second orc, they were sprinting towards me. I quickly stepped into a nearby open space, noticing their outline blurred and indistinct. It must have been some kind of stealth-related ability or magical tool. </p><p>"Hello," </p><p>"Mashette!" </p><p>I spoke to the Orc openly and friendly as I was not doing anything wrong. I had just come to return some dropped notes, hoping to gain the Orc Language skill in the process. Unfortunately, I did not have enough skill points to raise it quickly, so I had to allow the Orc to talk in order to level it up slowly. It wasn't until I reached a level five that I was able to communicate clearly with him and hold a conversation. </p><p>As I attempted to learn the language of the orc when he suddenly tried to stab me a few times. After successfully dodging his attack, he hurriedly escaped through a concealed door; the Sense Danger skill I had suddenly kicked in reminded me of the potential threats ahead. When I peered cautiously through the entrance, I noticed a gigantic magical machine crafted in the form of a torii shrine gate, aglow with a bright red light. </p><p>"We cannot let this place be revealed to humans. Farewell Lo Han, Li Fu," </p><p>Standing in front of the magic tool was the orc who dropped the notes I was looking for. I'm not sure what he did to the torii shrine gate, but it was looking bad. If I didn't do something, this area and the old capital above it would be in peril. </p><p>"You must forgive me for going on before you to enter the great cycle with Lu Heu," </p><p>I quickly arrived at the magic device using Warp and noticed it was about to overload. Acting fast, I placed my hand on the torii shrine gate and tried draining the magic. However, the amount was too large for me to take on. Nevertheless, I was determined to stop it, so I cast various spells such as Air Cleaner, Anti-Itch, and Deodorant, which wouldn't harm people, using the Magic Overload skill to consume as much MP as I could. He can save the rest of his would-be final words for another time. </p><p>When I saw the torii shine gate switch from red to grey, I felt a wave of relief. It was just like the broken travel gates from Seiryuu County. My efforts had paid off, and the magic levels had reached the point where the overload of the magic tool was avoided- all quietly and quickly, without the orc being aware. </p><p>"How quick a thing is death," </p><p>"Sorry, but you are still among the living. I had to absorb this device's magical power before the situation put anyone else in danger. It would have affected the whole city if I let this thing explode," </p><p>In an instant, the tranquillity on the orc's façade was gone. His gaze met mine the second I uttered a word, and his expression shifted from serenity to alertness. </p><p>"I... impossible... you're saying you stopped a travel gate that was running in overdrive?" The orc kept switching his gaze between me and the travel gate as he started speaking in the language of the Shiga Kingdom. "No human, no matter how powerful, should be able to dispel that much magic power in an instant. Are you a god? Or a god's apostle?" </p><p>"No, I am just a human," </p><p>"But no ordinary human could... ah. So you're a hero... no, a true hero?" </p><p>He must have the Analyse skill. </p><p>"Yes, My name is Kura Suou. I'm a knight in the service of Earl Seiryuu, and as you have stated, I am indeed a hero," </p><p>"Have you come to destroy the orcs?" </p><p>"No, I wouldn't even consider committing such an act. I just wanted to return something you dropped," </p><p>I handed him the notebook that he dropped. </p><p>"Y... yes... it belongs to me... but why did you follow me down here just to return this old thing?" </p><p>"Well, it wasn't my best idea, but I decided to give you the same kindness you showed that old man back on the street," </p><p>"You swear it? You swear that was the only reason you came here tonight?" </p><p>"Yes. I swear on the name of the Dragon God and my title as a Hero that I didn't come to bring harm to you or any orc," I notice a smaller orc hiding behind the first orc as I speak. "And I promise to tell no one of this travel gate or your location here." </p><p>"The Dragon God? No Parion?" </p><p>"I wasn't summoned to this world by Parion or the Saga Empire. I was granted my title by the Dragon God after she witnessed me defeat a greater hell demon in single combat," </p><p>"On the name of the... Dragon God? No way..." </p><p>The diminutive orc appeared stunned by my vow. Though the Dragon God seemed unlikely to respond were I to break an oath sworn in her name, the other deities may have taken action. Evidently, swearing upon a god is highly serious, as their demeanour towards me changed after the promise was made. </p><p>"Are you sure," </p><p>Despite the orc's large size, he was still wary of me; his hood shadowed his eyes, making it impossible to read his expression. </p><p>"Yes, I promise to keep your secret. It must be pretty important seeing the lengths you were willing to go to in order to protect it," </p><p>"Indeed. It is the legacy of our race. We cannot allow it to fall into the wrong hands," </p><p>"I understand. Did you guys make the broken ones I saw in my travels, too?" The orc gave a short nod to my question. "Can you tell me where this gate is connected to?" </p><p>"My apologies, but I cannot tell you. On the other side of this travel gate are some of my precious few remaining brethren. I cannot reveal their location for their safety," </p><p>"Okay, I understand. I'm sorry for asking you so casually for information like that," </p><p>There was a brief pause before the orcs lowered their hoods. </p><p>"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ga Hou, the orc alchemist," </p><p>"I'm the beautiful orc monster tamer, Lu Heu," </p><p>I was expecting to see orcs with pig-like heads. I was surprised to see pointed ears and short, slightly upturned noses instead, looking nothing like the Golden Boar Lord. Ga Hou made me feel welcome immediately, graciously inviting me to their humble living quarters to talk further. Though small, the room was full of life and was very neat. </p><p>Lu Heu served up a dish of crocodiles and a bottle of Evil Spirit Killer wine. To supplement the meal, I produced some mead and some fried whale meat from my reserves. Although it was a small quantity, it would be more than enough for all three of us. </p><p>"I don't know what kind of meat this fried food is, but it is delicious," </p><p>"It's giant-monster-fish mean. Grated daikon makes a great topping for it, but if you don't like that, grated onion works pretty well, too," </p><p>"Giant-monster-fish?!" </p><p>"You have daikon?!" </p><p>The two orcs, Ga Hou and Lu Heu, latched on to two very different points from my response. </p><p>"Yes," I start my answer. "A yellow demon appeared in the old capital recently and summoned some of them. I managed to collect a few pieces of meat from their bodies. As for daikon, I'm out of the long kind, but I have some of the round kind left." </p><p>"Y... you mean to say you defeated them? The aerial fortress that even the sky dragon could barely defeat?" </p><p>"I like round kind best! Can I have some? I can, right?" </p><p>It was pretty hard to keep track of having two conversations at once, so I gave Lu Heu some round daikon to keep her quiet for a while. </p><p>"Did you see the sky dragon do battle with the giant monster fish," </p><p>"Yes... I did. I was here the moment that crybaby Yamato and the sky dragon overcame His Majesty the Golden Lord," </p><p>"Can you tell me about it," </p><p>Ga Hou was silent for a moment. He then guzzled the highly alcoholic Evil Spirit Killer like it was water before talking about his past. </p><p>"I first met Yamato in His Majesty's castle. Yamato had been captured on the front lines and was terrified of us orcs," Ga Hou continues to drink as he talks. "I seem to recall Yamato saying some strange things, like "Don't pull and tropey BS on me!"" </p><p>I have to admit Yamato isn't what I expected them to be. They remind me of a friend I had back in Japan. She would always say stuff like that whenever we ran into too many tropes while playing games together. </p><p>"Despite being a human, Yamato had no Prejudices against orcs or demi-humans. At first, it was just His Majesty's page, but soon Yamato formed friendships with the servants, military officers, and civil officials too. In the end, even His Majesty the Golden Lord, who was always curt and aloof, came around to Yamato's charms. It seemed as though we would soon be able to make peace with the Saga Empire..." </p><p>I think I would have gotten along with Yamato. If it was possible, I would have chosen the peaceful route too. </p><p>"However, the path to peace was closed when the Flue Empire started massacring demi-humans and the weasels betrayed us, and then a war broke out between humans and all kinds of demi-humans, including us orcs..." </p><p>Ga Hou angrily tore off a piece of the crocodile. I feel bad for asking him to recount this story, but I think hearing a story from both sides is important. It was a heavier story than I expected, but I needed to hear it. Ever since I fought the demon lord, I kept feeling that he wasn't all bad and evil. </p><p>"Still, Yamato never gave up, and he went to preach peace to the kings and emperors of many countries. But it was all in vain. The war was fierce and far-reaching. We were able to destroy the Flue Empire, but Our Majesty ultimately exceeded his limits and was swallowed by the power of the demon lord..." </p><p>Ga Hou looked up at the relief on the ceiling with tears welling in his eyes. The carvings depicted all kinds of races holding hands in harmony. </p><p>"The next time I saw Yamato was at the siege of the capital of the Saga Empire. Yamato appeared to try to prevent the deaths of my brethren, who were being manipulated by the five greater demons," </p><p>So even the Saga Empire was nearly destroyed. </p><p>"I will never forget that day... the sight of Yamato shedding tears and blood alike, trying to get us to come back to our senses. The way his voice trembled and sobbed as it ordered the sky dragon to use its breath of light..." </p><p>Blood trickled from Ga Hou's clenched fist. It was cruel of me to ask him to tell such a difficult story just to satisfy my curiosity. </p><p>"I survived because I was riding a manticore, but by the time I returned to the capital, it was all over. The sky dragon had fallen to the ground, and Yamato's Holy Sword was thrust into His Majesty's chest," </p><p>Lu Heu gently unfolded Ga Hou's fist and healed it with Water Magic. </p><p>"His Majesty disappeared into black dust, and Yamato collapsed on the spot, completely drained and still in tears. When Yamato next awoke with my assistance, the fool's first words were, "You survived, Ga Hou... thank goodness," I'd been planning on demanding a duel to the death to avenge His Majesty, but when I heard those words, I could no longer bear to be a warrior. I helped my brethren escape to unsettled areas and settlements on other continents, but a few of us stayed behind to make sure the travel gate was never misused. All of that was only possible because of Yamato." </p><p>Ga Hou attested to Yamato's kind and earnest nature, as Yamato had put forth great effort to ensure the orcs' well-being, ensuring they weren't treated unjustly or forced to leave. </p><p>"Of course, we've done a thing or two to help as well..." </p><p>Ga Hou worked as an alchemist to repay Yamato's kindness, providing aid to the most destitute in the old capital. Additionally, he took on the responsibility of purifying the city's water and setting up a sewage treatment system, thus maintaining the river's pristine quality. </p><p>"You never wanted to try to live aboveground?" </p><p>"Some four hundred and fifty years ago, we were given a small dominion at the edge of the territory. We lived there peacefully for about thirty years... But the boy king Gartapht, under the sway of his beloved weaselfolk soothsayer, slaughtered all eight hundred inhabitants of the orc dominion there. After that, we have never again ventured to live in plain sight." </p><p>The more I hear about the dark days of the purported demi-human war mentioned at the museum, the more disheartening it becomes. </p><p>"Do not look so sad. Fortunately, we have a friend in the little ogre princess, who excels at Barrier Magic. With her help, we were able to make a small hidden village untouched by the outside world. Even now, our surviving brethren live there peacefully," </p><p>Ga Hou finished his drink, allowing his sorrows to follow suite. With a more relaxed expression, he poured some mead into his cup. </p><p>"It's a little sweet but delicious..." </p><p>"I think I have something else that will be more to your liking," </p><p>"Th... this rich fragrance... Dragonspring liquor?! It's been five hundred years, but I'd never forget that smell," </p><p>Ga Hou and I were fast becoming friends thanks to our shared drink of Dragonspring liquor, the last bottle of which I had obtained from my travels with Hayato. Pearl and I drank only a glass every couple of nights. Satou still has a stored reserve, and we enjoy its flavour together, as our other companions are either too young or can't hold their drink. Ga Hou was kind enough to allow me to copy some pages from his spell and alchemy books. </p><p>"Kura, please take this for me. If the leader of this kingdom is a wise man, give this to him. If he is a fool, then throw it into a crater or the ocean," </p><p>Ga Hou handed me a small horn, saying he had obtained it from a lesser demon he had recently defeated downtown. He explained that this horn had the power to turn humans into demons, but I already knew that. </p><p>"I wouldn't worry. The King and the Duke already know about the short horns," </p><p>"I am glad to hear it, then," </p><p>Ga Hou opened the lid of one of the large magic furnaces in the corner of the room and tossed the short horn inside. These four extra-large furnaces in each corner of the room were the source of energy for the travel gate. </p><p>"Ga Hou, please use this if you like. I think it'll come in handy if you have to fight another demon," </p><p>I gave him one of my handmade Holy Swords, which was coated with mithril and was my first successful creation. Despite my lack of skill compared to Satou, I had been asking him to teach me how to make weapons and potions of this calibre since I was uncertain of what will come of our travels after the kingdom meeting. I had no doubt that Ga Hou would use it well to protect the old capital. </p><p>"Why, this is a Holy Sword!" </p><p>Ga Hou let out a shocked exclamation when he summoned his magical energy. </p><p>"It is. Sorry, it doesn't have a name, though," </p><p>"Then allow me to name it now," </p><p>The name Ga Hou gave to the sword was... Holy Sword Kura. </p></div></div></div><div class="Chapter_controlBox__hpIP2"><a id="j_chapterPrev" class="Chapter_prevBtn__3BGID" href="/book/22083699705220905/71325057669986983">Last Chapter</a><a id="j_chapterNext" class="Chapter_nextBtn__v6L3K" href="/book/22083699705220905/72018462406399312">Next Chapter</a></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json" nonce="d2Vibm92ZWw=">{"props":{"messages":{"ADD_7100f":"Add to Library","IN_6e1be":"In Library","SEND_bd3eb":"Send Gifts","_MONTH_bc1a3":"/Month (1st Month Special)","COINS_39b14":"Coins In value","HAPPY_ebf82":"Happy reading.","EXPIRES_cfc36":"Expires","AFTER_08b72":"After Membership is purchased, it will become effective in 24 hours, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Membership.","MEMBERSHIP_27657":"Membership benefits can be used for one account across the platform.","AFTER_ec612":"After being activated, The corresponding Coins will be deposited into your account immediately. 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The story usually sets in modern cities and takes the love between men and women as the center.","EASTERN_c3ffd":"Eastern novel is a subgenre of fantasy novel that has elements of Asian culture as the foundation, such as cultivation, xuanhuan, wuxia, or xianxia. It usually contains the Daoist culture as the elementary core.","GAME_5e391":"Game novel is a subgenre of webnovel that set in a game. The core of the story is based on the game and it also involves fantasy elements. A main plot is that heroines play a game immersively with a helmet and the storyline is spread in the game.","URBAN_116dc":"Urban fiction is a subgenre set in a city landscape. The tone for urban fiction is usually modern, focusing on the city living.","FANTASY_d1c1f":"Fantasy fiction is a subgenre of speculative novel involving magical elements, typically set in a fictional universe and sometimes inspired by mythology and folklore.","HISTORY_5668c":"History fiction it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","TEEN_ddf2a":"Teen fiction is a subgenre of webnovel that is written for or marketed to young adults. Heroines are mostly students and the story is happened on campus.","SCI_FI__5e052":"Sci-fi  is a subgenre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes etc.","FANTASY_fb88e":"Fantasy fiction is a genre that involves magic and supernatural elements. The background is set in a fictional universe or unpredictable world and characters use magic to fight against powerful supernaturel enemies such as dragon. Compared with Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy refers to Western fantasy and is inspired by mythology and folklore. Fantasy is also distinguished from science fiction and horror though there is an overlap between the three.","SCIENCE_c38b5":"Science Fiction (sometimes shortened to Sci-Fi or SF) is a genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, extraterrestrial life, sentient artificial intelligence, cybernetics, certain forms of immortality (like mind uploading), and the singularity.","HORROR_c39a3":"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror,. Horror intends to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere for the reader.","SPORTS_ff72c":"Sports novel is a literary genre that focuses on the theme of sports. Characters are athletics or love sports. The main plot usually involves various competitions.","ACTION_12c9e":"Action fiction is the literary genre that includes spy novels, adventure stories, tales of terror and intrigue (\"cloak and dagger\") and mysteries. This kind of story utilizes suspense, the tension that is built up when the reader wishes to know how the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist is going to be resolved or what the solution to the puzzle of a thriller is.","A_d9d77":"A war novel or military fiction is a novel about war. It is a novel in which the primary action takes place on a battlefield, or in a civilian setting (or home front), where the characters are preoccupied with the preparations for, suffering the effects of, or recovering from war. Many war novels are historical novels.","REALISTIC_fc592":"Realistic fiction typically involves a story whose basic setting (time and location in the world) is real and whose events could feasibly happen in a real-world setting.","HISTORICAL_23dbe":"Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting related to the past events, but is fictional.An essential element of historical fiction is that it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period.","ACG_6ff33":"ACG (\"Animation, Comics, and Games\") is a term used in some subcultures of Greater China and Southeast Asia. Because a strong economic and cultural connection exists between anime, manga and games in the Japanese market, ACG is used to describe this phenomenon in relative fields. The term refers in particular to Japanese anime, manga and video games.","FANFICTION_16d60":"Fanfiction whose original work is animation or comic, such as naruto and one piece.","FANFICTION_6000e":"Fanfiction whose original work is video game, such as Pokemon and Zelda.","FANFICTION_dd361":"Fanfiction whose original work is celebrity, such as BTS.","FANFICTION_818a3":"Fanfiction whose original work is music or band, such as Justin Biber.","FANFICTION_40215":"Fanfiction whose original work is movie, such as Star War, Marvel.","FANFICTION_5efa3":"Fanfiction whose original work is published literature, such as Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice.","FANFICTION_9b3fe":"Fanfiction whose original work is drama or TV show, such as Chicago PD, the Walking Dead.","FANFICTION_3cfc8":"Fanfiction whose original work is theater, such as Shakespeare.","FAN_d69e1":"Fan fiction or fanfiction is fictional writing written in an amateur capacity by fans, unauthorized by, but based on an existing work of fiction. The author uses copyrighted characters, settings, or other intellectual properties from the original creator as a basis for their writing.","CONTEST_57fb2":"Contest","CHS_c4125":"chs / week","THE_27c7b":"The translator’s schedule is xxx.","ORIGINALS__10b37":"Originals' Power Ranking","TRANSLATIONS__493b1":"Translations' Power Ranking","NEW_d14ab":"new second category female page title","NEW_54eaf":"new second category female page description","NEW_7dec3":"new second category female page keyword","NEW_0dac6":"new second category male page title","NEW_a8b57":"new second category male page description","NEW_67494":"new second category male page keyword","LGBT__fe16e":"LGBT+ fiction is a subgenre of webnovel and plots the story of LGBT+. The most popular plots include boys' love and girls' love. ","TEEN_03578":"Teen fiction is a subgenre of webnovel that is written for or marketed to young adults. Heroines are mostly students and the story is happened on campus. ","SCI_FI_fb542":"Sci-fi is a subgenre of speculative fiction which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes etc.","HORROR_0b017":"Horror is a genre of fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror,. Horror intends to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere for the reader. ","RECEIVE_a30c7":"Receive yyy Power Stone daily","DMCA_WEBNOVEL_COM_73433":"","WEBNOVEL_COM_566ad":"","CLICK_2e63a":"Click on the paragraph and you can modify the lacking parts. ","YOUR_04c70":"Your version will be seen by other users, and might become the official version. ","THIS_1305a":"This paragraph has been edited! ","COIN_34d40":"Coin is essentially a virtual credit used on, and its current function is to save you time by allowing you to skip bonus chapters' advertisements. ","AD_a0c6b":"Ad may contain sound. 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Here I thought one of you two might be the eighth person,\" Yui sank back into her seat. \"Too bad, your Highness. You seemed pretty excited when you thought you might've found the eighth person.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"de99a4e1a90b947537224a3d9d50f92e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"She must have had her hopes up. Princess Menea looked troubled as she sat there in silence.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"89227665dac654aad61c249d30db1412","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"By the eighth person, do you mean one of the Japanese people who was summoned to your kingdom, your Highness?\" Satou asks.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0560620f347a9739c5ebf74b7f48a4be","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I... indeed. 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The demon destroyed the altar used for summoning, along with much of the castle, and carried off the person who'd just been summoned.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"910b0ecbdcff742348ce655b835c08b3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"No one was strong enough to stop the demon, and most people were trapped by the falling debris of the crumbling castle. But according to one of the survivors who saw the eighth person, the recently summoned person had short black hair. No one saw their face; the summoned person might even be a girl. Still, Satou looked worried for a second there. 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No. Satou is too strong to be summoned by them... it must be just a coincidence.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a94dfca5310fcc39e8218da702908e9b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Too bad neither of you aren't the eighth summon, though?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2a8d4362f2696a79183d47b14aec4659","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Why is that?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a59d992ca28c40e7808b2e6ad34bc88a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"For once Yui speaking out was helpful. 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Despite my fear of encountering the king and saying something that could get me killed, I'm not sure she is cut out for noble life.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e656a1b4e8b56d30eb2f9950b54b7162","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yui! If you want to marry a nobleman, you'll have to learn etiquette, a the very least,\" Menea gives Yui a cold stare.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"567c1ec4b146e7babf9db3d366986f3b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Oh, my bad. You've already got your sights on this one, right, your Highness?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8679571a062a45ac5046b8b3070dac5f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Y... Yui!... 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Yui sat back down, looking like she might finally behave. After Satou stirred the conversation back to the summoned Japanese people, Princess Menea was more than happy for the change of topic. Princess Menea and company told us all about the other summons.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9f142e642f67abe61e77d3839ab06b8e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The first two started screaming strangely and charged at the royals. They were cut down by the guards before they could take more than a few steps. They were probably just trying to figure out what was happening and where they were.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2289e52be158d2e3a34c5937a50792b0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The third was a young man in his late teens. They gave him a translation right, but he fled the castle that same day. He didn't make it very far. By the time the soldiers sent after him caught up, he was already dead and devoured by monsters in a nearby forest. There was no body, but they were sure he was dead when they found his arm and a large pool of blood. Part of me hopes that he is still alive since there was no body, but that is probably a foolish dream. This world is a dangerous and cruel world, after all.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"048dfb87fa4529988cd344de79330c10","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The fourth person was a man in his thirties. I couldn't fault the Lumork Kingdom for his death. In the midst of his battle training, the man attempted to attack a noble who was observing his training. According to Princess Menea, the man was executed later that day. He was probably desperate and wanted to escape the life they forced on him, but that doesn't excuse his attempted murder.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"de440d1019ec8a27ef18d1e3949a082f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The fifth person was a woman in her late twenties. After they gave her the translation ring and explained the situation... the woman sadly took her own life that same night.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"40b05b4941f3f2e8974b45a2857c7484","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Suicide? 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Even with the help of the weaselfolk's summoning-rite device, she was never able to connect to the same world twice,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"76fc0ca674ef3d2ca8e026ad3c71f7e4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Yuriko had a Unique Skill called World Connection. From what Princess Menea is able to describe, this skill was able to connect to parallel worlds. Unfortunately, it had two flaws. She couldn't control which world she would connect to or reach out to the same world twice.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22220edfb6790ccc32a69e9fbb65fda8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Finally, the sixth person is Aoi, and the seventh is Yui,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f24943578ee851161e7ab5eca9834f3b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"So aside from Aoi and Yui, the others are all dead. I can understand why Hayato and his party members held such hatred for the Lumork Kingdom. Not only did they kidnap eight people, but they got most of them killed. At least Princess Menea looks like she is taking responsibility for Aoi and Yui. 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We could try investigating the forbidden books in the royal castle, but they're off-limits to anyone but the King or the Lady of the Forbidden Archives, the sixth princess, Sistina,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2452eccaff6152962be1c9d761c7abd7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"The Parion Temple of the Saga Empire has no information, either. Perhaps the Parion Province in the west would know more, but I believe it would be best not to get one's hopes too high,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b061e92a6a6a1fddbebf54383c97e937","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Too bad. I had hoped there would be a way. Maybe there is some information regarding how to get back home sealed away in some forbidden library or vault.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"61a0c43d8a3be2987eda8b994bc0bed8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Gotcha. No dice, huh?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"613aa15eab0da861002e11f1964ba665","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"So we can't go back... I won't get to see my grandpa or my grandma or my friends from school... ever again...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"20ed70a207005a1f65ca83a38a439b6c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"What about you, Kura?\" But the Hayato speaks up. \"I have heard you can speak with the Dragon God. Can you ask her about getting those two home?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"bf251a38b0385339d7737ff0e770020a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I can try,\" I nod. It was a good idea. \"But I will have to wait for them to contact me, so I can't say when I will be able to ask the Dragon God about it.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5dc4e79c2e1c63c35a118a423e3c0ce4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Considering she just spoke to me, I think she already knows and will give me the answer sooner then they think. I pray I will be able to bring those two some good news. After hearing my answer, at least Aoi and Yui appear to have some more hope. Aoi was crying in Princess Menea's embrace, but he weakly smiled. Yui meanwhile slapped her checks lightly.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"69765b93e2b1d9d4e8a80fa424d342c5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"All right!\" The sulking ends now! From here on, I'm aiming to be the best idol in this world or maybe the queen of some kingdom,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b401f55655b82aada05118d6a339334a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Yui really does dream big, and her ambitions keep growing. She could give Arisa a run for her money. Yui jumps up, raising her fist to the sky, narrowly avoiding hitting Hayato.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e9b6a4d5a98b3dfb0d15ae80951c5541","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"C'mon, Aoi. You're pretty smart, so I bet you could be the best inventor in the world or something!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dcbe7a33f43983b15ff44a1b497ce31f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Leave me alone, Yui. I could never be the best at anything,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"73bf66823a94f6f59988648c62800d39","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Oh, don't give up before you even try. We're still kids, so we're supposed to just run forward as fast as we can, even if we fall on our faces!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fe86b9af3cf60cb6a4986542f9bbef14","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"But what if I do fall?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4e0c5c465079767a293a7d351288c31b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Don't be stupid. The important thing is that you keep running! That's just how we are,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"237181c5140ff92bc6ff2fc479ae9b3c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You mean that's how you are, Yui...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e77f82cba3387829bc88b5f47555c00c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Despite his doubts, Aoi looks brighter by the second with Yui's encouragement. As long as they don't lose that optimism and Princess Menea keeps supporting those two, then Yui and Aoi should have bright futures ahead of them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2398b7877b608a2d8b880f67efc3c46b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sorry, I couldn't give you better news,\" Hayato bows.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1dfc5f1d8e51d2fb38c46511ab9bacf7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Nah, it's not your fault,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ef331c4a2a4cfbe62921648b4ddef529","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"All right. 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I figured I would explore the city for a little bit.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"84f06377660959caf2246c4cdccc2d93","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Without any plans or a destination in mind, I soon found myself in a street bustling with shops overflowing with goods. Although the aromas of the food carts were tantalising, it was too early to enjoy a meal. 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Despite this, I found that the items this place offered were relatively affordable and well-suited to gifting purposes. Necklaces made from shells, stones that were marked with fossil imprints, and some bones that they said were used to make medicine for pain and discomfort.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2a06fc9110bf5c78b46f2904ecc8c4b5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"These items were all on display in the shop. I ended up buying some of the bones and what looked like some interesting fossils, and I was satisfied with my purchases. 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With the extra money I gave her, I just hope she can now afford to get some food.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"56575fd50099513e55ad5f9db3c3641e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"At the second shop, I found second-hand clothing. However, they were all dirty and torn, so no purchases were made. On the other hand, I found a butcher's shop and purchased some meat for dinner some night. The owner warned me that it would be chewy. However, this shouldn't be a problem since Liz likes her food chewy, and Pochi and Tama are not picky about their meat.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a1960eadf58908b9f466edfaaecf5b06","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I didn't anticipate buying so much from the fourth store, but it turned out to be a general store with all sorts of items that I thought might be helpful along the journey. These included string, thread, rope and anti-insect powder. The elderly couple who ran the store were very pleased with the amount of supplies I purchased.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c8cbdf2a5f5f2234b7abae2a8dd528d2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"At the fifth and last store I visited, I found an impressive selection of wooden boxes and barrels of varying sizes. I hadn't planned on purchasing any of them that day, but upon further consideration, I decided that a few barrels would be incredibly beneficial. I bought two large, two medium and five small barrels, making liquid storage much more straightforward.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ca263456c807d21fbfc1795e82954f1e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"My unplanned shopping trip turned out to be beneficial, as I found some really useful stuff. 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Your princess is being held with the other slaves. I also added the location of the guards and their schedules. Everything you need to rescue your princess,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"36571d5685c5f0ce9681614a5918d4fc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I'll have Satou keep an eye on the situation just in case, but I'm hoping they don't stir up too much trouble while trying to save their princess.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"986121b6d18cb105ada870fd8ec8394e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"After I had finished my meal, I found myself in a park admiring a troupe of acrobats. They were skilful, performing jumps and flips with trust that seemed unbreakable. However, the sheer harmony of their actions truly captivated me. Everyone was moving together, always in the right place. I enjoyed the show immensely, and when the crowd began to pay out, I also put some silver coins into the hat one of them used to collect donations.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f8eae18d747d63fd82972ed234a27606","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hey! Miss hero!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2dd16600e6bc4ca3f464299a0ba6e855","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"As I was about to depart, a man in his mid-thirties who was part of the troupe of acrobats called out to me. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a powerfully built frame. There familiar about him. I felt as if I had seen him before.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b59e6bfbf6d9de914c0559632165031f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Thank you for healing me the other day. 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I cannot thank you enough for what you did.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fbb007e1b5a0087dc1d004401d84746a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You don't have to thank me, sir,\" I continue to smile. \"I help people because I want to, not for a reward. I'm glad to hear of your improvement. You and your friends are really talented.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9bf1e761e91ef99d4578c69050647659","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"We have a really great group here,\" The man nodded, smiling. \"We've known each other since we were kids. We shared so many memories growing up together. And now we can show everyone our talents, all thanks to you. When I thought I'd never be able to perform again, you were the one who brought me back. So if there's ever anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3a45eff617ae001992745c2292b91011","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It's okay,\" I shake my head. \"Just keep making people of this world happy, and that will be enough for me.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a1f896b0b942257c331cbd4d3e849818","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"That I can do,\" The man laughs again before we say farewell and part ways.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a5e8478db804c452e3b34ae5ae796c01","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I decided to make a swift exit before the whispers started to swirl around me. I didn't want to end up like Hayato after he visited the orphanage the other day. I've realised just how difficult it is to try and be a hero sometimes. Getting out of there before anyone got too worked up was the best decision.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"aef213ebd8f53dd11bd3f18c1a7a171d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I scouted out the area,\" I ended up overhearing two Tigerfolk as I passed by the alley. \"The princess is there but under heavier guard than we suspected. We might not have enough people for this.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e40577ea8ae162fbd116cb4a8a9d19d8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"We will still proceed with the plan. We can't let our princess remain in those conditions,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a182d3e3cc9f540fe1b17d2ad9732f16","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Something really is going to happen soon. As long as they don't do anything too bad, I am not planning on getting involved. They just need to get their princess out safely and quietly.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"986c2e056c81234c75c6a63f6b742fbb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Seeing the time, I only make one final stop before returning home. I visited the store by the arena that sold tea and coffee. I brought large bags of a few types of coffee and tea before heading home. But I underestimated how busy the streets would get. When I returned to the guest mansion, it was almost time for dinner.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ad786545e472c27bd24fef871a7a9b7e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Late,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0097f772da942100b492f33417fc47ff","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hero Kura, it is ill-advised for a woman to stay out so late alone. My library says there is a high chance of attack. Please take someone with you next time, I advise,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"657b428af943fab88a7b00d86f332d57","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Nana and Mia greet me at the door. I pat Mia on the head as I apologise for being out so late, then stop Nana when she starts listing the statistics of being attacked in various ways. I'm surprised she knows all that when she acts in... some dangerous ways herself.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"03f084bdc0272e47089872ec9f45014b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I take it everyone else is training,\" Looking at the clock, I see it is around that time.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f251c21b00588cd70450046d0d7041ce","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Pearl, Liza, Tama and Pochi are indeed training, but Lulu is helping in the kitchen, and Satou disappeared with Sir Hayato. Arisa is passed out with a nosebleed while listing the explicit activities she thinks those two are up to and is currently in her room,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0730956de1cb7e78739e0a88a57ea1c2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Mmm... very explicit...\" Mia confirms with a nod as she turns bright red.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a961f03c248a4900f635d06ffef0168a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"And finally, Mia and I are currently with you. I conclude my report,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"046ab94c7fd852a47c5ba6633c1d2046","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I'm glad Nana was the one to answer me. It would have taken Mia three or four times as long to relay that information. Still, she didn't need to tell me that she and Mia were with me. But at least I know I can depend on her to give me the information I need.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dbd41f1eaaa6169c02ca65ba4110dc9a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou arrives home shortly after me after spending all day sparing with Hayato. It sounded like she had a good time, and later that night, he was able to pass on the skills he learned from Hayato to me. Strength, Endurance Enhancement, Muscle Enhancement, Iron Skill, Defence Shell, Magic Power Armour, Foresight Versus Human, Field Control, Sixfold Rapid Attack, Gap Attack and Gap Defence. I ended up spending all my remaining skill points on those new skills.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"77342f05f3b5c8fa5d66e0cfd93f13bc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Strength level ten, Endurance Enhancement level eight, Muscle Enchantment level five, Iron Skin level ten, Defence Shell level five, Magic Power Armour level five, Gap Attack level ten, Gap Defence level ten, Foresight Versus Human level five, Field Control level five and Sixfold Rapid Attack level ten.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"358674c3a9bca650d0d5a157a056b507","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Trying out these skills in sparing matches against Satou and Pearl, I am starting to understand how to best use them. Satou certainly had a great day to be able to learn such valuable skills. 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The who even was just too much for a simple goodbye.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ed05bc35807fb4415d76e04807fea5eb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"First, we're checking the Labyrinth City Celivera in the Shiga Kingdom and the Yowork Kingdom, then heading to the Parion Province,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"147332c1f08d30e9e82e4da646766b5b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When it is finally our turn to speak with Hayato, we exchange plans quickly before saying our goodbyes. I had no idea how hard being a hero was. Hayato is putting in a lot of hard work to find a demon lord, and one appeared before me when I wasn't even seeking one out.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0b0409120aee98ffcc418e87935b1f49","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Princess Arisa, please take care until we meet again,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"332fa11fc6fbdd91cc4f302b17643078","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I shall pray that fortune is on your side, sir Hayato,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a2cb6a4d933e792ece4f4abcdc69b19e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Arisa took Hayato's hand and smiled. Amusingly, Hayato's face turned red just from a bit of hand-holding. He really is a lolicon through and through. Hayato had to hide his embarrassment by heading up the ramp of his magical airship. But he managed to compose himself by the time he turned around to call out Satou.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b8dcca5389cea8eb4396017a250937b9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Don't you dare laugh, Satou! Listen, make sure you don't lose control because of Arisa's cuteness, got it? Always adhere to the law of 'Yes, Lolita! No touching!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22141a9ff75c2a0a3de934c7613dfc9b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"He's lucky no one understood what he meant. Satou also got lucky that no one noticed Arisa just pinched his bottom. She has been getting too daring lately. 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They got to leave right away, while I had to socialise with the nobility for a few hours after that. At least I had Henry there, which made things more bearable.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"02f89a8bf62f4e6bcaa5e5a651321598","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"af65c3ecdb94ca1dd2e650713673b354","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"An escort for an auction?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8a10195da94763dc1f931757862970d3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"That's right. I'm told it will be held in the black market across the God's-Crossing Bridge,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"36f98f3af3b112f50b55ea68eec4fb2e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"It was the day after Hayato, and his party left, and Princess Menea paid us another visit. Yui, Aoi, and the knight that came with us on the dragon-slaying quest are also here. The God's-Crossing Bridge was a large bridge across the big river near the city. I didn't realise it had a cool name like that.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"eddfaff80b340039ef7321cd930c27af","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sir Knight...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"98cabf272dd6c17c8a35da01887372f3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"What's the matter, Mr. Sebaf?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8e169ed7d85a2e0ac5b0424a42392194","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The elderly butler Sebaf approached Satou looking concerned. It was unlike him to interrupt people like this, so it must be important.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7ab97220342b43834f397fb6b7cf3bba","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"The black market district, Muraas, is rather a dangerous area. The auction your Highness mentioned is known as a dark auction that trades in illegal goods, not an officially sanctioned auction,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7bfa5d7daa3161bf21d357558b0e48b0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Princess Menea swiftly put a hand to her mouth to cover her surprised reaction to Sebaf's explanation.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c23ffda88b6d83d6be04aa49fef78583","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"With your prowess, sir Knight, I doubt you would have any problems with ruffians and their ilk. However, Muraas is home to many disreputable businesses, so it might lead to some unfavourable gossip if you were seen there. If you do intend to go, I would encourage you to bring a recognition-inhibiting magic tool,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"bf2453866a5810f3102cd51e54f57472","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Thank you, Mr. Sebaf,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8524ee8ea74a23005074c6bd885fefab","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sebaf bowed and humbly stepped away without judgement once he said his piece.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4ff53833dc758a119f0468af547ed7f1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"What do you wish to do, your Highness?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7ab9a5607b8bc2e77299920e8d649fd1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou asks. I don't think she would have needed something at the auction. She must want something done there. It must be important if Princess Menea was willing to go to an unsafe place for it.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"58b92f109fd4a17f941a385cd0661e4c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Why don't you just get Mr Satou to find someone to sell us some?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9893cf1dec30cf2207e7b7aab402d69a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yui!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4ef794c3ca84c99544029a627e0bad79","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"At first, Princess Menea got angry with Yui. 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Those things included a large lump of dark stone, fragrant wood, teaware, a few art pieces and two memo pads.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5f253d5c656593827294da2eb2033636","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Is this Japanese?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"822153e2e1b0b9f3376f1ba80c9d1940","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I had the same question on my mind, but I couldn't ask it. Unlike Satou, I have been telling people I don't understand Japanese. 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I haven't met the person who wrote it, but...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5afd004b95b957f5e2c027bde0fa4bf4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou stopped when he saw that Princess Menea was starting to cry as she clutched the memo.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7f2746049e7b6f60a9e1e62cdd39b3f8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Thank goodness...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1b9fb527361b72f7e6b46f685ed3ebc0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Aoi and Yui comforted her from either side. It looked like she was generally relieved and not just putting on an act that the third person was alive. While she recovered, Satou and I looked over the notes she'd brought out. One talked about raising shellfish and culturing pearls, while the other was a table of alloys and their mixture ratios. They weren't complete, but what was written was accurate. Still, Satou looks like he is interested in buying them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5ec3b9a7a5ffb2ed1b2d5efddd33dcf2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I think that the third person might have been in Seiryuu City at some point...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"86636ec196ecdacdee1e74eec9037e3b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I comment after reading the notes over. I had seen a chief in the castle using a similar memo to prepaid soy sauce. Now that I think about it, his description does match that of Lilio's boyfriend... it might just be a coincidence, but I still pass that information on to Princess Menea.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"425d012898c0446c438c11d4ef757ba8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Is he doing okay? Is he still in Seiryuu City?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a2f06dae1544c1cc93d6539eeaf6ec69","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It sounds like he is doing fine... but I haven't met him in person. 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When it comes to these grade one, one can block someone with the analysis skill of level one, so someone would need a grade ten recognition-inhibiting magic tool to fool me.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dec692312443a376d11a6d89ef791061","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I actually had plenty of recognition-inhibiting magic tools in my storage. I had found them on the Wings of Freedom cult members. 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I was starting to get worried about how easy it was to get hold of such dangerous items. But while I was thinking about it, Satou and the escort knight chose a mask type that hid the upper half of their faces, while Princess Menea chose a veil type.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"32154143d66e21700bad1f4f0b4a69a6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Grade three are three gold coins apiece, so I'll accept seven gold coins for the three of them,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a1bf7a00d8cd7c681d54d590eebaa40a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"That's quite affordable for magic tools,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f23e3fa155ab29340d2aa2e75dab4fa8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I couldn't help but comment upon hearing the price the shopkeeper offered. I was expecting him to charge them two or three times the price.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"139c588d58013b8236d7d17d72a43f51","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Well, grade three and below will lose their effectiveness after a few years, and they require the wearer to refresh the magic power supply every few minutes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1674fa648ae3bb6bc2ab10765be89480","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"With such a reasonable price, Satou didn't hesitate to pay. He brought all three of them, much to Princess Menea's distress.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d9e177aaa98a0b69eed2a0008adad4a8","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Wait a moment, sir Satou. I think my guard and I will buy grade-one tools instead, please. Grade one would be cheaper correct,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3a443c26863ecdc40bf7c2e079e47564","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes, that would be one gold coin apiece,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4fc5c62e9a3d698e5fc781a4f97069ad","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Looking at princessMenea's expression, it was clear that the price was still far too expensive for her. She was pretty good at saving money for someone raised in the royal castle. 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I certainly wasn't expecting the other guests.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"658c696afa8e87807370b17237ea57a2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Good evening Hero Kura,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"37b7c3b6037f23a3a401ecefea3d55b9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When I arrived, the king greeted me first, and it all made sense why the maids had forced me into such an ornate, though uncomfortable, costume. I certainly wasn't expecting it! I can only hope that Satou soon brings in some less tortuous garments. This sort of clothing is almost lethal.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"605a2d5ea406e961cbeb3c3b99bb3348","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You're Highness,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"01725cb8b7424ab8150b363e63105a1d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I've lost count of how often I've dipped my head out of respect for the king. It's practically become a reflex by now, though I don't mind bowing to him. He's quite gracious and friendly, after all. We sat and chatted in the drawing room for about an hour prior to our dinner. Our conversation didn't have a particular focus or purpose. We discussed the reconstruction project of the arena and surrounding area and some general topics.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cc7ce4fd2523ab9d11ae2a3176e9ea78","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I was so sorry that Pochi and Tama could not join us for dinner since it was fantastic. The chef had remarkable skills, and the meat dishes came close to matching the meals Satou prepared. Clearly, they had gone to great lengths in order to accommodate the king. They even brought out the best wine to impress him.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a8c5ce79449a35bbb1775382e203f046","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Lady Seiryuu expressed her gratitude to the king for the support he offered to Seiryuu City. They spoke of how the city was progressing, and Lady Seiryuu looked like she felt a sense of great pride that things were beginning to look up.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e017938b39c023b5437603e778a67726","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The king initially wanted to discuss the notorious Prince Sharorik but luckily changed the topic to the heroic qualities of his heir, Prince Soltrick. Admiration shined in his voice as he spoke of the Prince's remarkable swordsmanship and battle prowess while critically analysing my reactions. After discussing Seiryuu City, the conversation took a more positive turn.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0bbdc981e5c3fc5bbb2d6c018f9edfac","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"At every opportunity, the king brings up his son, Prince Soltrick, touting his swordsmanship and leadership skills. The Prince has funded the construction of new roads, which has increased trade within and outside the kingdom and has become an icon of hope and pride for the people of the royal capital. Does the king perhaps wish to convince me to recruit his son into my party?\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ebd6e1116324c7132cb71b386dbc842e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"If I am to recruit the Prince, I need to meet him first. Prince Sharorik has broken my faith in the Prince, and I'm sure the king will understand the trouble the Prince has caused me when I tell him. The king doesn't demand that I recruit Soltrick; he just discusses his accomplishments and observes my actions. If I had given some fascination to his words, I think the king may have even recommended it. Luckily, I stayed emotionless throughout the evening, thanks to my poker face skill.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"21eca98d84f671a3ae0dfb8d88db69f7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"By the end of the meal, I had learned more about Prince Soltrick than I anticipated. The king was vigorously trying to persuade me to recruit him. However, when I arrive at the royal capital, I will be sure to meet him. If Prince Soltrick is as the king described him, I will be more than content to recruit him. However, I won't hesitate to leave him behind if he is anything like his brother, Prince Sharorik.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a90e7a1d0ad8b4b67b03f8a099d26b4e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"As I made my way back home, the streets were eerily quiet. I wish the carriage had an open roof, so I could fully take in the beauty of the stars, but alas, I had to settle for gazing at them for a few seconds before climbing inside. Once I settled into the carriage, I could relax and ride home in peace. At least, I tried to...\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d24c468b86c05e6b39330896ae44d63e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Stop the carriage,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0721250a8b94b174d7bcf5456004fbd1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Without hesitation, I leapt out of the carriage as the coachman stared at me in confusion. Violently shaking his head, he had no time to ask me why I was in such a hurry, for I had already noticed a friend in peril and couldn't delay any further.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4eba733d53a22b1d27823998b56c9001","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sara and her few remaining knights are bravely battling the flaming red slugs. Being close to them is unbearable, as they fill the air with intense heat. Sadly, the knights seem to be in a dire state, and out of the four members, three have been killed off, while the last one doesn't look like he can survive for much longer. To make matters worse, Sara struggles to keep up a magical barrier, shielding herself and a group of little children from the vicious slugs.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"42f07edde4a93317493d718475dc93dd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I take out my holy sword and swiftly slash the nearest fire slug. As the beast collapses, I race toward the last knight, who is valiantly battling a horde of fire slugs. His trusty sword is melting before his eyes, and time is running out. With a burst of energy, I strike the offending creature, cutting through its tough hide with my sharp blade. The knight looks at me with hope and appreciation, and I feel a surge of pride in what I was able to do.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3140d86a6f6c801b47a9ea7db3904b1b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I shot my magic arrow spell with precision and determination at the two slugs that were trying to break through Sara's magical barrier. The magic arrows glowed brightly and sent a wave of destruction that engulfed the two slimy creatures and tore their bodies beyond recognition. As the two of them melted away, I quickly took out the last remaining slugs that were eating the dead knight's bodies. My magic arrows were so powerful that the slug's bodies were completely obliterated in the process and no trace of their existence remained.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"851b6228b2c21382fc502e37681ea019","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The darkness and dampness of the night were palpable as I quickly used my powers to tend to the wounds of the knight and Sara. Distantly, the sound of guards alarmed over a fire in the black market drifted to our ears, making me anxious for Satou's safety. Nevertheless, I had faith that he would be all right.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d5b06bca7a57f8dd3822cf148f4e28f4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sara was still visibly shaken, so I led her to the carriage, where the knight stated he would remain behind to watch over the fallen until someone could come to transport them away. I then swiftly eliminated the few remaining fire slugs that I spotted skulking around in the shadows before giving the coachman instructions to take us to the Tenion Temple. Sara shakes her head as we ride away.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"11f548d04d887b77c67f18fe1126ce59","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"This is getting worse,\" She says, clenching her hands into tight fists.\"There have been so many burn victims lately. I'm sure it's the work of one noble. When I asked the victims, they were too scared to tell me who it was, but I am sure it was him. I had just finished treating the children when the fire slugs attacked. If you weren't have save us, we would have all…\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6f7f83e94bc723c880914046edbb5b70","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It's alright,\" I assure her, comforting her by placing my hand on top of hers, feeling her fists begin to slowly relax. \"You can rest easy now. I'm here to protect you.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3430afbf4e3536f14d7285044941866b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"If you hadn't been there to save us from the fire slugs, I'm sure we would all have been in grave danger,\" Sara says, her voice filled with sincere gratitude. \"And you have saved me from so much more... from assassins and even the Demon Lord. I truly owe you my life.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e779633a8f61b910244c59811d5588f6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You don't owe me anything,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"48945daffee7e08f78b0e86f1ca5eb7f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I definitely want to do something to show my gratitude; if there is anything I can do in return, I will do it gladly.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f5681758eb0e24e463a6c42e0f790e7f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You are doing an amazing job. You're making a real difference to the people of this city, and the children at the orphanage adore it when you come and spend time with them. You are already doing so much.\" I tell her. \"If anything, I owe you a debt of gratitude Lady Sara as you are helping to liberate two of my companions from a horrendous curse.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c43a172370fa241fab771678a7522047","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"No, you don't owe me anything. I wanted to learn Prayer Magic because it is my duty as a priestess to use holy magic to help people in need... and it will impress... never mind, it's nothing!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c7e295f1f0b384078844f73d4bceb7ba","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sara began to blush inexplicably. When I proposed that neither of us was obligated to the other, she simply nodded her head and diverted her gaze out the window. 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With the moonlight softly illuminating her, Sara honestly looked like a beautiful fairy.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ad3c063c0de95b45773b890f007610e2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Everyone has the potential to be strong if they have the determination and bravery to take the initial step,\" I nod. \"Strength is more than just physical strength; it is a willpower that comes from within. It is the determination to achieve one's goals, regardless of the obstacles you face. True strength is not measured by how much you can lift or how many enemies you can beat. It reflects the power of your spirit. But finding some good teachers helps.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"25d20909b2817b19760ec78496d66c12","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Can you teach me how to defend myself?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6ea592247f99caf29b8780b8e46e2de9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sure, but I won't be able to teach you any magic. I use magic differently to others ever since becoming a hero. 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When I returned to the guest manor, I found a tasty treat waiting for me.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d79238cdddb2282b33c8a9c2a3163f85","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Oh, man! Japanese food!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"66e472d48adb417d2986136cf638390b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Tofu, miso soup, and even natto!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"17a87f9c34ceb5c2a8752a0ce808d6c2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Upon seeing the spread of typical Japanese cuisine, Yui and Aoi could barely contain their delight. Satou had arranged a farewell party for Karina and Princess Menea, who were to travel to the royal capital the day after tomorrow; Karina had to personally give her report to the king in the royal capital, despite it being easier to do so in the old capital.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"683315dc8c6015f12cf9c6f8fffe3293","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Karina and Princess Menea were taking a large aircraft from the old capital, so there was probably no need to worry about their safety. I had brought coffee for Satou, and when I gave it to him, his smile caused me to feel the jealousy of Arisa for a few hours. Eventually, she stood up and declared she would obtain the most scrumptious coffee beans in the city. She abruptly left, and Satou hastily dispatched Liza to accompany Arisa as protection.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c51cd79b5ad964e768112363a5157027","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"How nice, Sir Satou! I can't believe you knew that we were departing on the same aircraft as Mistress Karina the day after tomorrow!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"daa888c05a4c624196d187c2d735f78c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When Princess Menea arrived, she had a delighted look on her face. Later, Satou would confess that he had been unaware of her travel plans, a fact that Karina had informed us of only a few hours prior. 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Despite this usually being punishable, since Arisa was a former princess and Mia an elf, Princess Menea found it hard to reprimand them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f2241de56c09bdd7dba7fbd46bd03b0f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sir Pendragon, you're really going to have Her Highness Princess Menea sit at the same table as those beastfolk?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"15a2af1ab589e3ea750210a0cb7c4efe","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes, Lady Menea has given her permission,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"379e18b5a895c4b5973a2169781283f2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou politely responded to Karina's younger brother Orion's complaints. It wouldn't have been a problem to set up a separate table if Princess Menea had refused. But she happily consented, so we could all eat together. Karina had insisted that she wanted the beastfolk girls to join us, so her compliance was very helpful. Pochi, Tama and Liza are currently sitting in front of the mountain of steaks while Pearl is looking, unsure of where to start as they wait for the feast to start.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f56c5862bd83ca6810311b6b5d4a343b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Thank you all for gathering today for Lady Karina and Princess Menea's farewell party,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8d3a014cbf28541a07473f0ceb8f4bc5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Satou began the meeting with an introduction that I had heard on numerous occasions at business events. Unlike one of my supervisors, Satou at least seemed to be genuinely enthusiastic about being there. 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Let your maid person go to the royal capital so you can travel with us and master, ma'am!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6a5f883f8e5a638d15a3aaab3284221a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Could I really?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d57dd04a6cdd8815fa17222e5f90d96e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Karina spun around and gazed at Satou with a glimmer of hope, yet this was far from a simple situation. Due to her standing as nobility, Karina had many obligations, which Satou had to be sure she met. If Orion had been older, Karina would have potentially asked him to take her place. However, allocating a minor to this task is not considered reasonable. Pina, the maid, and Satou shook their heads, and Karina's countenance drooped in disappointment. 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They could have sounded pretty cool in other situations.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cb4e9efb8298f6ebe04c02aa8bff3374","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"The tofu steak is delicious as well, I report,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c118c3e525d1221db4911cbbd8ab3278","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Mm. Yummy,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f09f61345f6fa94b47fe726a3e0b66ba","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Mia exited my lap as soon as the banquet commenced and began walking around, extolling the virtues of the tofu hamburger to the other guests. 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I shared some basics which I had taken away from the self-defence class my parents had insisted I take before I moved to the city, nothing that was too difficult.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"62e29f7d7451c2c8a867b6169af8f657","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d68ef71997822ae0091007f1dcd6e319","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I give a nod of confirmation as Lulu anxiously awaits my approval. We borrowed a few manikins from the guest manor for this lesson, and her elbow is now pressed against one of their necks.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9e6ee0070a13378cf16b646fc3780d6a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Going for the throat is one of the best ways to disable an attacker. You can disrupt their breathing with a hard strike to the throat, and your attacker will likely stop attacking you. You want to try and stay an arms-width away and use your elbow and forearm. You need to strike hard and fast before your opponent has a chance to react. Your attack should double over, struggling to breathe after that, allowing you to escape,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5d1fa4cf8595f1e7048f9b104177e39a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Despite Arisa's height, which kept her from hitting her attackers in the eyes, Lulu and Sara hesitated to use kicks to the groin as a form of defence. 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Arisa, however, is having a bit of difficulty. Even with me moving slowly, she can hardly react quickly enough. Conversely, Sara can defend herself well against someone of average speed.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6f7c9746dd65c6776d96bdaaefec75ab","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"It took almost half an hour before Arisa could join Sara and Lulu, but I was glad they could protect themselves against knife-related assaults. But now I was going to move on to some more advanced stuff.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"48e0a4d65a3df2049b2966bdaa18ac62","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"But this may not be enough,\" I say as we take a short break. \"If you need to keep fighting them for a while longer, have a firm grip on their wrist holding the knife and continue to hit their head, neck, and legs until they have collapsed to the floor. Hopefully, they remain there, but you may need to physically pin them down if they don't. Most importantly, make sure that you keep the blade pointed away from yourself.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6c6b39a61a6591c6207ac6a6c3358c0e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"We practised putting someone on the ground, with the girls taking turns throwing me down. Luckily, everything went smoothly, apart from Lulu constantly apologising for her actions. Subsequently, we shifted our focus to something a bit more delightful. Arisa and Sara did their best to deflect my knife until they could chant the words that would end with a simple light spell. Initially, they had difficulties, often even biting their tongues, but after a while, they grasped the concept. Furthermore, Lulu was tasked with getting a crossbow and pointing it at me.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"87a5c04c3a69865fe6faae4ae9a6b2a7","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The primary aim of this training was to enable Sara, Lulu and Arisa to stay alive; any victory against their opponents would be an added bonus. As they weren't front-line fighters, they ran the risk of being overwhelmed if they engaged in close-quarters fighting. 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You are a fast learner and should be able to put thugs in their place in no time,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8d89f116cb90d8b4353b1af671ec9d13","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Thanks to you, I will be... and you can... just call me Sara... if you like...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3b1e5ec9a90e098e329b47b0596f8cd9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sure, and Sara, you can drop the hero part and just call me Kura,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"56b9cb2c8dc27c162707aa26f426a4ae","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes... Kura... I should get going now, but thank you again for today,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"975c9ff1ca499bfc64bc3635ca8cb140","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"For the next few days, I taught Sara, Lulu and Arisa how to throw punches without injuring their hands and where to target their opponents to cause the most disorientation. Both Sara and Lulu followed my direction attentively, whereas Arisa was more demonstrating the move with little attention to detail, which set her back; to make matters worse, she almost caused injury to herself and Lulu when Satou stopped by for a visit.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"92c605d7e7d1719ba18c6efe060f5b92","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Training the girls was undoubtedly a worthwhile endeavour. The bandits, thieves, and cultists should no longer pose a threat. We had plenty of time left over, and I employed my illusion magic to create a few monsters and instructed them on the best way to take them out. They may not become the most talented Monster Hunters, but they should have no trouble handling the creatures I showed them.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"64e5626ab639abda0d06c8787ca03328","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"So if I were to shoot it here and here, it would be unable to move?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4dce2800ddb6aaab6cc6e554a4204414","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"That's right?\" I nod as Lulu points to an armadillo-like monster I am showing them. \"Even if you cannot kill one yourself, you can stop it so someone with a weapon or spell that can harm the monster can finish it off.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"23ae3fc4f06b5b0ca2b561725cfa7b9c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I owe my vast knowledge to my high intellect. It allows me to assess monsters quickly and pinpoint where to strike to defeat them. Contrary to Arisa's belief, this is not attributed to special skills such as 'Weak Point Detection' but my analytical thinking.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"91546881050fe81d5a0f4a35acbb80af","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"So we don't get to make the kill shot,\" Arisa moaned, kicking e pebble through the illusion.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"938775bfff9a144bd0f214cc929942f4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Not always. There will be monsters you can't defeat by yourself, but you can certainly aid in their defeat but targeting certain areas of their body or using certain spells. It doesn't matter how tough a monster is. They all have some weak spot or element they are vulnerable to,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"03347577519b6fe0fc749d1d377652c5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I devised a test on the fifth and final day of our training. With the help of Pochi and Tama, we would take on the girls one by one. This time, however, their goal was not to defeat us but rather for Arisa and Sara to avoid capture long enough to cast a basic light spell while Lulu again attempted to achieve a shot with her crossbow.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"22cb2c174341537a111ee9bbf547fbbf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Initially, it was a challenging three-on-one situation for the girls, but by the conclusion, Lulu and Sara had passed the test nine times out of ten. Pochi and Tama were fast and agile, yet their movements were somewhat predictable and even though I was easing up on them a bit, I still wasn't going easy. Surprisingly, their success rate was much higher than I had anticipated. I figured they'd only pass one out of ten times. On the other hand, Arisa could not secure a win most of the time, even when I held back. Ultimately, Arisa achieved a success rate of two out of ten times.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6b2b32791bbad668397cd17446165ce3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003cTitle Acquired: Trainer.\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"bfa49222f0d3727b03e8af2216047283","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Yesterday, I went shopping and found the supplies we needed for a treat, homemade ice cream! I tried to recreate a vanilla flavour and think I got pretty close. We had to use magic to make it, but luckily, Satou had already made a magical tool to help us out next time. Lulu and Sara have been working so hard with their self-defence lessons, so I decided to reward them with this treat. Arisa still needs some more practice, but I'm sure they all enjoyed it on this warm day.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b36300942c0bb7ada26bd46c3eca5033","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Ice cream!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"abd5b450499556b754005e316351dfaf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Arisa soon cheered up, snatching her bowl out of my hand as soon as I offered it to her while Lulu and Sara politely accepted. It was a good thing they weren't as fast as Arisa because they learned from her that eating ice cream too fast can give you a headache.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ea186d36fb51342c26eeb83bdded075c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Cooling,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"56e44b2a1a2d4ac2eb4edc0d9fb9124a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It's cold, sir,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"201905d715d7304c7e641cc7b80e9f15","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Pochi and Tama appear to savour every moment as their tails wag in unison with each spoonful they eagerly consume. To my dismay, they weren't heeding my suggestion to slow down and were consuming the dessert much too quickly, as evidenced by the subsequent ice cream headaches they endured. On the other hand, Lulu and Sara are much more sensible; they are taking their time, relishing the taste of the delectable treat with each bite they take.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a23f4a9441f1211193100855d50d866e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Did you make this yourself he... Kura,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0a4e3c8d298d8484de596d469ee4ffd5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes. I learned the recipe from someone I met while travelling before I became a hero. I think they were planning on opening a stand one day selling this stuff,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2e969a3ccec090153a782def1c667e52","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It is surprisingly easy to make,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0ec2e42297f96a9eeb238d478eacc06c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Last night, I taught Lulu, Sara, and Satou the process of making ice cream. When we were finished, we had made enough for everyone, including Mr Kajiro, Miss Ayaume, the Saga Kingdom samurai pair, and even a bit extra for the holy woman at the Tenion Temple. I intended for Sara to take the extra and deliver it to the head priestess.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f2c8cee0cffba0f7cc1a8a3256c8f48f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"We had a lovely time, and it was the ideal way to conclude our training session. However, instead of sending Sara off with a coach like usual, she asked me to go and meet the holy woman. I quickly informed the others of my intentions before I took a ride with Sara in the carriage.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"fac6aa6c14ab2166c5ea804d04666321","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"01e5441ed304bb0428442e15ed91cd9c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Hero Kura,\" The holy woman and head priestess of the Tenion Temple, Lady Yu, smiled as Sara and I entered the room. \"I'm glad I got to see you again before you left the city.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9639128cd8033181cb07b631cab18cd5","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Yu,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3c35e799533fd48e0258fe09d40d86dc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"We settled in the temple's sanctuary, and I gave the holy woman the ice cream before we began talking.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9c4becf7485c43b98c904276e73ca5bd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"My... I have encountered a dish I haven't eaten in a long time...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b65d5d1127b7802d837402256cc32666","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You have eaten this before?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"23b4c527d5c957e06784824d43754b1f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes,\" Lady Yu nods to Sara's question. \"When I was a hero's companion, I travelled to many places and tasted many different dishes. Ice cream might not be as common in the Shiga Kingdom as it is in the Saga Empire, but the hero I aided gifted the recipe to multiple merchants as we travelled. It was the last thing we ate together before he returned back to his homeland.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4562a66cfd55e5ca36bf3872f9a625cf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I'm relieved to hear that since it backs up my story of learning it on my travels. But most of all, it makes me want to visit the Saga Empire. I wonder if they have flavours other than vanilla. I hope they have chocolate and someone is willing to tell me how to make it. But I'm sure if Satou and I experiment a bit, we could probably figure out that information by ourselves.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8b8e42c643479dd5927097bfd6905a63","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I can remember he made it very popular in a coastal town on the continent's western edge. I'm happy the people remember him fondly despite the fact that he tried to make the women there wear something he called... what was it... ah, yes... bikinis. I can remember the mayor of that town nearly chasing us out of town when he asked his daughter to try one of those things on. He was the kind of person who would cause trouble without even realising it, you see.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9fadf85f61b623474124a57117e04e10","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"He sounds like an interesting person,\" I comment.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d621e94e46ae665a1a8304149d8ffc99","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes, he was,\" Lady Yu nods. \"There were times when I wanted to kill him and times when I wanted to kiss him. There isn't a day that goes by that I wish he didn't return to his homeland once we defeated the demon lord. But enough about the past, I wanted to talk to you about the future. What would you say to recruiting Sara here as one of your followers?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7eaa9639e6d870d8686cbba5fa1c422b","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"P... priestess...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"76d6eda1e03e670138a7d1dbdc4d4329","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Come on, Sara, just the other day, you were talking about how hero Kura is helping so many people, and you wanted to do the same,\" Lady Yu comments as Sara speaks up. It looks like Sara wasn't told about this recruitment pitch either. \"Besides, learning Prayer Magic is a hard path and travelling with hero Kura will help you achieve that goal.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"0bcabc4995167e2e6b9d7e67485149a1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"But... 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I wrote every spell I know in there and some notes below them on how best to utilise them. You won't be able to use them all right now, but with time and training, I am confident you will have mastered those spells by the time we next meet.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e1752c9eb362577b275ffc40c8923348","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Sara was handed a small notebook by Lady Yu, with its neatly crafted design and Cutesy handwriting by the head priestess. 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No one will likely complain once I explain how it would speed up Sara's training to learn Prayer Magic.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2afacca8596e2889ca1ac26da0607c53","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\u003c0\u003e\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"6f55c6fd66821da7533980c0c1e02c5c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Ah!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"76d1b101b188b6104f3616877e1346c6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Let go of my balls!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"53d2cd8f1383d90ad643597a11a268fd","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Unfortunately, my return journey to the guest manor was less tranquil than when I first set off to the Tenion Temple. 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It wasn't until I reached a level five that I was able to communicate clearly with him and hold a conversation.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d1b96a59c04486968b38c14e91754689","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"As I attempted to learn the language of the orc when he suddenly tried to stab me a few times. After successfully dodging his attack, he hurriedly escaped through a concealed door; the Sense Danger skill I had suddenly kicked in reminded me of the potential threats ahead. When I peered cautiously through the entrance, I noticed a gigantic magical machine crafted in the form of a torii shrine gate, aglow with a bright red light.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"1ac0816feade75e496d383aac4b290c6","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"We cannot let this place be revealed to humans. Farewell Lo Han, Li Fu,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"650bd0a690c803894027862b6b91127a","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Standing in front of the magic tool was the orc who dropped the notes I was looking for. I'm not sure what he did to the torii shrine gate, but it was looking bad. If I didn't do something, this area and the old capital above it would be in peril.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7fad05af6b99e8e8cb745f49560be071","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You must forgive me for going on before you to enter the great cycle with Lu Heu,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"18e4e31fe8b996476114f9852a088a0f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I quickly arrived at the magic device using Warp and noticed it was about to overload. Acting fast, I placed my hand on the torii shrine gate and tried draining the magic. However, the amount was too large for me to take on. Nevertheless, I was determined to stop it, so I cast various spells such as Air Cleaner, Anti-Itch, and Deodorant, which wouldn't harm people, using the Magic Overload skill to consume as much MP as I could. He can save the rest of his would-be final words for another time.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"7a5afc8e817c29674fbe3439441c995e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"When I saw the torii shine gate switch from red to grey, I felt a wave of relief. It was just like the broken travel gates from Seiryuu County. My efforts had paid off, and the magic levels had reached the point where the overload of the magic tool was avoided- all quietly and quickly, without the orc being aware.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"522ebf37ce6f08c14f527b4f81dd31ef","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"How quick a thing is death,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"833a18c11cb4c2ccbf261a1673444983","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Sorry, but you are still among the living. I had to absorb this device's magical power before the situation put anyone else in danger. It would have affected the whole city if I let this thing explode,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"348b5a7af3baa9de2126bded965b88df","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"In an instant, the tranquillity on the orc's façade was gone. His gaze met mine the second I uttered a word, and his expression shifted from serenity to alertness.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a50f48fed6c8f81f84fee90c1d722489","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I... impossible... you're saying you stopped a travel gate that was running in overdrive?\" The orc kept switching his gaze between me and the travel gate as he started speaking in the language of the Shiga Kingdom. \"No human, no matter how powerful, should be able to dispel that much magic power in an instant. Are you a god? Or a god's apostle?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f3fb7ab0d6193ef0e485213f7713f98d","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"No, I am just a human,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d50bda615b4d76f8828eb77aa86763af","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"But no ordinary human could... ah. So you're a hero... no, a true hero?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"9465f2eadca9df15a84a185c5a089d5e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"He must have the Analyse skill.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"486099f09e2a18c28d76ad19cc188b57","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes, My name is Kura Suou. I'm a knight in the service of Earl Seiryuu, and as you have stated, I am indeed a hero,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2003859512d1c49c502139c80e26bb83","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Have you come to destroy the orcs?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"88da24fa817fb8b4c8a36dcf7da27302","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"No, I wouldn't even consider committing such an act. I just wanted to return something you dropped,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"34bd9f5de9402b98727fb096f1c8fd3f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I handed him the notebook that he dropped.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"392c9673b6589f43814b25d036aa2825","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Y... yes... it belongs to me... but why did you follow me down here just to return this old thing?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ffceb189d897415d7e823a7dc12443e4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Well, it wasn't my best idea, but I decided to give you the same kindness you showed that old man back on the street,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f45a6071adfae05cb4764bc12b858254","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You swear it? 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I was granted my title by the Dragon God after she witnessed me defeat a greater hell demon in single combat,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"da45e7fbaf4cb8871e73b53db9c40fca","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"On the name of the... Dragon God? No way...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"599cfc6d30121f914f24fe2ef7e6e9bb","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The diminutive orc appeared stunned by my vow. Though the Dragon God seemed unlikely to respond were I to break an oath sworn in her name, the other deities may have taken action. Evidently, swearing upon a god is highly serious, as their demeanour towards me changed after the promise was made.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dab57d8f69bda32efbbb92db46dcccfe","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Are you sure,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"11a0cf8d1c0b9ff16b57ce653f6ee99f","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Despite the orc's large size, he was still wary of me; his hood shadowed his eyes, making it impossible to read his expression.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"8fdb8eb5d925c9ea145d9c868b0da8e3","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes, I promise to keep your secret. It must be pretty important seeing the lengths you were willing to go to in order to protect it,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"de1f404e1ed0e724e4f0318b26471488","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Indeed. It is the legacy of our race. We cannot allow it to fall into the wrong hands,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3944b31a2ee4191fd5e56bc73955704c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I understand. Did you guys make the broken ones I saw in my travels, too?\" The orc gave a short nod to my question. \"Can you tell me where this gate is connected to?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b51c144cc1a223a942bcaeb4ec312fd1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"My apologies, but I cannot tell you. On the other side of this travel gate are some of my precious few remaining brethren. 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Though small, the room was full of life and was very neat.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4ab0efeefd970ae89a2bf28d7fb4eeb2","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Lu Heu served up a dish of crocodiles and a bottle of Evil Spirit Killer wine. To supplement the meal, I produced some mead and some fried whale meat from my reserves. Although it was a small quantity, it would be more than enough for all three of us.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4f3e68a4e3ff897270292b611281eeb1","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I don't know what kind of meat this fried food is, but it is delicious,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"67f51880b0f79fe66f8c3b70f6a08b94","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"It's giant-monster-fish mean. Grated daikon makes a great topping for it, but if you don't like that, grated onion works pretty well, too,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ececbd5ea3ca4a96fb526acad816f59e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Giant-monster-fish?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"92193142b08e04700baf6b5a91d581dc","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You have daikon?!\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c93167fba1f36baff075775338b4623c","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"The two orcs, Ga Hou and Lu Heu, latched on to two very different points from my response.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"f001d76ed9f4fe57230aa7a38ae98888","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Yes,\" I start my answer. \"A yellow demon appeared in the old capital recently and summoned some of them. I managed to collect a few pieces of meat from their bodies. As for daikon, I'm out of the long kind, but I have some of the round kind left.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"c4e90f50f3d6f35b0ab84e7d3e02bd02","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Y... you mean to say you defeated them? The aerial fortress that even the sky dragon could barely defeat?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"11d6e4f145d6f4c1b352880f4a0f9e26","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I like round kind best! Can I have some? 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I was here the moment that crybaby Yamato and the sky dragon overcame His Majesty the Golden Lord,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2fc2a46e21c02486ea268a24faa4ebb9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Can you tell me about it,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"50259d4f0f8174cef956a26d497b2597","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ga Hou was silent for a moment. He then guzzled the highly alcoholic Evil Spirit Killer like it was water before talking about his past.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"b0531ab7899cd333abfc079f3a0efeda","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I first met Yamato in His Majesty's castle. Yamato had been captured on the front lines and was terrified of us orcs,\" Ga Hou continues to drink as he talks. \"I seem to recall Yamato saying some strange things, like \"Don't pull and tropey BS on me!\"\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"69db784ecfa071c4c4ac8930b374ffad","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I have to admit Yamato isn't what I expected them to be. They remind me of a friend I had back in Japan. She would always say stuff like that whenever we ran into too many tropes while playing games together.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"e31770db06a94123acd113ec2cd430ed","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Despite being a human, Yamato had no Prejudices against orcs or demi-humans. At first, it was just His Majesty's page, but soon Yamato formed friendships with the servants, military officers, and civil officials too. In the end, even His Majesty the Golden Lord, who was always curt and aloof, came around to Yamato's charms. It seemed as though we would soon be able to make peace with the Saga Empire...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"d28bd2311117047fc701d87ff445dad9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"I think I would have gotten along with Yamato. If it was possible, I would have chosen the peaceful route too.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4f916cbc810bf04693563156322046cf","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"However, the path to peace was closed when the Flue Empire started massacring demi-humans and the weasels betrayed us, and then a war broke out between humans and all kinds of demi-humans, including us orcs...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"df597987c7266535cee240b2fb70db2e","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ga Hou angrily tore off a piece of the crocodile. I feel bad for asking him to recount this story, but I think hearing a story from both sides is important. It was a heavier story than I expected, but I needed to hear it. Ever since I fought the demon lord, I kept feeling that he wasn't all bad and evil.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"2b25f0ae407266fab07c9007b7a8cb83","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Still, Yamato never gave up, and he went to preach peace to the kings and emperors of many countries. But it was all in vain. The war was fierce and far-reaching. We were able to destroy the Flue Empire, but Our Majesty ultimately exceeded his limits and was swallowed by the power of the demon lord...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dfcbc640efcc385a77c3a523a50484f9","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ga Hou looked up at the relief on the ceiling with tears welling in his eyes. 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The way his voice trembled and sobbed as it ordered the sky dragon to use its breath of light...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"ba026adb392634a8d13b3484a7d95af4","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Blood trickled from Ga Hou's clenched fist. It was cruel of me to ask him to tell such a difficult story just to satisfy my curiosity.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"3620494904fdc2c8f536d1228fa23545","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"I survived because I was riding a manticore, but by the time I returned to the capital, it was all over. The sky dragon had fallen to the ground, and Yamato's Holy Sword was thrust into His Majesty's chest,\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"4d0130e348b112cc4272805c825f8dc0","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Lu Heu gently unfolded Ga Hou's fist and healed it with Water Magic.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"275f6a8d4563947e3ad250c14e884481","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"His Majesty disappeared into black dust, and Yamato collapsed on the spot, completely drained and still in tears. When Yamato next awoke with my assistance, the fool's first words were, \"You survived, Ga Hou... thank goodness,\" I'd been planning on demanding a duel to the death to avenge His Majesty, but when I heard those words, I could no longer bear to be a warrior. I helped my brethren escape to unsettled areas and settlements on other continents, but a few of us stayed behind to make sure the travel gate was never misused. All of that was only possible because of Yamato.\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"cbc364883170e578f21ff22a2c7aa192","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ga Hou attested to Yamato's kind and earnest nature, as Yamato had put forth great effort to ensure the orcs' well-being, ensuring they weren't treated unjustly or forced to leave.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"5ac3d3b73cef062df116cd9606dc7b31","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Of course, we've done a thing or two to help as well...\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"23bff4182653298657b76f47bf0af715","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"Ga Hou worked as an alchemist to repay Yamato's kindness, providing aid to the most destitute in the old capital. Additionally, he took on the responsibility of purifying the city's water and setting up a sewage treatment system, thus maintaining the river's pristine quality.\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"dfac9a1a3b4341e80edd03e55cc39350","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"You never wanted to try to live aboveground?\"\r\n","appId":0,"userId":0,"paragraphId":"a53b1368935d2287c09e4c90c3fd5187","likeAmount":0,"contentAmount":0,"userName":"","UUT":0,"isLiked":0},{"contentId":"","content":"\"Some four hundred and fifty years ago, we were given a small dominion at the edge of the territory. We lived there peacefully for about thirty years... But the boy king Gartapht, under the sway of his beloved weaselfolk soothsayer, slaughtered all eight hundred inhabitants of the orc dominion there. 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