Chapter 73

Henrietta Seiryuu's POV:


"Lady Seiryuu, have you managed to see what was happening?"


This is so annoying. First, a landslide blocks a road, then a hydra shows up, followed by a summoner controlling a lesser demon, a necromancer and finally an avalanche. And now we have arrived in Lessau County only to find a town in ruins and overrun with monsters. Our journey to Labyrinth City has been nothing but terrible.


"I can't see people… large groups of monsters and… no, I think I see someone scouting out the town from the forest on the other side… he looks like a soldier,"


Seeing through the eyes of my summoned monster, Goldie, I can see some dirty-looking man sneaking around the forest. His equipment is too good for a bandit, but you can't be too careful. Kura told me about some well-equipped bandits she encountered on her way to the old capital.


"Squad Leader Marienteil, have your scout go check them out!"


"Yes, sir!"


Zena Marienteil. She wants to get to Labyrinth City more than anyone else. I overheard her squadmates teasing her over a crush, but she is too nervous around me for me to get any details. Still, when I see the look in her eyes when she thinks no one is watching her, I can't help but wonder about the person who has stolen her heart.


It didn't take long before Zena's squad returned with the man I spotted. He is filthy, covered in mud and looks half-staved. When the leader of our troops, Captain Delio, approaches him, the man looks like he might die of fear.


"What happened here?"


"M… monsters… so many monsters… more than I could count… they came out of nowhere… they attacked everywhere…"


"Can't the count handle a bunch of monsters?"


"He… he's dead… I hear a demon attacked his capital and killed everyone in the city… that demon… he brought the monsters…"


It sounds bad. I don't know how strong this demon is, but if I think about how much strength it would take to wipe out Seiryuu City, even in a surprise attack… I shudder just thinking about how strong this demon may be.


"Captain! Sir!"


"What is it?"


A soldier suddenly rushes up to us, looking panicky… but not scared for some reason.


"A group of soldiers just arrived. A young man claiming to be Count Lessau demands to speak with you,"


A young man… I thought the count was an old guy… does that mean he really is dead.


"Are you in charge here?"


He really is a young man. Tall, thin and looking worse for wear. Still, unlike the soldiers accompanying him, his armour looks shiny and new. There is something strange about him. He carries himself like he has a lot of respect and authority, but I can see the looks his soldiers give him tells me he has none.


"Yes, sir," Captain Delio bows his head. "I am Captain Delio, commander of the Labyrinth City Celivera's Elite Training Corps. And escort of my lord's daughter."


I don't like how he glances at me, but I am still the daughter of a count and must act accordingly.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Count Lessau. My name is Henrietta Seiryuu, daughter of Count Roswald Seiryuu,"


"The pleasure is mine, Lady Seiryuu. I wish it was under better circumstances that I am welcoming you to my territory," I wish I could pull my hand away. Still, I can't even as his lips make contact. "Lessau City is lovely this time of year."


"Hopefully, I'll get to see it before long," I fake a smile. "Now, please do tell. What do we owe the pleasure of your company?"


"I wish to enlist the service of your soldiers in accordance with the Azure Pact. A demon has recently attacked my land and killed my father, and I require fresh troops to counter this threat,"


The "Azure Pact" the new Count Lessau mentioned was the oldest agreement in our laws, exchanged among nobles when the Shiga Kingdom was first founded. It stated that when there was a demon to fight, all the territories would provide martial support for one another. The last time it was invoked was to deal with the undead king's attack on the Muno Marquisate before I was born. Unfortunately, it left no way for me to refuse. Thus, we had no choice but to join the army hurriedly put together in Lessau County's second city.


We fielded a force of eight hundred soldiers bolstered by two thousand militiamen. While technically outnumbering the enemy, the militia's untested valour offered little assurance of victory. The battle ahead promised to be a hard-fought struggle.


As the demonic assault raged, our hopes teetered on the brink of extinction. Yet, the city's formidable walls, our last line of defence, offered a glimmer of hope. A crucial lifeline, the city's magical device for emergency communication, was used to summon aid from the royal capital and nearby realms. Our hearts clung to the promise of imminent reinforcements, the only thing that could turn the tide of this dire battle.


Despite Captain Delio's fervent appeals, Count Lessau, in his youthful audacity, resolved to engage the monstrous hordes in an open battle the following day. Since I was a magic user, I was assigned to a squad away from my knights, who were needed at the front line.


"Um… L… Lady Seiryuu. We will do our best to keep you safe,"


Zena, the poor young lady leading the squad, looked like she might die. Her fellow squadmates were nervous, too, but nowhere near enough as her.


"I am confident in your abilities to protect me, but please feel at ease. None of you have to treat me any better than the rest of our soldiers,"


She must be so scared even my assurances have little effect on her.


"But we can't possibly…"


"Zenacchi, there's a swarm of monsters coming. More than fifty fliers. On the ground, there are three large ones, ten medium ones, and...more small ones than I can count. But they must be several times our unit's size. Most of them are bug types."


The squad's scout, I think I heard someone call Lilio, returned before Zena could finish her sentence. The news she brought wasn't good. The numbers in her report sounded fairly hopeless. Especially since that was only one small part of the enemy forces.


The left flank was a patchwork of seasoned veterans and fresh recruits. Twenty-four elite soldiers from Seiryuu City stood shoulder to shoulder with three hundred conscripts, farmers, and serfs plucked from the surrounding countryside. Fear hung heavy in the air, etched onto the pale faces of the newly-pressed soldiers. It was no wonder - monsters were a rarity in their peaceful lives, and now they were thrust into battle, poorly equipped and utterly unprepared.


"Listen, all of you, just stay alive! Don't try to be heroes by beating the enemy!" Vice Captain Leelo shouted encouragement to our allies. "You're lucky, all right? We've got elite soldiers here who have fought not only wyverns but real live full-grown dragons and greater demons and lived to tell the tale. A bunch of lowly monsters or an intermediate demon is nothing to be afraid of."


While I found his approach somewhat drastic, it seemed to have the desired effect. The despondency etched on the soldiers' faces gradually lifted, a sight that filled me with a sense of relief.


"We'll strike down the foes in the air while their land troops are slowed by our traps. We don't have many archers, so we'll need Zena and Norina to knock them flat with Wind Magic. Then, the knight squads will trample them immediately. The rest of you are with Vice Captain Leelo. Attack with all your might and take out as many as possible." Captain Delio went over our battle strategy. "Zena and Norina, once you've used your spells, focus on recovering your magic right away. Your squads are there to protect you. No matter what, don't get lured into fighting on the front lines... Ah, it's begun."


The captain's gaze, sharp as a hawk's, pierced the swirling morning mist. In the heart of the fray, a baron from Lessau County and his men were locked in fierce combat. The rising plumes of dust, visible even through the haze, betrayed the intensity of the fight.


"Start the chants."


Captain Delio's knight squad set out to join the fight, so Vice Captain Leelo gave the order in a strong, masculine voice. Zena and another magical soldier, I believe is called Norina started their 'Wind Magic' chants. And when the enemy was in range, they unleashed their spells.


"... Turbulence Rankiryuu!"


"... Fallen Hammer Rakkitsui!"


'Turbulence' prevented the enemy from flying once the 'Fallen Hammer' knocked them out of the sky. The problem was that ten flying monsters managed to avoid the attack and were now charging right at us.




My summoned friend took off from my shoulder and started making short work of them. He probably could have handled the sky by himself.


"Everyone, charge!"




On Vice Captain Leelo's order, all the squads except the one I was with and Norina's charged forward.


Despite the occasional attack from pesky horseflies and gluttonous dragonflies, Lilio's steady crossbow fire and Iona's swift swordplay kept the insects at bay. Meanwhile, Lou's shield provided a safe haven for Zena as she regained her magical strength. Zena could restore our magic faster than usual using the special breathing techniques she had learned in the army. However, this left her totally defenceless, hence the need for the guards.


"Goldie! Cover the men over there!"


Goldie was doing a good job keeping most enemy fliers at bay while occasionally diving down to help our ground forces when needed. But unfortunately, we were the only squad whose battle was going relatively well.


Under the relentless pressure of the enemy assault, the right flank crumbled, followed swiftly by the wavering centre. Our attention was consumed by the immediate threat directly ahead, hindering our situational awareness. As a result, we failed to monitor the deteriorating state of our comrades. We realised the need for retreat too late. And so we were stuck at the back of the fleeing ranks.


"….. Air Hammer Kitsui!"


Zena attacked them with her 'Wind Magic' as the monsters started to close in behind us. But no matter how many monsters she defeated, more of them continued to appear. And soon enough, she would be out of magic. Short of a miracle occurring, it didn't seem like we would get out of this predicament alive.


"…. Air Cushion Kiheki!"


As Zena's last spell fizzled into nothingness, she sank to her knees. The relentless monsters surged forward, barely hindered by her desperate efforts. Lou's unyielding shield and Iona's shimmering broadsword proved futile against the interminable onslaught. One of the creatures knocked Lilio's sword aside with its fangs and closed in on me.




I call out, but I know he won't make it in time.


"Lady Seiryuu!"


But someone else was faster. I feel something warm wrap around me, and golden hair flutters before my eyes as the ground opens up beneath me.




"Lady Seiryuu!" I groan, feeling something shaking me. "Lady Seiryuu! Please wake up! I'm sorry I landed on top of you! Please just punish me and not my family!"




I blink as the world spins around me. She is going to kill me.


"I'm sorry! Please don't be dead! I'm so, so sorry!"


"I'm fine, so can you please stop shaking me,"


"I'm sorry!"


Zena stopped shaking me and quickly darted away. Even in the darkness of wherever we are I can see how pale she looks. Am I really that scary? Hero Kura would sometimes get that pale around me. I touch a hand to my cheek. Was I born with a terrifying face?


"Are… are you injured, Lady Seiryuu?"


"No, it's nothing," I shake my head, seeing Zena go even paler with worry. I should probably get her thinking about something else before she dies. "I don't suppose you know where we are?"


"I'm not sure exactly where we are, but I read that Lessau County is filled with ruins from the Flue Empire, so maybe we are in one of those," Zena replied, looking around. "Oh, but don't worry, I'm sure help is coming. My friends were overwhelmed by the monsters but promised to come back with help. Oh, and I will keep you safe until then, Lady Seiryuu."


So we're stuck here then… isn't there something we can do? This is similar to what happened to Hero Kura. She got trapped in an underground place and earned the hero's title. This place doesn't seem nearly as dangerous as the labyrinth, and I'm so much stronger than her when she entered that labyrinth. Just a small thought of Hero Kura, and I am already feeling better.


"We should have a look around while we wait,"


I stand up. The cavern we are in is thin and long, with stone pillars holding up the ceiling and the only light coming from a hole in the roof that we feel through. I can't see anything further than a few meters away.


I had a military lantern developed for fighting bandits at night, illuminating a wide range. Still, this tunnel must be long because I can't see the end even with this light. At least it doesn't look like there are monsters down here. But as I go to take a step forward…




I hear Zena call out and turn to see her clutching a cut on her ankle.


"Are you hurt anywhere else?"


It looks pretty bad now that I shine the light on it. I can't see any bone, but there is a steady stream of blood dripping out of the wound.


"No. But I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me,"


"Just stay still…" I begin to chant, and before long, my healing spell has closed up her wound.


"I didn't know you could use healing magic, Lady Seiryuu," Zena said, looking at her freshly healed leg. I couldn't do anything about how her boot and trouser leg were cut, but it should do.


"My sister taught me,"


I'm surprised Ohna didn't mention it. I heard she was close with Zena since Zena's mother was her wet nurse. But knowing Ohna, she was probably too busy gossiping about local romance and rumours to bother bringing up anything else.


"Can you walk now? We won't be able to defend ourselves if we are attacked down here, so we need to find a safer place to wait,"


"My leg feels fine, but before we go, we should leave a marker for the other when they come looking,"


After Zena carved an arrow into the wall, we moved on, heading further down the tunnel.




"We are lost, I report,"


"We are not lost. Tria knows where we are,"


"Maybe I should take over guiding us,"


"No. Tria knows where to go,"


"Are you sure you girls know where you are going?"


"Of course we do. Tria knows where we are going,"


"Everyone get ready. I am detecting movement up ahead,"


We had been walking for over an hour, taking turns powering the lantern, when we turned the corner and ran into some unexpected people.


"It's you,"




The identical ladies quickly lower their weapons when they see it was me. Adin was at the lead. She must have heard us coming and mistaking us for monsters.


"It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Seiryuu,"


Adin, formally known as Number One before Hero Kura renamed her, lowered her shield and rapier, greeting me with a bow.


"A friend of Hero Kura, I remember,"


"I remember too, Tria insists,"


Ithnani, the former Number Two, lowered her war hammer and bowed. In contrast, the lady previously known as Number Three, Tria, nearly dropped her pike as she excitedly hopped up and down.


"Lady Seiryuu, I give my greetings,"


"I give my greets more sincerely, I declare,"


"It's nice to see you again, Lady Seiryuu, I greet,"


Number Four… no Vier, put her broad sword on her back as she greeted me before looking to the former Number Five, Fünf, as she soldiers her pole axe. Meanwhile, the former Number Six, Seis, twirled a short spear around in a flashy show despite her unchanged expression.


"Hutt! Hutt! Wants to greet you, too! I insist!"


The final sister, the former Number Eight, Hutt, is jumping up and down, too, with a Scimitar held tightly in her hand.


"Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you all again," I can't see Hero Kura or the rest of her group with them, but they have two people standing behind them I do not recognise. "And who might your friends be? I don't believe we have met before."


Both of them have black hair and look like they are from the country of heroes like Hero Kura. Maybe they are descendants of heroes like her? But while the boy looks suspicious of me and ready to flee, the young lady smiles brightly and greets me with a wave.


"Hiya, I'm Mito, missy,"


This girl is so cheerful that it is easy to not get mad at her for the way she is speaking. Now that I get a good look at her, I can't help but see this girl has a striking resemblance to the woman in the portrait of the ancestral king.


"Mito, Lady Seiryuu is the daughter of a count. You mustn't speak to her like that," Adin quietly warns her.


"It's quite alright. Feel free to address me as you please,"


"Okay… hey Johny boy, what you waiting for? I know they are a pair of beauties, but you still have to introduce yourself instead of just staring,"


"So it is you…" I felt the air noticeably get colder beside me and turned to see a scary look in Zena's eyes. The boy looks like he is about to run, but Mito has a grip on his arm. "Do you have any idea of how much you hurt her by running off without even saying goodbye?"


"Zena, calm down," I place a hand on her shoulder, making her jump and turn slightly red. She meekly apologises and steps back. "Now then. I don't suppose you know who to get out of here. We must link back up with the army before we get left behind."


"Is there some kind of trouble?" Mito asks, her cheerfulness replaced by a calm, focused demeanour.


"Well, a…"


I tell them everything that happened. The demon's sneak attack, the army of monsters and the lost battle. I told them everything that happened up until the point where we met. It took a little longer than I expected since those Homonculus kept asking questions. Still, I think Mito and John managed to understand.


"So demons are still causing… don't worry about the demon. I can take care of that," I swear I saw a flash of anger as Mito muttered something, but she quickly flashed a bright smile and promised to fight the demon. "Now, let's get out of here."


"Mito, wait, you don't know where you are going!" John called after her as Mito quickly ran down a tunnel.




"This doesn't look good," Mito muttered as she examined the battle with the help of a longscope.


It took us too long, and we took so many wrong turns, but we finally managed to escape those tunnels. It was a miracle we didn't run into any monsters, but our luck ran out when we saw the battle unfolding.


The joint army has been surrounded by a swarm of monsters more numerous than the force that defeated us earlier that day. To make matters worse, that demon is with them, controlling their forces and launching magical attacks.


"Let me see that." John grabbed the longscope from Mito and pointed it at the Seiryuu County Army. After a moment, he muttered. "Lilio…"


"Oh-ho-ho. Judging by that tone, I'm guessing you either had a crush on her, got rejected by her, or she's your ex-GF?"


"She's the one he left," Zena grumbled beside me.


"Now let's go save them and be the heroes of the day," All eyes gathered on Mito as she grabbed John's arm. "Let's go, buddy!"


"Are you serious, Mito?"


"Yeah, duh! I mean, your sweetheart is over there, right?" Mito responded without a hint of sarcasm. "So we have to go save her! You're her one and only hero, John!"


"Me, a hero? But I'm powerless."


"A hero…"


While John looked shocked, I saw a range of emotions flash across Zena's face. Excitement and anger. I guess she wants the chance to be a hero but doesn't like that John gets to be a hero to her friend. But being a hero does sound exciting. Maybe then I could stand by her side and…


"Look, being strong isn't what makes someone a hero. A hero is just someone who works up the courage to try and fight for the people they care about!" Mito waved around a white staff that she appeared to have pulled out of nowhere. "Of course, if you show me some courage, I'm willing to give you a teensy bit of help..."


"Please lend me your strength, Mito."


"You got it, buddy! I'll throw in some extra, free of charge, to celebrate my awakening today!"


Mito nodded, looking satisfied. She then waved her wand, and particles of life showered over us. I felt strength and courage well up in my body. It was chant-less magic. The secret technique that only Heroes could use. Wait, is Mito a hero?


But right now, it didn't matter what Mito's true identity is. John started running far faster than he should have, and we took off after him. I started running at three times my usual speed, and when I kicked a large rock, the rock shattered. What kind of 'Support Magic' did Mito use?


"Even numbers, prepare your Arrows!"




On Adin's command, four of the Homonculus sisters produced red magic circles on their foreheads. Transparent arrows made of white light appeared right before their eyes. They were short arrows made by the 'Practical Magic' spell, 'Magic Arrow'.




Those arrows were even stronger than when I was on the receiving end of them. They tear through multiple flying monsters before the arrows run out of magic and vanish.


"... Fallen Hammer Rakkitsui!"


Zena's 'Wind Magic' spell scattered the monsters as the Homonculus sisters charged into their ranks. It was a slaughter. Even I was taking down the bugs with little effort. Mito's magic is really something. It even made Goldie stronger as he cleared the sky in a matter of seconds.






A large jaw cricket charged toward Lilio's blind spot, gnashing its teeth. John tried to rush to her aid, but Zena was faster, cutting the monster in half with her sword before using another 'Wind Magic' spell to blow away another monster.




And in that moment John's opportunity to save his crush was taken away from him. Lilio hugged her friend while John nearly got attacked as he could only watch on.


"On your right, Johny,"


More than ten magic arrows came flying out of nowhere in the blink of an eye. The arrows took out all the monsters around John.


"We are in the midst of battle, I declare."


One of the Homonculus sisters took care of the monster that nearly got the jump on me as I watched the scene unfold.




"Yeah, right! Break Magic!!"


The intermediate demon unleashed a colossal Fire Magic spell, illuminating the sky with an infernal glow. However, Mito, wielding her staff, swiftly extinguished the flames with a graceful wave, echoing the legendary feats of the ancestral king. Could she really be…?


"Multiple Javelins..." Mito erupted, unleashing a volley of fifteen shimmering javelins. The intermediate demon caught off guard, danced frantically, a whirlwind of limbs and desperate dodges, struggling to escape the deadly rain of projectiles. "...with a bonus Divine Lance! Gooooo!!!"


Three enormous lances the size of barrier posts appeared around Mito. Her long black hair fluttered, and one of the giant lances flew toward the demon at an incredible speed. The intermediate demon evaded the monstrous lance with a swift, bird-like manoeuvre. But his focus on that imminent threat left him vulnerable.


A volley of Multiple Javelins, launched from the shadows, found their mark, piercing his back and sealing his fate. The second giant lance smashed right through the intermediate demon's upper body, and the third scattered the demon's remains as they blackened and turned to ash, disappearing into the sky.


"...Shoot!" John was the first to notice. Above us, Mito was staggering. "That idiot, pushing herself when she just woke up!"


"All hands, destroy remaining enemies while rescuing Miss Mito!"


"""Understood, we report."""




The Homonculus sisters rushed towards where Mito fell with John hot on their tails. I wanted to join them, but I could already see Captain Delio rushing towards me.


"Hold on! It is you, isn't it, John Smith?"


Oh, so Lilio did notice him. She looked like she was about to run after him and…


"Lady Seiryuu, I'm glad you are okay," Captain Delio got between us as things looked interesting. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."


"Sorry, Lilio. I'll have to explain next time."


At least I can still hear them.


"Don't do anything crazy until then, got it?"


"Lady Seiryuu, please retreat to the rear while we mop up the last of the monsters,"


I watch as John disappears into the nearby forest before heading over to the ruins of what was once a city wall.


"Anyone who's still alive, speak up! We're going to rescue our comrades trapped under the gravel!"


I heard Vice Captain Leelo shouting from the other side of the rubble. One after another, men and women I couldn't see called out in response. From the looks of things, we saved the day.