Gangs & Riots: Hell To Pay

"There would be hell to pay." Spider-Man said as he pulled back. Gently shaking Yuri's hands-off and walked past George and Trish without a word, towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" George asked putting a hand on his shoulders. "You know I can't let you do this-"

"Not today Captain..." Spider-Man cut off George mid-sentence and turned towards him. "Today... Today, they pay."

"You know I can't let you do that." George said as he gestured towards the gun in his holster.

"Duly noted." Spider-Man said as he dismissed him and continued walking.

"Spider-Man! Stop-"

Spider-Man simply webbed George's hand to his Holster and then his feet to the ground before he could react.

"Be a good Samaritan and stay down." Spider-Man said as everybody in the hospital looked tense. "The city is in shambles and NYPD isn't going shit."


"Shut the fuck up before I make you." Spider-Man said coldly making the junior officer shut up. "You'll keep losing your men if this goes on. Logically speaking, your efforts to subdue Maggia's Frenzy have resulted in various degrees of failure."

"We are trying out best-"

"You have failed to minimise the casualty count. Look at all these people!" Spider-Man yelled gesturing the injured people that had been brought in. From bruises to cuts, from stabs to bullet wounds. There wasn't enough staff or room to treat the influx of injured. The nurses and doctors were trying their best and were both mentally and physically exhausted. "The number of dead people goes up as we speak, whether it is a normal civilian or... one of our own."

"That's still not a reason to-"

"That's more than enough of a reason to fuck them up." Spider-Man said as he clenched his fists. "If you can't be helpful stay out of my way or I'll treat you the same way I'm about to treat the Maggia cocksuckers."

"..." George didn't say anything for a moment as he looked at Spider-Man. "Your ideas are very similar to a person I know..."

"I see... You should have paid attention then. You could have been able to learn a thing or two about reality." Spider-Man scoffed as he turned and walked out of the hospital. "Eryl, take over the police-"

"Wait!" Trish yelled as came running behind him. "I'll help."

"Me too."

"I'll help as well."

Spider-Man didn't say anything as other officers followed after Trish. They looked determined as they stared at Spider-Man without any hesitation.

"Count me in as well." Spider-Man was pleasantly surprised as, Harvey of all people emerged from the group and looked at him, dead in the eyes. "I'll help as well."

"Me too..." Yuri said in a soft voice as she walked towards him. Her eyes were moist as she reached out for Spider-Man's hand and intertwined her fingers with his. "I'll help you..."

"Good." Spider-Man man nodded as he gripped her hand firmly as well. "Let's do this then... For Bart."

"For Bart!"


"Stay down on your knees you, bitch!" A Maggia grunt sneered as he slapped a woman across the face making her fall to the ground. He aimed the gun at her and smirked. "Don't let me make an example out of you for all these people to see."

"P-Please no..." An elderly woman whimpered in fear as she was forcefully made to kneel as a man hit her in the back with the butt of a shotgun.

The Maggia men were holding civilians, hostages, in the bank as they were robbing the bank simultaneously.

"Calm down. We won't hurt you... Much."


The men were startled as the glass broke and on the floor dropped a black metallic object.

"What the-Shit! It's a-"

The man didn't get to finish as the cylindrical object shifted and in an instant smoke flooded the room.

"What the fuck-Ahh!"

"Bobby?! What happened-mph!"

"Bobby?! Rob?! What the hell is going on?!" The leader waved his gun widely in a desperate way as he was unable to see anything.

"Cleansing." A cold voice whispered into his ears as the man's eyes widened in shock which turned to horror as he looked down to see a blooded blade sticking out of his chest.

Spider-Man twisted the blade before he kicked the man off removing him from his blade. The smoke cleared out as Spider-Man flicked the blood off his blade. The leader lay dead at his feet. As the smoke dissipated, the man there was so high off the rush of power and control were all scattered on the ground bleeding, unmoving.

"Yuri, the situation is under control over here." Spider-Man said.

"Understood, sending Team C to escort the civilians out. Team B has met up with the Wolverine and is heading towards the theatre for threat termination." Yuri responded. "Trish reported that the Daredevil is a tight spot. Her team is barely able to hold the hoodlums in Foley Square, you should head there."

"Roger that." Spider-Man man nodded as he helped the elderly woman up and dusted her purse before handing it back to her. "There you go."

"We have taken care of the five in the vaults. Bastard packed a mean punch." A man said coming out of the vault's while nursing his bloody nose.

"I can see that." Spider-Man said in a deadpanned tone.

"Haha. Charlie escort, the lady out." The laughed the sarcasm off and turned towards another officer.


"T-Thank you! You saved us." The elderly lady said as she nodded at him gratefully.

"Ma'am I'm not a... I..." Spider-Man stopped mid-sentence tried to come up with words but was unable to say anything and instead just nodded in acknowledgement.

"You are a hero. You shouldn't deny yourself the credit." The man-in-charge of the team said as he bumped Spider-Man's chest.

"If there are any real heroes then I'm certainly not one." Spider-Man shook it off as he walked out of the Bank. "I'd give them a bad name."

"...hah." The man sighed as he gestured his men to take the body away. "I am sure many would disagree."

Spider-Man watched from the top of the bank as the officers helped the civilians into the vans and escorted them to hospitals.

"...Eryl, Make sure there's no physical evidence that would lead to people coming for my ass." Spider-Man instructed.

"I'm working on it but it wouldn't stop the witnesses from talking about it."

"Let them talk." Spider-Man said. "Just make sure there is nothing there for them to back their talk."

"...I understand."

"Thank you, Eryl." Spider-Man sighed as he jumped off the building and swung away. "Eyes on Daredevil."

"Done." Eryl said as the HUD displayed the real-time footage of Daredevil fighting against multiple opponents. His moves were not as powerful nor did they have the same finesse as they did when they were fighting together earlier. "He's going to get killed at this rate."

"He's one tough son of a gun, he isn't going down." Spider-Man said as he swung towards Foley Square.

"I'd advise you not use the blade in this bout. The media has their eyes on this as well."

"Fucking vultures." Spider-Man cussed but nodded nonetheless. Spider-Man reached the Foley Square just in time as Daredevil was knocked to the ground and was about get hit by a blunt weapon. "Surprise motherfucker!"

Spider-Man used the momentum and drop kicked the man, sending him flying feets away. Twisting his body in the air he grabbed the blunt weapon and deflected a stab as he landed. Using the end of the weapon he hit the man in his babymakers Makin him double over before spinning on his knees and smacking him across the face.

Rising to his feet he offered Daredevil a hand.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Spider-Man said as Daredevil grabbed his hand and let Spider-Man pull him to his feet.

"No, you are just in time-"

"To save your ass."

"...Yes, don't be so smug about it."

"Haha. Can you fight?" Spider-Man asked as he turned towards the incoming wave of Maggia grunts.

"Hah... Let's find out, shall we?" Daredevil rolled his shoulder as he brought his arms in front of his face.

"Look left!" Spider-Man made a feint, leaning towards the left before spinning on his heel and smacking the back across the incoming man's head sending him to the ground. "Cowabunga!"

Spider-Man blocked a punch with his left forearm and then deflected a jab at his abdomen before headbutting the man's and punching him in the gut and then smacking him in the face sending him flying.

He quickly redirected a punch away from his body and kicked the man behind his knee. He proceeded to kick him in the chest sending him into another approaching man.

"We aren't getting anywhere!" Daredevil said as Spider-Man nodded.

"I got an idea. Here! Grab this and hit them hard." Spider-Man said tossing Daredevil the blunt weapon and began running towards the Maggia grunts. Spider-Man blocked a punch and threw the man over his shoulder as Daredevil smacked him across the face knocking him out.

Sliding between a man's legs and sending him to the ground he let Daredevil stop the man's face and use it as a springboard as Spider-Man flipped over two men and webbed them together which allowed Daredevil to hit them as he came down.

"I think this might be the perfect opportunity to test the new upgrades you made." Eryl suggested to Spider-Man who grunted in agreement as he kicked another man back into a wasted car.

Spider-Man leaned back avoiding getting hit by an overhead swing of a man wielding a hammer. He stepped on the hammer and chopped the man in the chest making him cough for air. He used the doubled over man as a springboard to jump over him and while performing a flip he webbed him and slammed the man upon an approaching grunt.

Webbing them both to the ground Spider-Men web shot a man's face before grabbing him by the neck and then proceeding to throw him across the ground and into a big man.

Spider-Man chained acrobatic manoeuvres as he webbed up all the grunts in the Square and pulled all the strings connected to them together.

"Let's light you up." Spider-Man smirked behind his mask as blue visible electricity clacked madly from his gauntlet. "Discharge!"

Spider-Man discharge the high-voltage electricity through the web and electrocuted the Maggia grunts.

Daredevil could feel what was happening and could only be fascinated by the man in front of him.

"7% power remaining." By the time Spider-Man was done with them all of them were unconscious and his suit was low on power. Spider-Man let go of the web as the men fell to the ground.

"Good job." Daredevil complimented him simply as he sat down abruptly in exhaustion. "Oh, here comes the Wolverine."

True to Daredevil's words Wolverine arrived only moments later on his bike.

"Nice of you to join us. But as you can see..." Spider-Man said as he gestured at the wasted men caught up in his web. "The party is already over."

"You are late." Daredevil said simply as Wolverine helped him up.

"You got your ass kicked really bad, didn't you?" Wolverine said in a smug tone as he poked at Daredevil's bruised cheek.

"Ouch!" Daredevil swatted his hands away. "I would have said the same if it wasn't that hard to tell if you got an ass-whopping as well."

"Perks of healing factor." Wolverine smirked.

"Fuck off." Daredevil grunted as Wolverine helped him towards his bike.

"Haha... You two sure do get along very well." Spider-Man commented in amusement.

"We do not." Both replied simultaneously.

"Haha... Watanabe the situation is under control over here. Send your men here to pick the trash, we are done here-" Spider-Man's Spider-Sense tingled as he stopped mid-sentence and turned around.

"We are not done yet." Wolverine growled as he unsheathed his claws.

"Just when I thought this was over." Daredevil groaned as he picked up two blunt weapons and assumed a stance.

"Watanabe... Hold on. We have a situation here." Spider-Man said as he began walking towards the new arrival. Wearing a fitting suit made of blue and purple fabric with an eel-like pattern. "An ugly blue and purple situation."

"What sorry excuses of heroes." The man had an appealing voice that made one want to kick him in the balls with metal boots on. His voice was laced thickly with arrogance as he looked down at the heroes in front of him. "At the command of Count Nefaria, I've come to eradicate you all."

The man raised his eyes dramatically as yellow lightning dances around his hands.

"Prepare to die at the hands of Eel!"




"...umm, who?"


Alternate Title:

- Spider-Man and his Minions

- Cleaning Up The City

- Umm... Who?


So, here you go. The long-awaited chapter. The Gangs & Riots Arc is coming to an end and this is my first time writing an original arc so any constructive criticism would be much welcomed.

If you haven't noticed I've tried to bring back old comic book villains. I just wanted to play around with them before I began involving Spider-Man with the main MCU timeline. I kind of didn't want to follow the trend and go ham with MCU off the bat. I want to establish all the OG villans and villains Spider-Man has faced in the comic books. Let me know how have I don't so far. I think it's decent.

Also, Double lemon if we can cross 1000 stones again along with promised five-chapter dump.

Anyways, I've said much. Go follow me on IG @a.is4.ashes for a free burrito :P

I'll see you in the next one.