Gangs & Riots: Closing Act

"...umm, who?" Wolverine and Daredevil looked at each other in confusion before Wolverine's face lit up realisation.

"I know who you are!" Wolverine said pointing his finger at Eel who puffed out his chest in arrogance. "You... You are the bad guy!"



"...I think he made that obvious." Daredevil whispered to Wolverine who grunted in acknowledgement. Spider-Man sighed as he remembered who the new arrival was but didn't provide any explanation to the other two.

"Whatever. Hey! Light-bulb!" Wolverine said as he pointed at Eel. "Tell whatever bozo you are working with for to fuck off!"

"Such insolence. You worm dare disrespect Count Nefaria?" Eel growled as he lifted his hand which sparked with electricity. "I'll have your head for it!"

Lightning shot towards the three as Spider-Man grabbed Wolverine by hand and threw him out of the way before grabbing Daredevil and swinging away.

"Not today!" Spider-Man retorted a dropped Daredevil on top of a bus and shot towards Eel. Twisting his body he narrowly avoided getting hit by an electrical charge.

Closing in he made a right feint before delivering a haymaker to his left side of the face. Spider-Man's eyes widened but were unable to react as he was thrown backwards as Eel discharged a large amount of Electricity.

His suit was insulated so he wasn't electrocuted but the same couldn't be said about Wolverine or Daredevil.

Wolverine took it better and recovered in an instant but the same couldn't be said for Daredevil.

Eel nimbly dodged Wolverine's claw as he punched him in the gut sending him away from an electricity blast. Eel turned out to be relentless as he then attacked Daredevil who has barely managed to recover.

Spider-Man webbed light pole and wall and used it as a slingshot to propel himself towards Daredevil.

"Hold out horses!" Spider-Man kicked Eel mid-air sending him crashing through a wall. Landing gracefully he grabbed Daredevil and quickly leapt forward as electricity hit where he stood not even moments earlier.

"You fucking ant." Eel growled as he climbed out of the rubble.

"Go, go. Get to a safe distance." Spider-Man urged Daredevil as he helped him to his feet. "You are in no position to fight right now."

"But I-"

"Go!" Spider-Man yelled as pushed Daredevil before doing a black flip and avoiding being stabbed by a blade made out of pure electricity. Eel used this as an advantage and shot his blade towards Daredevil but Spider-Man grabbed him by his shoulder mid-air and slammed him into the ground. "Now!"

Daredevil nodded and ran while staggering a bit.

"You think that is going-" Spider-Man stomped on his face and cut him off mid-sentence before pulling him back and kicking him in the ribs.

"You think that talking is going to make you intimidating?" Spider-Man leaned to the side avoiding an electricity-powered punch and retaliated with a backhand punch across his face. He used the momentum and swept his legs under him before performing a single-hand headstand and burying both of his knees in the abdomen. "It just makes you look stupid."

"Y-You... You bastard!" Enraged, Eel released another large shockwave of electricity and Spider-Man was closest to the centre. Spider-Man was sent flying and crashing into a wall.

"Aaah!" Spider-Man as he tried to climb out of the debris. A broken construction rod had impaled his suit and lodged itself into his right side narrowly missing his kidney. Spider-Man gritted his teeth as he pulled the rod out of his side and as soon as he did that he began to bleed profusely.

Spider-Man applied pressure to stop the blood but gasped as his Spider-Sense tingled. He moved to the side but was still hit by the electricity blast and sent into another wall. The electricity hit the gas chamber and the shop Spider-Man was in blew up.


Eel smirked behind his mask as Spider-Man was sent flying out of the shop and rolling across the ground like a rag-doll.

"Disappointing." Eel said as he approached Spider-Man. "But it's nothing surprising since you are a worm after all."

"Fuck." Spider-Man as he tried to get up but was shoved to the ground as Eel stomped him down and purposely applied pressure where he was hurt.

"Stay down and let me put you out of your misery." Eel said as he raised his hand and materialized his blade. He prepared to stab him through the heart as he removed his foot from his back which proved to be a fatal mistake as Spider-Man's eyes snapped open and rolled over to the side making the blade lodge into the ground.

Quickly webbing his hand to the ground Spider-Man twisted his body, doing a flip chose Eels head as a landing spot. The moment and force made Eel's head crash into the ground.

Eel's vision blurred due to the force of the hit as Spider-Man's grabbed and headbutted him brutally breaking his nose.

Spider-Man pulled Eels mask off and kicked him into a fountain he gained back his bearings.

"Ahhh!" Eel screamed as his back hit the edge of the fountain at an awkward angle.

"As I said, you talk too much." Webbing his wound shut Spider-Man clenched his fist as Eel pulled himself up with an enraged look on his face.

"Aaahhh!" Both rushed at each other pulling their arms back. Spider-Man narrowly avoided the electricity coated fist as he ducked under the attack and unleashed a full-force punch to Eel's gut sending him flying through the fountain and multiple walls.

"Payback... Bitch." Spider-Man lowered his hands as the HUD flickered.

"3% power remaining." Eryl updated.

"Ugh." Wolverine crawled out of his rubble after pulling out all the rods that lodge in his body. While there were no visible scars the peculiar holes and tears in his costume were a dead giveaway. "That wasn't fun... What did I miss?"

"Fun." Spider-Man replied simply as he gestured Wolverine to stop in his tracks. "This is my fight. I'm about to finish this."

"Argh!" Eel vomited blood as he clutched his stomach which was rolling in intense pain. Spider-Man was no joke, he could snap bones with his bare hands with much effort and it was a surprise that he didn't blow up like a balloon when Spider-Man hit him with a savage punch.

Eel wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at his bloodied hands.

"You... You got me good." Eel laughed lowly as he looked up with a crazed look in his eyes. "But I'm not done yet!"

Electricity began to crackle around his body erratically as Eryl ran scans.

"His suits output is reaching to a ridiculous level. If this goes on he'll blow up the whole Foley Square!" Eryl said urgently.

"We can't have that, can we?" Spider-Man looked around as he formed a plan. "Claws! Keep the light circus busy!"

"Grrr." Wolverine growled in irritation but unsheathed his claws nonetheless as he attacked Eel.

Spider-Man pulled out a street lamp and ripped it in half before implanting them into the ground at a set difference.

As Wolverine kept Eel busy Spider-Man did the same to two more street lamps and by the time he was down formed a hexagon with webs connecting them.

"Pull back!" Spider-Man yelled as Wolverine grunted in acknowledgement. He gave Eel the bird and turned around and retreated. Eel hissed in annoyance as he raised his hand to shoot at Wolverine only to stagger back to his knees ae Spider-Man swung by and landed a heavy sucker punch to his face which began bleeding.

Shaking his head Eel trying steady himself but was not allowed to as yet again Spider-Man swung by and kicked him sending him into the hexagon ring-like construct he made.

Eel groaned a he got. Growling he raised his right hand as electricity around him began to cackle more violently but Spider-Man engulfed his and in web and connected it to makeshift lightning rods with multiple webs. Eel raised his other hand and Spider-Man did the same to this one as well.

Spider-Man restrained Eel as the electricity output became wilder and wilder. The eel was restrained with his arms open to the side as Spider shot a web to each of Eel's arms and wrapped the web another end of the web around his hands.

"Eryl you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Absorb all the electricity you can and let the rest be redirected to the ground!" Spider-Man instructed and planted his feet in the ground. "Now!"


A huge shockwave was released as electricity uncontrollably discharged from Eel's suit. The webs conducted the electricity, directing it towards Spider-Man or tomorrow the ground.

A cloud of dust was kicked up due to the shockwave. As the dust cloud settled down Spider-Man let go of the web.

"Power at 100% capacity."

"Great job," Spider-Man said as he approached the Eel. Eel was still restrained with sparks coming out of his suit every now and then. Most of his face hand been burned due to the electricity as he didn't have the mask on which had the insulating ability. "Finally done."

Spider-Man cut his restraints from the rods as he fell to the ground unconscious. Webbing and restraining him Spider-Man contemplated killing the man but in the end, decided not to do so.

"At least for now." Spider-Man said pulled out a small chip like gadget and tossed him into Eel's mouth and made him swallow it.

The device is a side project as a part of nanobot research.

"A mini bomb." One which he could blow it anytime he wants, killing the person once he is done with them or dealing with them secretly without anyone pinning it back to him.


"Please tell me you are okay."

"I'm okay, a little spent but I'm fine." Spider-Man replied.

"Thank god you are safe!" Yuri sighed in relief as Spider-Man grimaced looking at his wound.

'Liar, liar pants on fire.' Spider-Man mused.

"So, Did we win?" Yuri asked. Spider-Man looked at the unconscious Eel and stomped his face just to make sure.

"Yeah... We won." Spider-Man waved at Wolverine just grunted in acknowledgement.

"What should we do this jackass?" Wolverine asked as he said unsheathed his blade. "We should kill him before he becomes a-"

"I know, I know." Spider-Man interjected as he sighed. "I was thinking the same but this has become a very high-profile incident now, the world would be looking out for the aftermath. We can't do anything that will lead to too many fingers being pointed at us."

"I guess you are right." Wolverine growled as he sheathed his claws. "But that does not mean I've to like it."

"Trust me, I don't like it either." Spider-Man sighed.

"Can you two please stop talking like some bloody psychopaths?" Daredevil said as he walked towards them gripping his sides.

"I prefer being called a high functioning sociopath." Spider-Man quipped. 'I've always wanted to say that.'

"Hnn. I ain't fucked in the head." Wolverine grunted.

"You aren't exactly sane either." Daredevil retorted.

"Fuck off." He growled.

"I thought I told you to go to a safe place." Spider-Man interjected.

"I did, but I came back once I heard the fight was over." Daredevil retorted.

"I thought I meant far away."

"Well, I can hear from far away."

"Yeah, right." Spider-Man nodded shaking his head. "You should patch up, you look like shit."

"You should too, I can hear your blood trying gush out through the bandage from here." Daredevil said.

"And I thought I was a freak for having heightened senses." Wolverine muttered to himself.

"I heard that."

"Good." Wolverine grunted as he looked down at the passed out Eel and spit on his face before walking away. "Do whatever you want with him, I'm out."

"It has been a pleasure, Spider-Man." Daredevil offered him as Spider-Man took it and shook it firmly.

"Likewise. Try not to get busted again." Spider-Man joked. "I won't be there to save your ass next time."

"I guess you are right." Daredevil sighed as he turned and began walking away. "Try to keep those blades sheathed, other heroes aren't as tolerant as I am."

"I know." Spider-Man replied simply.

"See ya around, bub." Wolverine gave Spider-Man a sideways smirk as he drove away.

"You should get your wound treated as soon as you can." Daredevil said. "Farewell."

"Yeah." Spider-Man sighed watching Daredevil disappear into the night. He looked at the crescent moon as he heard the police sirens coming closing in.

"This was a long day."


"Three vigilantes saved the city from utter chaos-"

"Where are these heroes now-"

"They aren't heroes! They are criminals-"

"All those who take laws into their hands should be held accountable. That means these vigilantes too should be-"

"People are scared and traumatized due to this terrorist attack no one saw coming-"

"What exactly happened? Why did the Police System fail t"

"If it weren't for these heroes we would still be fighting for-"

"Now you may ask who is Spider-Man? I'll tell ya! He is a criminal! The true mastermind behind this attacks! The Spider-Menace!"

"Spider-Man saved my life!"

"I saw Spider-Man beat them-"

"Spider-Man rescued my daughter and my wife! I'm grateful to him-"

"Spider-Man kills! He-"




Spider-Man sighed as the T.V turned off.

"You shouldn't be watching this shit." Harvey said as he threw the remote on the table. "Whatever the fuck they may have to say, it doesn't change the fact that we won back the city because of your help."

"Daredevil and Wolverine too-Ouch! What the heck Yuri!" Spider-Man hissed indignantly.

"Don't move." Yuri said simply as she stitched close Spider-Man's wound. "And yeah sure, they helped."

"Alright, that's enough." Spider-Man said as Yuri finished stitching the wound. "I thought I said only first-aid?"

"You did." Yuri said as she picked up the bloodied cotton and put away other things. "This is first aid."

"Thank you." Spider-Man said looking at Yuri.

"No... Thank you." Yuri leaned down and gave Spider-Man a peck on his lips over the mask and walked away.

"...hah." Spider-Man sighed. He was in Geroge Stacy's office where he was forcefully dragged by Yuri and Harvey to get his wound even though he argued that he could take care of it himself. "Did he open his mouth?"

"Yeah he did, now I wish he would just shut up." Harvey sighed as he turned the monitor towards Spider-Man. It showed Eel being in an interrogation room with two officers, without his suit, rambling on and on. One of the officers looked positively murderous and was only an inch away from putting a bullet in his head but thankfully he's colleague was holding him back. "Bastard was quite before, but once we hit a soft spot he went into a crazed rant about who he works for and just how great his master is."

"Typical." Spider-Man commented.

"Edward Lavell, a known figure in the criminal underworld, he operates directly under, Count Nefaria, one of the pillars of Maggia crime syndicate. He took on the mantle of Eel after the previous one was murdered by a rival gang. He has kept a relatively low profile until now." Harvey explained. "Though as egoistic and arrogant the bastard is he still has some brains. He hasn't said anything about the reason for the attack-"

"That isn't because he is smart. It's because he knows nothing. He is just an attack dog, he takes orders. He isn't smart enough to organize the whole attack. We missed someone, someone else was with him in the shadows." Spider-Man said getting up from the sofa and walking towards the window. "It's no use now. You won't get anything more. out of him."

"What are you doing-"

"I will be going now."

"No, wait! There's still-"

"He's right. He should be going now." George said as he entered the room with Yuri and Trish. "The mayor is calling for Spider-Man to be arrested. You should leave as soon as possible-"

"He can't do that!" Harvey argued. "He saved us-"

"Harvey... It's out of our hands." George sighed rubbing his temple as he sat down on his chair.


"Harvey." Spider-Man called him out. "It's alright."

"I... I understand." Harvey sighed clenching his hand.

"I'll see you guys around." Spider-Man gave them a mock salute and leapt out of the window.

'Boy... You saved us all today.' George shooed everybody out of his office as he leaned back into his chair sighing. "I think I know you... And if you are who I think you are... I don't have to worry too much."

Geroge smiled gently as he looked at the photo of her daughter that was on his table.

"Now to do this." George said making his mind up as he turned towards the paper that was on his desk that read, 'resignation letter'.

"It's up to you now..."


"... And I have prepared a detailed report on the improvisation we should make to the suit." Eryl said as she finished reporting. "But as we want to avoid this happening again as much as possible I think the logical choice would be to concentrate on the enhanced spider and the developing the nanotech. These advancements should be our priority."

"I know." Spider-Man sighed as he landed on the roof of his home and removed his mask. "Make all the necessary preparations, starting tomorrow we are going full throttle on project spider."


"Home sweet home." Peter said as he sneaked in through the window of his darkened bedroom. He removed his suit top before opening his closest to put the suit inside a secret compartment. "I need some sleep-"

"You are late." Peter froze as the lights of his bedroom turned on. Peter slowly turned around to find May and Gwen staring at him.

"So this is what you gave been up to, huh?" May asked in a stern tone as her eyes sneaking traced the defined muscles of his bare torso.

"P-Peter... Oh my god." Gwen gasped as she covered her mouth.

"...Fuck me."

(AN : Not now... but sooner than you think ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... Just hold onto your socks till then :P)


Alternate Title:

- An Eel Issue

- Going Mainstream

- Welp... The Cat's Out Of The Bag


So, a lot happened.

Well, duh. Anyways I combined two chapters in one for this one and my god do my fingers hurt. Lemme know your thoughts and btw...

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.