Bite Me Twice

Peter was nervous but on the surface, he looked calm and ready. He had been looking forward to this moment for a good month now. A week ago the engineering on the spider was completed and the redback had archived a higher evolution.

After a few more 'minor' tweaking like taking a certain part of Logan's genes and a few more, he allowed the Spider to rest and stabilize.

After the Maggia Terrorist Attack things have been eerily calm for New York. The crime rate had dropped significantly and while this may have been good news to most Peter knew otherwise.

This was just the calm before the storm.

He knew something shady was up with Osborn. The man has been laying low for a good month. He spends less time at his office and more time being holed up inside his mansion.

Peter knew he had succeeded in injecting himself with the Oz serum as Norman liked to call it and he had probably mutated himself there was no question regarding that. The records indicate the last time Norman personally worked on something was with recreating the super-soldier serum and the assistant scientist who was assisting him in the experiment had died under mysterious circumstances.

The question was just to what extent had he mutated himself and that remains to be seen.

Peter had a nagging feeling about this and that was the reason he was pushing forward with his experiments at the rate he has been since the riots ended.

If it wasn't for quick wits and the fact that he had been enhanced he would have got his ass handed to himself worse than it actually did and to the fucking Eel of all people.

"But you know what? I'll take it." Peter shrugged to himself. "I'll take the beating from Eel than getting killed by Osborn. I'd rather get thrashed in early stages, survive and improve than lose it all in the final boss battle."

"After today, I don't think you'd be defeated that easily." Eryl said as she presented a chart of data to Peter. "I do not think there are many people who could take you on after today."

"Haha. You'd be surprised, Eryl. There is a lot of unbelievable shit out there." Peter said as he chuckled. "But that isn't the matter of our concern right now."

"I understand." Eryl replied as she opened the lid of the glass box with the robotic arms as Peter approached the Spider. "I've ran my analysis and I believe that today's experiment will be successful with the outcomes that we have already predicted. A controlled experiment if you will. I have to inform you that you may experience, pain, stress, convulsions and poisoning but your body will be able to adapt to the bite."

Peter sighed as he stretched his hands as the Spider looked at him curiously. Cautiously it approached Peter's hand and climbed up. Peter smiled as he looked fondly as the Spider spun around in confusion trying to figure out what was happening.

"Success is our set destination but I'm afraid the road wouldn't be so pleasant." Eryl summarised it.

"Hah... When is it ever pleasant." Peter sighed as he prepared himself. He brought the Spider to his eyes level and they stared at each other for a good moment before Peter smiled. "Let's do this."

Peter brought his other hand towards the Spider as if he was going to crush it. Sensing the danger the spider panicked as it tried to run but Peter concerned him and the Spider, forced to defend himself bit into Peter's wrist.

"Ouch." That was all Peter said. He was feeling... Disappointed. He looked around at Eryl in confusion and she looked confused as well. He brought the Spider to his face and the spider was still biting into his wrist injecting all the venom he had into Peter's bloodstream. After being done with the bit the Spider tried to run away but Peter just picked it up and put it back into its container. "Well, that was... underwhelming."

"It's not working?" Eryl asked confused. "The poison was very potent, I thought that the process would kick in as soon as it bit you."

"Well, I guess not." Peter shrugged. "It may take a while I guess. I'll go home and rest if that's so."

"I understand, I'll run analysis on the test subject in the meanwhile." Eryl replied.

"You do that." Peter said as he threw his coat on the chair and walked out of his lab as it closed behind him. "*Yawn* I'm beat man. I don't think May would mind settling for just cuddling today-"



Peter gasped as he stumbled into the sitting space of the floor he was assigned to. He clutched his heart as it began to throb painfully. Peter gasped loudly as sweat began to form on his face as he tried to sit on the couch but stumbled onto the floor instead. He stretched his arms trying to reach for help but his eyes grew heavy and his vision began closing in.

The image in front of him grew blurry and it flickered on and off before it finally faded into black.


Peter floated through the abyss. The abyss between his conscious and subconscious. He felt the venom burning through his bloodstream as reached his heart. The heart began to throb painfully as it began pumping more of the further mutated blood. His body was shifting, from his DNA to each individual cell, his bone structure, muscle mass it was changing.

He was changing.

He was evolving.


"... So that's what happened... I don't know what to do Jake."

"So... She dumped you? Huh, Paul?" Jake looked at his long time best friend with pity as he sulked. They were sitting in an outdoor cafe having breakfast before they catch the bus to their college.

"Yeah... To put it lightly." Paul replied with sarcasm.

"I understand your pain but... Look at the bright side! You are finally single!" Jake tried to cheer his friend up.

"We had only been dating for a week..." Paul deadpanned as Jake winced

"Well, it's not like you lost anything." Jake flashed a strained smile. "So that's a plus-"

"I wanted to 'lose' my virginity." Paul sulked even more as Jake felt like banging his head into a wall.

"Well... I uh... Well, forget about all of this shit! The sun is shining bright! The birds are chirping! You and Me, your best buddy are sitting together drinking my favourite coffee and having your favourite breakfast at our favourite restaurant!" Jake smiled. "We have so much to be thankful for!"

"You... Your optimism is disturbing and depressing." Paul said in a bland tone.

"Fuck you! Stop being such a sob-boy! Smile!" Jake flicked a sugar cube at him. "You can try once again and it isn't like things can get worse for you anymore."

"Sigh... I guess."

"Come cheer up! I mean... After all this, what more could go wrong-"


The three-storey cade roof exploded as the two friends froze up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" People began screaming as they ran around like headless chickens while the two friends stared at each other, petrified as the debris fell all around them.

"Hahahaha!" The Green Goblin laughed menacingly as he played with a Goblin bomb. "That's it! Scream! Yell! Cry! Plead! Beg for help! Scream for somebody to help you! Scream for Spider-Man! Bring me Spider-Man!"

"I really hate your guts sometimes." Paul deadpanned as Jake just giggled nervously.



'I could taste copper on my tongue, obvious since the bloody mist corrupted the air. I had long become numb to death.'


'I was raised surrounded by death. One could say death raised me even. That's why I never hitched a breath when I cut someone windpipe jammed a blade into a person's Pterion, severing the meningeal artery or smashing it open, as the blood and grey matter covers the pavement.'


'That life wasn't meant for me. Killing and killing without a purpose, without a challenge, without a change. So I quit. Living an insignificant life teaching children during the day and praying to God at night something for me would change... And it did.'

"Peter?! Wake up... You need to wake up!"

'I prayed for a miracle and it took place. Funny... How I wished I lived in a fantasy, escaping my reality and to swim amongst my dreams. I had both of them flipped. This childish fantasy of mine is now my reality.'


Peter's eyes shot open wide as he woke up gasping for air. He huffed and puffed as his eyes adjusted to the light.

'Too bright!' Peter thought as if he had almost been blinded.

"Peter?! Thank god!" Susan sighed in relief as Peter groaned trying to get up. "Are you okay? What happened?!"

Peter grunted as he grabbed the couch and helped himself up with Susan's help.

"Where are you-No no no! You aren't going anywhere. You sit here." Peter tried to walk towards his lab but Susan wasn't having any of it. She gently pushed him into the couch and looked at him sternly. "You aren't going anywhere until you tell me what happened to you?!"

"I... What are you doing here anyway?" Peter asked as he tried to avoid to the question. He squinted his eyes in pain and irritation because of the sensory overload.

"Well duh, it's my company."

"Forget that... It was a stupid question." Peter grimaced shaking his head as his brain worked overtime to adapt to his heightened senses.

"...I actually came to check on you since the log didn't show you checking out of the building. I thought that you might be overworking again and so I came to warn you not to do that or I'd revoke your ID but to my horror, I found you in an even worse position." Susan explained as she sat beside him. She raised her hand as she wiped the sweat from his face and neck. "On the floor passed out, sweating up a storm not reacting. You were not responding and I was about to call Reed but thank god you woke up. What happened to you?"

'Thank god I woke up. Otherwise, I'd have a lot to explain if he had ran an analysis on me.' Peter sighed as he rubbed his face before flashing Susan a disarming smile. "Just exhaustion and nightmare. Nothing for you to worry about."

"Peter." Susan looked at him in the eyes as she levelled a stern glare on him. "Don't lie to me."

"I... I was working. Experimenting." Peter began as he looked away in guilt. 'I guess I have to do this.'

"On what?..." Susan asked as she leaned in.

"On... Sleeping gas." Peter sighed as he leaned back. "It was just out of curiosity but at first. I wanted to see if there was any room for improvement and there was... The gas was too potent. Potent enough to put someone to put a person in a semi-permanent sleep. Lethal, very lethal and had nightmarish side-effects literally, I was dreaming about my deepest fear. It wasn't pleasant. I inhaled just a small amount of it and look what state I landed myself in. Hah... Guess I'll have to scrap all my research and focus on something else."

"Stick to electronics." Susan commented off-handedly as pulled out her tablet. "Juno, show me what Peter Parker has been working on very recently."

"Yes, ma'am." Juno replied as not even a moment later data logs were added to her device. Opening the logs she hummed as his articles and research data was displayed on her screen. "Alrighty. You aren't lying."

"Why would I? You are my boss and the invisible woman." Peter smiled disarmingly. "I don't want to get on the bad side of any of those two."

"Smart guy." Susan smirked patting his head before leaning in and giving him a peck on his cheek. "Just sit here, I'll get you some breakfast."

"Alright." Peter sighed as Susan walked into the floor kitchen. "Damn it... Too close."

"I agree. My calculations weren't accurate. I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry. There are some things that we just can't predict." Peter sighed as he consoled his AI. "Anyways, I'm looking forward to testing out my new abilities. Man, I'm hyped-"

"I'm afraid there are some more pressing matters at hand." Juno intervened as she turned the T.V on Peter just groaned as he saw the big ugly, stupid visage of Green Goblin on the T.V before it shifted to the live footage of the Green Goblin wreaking havoc around the city. "Someone has to stop him."

"Ah shit, here we go again."

"Peter! Your breakfast is ready!" Susan hummed as she came out of the kitchen with a tray of food in her hands. "I hope you don't mind some honeyed potatoes... Peter?"

Susan looked around in confusion as Peter was nowhere to be found. She set the food on the table and was about to turn to look for Peter but then her eyes landed on T.V.

Unmuting the T.V. she dropped the remote in slight shock as she looked at the big, green ugly monster riding on a glider as it tossed bombs at the innocent citizens.

Putting her phone to her ear she waited as the call connected.

"Hello, Susan. Good morning. What's up? Sorry I went home early and didn't join you for the movie-"

"Reed...." Susan began as she looked at the T.V screen as a new figure landed on the ground before the flooring Green Goblin.

The Black suit stuck to his muscular frame like a second skin. Red vison glowed ominously as it glared at the Green Goblin.

"I think we have a problem at our hands."


Spider-Man dusted the dirt off the Red spider crest on his chest. Stretching his back he approached the Green Goblin. "So this is what you have been up to, huh Osborn?"

The Green Goblin narrowed his eyes as he snarled at him. "Spider-Man! At last-"

"I see you got a makeover." Spider-Man said as he looked at the Green Goblin. "Can't say it's a good one. The person who did that did an awesome job making you look hideous."


"But no worries." Spider-Man grinned as he clenched his fist. He began walking before he started running and burst into a full sprint. "Just sit back and..."

Spider-Man used wasted car as a springboard and languaged himself at Green Goblin as he cocked his hand back.

"Let me fix it."


Alternative Titles:

- Here we go again.

- Lying through teeth

- Invisible Bae (Manifesting!)


So... Sorry for the late update. Personal stuff to deal with. Anyways here. Enjoy the chapter, look forward to the next chapter. A start of a new arc.

I'll see you in the next one.