An Ugly Green Problem: The Green Goblin

"Let me fix that." Spider-Man swung his fist as he nailed the Green Goblin in the face. The force of this fist would explode any normal person's head like a balloon but lucky for Green Goblin his giant ugly head had some reinforced bones and muscles. But that didn't stop him from taking damage that was dished out.

The force of the punch almost tore off his jaw and launched him off his glider and sent him crashing into a building.

"The would swing right for your jaw and rip it off with one swipe of the paw." Spider-Man rapped as he landed on the ground in front of the building he sent Green Goblin flying into.

Spider-Man leaned to the side easily avoiding a huge chunk of wall that was thrown at him. Spider-Man simply latched a web at the flying wall stopping it from hitting a nearby news crew and with a flick of hand-pulled it back towards the broken wall as the Green Goblin emerged.

"Ahhhhh-" Green Goblin scream of rage was cut short as the wall was slammed into his face. Spider-Man shooed the news crew off and ordered Eryl to blackout any instrument that could capture anything against him.

"Impatient much?" Spider-Man asked as the Green Goblin shook the attack off and growled in Spider-Man's direction.

"Swiah-wan! I wal kwil ya-"

"Bitch, shut the fuck up." Spider-Man slingshot-ed himself towards Green Goblin. Approaching the ugly abomination he dropkicked him in the chest sending him through more walls. Spider-Man turned out to be relentless as he pursued Green Goblin through the crumbing walls, performing a flip he landed a crescent kick into the side of his face, sending Green Goblin into the ground. "You sound like you got a cock in your mouth."

Green Goblin grunted as he lifted himself up. He pressed a button in his gauntlet as Spider-Man flipped out of the way to avoid getting impaled by the Glider.

Landing on his foot Spider-Man had Eryl scan the Glider. Spider-Man watched with surprise as the glider shifted and a part of it attached itself to Green Goblin transforming into a green armour.

"Looks like Tony as a small competition." Spider-Man muttered to himself as Green Goblin injected himself with the serum and Spider-Man watched with curiosity as his wounds began to heal. The veins on Green Goblin's face and neck started bulging as he growled in a feral manner.

"I'm not going to allow an insect like you to make a mockery of me!"


"I'm going to end you today! This is your end Spider-Man!" Green Goblin raged as he rushed towards Spider-Man.

"Sure it is."

"Arghhhhh!" Green Goblin threw a fist at Spider-Man, who redirected the blow downwards using his forearm and jumped using the momentum to land an uppercut to his jaw. Green Goblin grunted as he threw a hook but Spider-Man flipped over the attack letting it pass harmlessly before webbing his outstretched hand pulling the arm towards himself. Landing a heel kick to the same side of his ugly maw, Spider-Man ducked backwards to avoid a nasty haymaker before cartwheeled and attached himself to a wall.

Bending his knees he launched himself at Green Goblin tucking his legs in he delivered a double dropkick to his face sending him into the bar counter.

"Grrrr. You fucking pest!" Green Goblin growled as he outstretched his hand the Glider launched a hilt at him. Gripping the hilt with both of his hands Spider-Man watched as the hilt shifted a blade stretched out. "Meet your-"

"Oh come on! That's just a Star Wars rip off! And it isn't even laser!" Spider-Man was frustrated as Green Goblin yet again plagiarised someone else's idea. "Can't you come up with something original?!"

Green Goblin lunged at Spider-Man going for a mid-section cut but Spider-Man pulled his belly back avoiding getting cleaved in half. Green Goblin then used the momentum and directed an overhead slash intending to cleave Spider-Man half but Spider-Man sidestepped dodging it my and hair's length. The swords lodged itself into the floor and Spider-Man capitalised on this and gave Green Goblin a beautiful 360 spinning kick that sent him through a pillar and out of the building and onto the road.

The building began shaking as Spider-Man walked out of the building and towards the struggling Green Goblin. The kick had been so powerful that it had torn out a piece of Goblin's face, and the green muscle and a bundle of nerves could be seen as the Goblin bled profusely.

Spitting out a broken tooth the Goblin rushed at Spider-Man once again with his arm outstretched. The sword flew out of the debris as the building collapsed towards Goblin intending on impaling Spide-Man who was between the path.

Spider-Man eyes widened as the time slowed down for a moment. He backflipped over the blade avoiding the certain scenario of death my getting impaled. But as he landed he had wasn't given a choice to think as Goblin was over him, with his sword ready to swing down at him.

"Die Spider-Man!"


"No." Spider-Man replied simply as Green Goblin started down at Spide-Man in disbelief. Spider-Man as on one knee with the sharp blade only inches away from his face but he wasn't scared.

Two sharp stingers jutted out from Spider-Man's wrist as they intercepted the sword forming an 'X'. A cocky smile made its way up to his face as Spider-Man pushed himself up from his kneeling position easily resisting against Goblin's strength. "Didn't see this coming did you?"

"What... What are you?" Green Goblin gritted his teeth as he tried to push Spider-Man down.

"I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude." Spider-Man said as he pushed Green Goblin back. Webbing Green Goblin's feet he yanked it making him fall. Jumping he landed a kick to his face. "Yeah, a strong dude."

Flipping back Spider-Man avoided getting hit as the Glider began shooting at him. Spider-Man webbed the glider and slammed it into the Green Goblin as he tried to get up.

Green Goblin grunted as he blocked the attack with his forearm and was pushed back a bit. Narrowing his eyes he mounted the Glider and tried to put distance between them but before he could do anything Spider-Man webbed his feet to the Glider and closed in the distance landing a punch to his face.

Both in the Glider now, Green Goblin struggled as Spider-Man performed parlour tricks around him and he was getting thrashed from all sides.

Spider-Man latched into Green Goblin's back and put him in a chokehold. Green Goblin struggled in breathing as he tried to pry open Spider-Man's hold to no vail.

"Quite lively, aren't we?" Spider-Man's hold was steely and he the abomination felt his vision turn blurry. Green Goblin grunted as his eyes snapped wide open.

He tilted his Glider towards a building and slammed Spider-Man into a building. Spider-Man's hold loosened as he grabbed Spider-Man's hand and threw him into a wall.

Speeding towards the annoyed Spider-Man he used the flight momentum and punched Spide-Man in the gut with all his might making him double over.

Grabbing Spider-Man by the neck he brought him near his face and took sadist pleasure as he watched the Spider-Man struggle to breathe.

"Not so might now, are you?" Green Goblin smirked. "Any last wishes, before I snap your neck, insect?"

"P-Please... Ack... N-No... P-Please..." Spider-Man choked out clawing at Green Goblin's hand as he thrashed around struggling to breathe. Spider-Man's movement slowly stopped as his body become still and loose. Lifeless even. Green Goblin smirked as increased the pressure in his neck intending to break it but his eyes widened in horror as Spider-Man's head shot up and looked him in eye. "Just kidding."



"Ahhhhhh!" Green Goblin screamed in pain as Spider-Man impaled his hands with his stingers and grinned. Yellow electricity crackled around his body as Spider-Man directed it through his stinger's and into Green Goblin who screamed in pain as he was electrocuted by Spider-Man's Bio-Electricity. "Y-You!... Just what are you?!"

"What am I?" Spider-Man shrugged his shoulders as pulled out his stinger and cocked his hand back. "Wouldn't you wanna know?"

Green Goblin found himself thrown off his Glider as the devastating system rocked his system and sent him crashing into the ground.

"Acckk!" Green Goblin vomited blood as he hit the asphalt and created a small crater where he crashed courtesy of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man let go of the web as he ran a dampen the moment as he landed near the Green Goblin size crater. Spider-Man ejected the stingers as he began walking towards Green Goblin.

Green Goblin tried to get up but Spider-Man stomped on his chest without holding back breaking a rib or two.

"Stay down." Spider-Man used his organic web that shot through his forearm and laced it with poison then webbed up Green Goblin's face. Green Goblin began shaking as he began to feel even weak as he inhaled the poison. "Aren't you something to look at now?"

Spider-Man gestured towards Green Goblin's left side of his face which had lost most of the flesh due to the punishment Spider-Man dished out. Green Goblin was bleeding like a broken tap from his disfigured face and his punctured right arm.

"Look where your karma has brought you Norman." Spider-Man said as Green Goblin's eyes widened as Spider-Man said his name. Spider-Man raised his arm as the stinger gleamed dangerously in the light. "To my feet. Please do me a favour, pass my greetings to Lady Death when you see her."

Green Goblin tried to resist but to no vail as Spider-Man's stabbed towards his face. Spider-Man's eyes widened suddenly as his Spider-Sense blared.

"Peter! Incoming!" Eryl warned but it was too late.

Spider-Man was unable to react as a flaming human shot towards him and grabbed him by the waist. Spider-Man grunted in pain as the Human Torch slammed him through multiple walls of a nearby building.

"I know it sounds hypocritical when I say this but you are too hot-headed, you need to chill out buddy." Human Torch yapped as Spider-Man just grunted in annoyance.

Grabbing Human Torch by the neck surprising him, Human Torch lost control of his flight as Spider-Man brutally headbutted his nose disorienting him.

"Fuck off." Spider-Man webbed a pillar and maintained his hold on Human Torch's neck and choke slammed him into the ground as the flight stopped. Stomping Human Torch in the face Spider-Man stopped him from getting up. Spider-Man looked down at the face of the 'passed out' Johnny Storm as the flame around him died down.

Spinning on his heel, Spider-Man ejected and stabbed towards a certain direction but stopped midway as he intently stared at the empty space before him. "Bad Idea, Susan Storm or should I call you, Invisible Woman?"

The space in front of him shifted as Susan Storm became visible frozen in shock with her hands stretched out as if she was going to attack him. The tip of the stinger was only a half-a-centimetre away from impaling her throat.

"Get lost Reed, I don't want to hurt any of you." Spider-Man said not taking his eyes away from Susan Storm.

"Put your weapon down, Spider-Man! Step away from Susan and come with us!" Mr Fantastic said as he transformed his hands into maces.

"Get away from Susan, Spider!" The Thing spat out in his usual gruff tone but Spider-Man didn't flatter.

"Heh. Hah... Hahaha." Spider-Man began to laugh in a strange manner which caused Susan to sweat nervously and Mister Fantastic and The Thing to tense.

Spider-Man tilted his head in their direction and flipped them the bird.

"Make me."


- A Cheap Green Problem

- Spidey has a new toy.

- Fantastic Four


So, here you go. A new arc, a new enemy, and some frenemies (for now at least.) Let me know your thoughts on this. Let me know if there's a way I can improve the action scenes I write. All feedback is appreciated and helps a lot.

Look forward to the next 3-4 chapters. I'm trying to write an epic arc haha. That's the plan at least.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.