An Ugly Green Problem: Problems Come In Pairs

"Make me." Spider-Man flipped the Reed and The Thing. The Thing growled and stepped forward but Reed wrapped his hands around his arm and stopped him.

"Stop, Ben." Reed began. "He's just bluffing. Trying to rile you up."

"Hnn." The Thing grunted as Reed let go of him and turned towards Spider-Man. "Look Spider-Man, just come with us peacefully. We don't want to hurt you. We'll let you go once you agree not to hurt... Whoever that is."

"Hahaha." Spider-Man just laughed it off as Reed narrowed his eyes. "It's funny... That you think you can hurt me."

Spider-Man lifted his left leg avoiding the Human Torch as he tried or grab it before bringing it down and stomping on his head and pinning it to the ground.

"Johnny!" Susan yelled in worry but Spider-Man just kept her at bay.

"Done pretending, sleeping beauty?" Spider-Man mocked as he retracted his stinger and pushed Susan back sending her tumbling to the ground and then webbing her up.

"Susan! You fucker! Flame-oof!" Spider-Man kicked Human Torch on the side of his torso as he tried to get up sending him into a nearby truck.

"You'll pay for that!" The Thing growled as he tried to tackle Spider-Man who just jumped over him avoiding him before landing directly behind the Thing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to damage that truck so badly." Webbing the back of his head, with a jerk he pulled back. Kicking the back of his leg Spider-Man pushed the Thing on his knee before lifting him over his head in a display of his incredible strength. Spider-Man slammed the Thing onto the approaching Mister Fantastic, trapping him under the Thing.

Spider-Man spun on his leg avoiding Human Torch before smacking him across the face with a backhand sending him tumbling into the other two males as they tried to get up.

"Strike!" Spider-Man exclaimed throwing his hands up. Spider-Man rolled his shoulder as he rushed towards the three disoriented males.

Jumping Spider-Man suspended himself in the air as his fist crackled with lightning as he landed a vicious Superman punch on the Thing's face which send him flying away into another building. The force of the punch not only chipped away a good part of his rocky face it also caused him to pass out.

"Ben-" Spider-Man did allow Human Torch any time to react as he stomped on his left foot trapping him of any moment before webbing up Mister Fantastic's face who struggled to get up before he flailed on the ground as his oxygen intake was cut off. Spider-Man raised his face and punched Human Torch in the gut making him double over in pain.

Spider-Man had to be careful with his newfound strength lest he killed any of them by accident. His body was still adapting to the new changes and he didn't know to just what extent he has grown.

Pulling his fist back he shot a hook to Human Torch's face staggering him but he was unable to back off as Spider-Man kept his leg pinned with his on foot. Spider-Man landed a chain of calculated punches as the flame on his body flickered. Human Torch struggled to stay conscious as he was subjected to brutal punishment. He finally gave in as Spider-Man lifted his feet off and jumped before landing a kick to the side of his face with the same foot sending him tumbling across the road.

"Haaah!" Mister Fantastic was able to breathe as he finally managed to remove the web. He narrowed his eyes in anger as he turned his fists in maces. "I warned you!"

"So did I." Spider-Man replied casually as he flipped above the incoming attack. Landing he latched a line to Mister Fantastic's chest and pulled him towards himself.

"Now you see me!" Performing acrobatic manoeuvres he avoided getting hit or caught by Mister Fantastic's elastic limbs, closing in the distance he cocked his hands back as Mister Fantastic raised his hands to block the attack. But before the punch could connect, Mister Fantastic's eyes widened as Spider-Man suddenly disappeared.

"What?!" Mister Fantastic's tried to wrap his head around what happened which left him ill-prepared as Spider-Man appeared behind him. His hands cocked back buzzing with yellow Bio-Electricity.

"Now you don't." Spider-Man slammed his fist into his back.

"Ahhh!" Mister Fantastic yelled as his body was rocked by pain as he lost control of his motor function for a brief moment.

Spider-Man capitalised on this moment to cocoon his body except for his head. With a web line still attached, Spider-Man increased the output of the Bio-Electricity and proceeded to electrocute him.

"Reed!" Susan screamed in panic as she tried to struggle out of her web confines as she watched the famous/infamous Spider-Man electrocute her college friend into oblivion. Looking down she concentrated as she manifested a thin forcefield between the web-silk and as it did she was out of her confines. Getting up, her hands glowed as she got ready to fight Spider-Man. "Enough, Spider-Man! Fight me!"

Spider-Man stopped the electrocution as he turned to look at Susan who was approaching him.

"You... You'll never get away with this, Spider-Man." Mister Fantastic said in a ragged manner. His body was sagging like molten plastic as he was unable to control his motor functions. "Fantastic Four will defeat you-"

"Shut up, Man. This isn't about you." Spider-Man cut him off as he laced shot another web at him and this was laced with a different type of venom. The venom spread across the cocoon as Mister Fantastic's eyes widened in realisation.


"Precisely." Spider-Man replied as his hands crackled with electricity. "Just a different kind of. This one... Is for fireworks."

Spider-Man sent a fork of electricity and Mister Fantastic's watched in a mix of horror and fascination as time seemingly slowed down for him. He watched as the forked yellow lightning approach him and lick across the cocoon. He felt the jolt but it was nothing compared to what followed. As the electricity came into contact with the venom, it lit up in flames.


A small explosion rocked the world of Mister Fantastic as he met the same fate as his other two male friends and was thrown away as a mess of tangled elastic limbs.

(A/N: Eww... Gross)

"Nooo!" Susan screamed in horror as she ran towards Spider-Man in a fit of anger.

Spider-Man turned towards the Invisible Woman to face her but Eryl butted in with an alert.

"Peter! Norman is trying to run away!" She said urgently.

"Argh! I don't have time for this." Spider-Man shook his head as he turned and latched a web to a building before running and taking off. Spider-Man's senses tingled as he looked around in alert but found nothing before he felt the web loosen mid-air, as he began to fall. Twisting his body he saw Susan's hands glowing and realised she had used her forcefield ability to cut it off. Latching another line he swung away and his senses blared once again as he instinctively put his legs forward embracing for impact as he hit a wall of forcefield.

Performing a backflip he landed on his feet and turned towards Susan who lunged at him enforcing her hands with the forcefield.

Spider-Man leaned back avoiding the punch, before grabbing her by the back of her suit and threw her to the ground as softly as he could.

"Look, I don't want to fight you." Spider-Man sighed.

"Hah... I want to!" Susan retorted as she picked herself up and began she began attacking him. Spider-Man nimbly avoid her attacks and as time went on her attacks became less coordinated as she desperately tried to land a hit. "Stay... Stay still."

"Okay-" Spider-Man shrugged his shoulders off-handedly before his head turned as Susan hit her face.

"Why you..." Invisible Woman couldn't celebrate as her eyes widened as Spider-Man simply turned his face back ahead even though she was actively applying pressure.

"Look, lady." Spider-Man grabbed her hand and removed him from his face. Susan grimaced as she tried to pry her hand out of his grip but was unable to. She threw another punch with her and hand but Spider-Man easily intercepted it. "I didn't want to hurt you, but you forced my hand."

"What-" Susan stopped mid-sentence as she began to feel dizzy as her loins began to heat up. 'He... He smells nice.'

"Just sleep." Spider-Man said as he gently helped Susan on the ground and patted her cheek. "You'll be okay, everybody will be okay. Just rest."


Spider-Man got up and turned before sighing as he watched the three males of the fantastic get up. Trying to make haste he tried to move but found himself unable to move ahead as he pressed against an almost invisible wall. Turning his head he saw Susan struggling to stay awake with her shaky hand raised as he cast a forcefield around them trapping herself and Spider-Man inside.

"S-Stop it... Stop messing with my head." Susan hissed as Spider-Man's shoulders sagged.

"This is so stupid." Spider-Man rubbed his temples as the three males surrounded them. Spider-Man stopped secreting his pheromones as Susan shakily got up but didn't lift her forcefield.

"Susan lift the dome! I want to smash this insect into paste." The Thing growled in aggression.

"Do it." Spider-Man said as his body crackled with electricity.

"No guys! Calm down!" Susan said as tried to diffuse the situation. "Look Spider-Man, I know you don't want to hurt us and we don't want to hurt you either. Just come with us, we will take that creature with us as well-"

"It's too late!" Spider-Man growled in anger as he pushed Susan back and slammed his fist into the forcefield without holding back. The forcefield shattered under the pressure. "You let that fucking piece of shit escape!"


"Look Spider-Man calm down, we can still find-

"You fucking do-gooders! You should have minded your own fucking business, to begin with!" Spider-Man ejected his stingers as the fantastic four tensed up.

But before anything could happen the NYPD arrived.

"Put your hands in the air and get on the ground." Yuri said as she steadied her gun.

Reed sighed in relief as one by one vehicles arrived and officers got out with guns in their hands. Reed diplomatically aapproached Yuri.

"It's alright officer." Reed began with a charming and disarming smile. "As you can see, the situation is under control-"

"I said get on the ground shit head." Yuri hissed as she nudged the barrel of the gun into Reed's face who froze up realising something was very wrong with the situation. His expression was mirrored by the rest of the Fantastic Four who were equally baffled as the entire police force levelled their weapons at them. "You should have just stayed in your lab."

"Don't tell me-"

"Late as always, Watanabe." Spider-Man said as he casually walked past Reed before leaning down and giving Yuri a peck on the cheek without removing the mask.

"Spider-Man." Yuri nodded as she smiled at the affection.

"I'm sorry that us normal humans are unable to swing across skyline or fly in the sky and have to take the resort to 'normal' means of transportation." Another voice replied in Yuri's stead as Spider-Man turned to look at the new arrival.

"Captain Harvey." Spider-Man nodded as the newly appointed NYPD Captain arrived. "I would have congratulated you before but I had more pressing issues at hand."

"I know. So did we." Captain Harvey said. "So, where is that fucking monster?"

"You mean Green Goblin?"

"What a weird-ass name." Trish snickered to herself.

"Yeah." Harvey nodded.

"Well, why don't you ask his brilliance, Mr Richards for his whereabouts. I'm sure he'll be able to lend you that information." Spider-Man said sarcastically as Harvey turned towards Reed Richards with narrowed eyes.

"What did you do this time Richards?"


"He let the Goblin get away, I'm assuming." Yuri said sighing as she removed her gun from Reed's face.

"Yeah, just I was about to 'turn' the Goblin in they decided to butt in." Spider-Man lied through his teeth as Reed gritted his teeth.

"That's bullshit!" Johnny yelled in frustration.

Spider-Man shrugged as he turned towards Harve.

"He might not have gotten too far. I'll go and scout the area and see if I can find him." Spider-Man said as Harvey nodded. Spider-Man turned towards the fantastic four and gave them a mock salute. "See ya later."

Spider-Man latched a line to a building and swung away as Reed prepared to chase after him.

"Wait! You can't just go away like that!"

"Watch me loser!" Spider-Man yelled back as he disappeared turning around the corner.

"That-" Reed tried to follow but felt a muzzle at the back of his head.

"Where do you think you are going?" Harvey asked in a stern tone.

"After Spider-Man! He'll kill-"

"That's none of your concern."

"What?! You can't be-"

"I'll have to ask you to come with us." Yuri cut him off as Reed's eyes widened in shock. He looked around and say everyone had their weapons trained on him and his friends.

"Damn you, Spider-Man."


So, Here ya go people. Tell me how the action sequences have turned out since I'm working extra hard to flesh them out. Let me know your thoughts since they help out a great deal in improving my writing style.

Also, Who should be the next one to be inducted into the Hall Of Harem? (Lol)

Eager to know your thoughts.

Anyways thanks for your support. It helps me a lot. Let's see. New week so let's aim for 1100 stones. If we manage to achieve that. Not only will I dish out 3-4 chapters but I promise to give you a Deadpool cameo/omake.

"I'm gonna milk all of your stones, Reader-kun. Gimme all of that." Wade winks at you. "Show author-chan your support~"

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter.