Sexy Green Issue II : Reinforcement & Epic Beatdown

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"...Why don't you fuck off?" Spider-Man smirked under his mask as he lifted his leg once more and stomped once again this time with such force to explode Abomination's head.

"Y-You?! What have you done?!" Ross screeched as soon as he came to his senses. His face was almost red in anger as his hands shook with rage towards Spider-Man. "Y-You ruined my entire plan-Don't say I didn't warn you! Open fire!"

"Of course, I won't say." Spider-Man quipped softly to himself as he retracted his middle fingers and his lance as he stepped off the Abomination's corpse. Spider-Man's senses blared warning him about the incoming hail of bullets, telling him about the potential threat the bullets may pose.

Keyword, 'Potential.'

Spider-Man didn't think bullets were a threat to him, and he was about to prove it.

Spider-Man didn't move an inch as the soldiers opened fire at his person. He stood there unblinking and unflinching as the bullets bounced off his skin harmlessly unable to penetrate his skin.

"S-Sir! It's no use-"

"These bullets are bouncing off his pecs!"

"Keep firing! Aim for the head you retards!"

Spider-Man cracked his neck and began walking toward Ross ignoring the bullets as they hit the ground after failing to hurt him.

"Fire the RPG!" Ross commanded.

"B-But sir-"

"I said fire it! You do it or I'll do it!" Ross raged as the soldier reluctantly nodded and aimed at Spider-Man who was steadily marching toward them.

Spider-Man tilted his head in confusion as he saw a rocket aim for and hit him in the face.


"Hah! That will teach that cocky motherfucker-" Ross' words died in his throat when an unharmed Spider-Man walked out of the smoke as it began to dissipate.

"I'm quite disappointed in you. I dispatched the Abomination without breaking a sweat, why would you smooth-brain jackasses think this puny thing was going to hurt me?" Spider-Man asked he dusted the flame off his shoulder without a worry. "Hmmm?"

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Ross cursed as Spider-Man settled his gaze on him. The red visors glowed ominously as Ross felt an invisible weight settle upon his shoulder. Ross somehow managed to shake out from the weird trance and climbed back into the vehicle. "Come on! Come on! Move it!"

"With pleasure sir!" The soldier almost cried in relief as he prepared to run away from the spider-themed monster that was behind him. "Team pull back!"

"Uh-huh, not so fast." Spider-Man said as he raised his hand and shot a web line. As the web line approached the vehicle Ross was escaping in, it split into multiple different threads and wrapped before wrapping around the vehicle.

Spider-Man smirked under his mask as he twirled his extended hand wrapping the web line around his forearm before jerking it back, pulling the vehicle towards him. The lances shot out his back as the vehicle approached him, airborne this time.

"Gwen, take our new friend and escape using the downtown route. This thing is going to take a while." Spider-Man said and disconnected his call with Ghost-Spider as his lances shredded the vehicle from the middle and pulled Ross out by the neck as the bisected car crashed behind him.

Tightening his grip around the thrashing Ross' neck he lifted him off the ground and brought him closer to his masked face. "Hello, General Ross. I believe this is our first time meeting this close right?"

"Y-You will pay for your t-treachery! I will end you-"

"I always thought you were an evil motherfucker. Unsurprisingly..." Spider-Man quipped, tilting his head and looking at his paling face with a small smile. "You really have the face of an evil motherfucker. One that I would be glad to change."

"Y-You wouldn't! You w-wouldn't you."

"Let's try this." Spider-Man shrugged as he pulled his feet back. "You will look handsome now at least, first me!"

*Boom!* *Crash!*

Spider-Man shrugged his shoulder as Ross landed a few feet away barely able to cling onto his consciousness.

"G-General Ross!" A lieutenant gasped from a distance as Spider-Man picked Ross again and punched his face again and again.

(A/N: He is hitting him lightly or else his head would be meat paste already.)

"W-What do we do!" A soldier asked as the lieutenant gritted his teeth before coming to a decision. "Release subject: AD-44, Strong Guy and DT-00, Juggernaut."

(A/N: Strong Guy is a legit superhero name -_- I didn't come up with this.)

"But sir! We brought them here for Walters-"

"We have lost the possession of Walters! There's no other option! If we don't secure General Ross they will uncover what we have been doing! If that happens we are Toast!"

"I... I understand."

"Have the two mutants keep Spider-Man busy as we retreat."

"Roger!" The soldier retrieved a tablet and after getting a nod of confirmation pressed a prompt. Behind them, the hatch of an armoured truck opened and in the darkness, two pairs of eyes glowed with power.

"What have you been up to Ross?" Spider-Man asked in a low voice as he brought the bleeding General close to his face. "Why are you after Walters?! Where is Banner?!"

"I-I don't have to tell that t-to a freak like you!" Ross hissed out as Spider-Man tightened his grip around his neck as Ross begin to choke, unable to breathe.

"Aren't you a sore sight for my eyes? You are a pathetic excuse of a man Ross." Spider-Man said as he tossed Ross onto his back. "This is not over Rose. Warn your fuck buddies, I'll be coming for them."

Spider-Man turned around and swatted Juggernaut in the face with his left hand sending him flying before ducking under a punch, avoiding it narrowly. Spinning on his heel, Spider-Man was sharp as he elbowed Strong Guy in the solar plexus before hitting him in the face with the back of his hand breaking his nose.

As Strong Guy nursed his broken nose in reflex, Spider-Man grabbed him by the throat before slamming him into a ragging Juggernaut sending them to the ground where they found themselves tangled in a compromising position.

"Awww, aren't you two made for each other." Spider-Man cooed mockingly as he got a good look at them. Both of them were wearing standard black military body fabric but in Juggernaut's case, he had an armoured helmet that looked like an upside-down salad bowl.

There was a black collar around Strong Guy's neck that pulsed with a reddish aura every now and then and similarly his eyes would glow red in sync as well.

Juggernaut's neck wasn't visible due to the outrageous helmet but Spider-Man assumed he had a collar as well since his eyes which were visible from the helmet hole, glowed similarly.

"Well, this is easy." Spider-Man said as he deployed his stingers.

"I would disagree." Eryl began. "The collar is linked to their spinal cord, if anything happens to the collar it will send an electric discharge to their brain killing them."

"Well, that's even better right?" Spider-Man asked sarcastically as he retracted his stingers, leaning to the side and avoiding getting nailed by a punch, courtesy of Strong Guy. The building behind him was destroyed as Strong Guy released his gathered energy. Ducking under a punch, he raised his hand blocking an elbow to his face using his forearms before transitioning the block into an arm hold.

Spider-Man twisted Strong Guy's outstretched arm before tugging him, positioning him between himself and the Juggernaut. As a result of the unexpected repositioning Juggernaut wasn't able to pull back his punch and ended up hitting Strong Guy in the face full force sending him flying away.

Juggernaut was unable to recover himself in time and as a result, found Spider-Man mid-air in front of him aiming a devastating spinning heel kick to his face.


As the explosive connected to his face, Juggernaut was forced to take a knee to brace himself, hissing as the left side of his face has been damaged as the helmet gave under the pressure Spider-Man's kick exerted.

"Spider-Man!" He growled as the evolved arachnid landed a few feet away from him gracefully. "I'll kill you!"

"Yeah, no. Not happening." Spider-Man brushed off his threat off-handedly as the Juggernaut charged in his direction. Spider-Man calmly approached the hulking mutant as the mutants in question cocked his hand back intending to turn Spider-Man into smithereens. "You may be an avatar of a so-called 'God'. But I'm sorry to say..."

Spider-Man cocked his own hand upward and punched Juggernaut's approaching limb around the wrist, dislocating it and redirecting the attack towards the ground where it created a mostly harmless crater. Smirking to him Spider-Man capitalised on the opportunity as he pulled his left hand back. Lighting crackled around his fist as Spider-Man's visors glowed ominously.

"You aren't strong enough to hurt me."


Juggernaut's helmet exploded into dust and almost did his head too but thankfully for him, Spider-Man knew the amount of force he was about to exert. Juggernaut's world turned hazy and blurry around him as he lightly felt his body crash through multiple layers of steel and concrete before it finally came to a halt after a ragdoll, death roll.

"W-What a monster." Juggernaut muttered under his breath as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"Amazing, hmmm?" Spider-Man muttered to himself as admired the lightning around his fist. The lightning which was originally yellow had gone under evolution and is red now, which hinted that his body may have also gone through some sort of evolution. "Eryl?"

"I'll ready the report by the time you tidy this up."

"Hmmm. I guess that wraps everything up-"

"Spider-Man!!!" Spider-Man tilted his head in confusion as he looked up and saw Strong Guy descending towards him, intending to crush him. "You are going to feel my wrath-hck!"

Strong Guy found himself stuck in the air unable to move. Baffled he tried to move but found his body tangled, restrained by something he couldn't see. Looking closely he was able to see silk thread gleaming under the sunlight. Shakily looking down he saw Spider-Man looking at him and even though he had his mask on he could tell that he has a 'what a dumbass' look on his face, and it infuriated him.

"What are you? Twelve?" Spider-Man asked sarcastically as he raised his hands and ten cybernetically-engineered spiders jumped down to his wrist before going back to rest in his wrist gauntlet. "Side project, you like?"

"Let me go! I'll bash your head into a bloody pulp you fucking insect-"

"I see, not so thrilled huh? I actually made them for Ghost-Spider. Thanks for being the test subject." Spider-Man twirled his hand wrapping the loose web ends around his hand around it.

"Let me go! You rascal-hck!" Strong Guy began to choke as the web around his neck tightened as Spider-Man pulled a single string.

"Now, now. No need to panic. Just let me..." Lightning crackled around his hands and Strong Guy could only whimper as in a split second the whole spiderweb he was tangled in, lit up like Christmas light, dosing him the electrifying energy, shocking him into unconsciousness.

"Put you to sleep."

Cutting off the electricity output Spider-Man pulled a single web and Strong Guy fell to the group with a thud, passed out as he drolled onto the ground.

"Ewww." Spider-Man webbed up his mouth as he connect his call to the base. "Open the ground bridge, ready the restraining chambers, we have two packages."

"Roger." Yuri replied from the other end as locked into his Coordinates. Spider-Man turned around and saw that Ross was nowhere to be seen and just hummed to himself before going ahead to retrieve the wrecked Juggernaut.

Dragging Juggernaut with ease by the leg, as Spider-Man approached the passed out Strong Guy, the ground bridge opened up near them.

"Time to take you to Neverland." Spider-Man quipped to no one in particular as he tossed Juggernaut over his shoulder and dragged Strong Guy by his leg.

Stepping out of the Space tunnel, Spider-Man was greeted by Yuri and new faces he hadn't seen before. Spider-Man tossed Juggernaut and Strong Guy into the container they had brought and dramatically dusted his hands.

"New recruits?"

"Susan drafted them. They are good." Yuri said gesturing towards the recruits who were looking at him in a mix of nervous excitement.

"H-Hello! It's an honour, Mr Spider-Man Sir!" A young man blurted out before saluting him much to Spider-Man's amusement.

"Just Spider-Man or Spidey is fine. You don't have to be so stiff." Spider-Man said as the young man nodded trying to but ultimately failing to keep his cool around his idol. Giving the new recruits a nod Spider-Man walked past them with Yuri in tow. "Heal them and put them in stasis. I'll resolve the matter around their neck later."

"Roger." Yuri said as she gestured to her assistant to follow his words, who nodded before running off to do the tax she was told to. "I heard you had quite the day."

"You heard it right. It was... something," Spider-Man said as Yuri smiled at him. "Where is our new green friend?"

"Susan rushed as soon as Gwen contacted her, she has patched up her wounds and has given her medicine to flush the drug, that's messing with her out of her bloodstream." Yuri said as she lead Spider-Man to where She-Hulk was. "She is in the medical bay, resting."

"Hmm." Spider-Man nodded as Yuri stepped ahead and into the medical bay as the doors opened automatically. The long medical bay was vastly empty with only two out of its hundred nursing beds being occupied, one by Ghost-Spider who was laying back just chilling and the other by She-Hulk who was being monitored by Susan and a couple of other assistants.

She-Hulk who was resting on her back rather docilely began to splutter as she saw Spider-Man approached her.

Spider-Man walked towards She-Hulk and stood in front of her. He was almost amused as he saw She-Hulk almost melt under his gaze.

The lady in front of him was far from the confident and sexy, Jade Giantess he knew of from the books he had read in his previous life. She was far from the She-Hulk from the comics. The lady in front of him is a shy, scared and paranoid woman whose world has been turned upside down. She is just Jennifer Walters.

Spider-Man knew how he was going to approach this and he had his fingers crossed just in case.

"Everything is going to be fine, Jennifer. Just lay back, take deep breaths and relax. No one is going to hurt you here. No on my watch." Spider-Man declared as the green Amazonian woman just stared at him. "I know today has been a lot for you, so let's take it easy and tread slowly, let's start with an introduction."

"H-Hi... I'm Jennifer Walters. Lawyer... Ex Lawyer." Jennifer managed to speak out after calming down her nerves. She was surprised as Spider-Man grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. She looked at his face, and even though he had an unassuming mask on, she was somehow able to tell that he was gently smiling at her.

"Pleased to have met you, Jennifer." Spider-Man shook her hand caressing it gently with his thumb which managed to calm her nerves. "And I am yours truly..."



Alternative Titles:

- Puny Ross

- X-Men foreshadowing?

- Peter 'Big Brain' Parker


So, sorry for the late update.

Hectic and Heartbreaking. Two words to wrap up my whole week. My boss is a dick and break is a bitch. I'm fine though... I'll be okay.

Sorry for projecting this out, I feel like I had to share this with you all for some reason haha. Anyways, I'll try to upload as often as I can.

Also, I'm working on setting up Pay-Pal that way you will be able to support my sorry ass with any amount you are willing to donate. If you can and are willing then let me know, cause I don't want to make a fool of myself again >.<

I have a lot of project ideas but sadly I'm not able to give them the thought and time because of how tight my schedule is. If I can quit overtime then I think I can upload 4 chapters per week. But that's for later.

Anyways, follow the note at the beginning of the chapter since I really look forward to reading your comments and it pisses me off to no end when WN removes them.

I've said enough. I'll see you in the next one.

Love you all, thanks for sticking with me so far :>

PS: Recommended me some songs to (hopefully) cheer me up. Btw, I've been listening to a lot of Twenty One Pilots, mainly the whole Trench Album and a selected few from Blurryface and Scaled and Icy. But I would never say no to new sounds :P