Sexy Green Issue III : Higher Evolution

"It was an ordinary day at the office, nothing special. My client was happy that we had won his son's custody. He invited me for a lunch, but I declined... I wasn't interested. An hour later, I decided to go home early and as I was walking by 7th Avenue some masked men showed up and started shooting." Jennifer narrated as she stared aimlessly into the cup of hot chocolate she had in her hand. Spider-Man, Ghost-Spider and Susan were sitting on an empty bed beside her listening to her. "I was shocked, terrified and my body was paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move and I got hit by a bullet. It was painful, hot searing pain and I could feel death creeping up to me."


"I thought I was a goner. Dead for sure and then... You arrived." Jennifer flashed a small smile as she looked at Spider-Man. "I don't recall anything that happened, but I remember your presence very well, I remember the feeling of your hands when you removed the bullet out of my stomach and I remember feeling at ease when you held me in your arms and then... I woke up in hospital with Bruce sitting near my hospital bed."

"I thought Dr Banner has been on the run?" Susan asked casually as she folded her arms while Ghost-Spider blinked in surprise.

"Dr Bruce Banner?" Ghost-Spider whispered into Spider-Man's ear who nodded.

"He is her cousin." Spider-Man replied as Ghost-Spider blinked once again processing the surprise. "I assume he didn't stay for long?"

"No, he was only there until I woke up. Barely for a day. Ross was hot on his tail, after Hulk." Jennifer said sneering in distaste at Ross' name. "Cousin had to run away, he was glad I was well. I don't think he realised I was more than well at that point."

"What do you mean?" Ghost-Spider asked.

"I had lost a lot of blood and there wasn't an accurate match. Bruce agreed to transfuse blood, he did and I survived but..."

"His gamma-irradiated blood mutated you into... Basically a She-Hulk." Susan summarised and Jennifer nodded after a brief moment. "What happened then?"

"Ross and Stryker." Jennifer said shortly as she clenched her fists. Spider-Man was dead silent as he just stared at the She-Hulk as her shoulder shook in anger and frustration. His hands twitched as he clenched his teeth to bite down his boiling feelings. "Four months... For four full months, I was subjected to all various kinds of experiments. It was a nightmare... It was hell!"

Spider-Man bolted up from his seat all of a sudden gaining startled looks from the ladies. Walking towards She-Hulk, he stopped in front of her and gently put his hand on her head.

Jennifer looked at the masked vigilante as he gently ran his fingers through her beautiful dark green hair, as his fingers soothingly massaged her scalp.

"You did well holding on. Rest up." Spider-Man softly as he slowly retrieved his hand from her head. "Let me take care of the rest."

Spider-Man didn't bother saying another word as he just walked out of the medical bay with Susan hot on his tail.

"Umm... Pardon me, I'll have to go as well." Ghost-Spider said sheepishly scratching her head. Jennifer nodded in reply and she bolted off behind her man and her harem sister.

"Peter are you out of your mind!" Susan hissed as Spider-Man just walked towards the control room ignoring Susan who was on her toes beside him. "I can understand that you are quite angry but-"

"Quite Angry? Oh no, darling, I am positive pissed." Spider-Man brushed her off as kept walking forward. "And I need something to vent on-oh! I found something to went on! Ross!"

"You will ruin everything we have been planning for months!" Susan tried to persuade him but Spider-Man would not relent as he walked into the Control Room. Susan finally snapped as she ran ahead and before turning and spreading her arms making him stop in his tracks. "Enough is enough Peter! You are not using your goddamn head! You are not thinking straight!"


"Jesus! What's gotten into you?! I thought you didn't care about what happens-"

"I lied! I do care! I do care when innocent people get slaughtered like fucking lambs! I do care when women are sold off like disposable objects! I do care when children are exploited! I do care when the world is burning! This happens every day! Do you think I don't know that?! I do and it eats me alive! But what eats my soul more is accepting the fact that this is just how shitty the world is and I can't change it! Not entirely!"


"I do the best I can in the best way I am able to! And that's enough? No, it's not! But it helps me keep myself sane! I promised myself I would do my best to keep my family safe first, and then do what I can to change the world in whatever way I can. Not radically, but with small steps. I promised myself I would be indifferent to a stranger's problem because I had to accept that kindness would not always be answered with goodwill in return and I have lived by that code until now..." Spider-Man clenched his fist as Susan looked at him with soft eyes. "But Jennifer, she is not a stranger anymore... She came to our doorstep, she is in our nest, she is in my home and I would be damned if there's any lack in my hospitality."

"What... What are you really angry about?"


"Are you angry that this happened to her or are you pissed off at yourself because you think that you let this happen to her?" Susan asked as she folded her arms and looked at Spider-Man with a stern gaze. Spider-Man stared at Susan before he looked away unable to answer the question. Susan sighed as her eyes softened. She grabbed his hands softly and brought them to her lips. Placing a soft kiss onto them she clasped them against her chest and smiled softly. "I think as your lover I must remind you of your own code and as your best girl, I, have deemed that you have lost sight of your own goal."

"Well, the best part is debatable." Ghost-Spider quipped quitely getting a side-eye from Susan.

"Now let me re-educate you." Susan smiled. "Somethings are out of your control and no matter how hard you try, there will always be things out of your control. You know this better than anyone and this is the main reason you should stop beating yourself over what happened to Jennifer. Was there anything you could have done or could you have done something differently to avoid assigning her to her fate? Absolutely yes, but how were you supposed to know that this would happen to her? How were you supposed to know that she was Banner's cousin, that she would get a blood transfusion, go Hulk, get abducted and experimented on by those sickos?"


"That was out of your control, you should accept that. You will learn, and I know for sure this won't happen ever again because I know how you are. You literally keep improving and evolving every time you hit a roadblock and this is what makes you special." Susan pulled Spider-Man's mask up and placed a soft kiss on his lips, Spider-Man hugged her back, leaning into the kiss allowing himself to melt into Susan's comfort. Pulling back Susan smiled at him as she pulled his mask down. "That brings me to your rule number one, if you act rashly you will end up jeopardizing your family and things will slip out of our hands before we would be able to contain it."

"I... I understand." Spider-Man nodded as Susan nodded in affirmation kissing him on the lips again over the mask.

"Good, you should go home, rest and ease your mind while I and Juno do dirt digging in Ross and try to come up with plans that will demolish him and Stryker." Susan said as Spider-Man nodded. Hugging her he walked out of the Control Room and towards his Ground Bridge with Ghost-Spider in tow.

Teleporting into the basement lab Spider-Man walked straight into the bathroom after giving Ghost-Spider a nod.

"Hah." Spider-Man sighed turning in the shower as he reached for his mask. Stripping out of his suit, he pressed his head against the shower wall as he let the water over his muscular back. "Report Eryl."

"Peter, your body has evolved once again indeed." Eryl said as she brought out her reports that showed him a complete report. "Your bones and muscles fibre have grown a lot, increasing your overall physical abilities. While aside from the muscle growth there aren't any significant changes in the physical appearance."

Peter walked towards the hazy mirror and wiped the foggy mirror and what greeted him were two slitted, glowing crimson eyes that were staring back with equal intensity.

"Insignificant change, indeed." Peter said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "More fucking problems."

Grabbing the towel he wrapped it around his torso as he walked out of the shower. Making sure Felicia was in the upper bedroom, Peter climbed out of the basement lab.

"Oh, Peter! Welcome back." May smiled as she walked toward him and hugged him before planting a kiss on his cheek. "I... I would have given you more than this silly kiss but sadly we have guests."

"I can see that." Peter smiled in amusement as May slipped her hand inside the towel and gave his member some soft strokes. Peter smirked as he leaned down kissing and biting her lower lip before leaning further towards her ear. "But we still have the night to ourselves, yeah?"

"Oh, I can barely wait." May shivered as she pulled back with a sexy smirk. "Just you and me tonight... Peter... Your eyes!"

"Yeah." Peter flashed a dry smile as he gently removed May's hand from his towel. "A lot happened."

"Peter, you should go wear your old lenses! Your classmate is here if she sees then-"

"Calm down, May." Peter smiled as he grabbed her shoulders. "Thanks for your advice, I'll go up and wear them as well as put on some clothes. Can you cook something for me in the meanwhile? I'm famished."

"Definitely honey. Go ahead. I'll set the table in the meanwhile." Kissing him once again May pulled back as she turned to prepare food for him.

Peter's eyes lingered on May's ass before he managed to shake his head clear of the lustful haze and climb up towards his bedroom.

Passing by the guest room Felicia was in Peter opened the door of his bedroom and was greeted by the sight of an anxious MJ, biting her nails as she watched the news on the T.V.

Hearing the door open her face perked up as she saw Peter.

"Peter! You are back..." Her words died in her throat as her brain was finally able to process Peter's almost naked form. "You... You..."

"A lot happened, yes." Peter flashed the same dry smile as he closed the door behind him and walked toward his dresser. Pulling out his old lenses Peter reluctantly wore them and grimaced looking in the mirror. "This is better than nothing I guess. But I will have to find a different alternative."

"Peter... What happened?!"

"We managed to secure the packages and neutralize the hostiles. In the process, my body achieved a... Higher Evolution."

"Is this why... You look so sexy?"

"Heh? I have always been sexy I'd like to think." Peter began in a teasing manner as MJ blushed before walking towards her and smiling gently. "But yes... Being sexy is just a side-effect."

(A/N: I want this side effect...)

"Damn." MJ muttered as her eyes traced his muscular aqa1torso and his muscles twitched with the smallest movement he made. Raising her hands she placed them against his abs and slowly she rubbed them, up and down. Peter smirked to himself as he indulged MJ and let her do as she pleased. Her breathing became increasingly haggard as her face flushed and her eyes became hazy with lust.

Peter grabbed her hands and smiled.

"I am frankly flattered but now is not the time." Peter said and MJ almost scowled at him.

"What?! No! Just a few more minutes!"

"You can do that after I feed my stomach-"

"Just some more! Please?! Just some more-"

"Mary Jane Watson you need to listen-"

"No! Just some more-"

"What the hell is going on-" Felicia bolted in, almost slamming the door open as she heard the loud noise. Felicia's face froze as she was greeted by the sight of a half-naked Peter, with a towel around his waist which was being tugged on by MJ. "Oh... you are back?"

"Ummm... Hi." Peter waved awkwardly. "I'm back."

"Ahhh! This isn't what it looks like!" MJ tried to defend herself as she gained senses which resulted in her letting go of his towel.

The towel free of its knot, hit the ground in blissful freedom while exposing Peter's being entirely in the process.

"Oh..." Felicia's eyes were instantly drawn to the package between Peter's legs. Her face began to flush bit by bit as she tried to remove her eyes from his body but was unable to muster up the strength to do so.

"Oh my god!" MJ covered up her face trying to hide her embarrassment and shield her eyes from his schlong but it was pointless as she still peeked at it through the gaps of her fingers.

"Hah..." Peter sighed as he calmly picked up the towel and wrapped it back around his waist. Looking at Felicia he flashed her a smile that seemed to fluster her more than ever. "You should head down and eat something if you haven't yet. May is cooking something up."

"Mmhmm." Felicia nodded playing cool as she tried to calm herself down. "Umm... Just an advice, you should probably consider locking the room when you are about to screw each other's brains out. Just saying."

"Oh my god! It's nothing like that! I swear-"

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Peter smiled throwing Felicia off as well as embarrassing MJ even more. Felicia nodded in return as she closed the door and rushed downstairs. Peter turned towards the bushing MJ and shrugged. "This would have been avoided if you had just listened to me."

"Please... Just kill me..." MJ covered her face while Peter just smiled in amusement as he turned to grab his clothes.

"Nope. That would be a mercy for you and since you were being greedy there is about to be punishment."

"What do you mean-"

"Tonight, just you me and May."

"Oh my god..."

"Yeah, you will need all the prayers you can for tonight." Peter smirked as he put on a black fitting T-Shirt. "But for now..."

"You should prepare for a really awkward dinner."


Alternate Titles:

- Insecurities

- Peter 'Shameless' Parker back at it again!

- Sexy Time Foreshadowing


Sooo... There you go, the chapter.

Anyways, I don't have much to say today. I just tried to give my Peter a subtle reality check. As powerful as he is, he is not omnipotent and never will be. This serves as a minor moral conflict since there isn't much physical conflict that can phase Peter for now. Anyways, give me your feedback. It will help me a lot to flesh out my MC and other characters for my future projects.

Also, I watched the Halo TV Series.... I'll be brutally honest.

I feel betrayed.

And before someone accuses me of being something I am not. I'll clear it up, I'm not a misogynist, a sexist, a racist and I live in India and frankly could care less about the political agendas of the west since it doesn't concern me directly. But I felt bothered when they stripped down one of the most iconic characters to nothing more than a cardboard 'OC' who only resembles Master Chief when he has the suit on, and that's just physical resemblance. Anyways, I am open to having my mind changed if you can provide some insight.

I loved the action though, while it isn't all-out gory, I liked the fact that they didn't shy away from blood and exploding flesh. But then again, it was pretty generic and forgettable.

Your thoughts?

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.