Week Worth Of Trouble : Double The Trouble

"Dump this fat pig in the fucking oven. I don't even want his ashes plaguing my grounds." Donato cursed gesturing for his men to dispose of Marco's dead body.

Donato cursed under his breath as lit up another cigar. Donato was about to string out a chain of curses once again but his words died in his throat as he heard a loud thud around him that was accompanied by the sickening wet sound of something bursting.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as his body shuddered unconsciously. Slowly turning around he was met by the horrific side of his right-hand man slattered on the wall in a messy, gory manner while the accursed Spider-Man stood on his mangled remains.

Like Donato, the rest of his men were similarly petrified as Spider-Man clicked his tongue.

"Oh, dear! Seems like a made a bloody mess yet again." Spider-Man faked a sorrowful tone as he shook his head. "Sorry there big dead guy, I didn't see you when I stepped on you. That's my bad and I swear I will not take any responsibility for it."

"Ragno! È il ragno!" Donato back-peddled as he regained his senses snapping his men out of their horror-induced shock as well. "It's the fucking Spider!!"

"Yo, you need any help moving the dead body?" Spider-Man grinned as he waved at the terrified men. "Please Alloweth me to demonstrateth mine own physical prowess and help thou poor souls."

"W-What are you doing here?" Donato managed to stutter out as Spider-Man just tilted his head.

"Isn't that obvious?"


"I'm here to gut you bastards like stuffed pigs or as they say it in Italian..." Spider-Man smirked as he ejected his talons. "Sono qui per massacrarti~"

"W-What are doing?! Kill him! Kill him! Kill!" Donato screamed as his men rushed at Spider-Man.

"Ah! Finally~" Spider-Man cheered energetically. The first swipe of his claws shredded apart a goon's head as the rest of his body became a fountain of blood. The second jab created a hole in another goon's gut as his entrails started spilling out. Pushing the dying man aside, Spider-Man swiped his hand horizontally sending ahead a lighting blade that cleaved the rest of his men in half. "Alright then, it's just you and me now."

"N-No! No! No! Stay away from me-"

"Mr Donato, I humbly request you for the sake of my sick amusement, please try to resist." Spider-Man raised his hand towards Donato and to the horror of the Maggia head, he set a sudden weight pressing against his body from every angle. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he heard his ribs pop inside his chest.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Donato screamed in agony as his limbs began to bend and break at unnatural angles with a sickening crunch. "Diavolo! Il diavolo! Y-You are a monster! The D-Devil-Ahhhh!"

"You're goddamn right I am." Spider-Man hissed as raised his hand lifting Donato off his feet and smashing him into the ground.

"Y-You are going to regret this you fucking S-Spider!" Donato cursed as he vomited out blood. The more he tried to move his body the heavier the pressure on his body got. He felt his body was being crushed slowly and even talking was causing him unbridled agony. Hearing footsteps he shakily looked up as Spider-Man crouched down to his level. "O-Out Count will have your head and present it to our Lord! You will die Spider-Man! You will die!"

"I'm sure they will try." Spider-Man smiled as he ruffled Donato's hair as if he was dealing with a child. "But ultimately they will fail. Anyways, I'll be counting on your unholy lord and saviour to sate my amusement then even if it's for a fraction of a second."

"Y-You will regret-"

"Have you ever watched Reacher? Then, please shut up or I'll stuff your own balls down your throat." Spider-Man threatened as Donato shuddered. "Good dog. Now, let's start the torture-*ahem* pardon me... Let's start our civil interrogation!"

Spider-Man ejected his talons once again, piercing them inside Donato's skull and into the brain as he started extracting the information.

"D-Dear God No! N-No! Please No-Ahhhhhhhhhh!"



"My bad habits lead to late nights endin' alone, Murdering a stranger I barely know." Spider-Man sang to himself as he dragged a dead body by its leg. "Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won't, I got nothing left to lose, or use, or do~"

(A/N: Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran. Even though I just changed one word this song feels tailor-made for our boy lol.)

"My Bad Habits lead to you~" Spider-Man finished piling the dead bodies and pointed towards Natasha as she arrived. Spider-Man bowed mockingly as he presented the dead bodies to the beautiful blonde. "Milady, a gift for you."

"My, my. I have to say I'm quite impressed." Natasha smiled teasingly as she cupped her cheek. "Hearing you sing that with that demonic distortion on your vocals was really, really horrifying."


"And it's kind of sexy."

"I know right! Sometimes my evil shenanigans give me a boner." Spider-Man joked as Natasha laughed.

"Let me know if you ever want a relief, if you know what I mean." Natasha winked as Spider-Man faked a cough making her giggle.

"Noted. And I know exactly what you mean." Spider-Man replied as he turned towards the pile of dead bodies. Flicking a spark onto the pile of dead bodies. Spider-Man nodded to himself in satisfaction as the heap quickly caught fire and it began to spread across the floor quickly. Turning towards Natasha, Spider-Man offered her a hand which she gladly took. "And out we go."

Grabbing Natasha by the waist Spider-Man webbed the ceiling before jumping out through the skyline with a flick of his arm. Landing on a higher rooftop a few blocks away, Spider-Man let go of Natasha as she tried to calm herself down. Settling himself on the edge Spider-Man patted the parapet as he beaconed her to take a seat beside him. "It's a beautiful scene, isn't it? Embers and ashes."

"It is." Natasha replied as she sat beside him, her shoulder rubbing against his. "So, what did you get?"

"I killed off Donato and his men and disposed of them after I interrogated Donato." Spider-Man began as the raging fire reached out towards the sky. "The money Felicia wiped out was Kingpin's payment for drugs, guns, girls and dirt on big techs and government officials. The shop was just a front. The upper floor is the drug warehouse and the two basements housed guns and ammunition."

"Fisk, huh?"

"Remind me why Fisk isn't dead, yet?" Spider-Man asked as Natasha shrugged.

"Why do you think? The council doesn't want him to be dead yet that's why." She replied as Spider-Man chuckled to himself.

"And then they question what gives me the motivation and the right to do what I like and put these rabid dogs down for good?" Spider-Man scoffed as Natasha stared at him.

"You really hate them don't you?" Natasha asked.

"With all of my rotten heart and that's why I do what I do and soon enough your council is also going to get it." Spider-Man said as Natasha narrowed her eyes.

"Is that a warning?"

"It's a promise." Spider-Man corrected as they just stared at each other. "Don't tell me you are planning to stop me."

"I won't. On contrary, I'm counting on it." Natasha added as she turned her head, glaring at the burning building. "I hope they get what's coming for them."

"You really hate them don't you?" Spider-Man asked.

"With all of my cold-blooded heart." Natasha replied.

"I see, good then." Spider-Man nodded. "I will help you flush out whoever you want whenever you are willing to give me their names."

"You would?"

"Gladly." Spider-Man grinned as he cracked his knuckles.

"Thank you." Natasha smiled as Spider-Man just waved it off.

"Don't thank me just yet." Spider-Man said as patted Natasha on the back. "Anyways, I created an interference within the network so that the locals wouldn't call for the authorities to put the fire down. Now that the bodies must be burnt to the crisp I think it's time to let them put the fire out."

"Mmhmm." Natasha nodded as Spider-Man tipped off the NYPD and the Fire Department. "You are quite vicious aren't you?"

"Not quite... Very. I'm very vicious and extremely volatile." Spider-Man grinned shaking his head.

"But now that you have burnt the evidence to the ground how are we going to deal with Kingpin? Assassination?" Natasha asked as Spider-Man rubbed his chin.

"Kingpin isn't a frontline player. He sits his fat ass on his throne and orders his mobs around to pacify objections, implement his laws and perform executions. He goes an extra mile to make sure none of that is ever traced back to him." Spider-Man explained as Natasha paid close attention. "His whereabouts are currently unknown. I'm tracking some loose links to track him down but it's not going to be efficient. I believe he isn't in the US, so we will have to draw him out and bait him to come back."

"How are we going to do that?"

"I've left the warehouse untouched and have planted a string of 'evidence' that after three days of investigation will lead the NYPD to Kingpin and I'll even make sure that they catch some of his minions redhanded." Spider-Man explained surprising Natasha. "Then it's going to be all over the news and it's going to be epic! 'Wilson Fisk, the mastermind of NYC underworld, the damned kingpin of crime'. Sounds grand doesn't it?"


"Kingpin will lose his shit and go on a rampage and I'll bait him to attack the Maggia creating a rift between both crime syndicates. We will eliminate the wounded Fisk first and then clip the Maggia one by one because there are far too many heads in that syndicate." Spider-Man finished his explanation as Natasha could only shake her head. "What?"

"Nothing. The plan is fantastic and I'm sure we will pull it off without a hitch."


"It's just that... I'm glad that I am not your enemy."

"Haha! I know what you mean." Spider-Man chuckled joining Natasha as he looked down at his hands.

"Even I wouldn't want to be my enemy."


"...The Goliaths have planted the evidence. I've also left forge traces of transactions that the Cyber department with be able to trace back to Fisk's associate's accounts." Eryl finished briefing Spider-Man who hummed in satisfaction. Spider-Man camouflaged himself so that no one would spot him as he swung across the city. It was past 2 AM and he was on his way home when he noticed something. "Also, what should we do about Felicia, assuming she possesses the Pendrive? Natasha was unable to locate her. Are you going to approach her tomorrow-"

"I don't think I'll have to wait that long, my dear Eryl." Spider-Man interjected as he quietly landed on the parapet of a building as he looked across the rooftop. "Natasha would make a crappy cop."

"Why is that?"

"She said Felicia was nowhere to be found, aye?" Spider-Man questioned as he sighed to himself. "But I see her quite clearly."

True to his words, dressed in a skin-tight black suit and wearing a black face mask, Felicia was graceful as she nimbly retrieved a bag full of valuables from another jewellery shop without triggering the alarm.

"Nothing soothes my sour mood and tattered heart more than a milk bath and a fresh bag of glitters-"

"What are you doing, Step-Cat?"

Black Cat nearly jumped out of her skin as she quickly flipped away creating a distance between her and the new arrival. "I don't suppose I can help you, aye? After all, I'm not a tub full of milk or a bag full of gems."

"Yes, please. I also realised a hunk of a man such as yourself could do it too since the previous one broke my heart." Black Cat replied as Spider-Man rolled his eyes behind his mask.

'We are the same person, you idiot.' Spider-Man thought to himself as he folded his arms. "I don't do replacements-"

"Awww, I got rejected. Twice today! Just my fucking luck."

"-What I can do however is relieve you of your possessions and ask you to cooperate with me." Spider-Man said as Black Cat sighed.

"Thanks for the offer Spidey, but I can handle myself." Black Cat retorted as her muscles tensed.

"No please, I insist." Spider-Man wouldn't budge as lightning began to crackle around his arms. Black Cat shivered unconsciously as fear gripped her heart. "Please co-operate willingly with me while you can, otherwise I'll have to make sure you are in no position to resist."

Swallowing down her fear she gritted her teeth as she pulled out a dart gun, that would shoot darts laced with paralyzing poison.

"I said leave me alone, Spider-Man! This is none of your fucking business-"


Black Cat's words died in her throat as a grenade came rolling towards her.

"Get down!" Spider-Man yelled as he webbed the grenade and quickly pulled it towards him but before he could throw it-


-it exploded.

Black Cat was thrown off her feet and crashed into the parapet as the explosion consumed Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man!" Black Cat screamed as she shakily helped herself up. She tried to approach the flames but stopped dead in her track as a sai lodged into the ground sparing her foot by a few inches.

"Bwahaha! I was aiming for the kitty cat but I caught an even better prey! Ain't I lucky, Elektra?" A man wearing a black suit, with a bullseye symbol on his forehead laughed erratically as he landed on the rooftop, playing with a grenade in one hand and a machine gun rested in his other hand.

"I told you not to attract attention." A female wearing a revealing red suit landed beside bullseye as with a flick of her hand she retired her Sai. "Moreover, we were tasked to bring the thief alive, untouched, and in one piece."

"W-Who the fuck are you two?!" Black Cat asked as Elektra narrowed her eyes at her.

"It doesn't matter who we are." Elektra said as she pointed her Sai at her. "Come with us if you want to live or else I would mind-"

"She isn't going anywhere." Elektra was startled as she heard a voice interrupt her from the flames. The flames began to die down as an unscathed Spider-Man stepped out and in front of Black Cat as he brandished his stingers at them. "The only thing happening here is..."

"A fucking beatdown."


Alternative Titles :

- Some Bad Habits Are Good To Have

- Peter 'Scheming' Parker

- Small Fries


So... New chapter.

Hope you all like it. Hope this arc is unpredictable and entertaining for you. Let me know what are your thoughts.

Also, Black Cat can't smell if it's Peter because, firstly he isn't releasing his pheromones, secondly he has installed an odour filter in the suit because Susan had figured out his identity the same way and he would be a dumbass if he didn't improve.

I recently watched 'The Terminal List' and my God! It's fucking fantastic! If you want a show with a good story, suspense and action that makes your heart race then dude just watch it. You won't regret it.

It's a classic Action-Thriller story following Chris Pratt as James Reece, a Navy SEAL who returns home after his entire platoon is ambushed only to find out a dark force is at play that is threatening the lives of his loved ones.

It's a fresh breath of air like Top Gun: Maverick considering all the woke garbage out right now.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.