Week Worth Of Trouble : Sitting Ducks

"The only thing happening here is... A fucking beatdown." Spider-Man growled as he ejected his stinger.

"Haha~ I'm gonna hunt the fucking Spider!" Bullseye laughed like a maniac, aiming his machine gun at Spider-Man as the latter rushed at him. "Yo, Spidey~ Say Ahh-Ahhhhh!"

Before Bullseye could press the trigger, electricity sparked around Spider-Man's form as he disappeared from his line of sight. Bullseye screamed in pain as he clutched his abdomen, which had Spider-Man's stinger poking out of it.

"You talk shit too much." Spider-Man said as he retracted the stinger, letting the blood rush through the open wound. Spider-Man had purposely missed any vital organs, but Bullseye would bleed out eventually. "What makes it worse is that you don't have any power to back it up."

"Y-You fucker! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!" Bullseye screamed in mad rage falling to the ground as Spider-Man just rolled his eyes. "Then I'll kill everybody-"

"Yeah, yeah." Spider-Man just waved it off as he lifted his leg. Spider-Man tilted his head looking down at Bullseye as he smirked.

"Say ahh... Bitch."

"What-Nonono! Wait-"


Black Cat covered her mouth in shock and horror while Elektra narrowed her eyes her body tensing in an alert.

This was not a naive child wearing a pretentious cape. No, this was a ruthless beast itching to brandish its claws and gnaw its fangs into its prey's neck.

Spider-Man was a monster.

A monster, she didn't have confidence that she could take down.

But she had to try. And try she would.

"It's your turn now." Spider-Man said as he wiped the sole of his foot on the foot getting rid of the blood and grey matter. Elektra charged at Spider-Man wordlessly, launching a sai at his face as soon as he was within range.

Spider-Man lilted his shoulder as the Sai passed him. Spider-Man spun in his heel quickly as he grabbed the sai with his right hand and turned around to deflect a stab aimed at his jugular. Spider-Man smirked as he interlocked his sai with Elektra's as they engaged in a test of strength.

Elektra grunted as she attempted to free her sai to no avail. Narrowing her eye she tried to punch him in the face but to her shock, Spider-Man countered her punch with a headbutt.


Elektra gritted her teeth as her left hand pulsed with pain. Taking a step back, she tried to knee Spider-Man in the groin but Spider-Man just chuckled.

"That's not so nice, woman." Spider-Man said in an amused tone.


With a tug, Spider-Man broke her sai and raised his leg intercepting her low blow. Pressing his foot down, he trapped Elektra's leg under his as he proceeded to grab her around her neck and pulled her towards him.

"Ack-" Elektra a nervous lump down her throat as Spider-Man stopped just as the tip of the sai touched her neck and pricked her skin drawing a thin line of blood almost instantly.

Spider-Man who had her in a deadly lock just stared down at her with an amused look. "Should we end this charade, Elektra?"


"With your life that is-"

"Wait!" Elektra interjected as she quickly raised her hands. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head in curiosity. "Wait. I give up."



"Yeah, and what does that mean to me?" Spider-Man asked genuinely confused as Elektra felt the lump in her throat rising. "Is that supposed to stop me from skewering you like a fucking shish kebab?"

"...No. But I think knowing that you might incur the wrath of The Hand should worry you." Elektra said as she steeled her nerves. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow in curiosity, not that Elektra could see but she could guess that Spider-Man was paying attention to her words. "A man such as yourself should know about and just how many of us are there. I'm a jonin and if you were to kill me today, then The Hand would do everything in their power to avenge me."

"Hmm." Spider-Man hummed as he relaxed his grip on the sai. Elektra breathed in relief only to freeze as she felt a small cut on her cheek. Spider-Man twirled the sai as he aimed it back at her throat digging the tip of the sai just a bit in her skin. "Who's going to find out if I just kill you and bury you with that dead dog lying over there, a hundred feet below the ground under a fucking slab of concrete?"

Elektra bit her tongue as she tried not to shake. The killing intent was almost suffocating. Even though she had lived a life full of blood and death, standing in front of Spider-Man made it feel like a child's play. It was as if she was drowning in a sickly pool filled with blood and guts.

It was impossible for her to have any sort of resistance to the deathly aura, Spider-Man's presence gave off.

"I-I am not worried about that." Elektra unwantedly stuttered and she hated herself for the fraction of fear she exhibited. "My superior know I am here. Bullseye had nothing to do with The Hand. He was merely an arm hired by my current employer. I on the other hand was tasked personally by my superior. Should I fail to return, he will come here personally and investigate."


"And even though you cover your tracks pretty well, you won't be able to hide yourself nor your family or friends by my master. He will come to find you and kill you." Elektra threatened as Spider-Man hesitantly lowered the sai. "If you let me go now, I promise you on my honour as a shinobi that I will drop this matter and will not pressure it any further."

"Alright then." Spider-Man gritted his teeth as he threw away the sai as it lodged into the parapet of the building. "You better keep your word-ugh."


"S-Spider-Man!" Black Cat screamed as Elektra capitalised on the opportunity to stab Spider-Man in the gut with a hidden dagger. Elektra smirked to herself as she removed the dagger and began stabbing Spider-Man again and again in the gut. "Y-You bitch!"


"How naive Spider-Man. I thought you were a smart man, but you were just a dangerous child in the end. Dangerous sure, but child nonetheless. Truly naive." Elektra murmured seductively into Spider-Man's ears as his body slumped forward. "You know this dagger is special. It was granted to me by the high priest. It's virtually indestructible, and it can possibly damage Adamantium. I got this to deal with that blasted Wolverine but looking at the state you are in, dealing with him will be a piece of cake now. Also, I'll tell you the most special thing about this dagger-"

"Let me guess, it's laced with a corrosive poison that should have turned my internals into liquid poo before it completely melted me?"

"W-What-" Elektra's eyes widened in shock as she tried to jump away but found herself unable to do that. Looking down, Spider-Man hand was wrapped around her wrist while the dagger was buried deep inside his abdomen.

"How naive." Spider-Man said as he twisted Elektra's arm before backhanding her in the face sending her tumbling to the ground. Looking down, Spider-Man grabbed the dagger and pulled it out, his wounds healing simultaneously as he did so. "You talk too much for a shinobi. Come here now."

Raising his hand Spider-Man lifted Elektra off her feet and pulled her towards him. Elektra gritted her teeth in pain as she felt crushing pressure from all sides being pressed onto her very frame.


"I've known about you and your little pound of dogs but I did nothing because I believed it didn't concern me at that moment. Looking back I've realised something..." Spider-Man mused as Elektra was only a few inches away from him. Raising the dagger in front of her eye before crushing it with his hands. "I didn't do anything because it would have been an unfair massacre and you lot wouldn't even have the chance to struggle against me."

Elektra stared at the shards of the dagger in disbelief as Spider-Man raised his hands caressing her cheek.

"You really thought I believe you, didn't you?" Spider-Man chuckled as Elektra gritted her teeth in anger.

"Y-You bastard-"

"I know your kind very well, Shinobi's have no honour-"

"L-Let me go! Let me-Ahhhhh!"


Spider-Man released the black lightning shocking Elektra until she passed out due to the pain and overload.

"And neither do I." Spider-Man grunted to himself as he let go of Elektra dropping her to the ground. Spider-Man heard footsteps begin him as he sighed. Turning around Spider-Man released a web line that attached itself to the Black Cat's legs as she tried to escape by jumping over the parapet. "And what do you think you are e doing, step-cat?"

"Ahhhhhh!" Black Cat shrieked as her jump was cut short. Before she could reach the other rooftop, the web attached to her leg tugged changing her trajectory as she slammed into the wall. "Owww..."

Spider-Man tugged the web line flicking Black Cat up and grabbed her by her left leg. Crouching steadily on the parapet, Spide-Man rested his chin in the palm of his hand as he held Black Cat over.

"We just meet and this is how you treat a man for the first date?" Spider-Man asked as Felicia felt a jolt of dizziness hit her.

"Whoa... T-This is high!-"

"Of course, it is, honey."

"-Drop me! No no! Wait! Don't drop me! I'll die if you do!"

"Heh? And here I thought you had nine lives."

"That I do... No, I don't."

"Oh, Poor you." Spide-Man sighed mockingly as Black Cat, while upside down folded her arms in annoyance. "Anyways, stay still and answer the question-"

"I was ready to treat you to a proper date but you denied." Black Cat butted in as Spider-Man just deadpanned. "What?"

"-answer the question that I am about to ask, truthfully." Spider-Man finished as Black Cat just looked at him awkwardly. "Also, you asked for a casual fuck. Not a date."

"That is a date."

"Oh, really?"


"Oh, yeah? What kind of?"

"A date to and in my bed." Black Cat replied seductively as she opened the front chain of her black suit a bit revealing her creamy breast a little. Spider-Man extended his hand ahead as Black Cat shivered with fear and anticipation. "Oh my, you sure... are... bold..."

Spider-Man trampled on her excitement quickly as instead of molesting her, he grabbed her zipper and zipped her down to her neck.

"No horny, stay halal."

"Fuck you, Spidey."

"I'm sure you'd want to but whatever." Spider-Man waved it off as he turned serious. "There is something I need from you."

"What... What do you want me to do?" Black Cat asked as she mirrored Spider-Man attitude.

"I just want a Pendrive you stole-"

"I don't know what you are talking about-" Black Cat cut Spide-Man off and regretted it instantly as Spider-Man stood up, balancing him on the parapet as he shook her tough by the leg. Black Cat felt her vision turn blurry and her heart almost jump out of her chest. "I'm s-sorry! I-"

"Listen here, Hardy." Spider-Man called her by her last name as her eyes widened in shock. "Don't ever fucking cut me off again. Especially when I am fucking talking to you for your goddamn sake."

"I..." Black Cat opened her mouth before wisely taping it shut and only nodded shakily in reply.

"I don't have time to play merry-go-round, so I'll just cut to the chase. The Pendrive you stole belongs to a damn mob boss sitting over thousands of men. And a damn sadistic one at that." Spider-Man warned as Black Cat didn't interrupt. "If he finds you, he won't just kill you, oh no no. He will probably put you through all sorts of hell until you beg him to finish you off and put you out of your damn misery. Do you think are equipped to fight at that scale? Do you want to be on run for the rest of your life?"

(A/N: Just to be clear. Peter ain't scared of Kingpin. He is just describing kingpin from a normal Joe's point of view. This should also make it clear that as OP as Peter is he never really underestimates his prey. He sorts them accordingly to their threat level and deals with them accordingly.)

"W-What do I do now?" Black Cat asked in a shaky voice.

"Good, you are listening." Spider-Man said as he let Black Cat down back onto the rooftop. "I am your best bet if you want to... You know, not stop breathing."


(A/N: ^O-O^ Sorry, couldn't resist lol.)

"I don't know what you were thinking stealing from the Italian mob but now you are strangled between the Maggia and the Emissaries. The Pendrive you stole is worth more than anything you have ever stolen altogether. It's safe to say that it's something to die and kill for and kill they will try to do." Spider-Man explained. "I want you to hand me the Pendrive and disappear from New York a week at a minimum while I clean the streets up once again."

"I see. You can deal with both of them?"

"Don't you watch the news? I could kill a Hulk a month ago, now I'm pretty confident that I can kill the Hulk." Spider-Man replied confidently as Black Cat nodded.

"Okay, I'll give you the Pendrive. I'd love to but-"


"But I don't have it." Black Cat replied nervously as Spider-Man started at her blankly.

"I kind of gave it to a friend of mine."



Alternative Titles:

- Goose, Goose, Fuck!

- Peter 'Vader' Parker

- Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' halal!


Yo, new chap. Sorry for the late upload.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Let me know your ideas. Also, go read my other book if you haven't yet.

Anyways, all of your ideas are appreciated. I'll update the auxiliary chapter after this arc (probably, if not then I'll surely do it after Avengers 1 arc.)

Also, Telegram Group Chat or Discord?

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S.: Recommend me your fav songs and I'll recommend to you some of my favs.