Connecting Dots


"What, what?" Black Cat asked nervously as Spider-Man facepalmed, shaking his head. "Well you what happened was-"



"I don't give a fuck." Spider-Man said as he looked through the cracks of his finger. Sighing to himself he rubbed his temples in thought while Black Cat just stood there frozen in her place. "Well, who did you give it to?"

"Well, that... Y-You see-"

"You gave it to your friend right?" Spider-Man was getting impatient.

"Yeah but-"

"Then just who in the world did you give it to?" Spider-Man asked as he folded his arms. Black Cat opened her mouth to make a snarky comment but hesitated before biting her tongue and visibly deflated.

"...I don't know."

"Woman, are you fucking serious?!" Spider-Man spread his arms expressing his exasperation causing the cat burglar to flinch.

"I swear! I have never seen her face! She just gives me odd jobs and I take care of it for her!" Black Cat replied as Spider-Man gritted his teeth. "When I was travelling I got caught in one of my, night strolls. I thought I was a goner until someone bailed me out and cleared me of all my charges. A week later I received a letter from someone called Tarnished and she asked for service as a form of post-payment to my freedom. I had no choice, and begrudging agreed. I did countless infiltrations, planned thefts and major heists for her. Besides documents and information, she let me have everything else and even paid me. And now, we are friends... well, sort of."

"When did this happen?"

"Almost two years ago."

"You started stealing when you were eleven?"

"Fuck you, I'm twenty-two and well that's sort of true." Black Cat retorted as Spider-Man blinked in surprise.

"You really started when you were eleven?" Spider-Man muttered as Black Cat nodded. Shaking his head to clear the rest of his thought. Spider-Man began to ponder. "What were you stealing?"


"I mean, what were you stealing before you almost became a jailbird?" Spider-Man asked taking a small jab at her which made her cross her arms in annoyance.

"Why should I tell... Ugh! Fine. I don't really remember but I got a tip from my old contact. It was a royal heirloom I think. Eastern European but I don't quite remember which country exactly." Black Cat replied as she tried to wrack her brain.

Spider-Man's eyes widened in realisation as he smirked.

"I think I have a hunch." Spider-Man said as he rubbed his chin.

"You do?" Black Cat asked in surprise as Spide-Man nodded. "Well, who is she?!"

"Well, It's just a hunch like I said. I need more information to confirm it. Do you know what she looks like? Like something she might have mentioned in passing?" Spider-Man pressured as Black Cat shook her head. "Ahhh, well. How do you contact her?"

"I don't, she contacts me when she needs me and in different ways each time. Sometimes a letter, sometimes a delivery package. We have never met in person so, there you go-wait a minute, she mentioned one time that she had silver hair just like mine."

"Heh?" Spider-Man's smirk widened as his hunch turned out to be true. "And let me guess, the heirloom was Symkarian in origin?"

"Didn't I just tell you that I don't remember-Wait! It was Symkarian in origin! How did you know... no wait! Who is she-"

"Doesn't matter. It's safe to say that the Pendrive is in capable hands."

"No, wait! Shouldn't I know who she is-"

"But you know what wasn't in capable hands until now?"


"Your safety." Spider-Man replied as Black Cat just gave him a look. "Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin of Crime is most likely the one who hired these two lightweights."

"Okay..." Black Cat blinked looking at the two Spider-Man was pointing at. Elektra was still unconscious and Bullseye...

Well, let's just say that he'd be alive if he had just kept a cool head.

(A/N: lol)

"Well, the only reason they could be here is that they were actively looking for you. Did you hear them? Kingpin wants you alive. For what you ask? For torture and to ship you off as goods for his side business." Spider-Man explained as Black Cat shivered in fright. "I don't think they know what your real identity is, just your thief persona so listen carefully to what I have to say. If you want to stay safe and alive."

Black Cat hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Good. I'm gonna drop this red minx here at my den. Meanwhile, you get out this costume of yours and meet me at Jensen's Bakery. Take your clothes, cash and whatnot. You don't have anything to do right? I'll take you to a safe house of mine and let you lay low for a week-"

"I have to go to college." Black Cat interjected baffling Spider-Man.

"You... You want to go to college while there are fucking mercenaries and ninjas hunting for your fucking head?" Spider-Man questioned as Black Cat stayed firm to her statement.

"They don't know my real identity. You said it yourself-"

"I said probably. Perhaps! Possibly! Maybe!" Spider-Man emphasized. "Do you understand? Maybe?! Maybe they don't know or maybe they do know!"

"Whatever. I'll be fine. Thank you for doing this much for me." Black Cat said firmly as Spide-Man just stared at her.

"You do know your life is on line?"

"I do."

"And you still wanna do this?"

"I do."

"Is this more important than your life?"

"I don't know. But it's about my pride as a woman." Black Cat replied as Spider-Man sighed looking away.

"Fucking stubborn women." Spider-Man cursed under his breath as Black Cat just giggled to herself.

"You are a rude asshole you know that?"

"I do." Spider-Man replied. "Well, it's on you then. I'll do my part. Meet me in an hour sharp."

Spider-Man walked towards Elektra before hoisting her up over his shoulder.

"I'll see you then." Spider-Man have a mock salute as he jumped off the building and began to swing away.

"Wait! Are we just going to leave this body just like that?!" Black Cat yelled but Spider-Man was already gone. Looking at the mangled body Black Cat felt her bile rise again. Shaking her head she picked up her bag and jumped away.

"Ugh. Why are all men in my life like that?!"

(A/N: Because both of them are the same?)



Elektra jolted to consciousness as she was rudely soaked with ice-cold water. Elektra coughed out reflex as the water entered through her nostrils. Calming down she shook her head trying to get the water out of her eyes and when her vision was created she found herself in what she assumed was an interrogation room.

She assumed that because the room was poorly lit with only a ceiling light above her head and the fact that she was still breathing. She was captured by Spider-Man and if the crazy arachnid hadn't killed her off then it means that he planned to use her in one way or the other.

She assumed that he had a lot of questions with the way she was tied to a chair but it was futile. He wasn't going to any answers from her.

"You sure about that?" Elektra's eyes widened as she was surprised by a firm voice. This voice was nothing like the demonic voice of the Spider-Man but for some reason, it gave her more chills than ever. He was sitting behind her, the back of his chair adjacent to her's the whole time and she didn't even notice.

"Spider-Man..." Elektra gritted out.

"The one and only." He replied.

"What do you want-"

"Just wanted to let prisoner no. 3 to know that until further notice she should kiss the thought of seeing the outside world goodbye." His voice was calm, mirroring his demeanour which was the complete opposite of hers. "Until you serve the sentence for betraying my trust you will be living as a quiet, polite and complying inmate overwise we would not hesitate to turn you minced meat like the two that came before you."

Elektra gritted her teeth but managed to keep her emotions at the bay.

"Don't you have questions?"


"You... Don't you want to know more about The Hand?! How to prepare yourself against them?! Inside information?! Intel-"

"Why would I need to know stuff that I already know?" His voice sounded genuinely confused as Elektra was forced to shut up.

"You... You are bluffing."

"Well, You can believe what you want. I didn't bring you here to convince you otherwise anyways. I just brought you here to let you know that it would be in your best interest to not even attempt to escape the facility cause if you do. Oh boy, you'll wish you didn't."

"You think I am scared of you?! I am not scared of you, you fucking coward! You'll never be able to hold me in! I'll wait! Even if I have to wait for years I'll wait for you to slip up and I'll use that change to cut you open like a fish! I swear to... Oh... Oh, God." Elektra's tongue became paralysed as the room she was in lit up entirely.

Elektra had assumed the room she was in, was an interrogation but it turned out to be a cell. A decent-sized at that. The walls were light grey and white, made out of metal. The room was fully carpeted and had a single bed in the middle. Besides, it was a desk with a small bookshelf and a small bathroom plus a washroom in the far left corner. The room had no windows whatsoever and the vents were small and narrow. Escaping it was impossible, especially considering the intimidating robust robot that stood in the corner.

"As you might have noticed, no escape routes. The door is reinforced, nothing short of a cannon shot at point black range and put a dent in it and till then my SPARTANS would have already dealt with the disturbance." She understood why he was so calm about the whole situation. "I personally design my SPARTANS and they all work on an improved version of an arc reactor. Meaning they can last a few years without going out. So, be a good girl until they are done with your evaluation."

She wasn't a threat to him.

"Just... Who are you?" Elektra gritted out in anger before she felt a weight on her shoulder. Turning her head her eyes widened in shock. Laying back his head on her shoulder, looking at her with his blood-red eyes was a devilishly handsome guy in his late teen. His face was familiar, not only to her but to every New Yorker and possibly every American.

Peter Parker.

The man, the myth, the legend himself. The youngest billionaire of America. He had a lot of clout to his name. His outlandish but effective ideas, his outstanding research and contribution to science through AfterLife Foundation, his question and controversial love life and whatnot. Everybody had their theories. Some believe he is Abraham Erskine's clone, some believe he is a fraud fuckboy, while the resf believe he is a satanist.

Everybody had their theories but him being the same person as the infamous, unhinged Spider-Man was the last thing someone would have expected.

The blood-red eyes and the glimpse of fangs she caught only added more to the veil of mystery that shrouded his existence.

"Who... Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a rock thrown down to earth by God to rock it to the peek of hysteria." Peter replied as he smiled.

"I am the Spider-Monarch."


Hey, new chap. Surprising huh?

Well, this is just a filler for exposition so I finished this in an hour and a half. Anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter.

Also, after Avengers Arc, AfterLife, The Syndicate and The Creed are going to create waves so I thought that I should start showing you how The Syndicate works instead of telling you.

I recently became to the SCP multiverse and I drew huge inspiration from the SCP foundation so I had to rewrite the structure of The Syndicate. For those who are still confused I'll dumb it down to you.

-The Syndicate is the secret organization Peter created, you can think of it as a mix between, SHIELD, the Brotherhood of Assassins and SCP Foundation.

- AfterLife Fountain is the official name of the organisation and the public forefront which works as a giant tech firm with footholds in all sorts of fields and media. Susan is the CEO of AfterLife while Peter is the second in line.

- The Creed is basically all the core members of the group that are involved in decision-making and planning. (Basically 05-Council but... More members)

Hope this clears it out.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.