Week Worth Of Trouble: Freshman Disaster

(A/N: Re-Wrote some parts of the chapter, and re-uploaded the chapter. Let's just pretend the 'My Woman' but never happened okay? Good.)




"Are you okay?"

"Yep, yep. I am." Peter flashed MJ a smile closing the car's door behind him as Gwen walked around the car and wrapped her arms around Peter's.

"Then, let's go." Gwen grinned as Peter nodded offering his other hand to MJ. "*Whistles* I have to say, Liz sure has a good place."

"I know right?" MJ replied as she handed the invitation card to the guards who stood at the gates of a huge mansion. "And this is Liz's private house. Apparently, her parents bought a bigger house in Beverly Hills. That's crazy, right? Well, at least it would have been a few months ago. Peter has diluted my common sense recently with the things he has shown me."

"Yep, I could easily buy the whole of Manhattan but hey, we aren't competing now are we?" Peter smirked cockily as MJ pinched him playfully. "Well, anyways. Let's go greet the Allan heiress."

"Oh My! Peter! I'm glad that you came." Liz who was talking to some important-looking men excused herself as soon as she spotted Peter arrive. She greeted him with a smile as she scanned him up and down and frowned momentarily. "You look... exceptionally good for someone dressed up casually."

Peter shrugged as MJ and Gwen giggled. True to her words, Peter was wearing black pants paired with a plain black silk shirt with sleeves rolled up till his elbows. Even though he dressed simply it didn't do much to hamper his sharp and handsome features.

Contrasting to his rather plain attire MJ was dressed in a dark crimson fancy gown that complimented her hair while Gwen wore a bright white one piece and they looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Meh, you know I don't like shit like this." Peter said as Liz giggled.

"Your attitude is the complete opposite of what one would assume of the youngest billionaire in the world to have." Liz commented as Peter shrugged once again.

"I think this much drip is enough." Peter joked pointing at the Rolex on his wrist as Liz's eyes lit up.

"You actually wore the gift I gave you!" Liz exclaimed as Peter flashed a small smile. "I didn't think that the gift was good enough for you.."

"Why wouldn't I? I don't like all the fancy stuff but hey! It's a good watch. Thanks again." Peter thanked her casually as Liz nodded.

"Gwen, Mary Jane~ You both look lovely as well today. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm quite jealous of you two." Liz greeted with a smile as Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Nice of you to finally notice us, Elizabeth." MJ playfully greeted her as Liz's flushed visibly. "I wasn't sure that your eyes would ever leave my boyfriend. Glad you could see us too."

"Umm-" Liz smiled in embarrassment as Gwen giggled.

"Come on, MJ. Don't tease the gal like that." Peter reprimanded MJ but his grin made it obvious that he was totally enjoying Liz's embarrassment. "Though, I'll have to say, Liz. I'm flattered."

"N-No it's not that-"

"You look ravishing today as well." Peter flashed a smooth smile as Liz simply turned on her heels.

"F-Follow me, I'll escort you to where our classmates are."

"Oh Peter, you are so sly." Gwen giggled as they all followed Liz. "Thank God, we are out of the hall. I didn't want to just stand there along with all those uptight fossils over there."

"Haha, of course not. We have the right section of the villa all to ourselves so there's no need to worry. My parents and their guests will hang out on the left side." Liz replied as Peter nodded following her.

Opening the door that led to a smaller hall, Peter and the girls were bombarded with flashing disco lights and loud music.

"Smack that! All on the floor~ Smack that! Gimme some more! Smack that! Till you get sore~ Sore~"

"So, what do you think?" Liz asked with a grin as Peter hummed with a small smile.

"The music is a bit too loud for my taste but the rest is good, I guess."

"Boo~ Peter. Don't be such a party popper!" Liz blew him a raspberry. Her refined personality crumbled as her real bubbly self started to shine.

"Well, I guess I am not a party person but, I guess tonight will be fine since you were gracious enough to invite me plus this watch! Thanks again, now if you don't mind. I'll take a seat in a quiet corner." Peter winked at Liz as he walked towards a couch in the corner. "You have fun."

Peter sat on the couch, leaning back comfortably before nodding at MJ and Gwen to go ahead and greet their friends.

"Speaking of friend..."

Felicia and the girls weren't friends anymore. Peter told the girls what happened, with Natasha first and then with Felicia. The girls were dumbfounded, to say the least.

Felicia wasn't interested in Peter at first whatsoever, to begin with, and instead thought that he was some fraud that was treating Gwen and MJ as his playthings. Later, they became friends and then really good ones.

If Felicia had feelings since the start then by God she is a good liar, since Peter nor the girls noticed it until much later and only after she started to go full offensive on Peter.

Peter initially kept her distance since he was busy with his projects and the pace Felicia wanted to move at could have been dangerous for all of his relationship dynamics later on.

Peter wasn't going to let a single girl wreck his safe haven.

Her infatuation turned obsession and now Peter could only describe the whole situation as a trainwreck. Or a train that was going to get wrecked sooner or later if he didn't do anything.

Natasha's involvement played a huge part in exposing her selfish, opportunistic and self-centred behaviour. She thought she found a chink in his armour and she struck wanting him for herself.

Turned down, rejected and apparently humiliated all she wants is revenge and to mend her broken pride as a woman and Peter knows that even she is unaware that she was capable of going to horrific lengths to do that.

Her relationship with Spider-Man was proof of that. She wanted Spider-Man physically for self-assurance, to feel like a proud woman again but there was nothing more than that.

She agreed to come to the party with Ryan for the sole purpose of making Peter jealous and it had worked to a degree.

It's not like Peter didn't care for her. Four months as intimate friends could change the dynamic between men and women drastically.

The relationship between Peter and Felicia could only be described as love/hate. Felicia loves Peter for how he makes her feel but hates Peter for how he treats her feelings. Peter loves Felicia for the woman she is but hates Felicia for the woman she is becoming.

And neither are willing to compromise.

"Speaking of Felicia..."

There she was in the middle dancing with Ryan. She looked stunning, dressed in a lacy black, halter dress that was barely below her thighs.

She looked unaware of Peter's gaze and if she was aware then she tried to appear unbothered by it. Tried, but not very well. Her eyes kept darting to the side of the room where Peter was sitting.

Catching her eye Peter just scoffed as he leaned his head back and breathed in.

"Something on your mind, Peter?" Gwen asked approaching him as she took a sit on his lap and wrapped her hands around his neck. "Or rather... Someone on your mind?"

"You know, I'm beginning to realize why Bart used to say girls are synonyms with stress." Peter sighed as Gwen giggled.

"Rude for him to say that but considering the situation at hand, it's not far from the truth." Gwen smiled leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. "I love you."

"Umm... I love you more but why all of a sudden?" Peter asked as Gwen shrugged.

"Do I need a reason to love you?" Gwen asked innocently as Peter smiled. Pulling her in Peter kissed her forehead and hugged her.

"No. You do not." Peter smiled to himself. He felt his psyche getting charged by Gwen's hug.

"Say, Pete. What are you planning to do?"

"Honestly, right now I'm just planning to get a drink."

"I thought you don't drink?"

"I don't. They should have orange juice right?" Peter asked as Gwen giggled getting up and pulling Peter by his hand.

"Only one way to find out." Gwen replied as she pulled him over to the bar.

"What can I get for you, sir? Ma'am?" The butler politely asked as Gwen set Peter down before sitting on his lap once again.

"Do you have orange juice?"

"Excuse me?" The butler asked surprised as Gwen patted Peter's back.

"My boyfriend here needs orange juice since he despises alcohol and as his partner, I need a matching drink." Gwen smiled as the waiter smiled at Peter.

"You have a great partner young man."

"Yeah, and I'm fucking grateful. Now the drink."

"Haha, certainly. Please wait a minute as I get it from the kitchen. Younglings these days just jump to alcohol the moment they are out of their child boots wanting to be adults. I didn't expect anybody to ask for juice so ease just a moment."

"Alright." Peter replied as the waiter left the bar to fetch the juice. Peter turned to the beautiful lady in his lap to converse with her but was rudely interrupted as he felt a hand grab his shoulder in a rather rough manner.

"Parker." Ryan greeted Peter with a smug grin as he grabbed his shoulder before winking at Gwen. "Wassup, Stacy? You looking fab-"

"I'll leave this shithead to you." Gwen replied rather loudly as she got up from Peter's lap. "I'll be there with MJ. Come get me when you are done."

"Gotcha, babe." Peter replied as he lightly smacked her ass while Ryan just seethed in silence as the couple gave him the silent treatment.

"Nice night, isn't it Parker?" Ryan asked taking a seat beside Peter as Peter rolled his eyes. "I saw you ordering Orange juice. I mean you do look like a lightweight pussy but it can't be that bad right-"

"After grabbing some ass did you finally grow some balls?" Peter asked finally turning to look at him with a cold, indifferent face. Ryan gritted his teeth as he gripped Peter's shoulder hard trying to intimidate him but it was all for nought as Peter grabbed his hand without even flinching and removed it from his shoulder. "Keep your fucking hands to yourself if you don't want me to stomp on them."

Ryan retrieved his hand rather quickly as he realised from the firm grip that Peter wasn't lacking in strength.

"N-No need to be so-"

"Yeah, fucking call me a pussy and tell me not to be aggressive." Peter rolled his eyes. "Quit with the bullshit and if you call me a pussy again, I'll turn you into one."


"Horizontally slitted."

"Hey, h-hey it was just a joke. Fel went to the washroom so I was left to my own devices and then I saw you ordering that boring orange juice and I couldn't bear the thought of a dude missing out on good alcohol so I mixed you one myself. My big brother used to be a bartender and I know a thing or two from him. This is light, you'll like it." Ryan said as presented Peter with alcohol.

"Light my ass, this shit has like 72% alcohol. You think I'm blind enough to not see what you are trying to do?" Peter didn't beat around the bush and ripped into Ryan. "Stop. It isn't going to work."


"You think I'm a bozo? I don't drink but I know alcohol. You want me to get shitfaced and embarrass myself in front of Hardy, don't you?"

"H-How do you-"

"I know alcohol. I just don't drink it." Peter replied. "Now fuck off, before I shove that glass up your ass and break it while it's inside you."

Ryan gritted his teeth as Peter tried to get up but he caught Peter by the shoulder.

"Drink it." Ryan said in a rather forceful manner.

"No." Peter simply replied.

"I said drink it." Ryan said as he tried to shove the drink into Peters's mouth but Peter simply grabbed his hand.

"I said no." Peter replied as he began applying pressure. Ryan felt Peter squeezing his hand intending to crush it. He heard the glass cracking as he hastily tried to pull his hand back but to no avail.

"I-If you are a man! You will drink it!" Ryan gritted out.

Peter narrowed his eyes as he increased the pressure.



Before Peter could crush Ryan's hand along with the glass of alcohol, he heard his name being called.

"Peter! There you...are." Liz approached Peter and looked at the scene in front of her with curiosity. "Am I interrupting something? I wanted you to meet someone."

"Nothing." Peter replied letting go of Ryan's hand. Looking at the glass of juice in front of him presented by an inquisitive look butler, Peter thanked him before downing in full go before forcibly handing the empty glass to Ryan.

"I don't need my manhood to be questioned by a eunuch like you." Peter leaned forward and whispered into Ryan's ear but he said it loud enough for everyone near him to hear it. "Now go. Wash that potty mouth of yours before someone rips it off your damn face."

Pulling back Peter flashed Ryan a small smirk before turning towards Liz.

"Should we go?" Liz asked as Peter nodded walking along with her. "What was that about?"

"Nothing of importance." Peter replied. On his way out of the hall, Peter gestured to Gwen to keep an eye on Ryan to which Gwen nodded.

"Is the party to your liking?"

"Would it even matter if it wasn't?" Peter asked as Liz simply looked away.

"I mean, it would give me an idea for further reference."

"Future reference? I think I already told you I'm not a party person. At least fancy ones." Peter replied casually before it finally hit him. "You... You are not trying to court me, are you?"

"W-What?! No! I... It's just that... Umm. Actually yes." Liz admitted as Peter groaned.

"Please tell me this is a joke."

"A-Actually... It was originally my father's idea-"

"For you to marry be so that we can potentially merge AfterLife and Alchemax together, huh?" Peter complete the sentence as Liz slowly nodded. "Look I get what you mean but I can't marry you. I already have two girlfriends who I'm planning to marry later on. You can't be the only woman in my life and you to shouldn't let your father use you like a tool for his success-"

"I'm not against the idea itself." Liz quickly interjected as Peter stopped in his steps.


"You... You have grown a lot. Exponentially. I remember you being the shy and sweet nerd of the class. Shabby hair and clothes, big glasses and nervousness plaguing your body. Now of which you resemble now." Liz began as Peter listened to her. "I'm sorry for being mean to you back then. I'll be honest with you. I didn't help you back then because I didn't want to be associated with you. I treated you like a verbal punching bag sometimes to vent my frustrations and I realised it was wrong of me to do so."

Peter stared at Liz for a while before sighing and looking away. "You are only saying this because I have changed."

"No, I'm telling you this because I have changed." Liz replied as she earnestly apologised. "I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Hah... I honestly don't care much about the past. What I did care about I took care of it. So, whatever. It's fine. I forgive you." Peter replied as Liz perked up. "But the marriage thing is still a no."

"But... But I can still try right?" Liz asked hopefully.



"...do as you wish." Peter sighed as he continued walking.

"Yeah! *Ahem!* I mean, yes. Thank you." Liz nodded as she followed Peter. "The person we are meeting is my dad by the way."

"Ah! No please!" Peter whined as Liz giggled leading Peter towards her dad.

Liz's dad turned out to be a rather decent but shrewd businessman who didn't beat around the bush and after a few minutes of ideal charter brought up the marriage proposal which Peter temporarily rejected politely saying he wanted to know Liz better first. The rest of the chat was about business that Peter surprisingly enjoyed but by the end of it felt mentally drained again.

Walking back into the party hall, he comically plopped himself into MJ's lap as she giggled at him.

"What's the matter, Tiger?"

"Liz and her dad. Both are ambitious as fuck. The lady is aiming for me and the dad is aiming for my company. It seems like this is something they have both agreed on for the first time." Peter replied as MJ giggled. Peter snuggled into MJ's belly as he made himself comfortable. "Honestly, aren't there too many girls in my life already?"

"You are complaining?" MJ questioned as Peter shrugged.

"I don't want to fill my house with needless weeds you know?" Peter replied as he looked around the room. Suddenly a sudden weight settled up his heart as he felt it sink. "I'd rather not spoil the time and experience we have with each other-Wait... Where is Gwen?"

"She went to the washroom to fix her dress, why?" MJ asked as Peter's spider sense blared. Jumping onto his feet, Peter bolted out of the hall with MJ following him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Pete cursed as he bolted out of the dancing hall.

"Peter?! Wait?! What happened?!"

"I told Gwen to keep an eye on Ryan and Felicia-Gwen!" Peter's eyes lit up as he saw Gwen coming out of the bathroom. She was startled as Peter grabbed her by the shoulders. "Where is Felicia?!"


"Where is Felicia?!"

"She was dancing with that asshole... She's not there?!"

"Ryan isn't either! That's why I told you to keep an eye on them! God fucking dammit!" Peter cursed attracting the attention of people nearby.

"Peter? What's happening-" Liz approached Peter but Peter was already moving. He rushed through the hallways opening doors to rooms left and right.



"Ah?! Parker?! What the hell man?!"




*Slam!* x8

"Felicia?!" Peter screamed on the top of his lungs. Peter wasn't thinking rationally anymore as kept bursting doors left and right. "Why the hell is this mansion so big?!"

"H-Hey man, I think... I saw Felicia head upwards with Ryan and his buddies. She didn't look well-"

Before the guy could finish the sentence Peter had already rushed toward the stairs.

"Y-You're welcome!"

"Please! Please! Please!" Peter prayed as came to a sliding halt in the passageway of the empty corridors of the upper floor. Peter's nostrils flared as he saw Ryan's friends standing outside a room waiting in anticipation.

"Yeah, hehe-Wait. Yo, Parker is here." One of the guys noticed the latest arrival as he informed his distracted friends. "Get lost Parker or we will make you! This isn't a place for a rich kid like you! But if you pay us some we might let you have a turn-"

Peter had heard enough.

"You... I'm going to make this short but painful."

Peter began walking towards them startling them, his pace increasing as he neared them. Peter grabbed a vase that was on the table as he approached the lot of wannabes.

"This guy wants to die-agh!"


Peter wasn't in any mood to joke around as he smashed the vase into the first goon's head almost splitting his skull.

"F-Fuck! Beat him up-ahhh!" The guy screamed as Peter grabbed a shard of a broken vase and stabbed him in the shoulder and then in his thighs.

Dodging a punch, Peter grabbed the guy by the neck and slammed him onto the table. Before stabbing him in the hand with the shard.

"Arrrghhh!" The last guy blindly charged at Peter but Peter simply grabbed the guy the hair and slammed his knee into his face, disfiguring him.

"Peter?!" Liz who along with the rest of curious classmates who had followed Peter gasped in horror as they saw Peter demolish Ryan's friends. "W-What are you doing Peter?!"


"Umph! Umph!"

"Ugh! Stupid bitch stop moving and let me-"

"Felicia?!" Peter barged into the room breaking it in the process. Peter froze in his place as he looked at the sight before him.

Felicia was pinned under a shirtless Ryan with a part of her dress torn and used as a makeshift gag to shut her up. Her upper dress had almost been ripped off exposing her black bra-clad breasts that Ryan was trying to molest.

Ryan's hands and chest had scratches as Felicia though weakened by drugs somehow managed to fight him and protect her virginity.

(A/N: She safe, don't worry y'all. Anyways, now to the part of the show that's always my favourite.)

Peter's hand began to shake as he clenched them hard enough to draw a blood.

"I... I'm gonna fuck you up."

"P-Parker?! What the hell are you-arghh!" Ryan felt his vision turn dark in a second as he felt the front of his jaw cave in.

Peter's punch hit Ryan square in the face breaking that fuckers mouth. Almost all of his front teeth broke, some getting swallowed in the process.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Ryan screamed like a bitch falling to his knees, clutching his broke mouth in pain as blood began seeping out through the cracks of his fingers. Peter grabbed Ryan by the back of the neck and slammed Ryan into the wall face first.

"Peter?! What in the world are you doing-Felicia?! Your clothes?! What happened-" Liz's eyes widened as she finally realised what had almost happened. She along with Gwen and MJ rushed toward Felicia to help and console the drugged and devastated girl.

"Aww, gwad! Please no!" Ryan begged as Peter pinned him to the wall with his legs and grabbed both of his hands.

"I should have tore this hands of the first time I meet you." Peter hissed with malicious intent as Gwen and MJ helped Felicia up. "Tell me, Ryan, do you feel in charge."



All the bystanders shuddered as Peter broke both of Ryan's arms. Pulling his leg back he let Ryan thrash and wiggle like a worm as he began stomping him.

*Stomp!* x8

With each stomp, there was an audible sound of a bone breaking. Felicia watched in a daze, as the man she thought she had lost beat Ryan into a pulp for her sake.

Looking at the half-dead Ryan, Peter mounted him. Looking at his face he almost snarled. He had almost made a blunder.

"There's a special place in hell for people like you." Peter said snapping Felicia out of her shock. She recovered just as Peter brought his hand down.

"N-No! Peter stop!"


Alternative Titles:

- This One Took A While To Edit

- Peter 'Party Popper' Parker

- Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes



I'm out right now, so expect slow updates for two weeks atleast. I'll try to write and upload as often as I can. Though the least I could do is rewrite this one.

I know some of you liked the previous version better but majority of them didn't like. I already realised it axed Peter's personality consistency. So cold rage.

Also, Peter isn't a lovesick puppy. I saw a comment saying Peter is a love sick puppy and shitting on me in general and I think you should go and read the dictionary definition of lovesick puppy. Also, I won't call you out since I have human decency but I'll say this...

I don't get defensive over my mistakes. If I realise I fucked up, I fix it.

Get it straight.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.