Week Worth Of Trouble: Round 1

"N-No! Peter stop!"

Peter brought his hand down and only stopped an inch away from the would-be rapist's face as he felt a hand firmly grasp his wrists and another one on his shoulders.

"Peter... That's enough." Gwen said softly as Peter narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing, Gwen? Mr Allan?" Peter asked turning his head to look at Gwen and Liz's father who was standing beside Gwen.

"Just call me Wilson." The older man smiled as he patted his shoulder. "And I think you have done quite enough."

"With all due respect, Wilson, this doesn't concern you." Peter retorted while Wilson just smiled.

"While the matter might be personal to you, it did occur on my property and you've already dealt with the matter as you pleased." Wilson replied. "But I would like if the matter didn't escalate further on my property considering it could lead to a huge scandal that could affect Alchemax."


"Also, you have your reputation to protect, Mr Parker." Wilson smiled as Gwen gently rubbed his hand.

"Peter... Please." Gwen pleaded as Peter snarled before sighing and getting up.

"Alright, alright." Peter said getting up and off Ryan who laid there on the verge of unconsciousness. Getting up Peter sighed turning towards Wilson. "I'm sorry for the commotion. I... I lost my cool."

"And rightfully so." Wilson chuckled waving off Peter's apology before giving Ryan a side glare. "I would have done the same if something similar were to happen to Elizabeth... I think I'd probably do something worse. But alas! We have been put forward in the public eye and while I compliment your courage and strength but we adults deal with things differently. Allow me to handle the rest."

"Thank you, I'll pay for the damage I did to your property-"

"Please, don't think much of it." Wilson smiled as he gestured for his butler to escort the crowd and the injured sex offenders out. "Instead I should be apologizing to you since our negligence almost caused a disaster."

"Thank you... Thank you once again. But still... Oh! I'll send over the proto-healing pods by tomorrow afternoon." Peter said as Wilson smiled.

"Alright then, it's a fair deal." Wilson replied extending his hand which Peter shook firmly. "I believe we can put it to good use. I'll also make sure none of what happened gets out. We will deal with the offenders... Appropriately."

"I'm not complaining then." Peter smirked retrieving his hand back.

"Alright then, I'll take my leave. I have to address the posh crowd." Wilson smiled gently. "I believe your party time is over, Liz?"

"Y-Yes, father!"

"Escort your friends out."

"I'll take my leave as well-"

"No, not you Peter. I would like it if you and your... Partners to join us for dinner."

"I appreciate the gesture, Wilson. But I think I should go rest." Peter smiled as Wilson sighed. "Surely, next time."

"Very well, I will hold onto your words. Now, excuse me." Wilson nodded. "You have a good evening, Mr Parker, Ms Watson, Ms Stacy."

"You too, Mr Allan." Peter replied as the older man left with his butlers leaving Peter, Gwen, MJ, Liz and Felicia in the room.

Peter gritted his teeth as he turned toward Felicia.

"P-Peter, I am s-so sorry-"


Felicia stood there, her face frozen in shock as she touched her cheek as Peter slapped her.

"I told you, didn't I? I would smack a bitch if she ever got out of hand, didn't I? You really became that bitch, huh?"

"P-Peter no-"

"I am disappointed in you, Felicia Hardy." Peter hissed out as Felicia visibly winced. "Is this what you wanted?"


"Ryan is as good as a goner because he laid his hands on you. But is he the only one to blame?" Peter asked as the ladies in the room gasped. "How am I to solely blame him when you led him on? When you made him think that you were interested in him just to make me feel jealous?"

"I did that because you wouldn't just listen to me!"

"I didn't listen to you because you asked the impossible from me." Peter hissed back. "As much as I love you, I will never abandon Gwen or MJ just to fulfil your selfish desires."

Felicia was in tears, covering her mouth as she choked on a sob.

"Young, brave and wild. Jealous, self-centred and deceitful. Just 22 and almost got raped." Peter hissed clenching his fists. "Ask yourself Felicia, is Ryan the only one to blame?"

"I... I a-am so sorry!" Felicia broke down, falling to her knees and curling into a ball. "*Hic* I am s-so sorry!"

Peter just stared at Felicia impassively before turning around.

"I hope for my heart and your sake that you change." Peter said as he walked towards the door. "I'm going home."

"P-Peter wait!" MJ called out after Peter.

"I'll take Felicia to her home." Gwen said as Peter nodded without turning back.

Liz looked torn between the two before she nodded at Gwen and rushed outside behind Peter.

"What would say that to her?!" MJ exclaimed as she walked hastily beside an irritated-looking Peter.

"Because she needs to learn."

"B-But why say like that?!"

"Because she wouldn't learn otherwise. I know just what kind of a person she is, unless I rub her face into the fault she isn't going to realise that what happened was the consequence of her own foolish actions." Peter replied. "There was no easy way for me to say this besides lying and telling her that it wasn't her fault in any case."

"But still..."

"We can blame men all we want because most of them like demons, aye? But a demon can control its urges to a certain degree. It only goes feral if you shove a bag of blood into its goddamn face."


"I'm not saying that Ryan wouldn't have done it if Felicia didn't tempt him nor am I saying that that fucker isn't to blame either. I'm saying that Felicia's actions led her to this situation."

"But I don't see how..."

"Ryan was over the top when Felicia agreed to be his date. Now, why would a happy person resort to rape when if he played his cards right he would have landed her in his bed either way?"

"Why... Why did he do that?"

"For revenge."


"Ryan isn't a fool. He realised Felicia was just using him to get inside my head. That pissed the fucker off. He tried to humiliate me first because of that and when that didn't work, he tried to humiliate Felicia."

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah, things aren't black and white, MJ. Not always."

"Peter! Wait up!" Liz called out as Peter opened the door of his car. "I'm so sorry for today! It was my fault-"

"It's alright, Liz. I'm not blaming you. I made a lapse in my judgement as well and I lost my cool and created problems for you and your father as well. Your father already apologized even though he didn't have to." Peter replied with a small smile as Liz stood there with a strained expression on her face. "Elizabeth..."


"Don't think much about it. Thank you for today and this watch as well."

"You are most welcome! I... I still feel guilty. Just to ease my mind, please allow me to make it up to you. Is there anything you want from me?"

"Hmm, anything?" Peter asked with a smirk as Liz flattered taking a step back.

"Y-Yes! Well... If it's something I can do then..."

"Please no more parties." Peter grinned as Liz visibility deflated. "Let's just have a pleasant dinner next time without the drilling music or pesky bystanders."


"Alright then, goodnight Ms Allan." Peter waved at her as he shifted the gear and drove away steadily.


"What's on your mind?" MJ asked as Peter didn't reply. "Peter?"


"I asked what's on your mind?" MJ asked once again.

"Nothing, why would you ask that?"

"Because we have been driving around aimlessly for half an hour." MJ deadpanned as Peter sighed. "Are you thinking about Felicia again?"

"It's hard not to think about her with just what happened today but no." Peter shook his head. "Well, not entirely."

"Then?" MJ tilted her head in question. "Are you feeling guilty for what you said?"

"No! Why would I feel guilty? I meant what I said. I'm more worried about what May has to say once she learns of what happened." Peter chuckled nervously as MJ giggled. "She's probably going to bite my ear off and somehow show me a perspective I've never seen. Ugh!"

"That's true. But maybe you deserve it after all." MJ joked as Peter faked a hurt expression.

"Ek! How could you do this to me, MJ?!" Peter joked as MJ giggled. Peter shook his head as he gripped the steering steadily. "Also, something just doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" MJ asked in worry.

"Since morning I've had this sinking feeling that something is going to happen."

"And it did, right?" MJ asked as Peter nodded.

"It did, but that feeling isn't going away. I feel like something-" Peter stopped mid-sentence as he felt his Spider-Sense go haywire. Peter's head pulsed as he received a set of images causing him to clench his fists.

"What happened, Peter?" MJ asked worriedly as Peter turned the steering and entered a darkened empty alley.

"I got to hurry." Peter simply replied pressing a button in the car as the hind of the car shifted revealing a pod with his suit inside it.

"Peter can you tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"Someone had the bright idea of trying to jump Gwen." Peter replied revealing a dangerous smirk as he ripped the shirt off his body. "And I am about to go award them for their stupidity."

"This is going to get ugly."


Gwen looked at the distraught Felicia sitting beside her as she steered past a car. Felicia sobbed wiping tears off only for more to flow, her make-up ruined and gone long ago.

Gwen wanted to say something but bit her tongue. As much as she could understand what Felicia was going through she still wasn't able to ignore the fact that she tried to bomb her relationship with Peter.

As if reading her thoughts, Felicia looked at Gwen and sobbed even harder.

"I-I'm so sorry, Gwen... I fucked up." Felicia spoke to Gwen for the first time in three days.

"Yeah, you did. Big time. You almost got raped." Gwen replied flatly which did nothing to help the crying girl. "As a part of me wants to sympathize with you for what you went through as a woman, but also, as a woman, a part of me wants to smack the shit out of you for trying to steal my man away from me."

"I didn't m-mean for this to happen! I just wanted to be-"

"I get that." Gwen cut her off shortly as she steered to the left. "You wanted to be with him and I and MJ were just in your way but there are better ways than trying to blackmail a man into a relationship. We women would be disgusted if a man tried to force us, why did you think that a man would feel any different?"


"Me and MJ, we had a lot of issues when we started dating Peter. But we talked it out, we made compromises, and we helped each other. Honestly, I get you. Sometimes, I want to tie MJ and put her in my closet so that I get to spend more time with Peter, but it doesn't work that way. I could have left him or forced him to leave MJ for me but what good would that have been?" Gwen sighed as she looked at Felicia. "I love Peter and Peter loves us both. If I decided to be selfish and act on my impulses then none of us would be happy. Why didn't you try to talk to us? Did you assume that getting rid of me and MJ was the only way you could have Peter?"

"I'm sorry! I fucked up! I didn't think, I just saw an opportunity and I took it! Stupidly even! I just... I just wanted to be with him... I just wanted him to love me back." Felicia cried as Gwen sighed.

"That's no way to get a man to like you." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"I k-know..." Felicia cried into her hands. "And now I have to pay for what I did... He'll never forgive me-"

"Well, you should hold that thought." Gwen giggled getting a confused look from Felicia. "What?... You know, you kind of remind me of MJ when we were in high school, last year. She was selfish, self-centred and ambitious just like you."

"Is... This doesn't make me feel any better..." Felicia shook her head as Gwen giggled once again.

"It's not supposed to. It's supposed to make you reflect."


"Look at MJ now. Can you believe that the loving, caring, bubbly ray of sunshine was a total bitch like you?"


"She apologized to Peter and he helped her battle her demons. She decided to let go of her crappy personality and tried to change herself for the better and look how that turned out." Gwen smiled. "Peter not only forgave her, but he pursued her and made her his girlfriend. This whole harem thing is fucked up, it's super complicated but we managed to work it out and I am happy. In fact, I've never been happier."

"Are... Are you trying to give me hope?" Felicia asked hopefully. "Will Peter give me a s-second chance?"

"No, this isn't supposed to give you hope." Gwen replied as Felicia visibly deflated. "This is supposed to get you to reflect on your actions and try to change them for the better."

"I-I see..."

"Second chances are given to those who are willing to change for it. It's not a handout you can just ask for, not are you entitled to one." Gwen replied as Felicia sunk into the seat of the car.

Felicia kept her silence as Gwen just shook her head.

"Do you love Peter?" Gwen asked all of a sudden and Felicia was caught off guard and baffled.

"What kind of a question even is that?! Of course, I do-"

"If you truly loved him then why is this so hard for you?" Gwen asked as Felicia fumbled. "Why is it so hard for you to just go to him and talk it out? Why are you teasing him? Trying to make him jealous? Do you even know what trying to make a man jealous means?"


"It means that you want to let him know that he is an option for you." Gwen replied sternly cutting Felicia off once again. Felicia's eyes widened as she clenched her fists. "It means that you have alternatives that you can substitute, replace him with. Ask yourself, Felicia Hardy..."

"Do you really love Peter Parker or he is just an option for you." Gwen finished.

Felicia felt her body shake, she indeed thinks of Peter as an option. That's why she agreed to go on a date with Ryan. That's why she tried to rope Spider-Man into her bed.

Felicia curled her legs in disgust as she hugged herself, she was ready to step with a man she didn't know just to feel ease her wounded pride. She wouldn't have ever thought that if Peter wasn't an option for her.

"H-How could I do this to him... *Hic* How c-could I do this to me?!" Felicia sobbed louder and louder as Gwen just stared at the road in front of her, pulling over she parked the car in front of Felicia's apartment.

Stepping out of the car, she helped Felicia out.

"It seems like you have finally realised it." Gwen smiled as Felicia just cried looking at her feet. Gwen lifted her chin up, as she wiped her tears away with her handkerchief before pulling the crying girl into a hug. "It's no use crying over spilt milk. What's done is done. You know what to do now don't you?"

"I... I do." Felicia choked out through the sob. Pulling back Felicia nodded. "I'll make it up to him."

"There you go. Atta girl! Go and rest and leave the rest to me. I'll convince Peter to sit down and talk-" Gwen stopped mid-sentence as her Spider-Sense tingled. "Get down!"

Gwen grabbed Felicia by the waist and tackled her to the ground as a bullet sailed past her.

"Ugh!" Felicia groaned as Gwen quickly rolled to the side and onto her feet as she tried to analyse the situation they were in. "G-Gwen... What's happening-"

Felicia's eyes widened as several individuals dressed in red ninja attire jumped out of the shadows.

"I don't know..." Gwen replied getting up.

"I thought I told you not to shoot." A red-skinned man, a raven-haired man with demonic features called out as he teleported in front of Gwen and Felicia.

"Don't worry, it was a tranquillizing bullet. But it seems I've missed." A ninja replied as the red-skinned man smirked to himself.

"Yes, it would appear. You are sharp miss, and your appearance isn't bad either." The man complimented with a smile. "May I know your-"

"No, you may not." Gwen replied. "Just cut to the chase and say what you want."

"Rude." The mumbled but shook his head. "Miss, we have no business with you but with your friend behind you. We are quite dangerous people and if you want to escape safely I advise you to hand run away now."

"You certainly look dangerous," Gwen replied as the man smirked. "But I'm not just handing my friend over to you."

"Resistance would be foolishness."

"Hmm, but it's not like I have a choice." Gwen said. "It's not like you were planning to let me go either."

The man was surprised but his smile twisted into a vicious grin.

"If you want her, come get her." Gwen replied. Felicia's eyes widened as she grabbed Gwen's hand.

"What are y-you doing?! You don't have to put yourself in danger for me! Just... I'll just go with them."

"I can't let you go like this." Gwen replied with a smile. "You still have to make it up to, Peter."

"I'm afraid that's not happening anytime soon-" The red-skinned man teleported behind Gwen and tried to grab her but Gwen spun on her heels and swing her hands with a backhanded hammer. The guy's eyes widened as he ducked before teleporting away.



"No need to worry." The man replied spreading his arm. "Nothing special, it seems like young Missy is just a bit feisty."

"Bring me your jaw to my fist and I'll show you feisty." Gwen hissed as the man laughed with a twisted grin.

"I'm so gonna have fun with you later." The man said gesturing for the ninjas to attack.

"No! Gwen-"

Gwen leaned back, dodging a punch before she lifted her leg and kicked the ninja in the chin with her heel.

"Ohhh~ Black. I like it." The red-skinned man grinned as Gwen growled, grabbed another ninja by the head and smashed his head onto the reinforced glass of the car.

Gwen's action seemed to have shaken Felicia out of her rutt as she too joined in the fight. She removed the lace of her boots and wrapped it around her hands into a makeshift garrote wire.

Leaning to the side she wrapped it around, a ninja's extended arms before pulling it behind him and stabbing him in the back with his own arms.

"Boss, they aren't normal women." A ninja informed in a concerned tone while the man just smirked.

"I can see that. Both have some fight in them, but not for long." The man replied in a dismissive tone. "They are just women after all. But let them try for now, after all, what's the fun if they don't resist."

The fight carried on, as Gwen and Felicia dispatched the ninjas one by one.

Against his original assumption, the ladies fought back longer and harder than he had expected and it was beginning to bother him.

"It's getting annoying now. " The man said narrowing his eyes. He teleported between Gwen and Felicia before grabbing them by the head and smacking them together.

Felicia almost passed out while Gwen quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"Argh! You bitch!" The man screamed in pain as he kicked Gwen away. Grabbing Felicia by the throat he teleported away.

He appeared nursing his arm a few feet away from Gwen who jumped back up to her feet.

"Heh? I thought you like your woman strong?" Gwen smirked wiping the blood off her face. "What am I too strong for you?"

"You slut... I'll show you what strong is!" The man hissed as his eyes turned red. Raising his hands he shot a beam of red energy at Gwen who avoided it with a back 360 flip. Landing on her feet she side-flipped two more times before she was finally hit in the chest as the man teleported in front of her and blasted her with energy.

"Argh!" Gwen groaned as she crashed into her car.

"It's over. That was just a glimpse of 'strong'. I'll show you the rest of it when you are in my bed." The man growled as he gestured for the ninja to pick Gwen and Felicia as

Gwen felt her body go numb and her vision blurred as she was picked up by one of the ninjas.

"Alright, then. Let's bring miss thief here to Fisk-"


The man froze in his place momentarily as he turned ahead.

"You... You are Spider-Man." The man said pointing at Spider-Man who landed in front of him.

"And you, shitheads are fucked."

Spider-Man looked past the man and saw a beaten-up Gwen and Felicia being held by ninjas. Spider-Man hummed as he raised his hands and pointed at the two.

"What 'cha doin' tonight? Planning something freaky?"

"Well, you see, Mr Spider it's not something you should be concerned with. Those two are for my personal entertainment. Though I wouldn't mind renting you a few dolls from my collection if you accept my invitation, to the Hellfire Club." The man grinned spreading his arms. "Oh, I didn't even give you my name, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself."

Spider-Man was already as pissed off as he could be. He wasn't in the mood to listen to this guy's piss talk.


Pulling his leg back, Spider-Man brandished his talons as black lightning pulsed around him.

"My name is Azazel-No! Wait!" Azazel threw his arms to cover his face, teleporting away on instinct as Spider-Man appeared in front of him in an instant, brandishing his talon, intending to tear his face off. Appearing on top of a building, Azazel clutched the side of his face as Spider-Man had torn out a part of it. "Y-You! What did you do to my face?! You'll pay for it-"

Azazel turned around in rage only to freeze at the sight of the red hand, ninja rushing toward Spider-Man and turning into bloody mist after a single strike.

Spider-Man appeared in front of a panicking ninja that was holding Gwen and tore his head off with a kick before grabbing Gwen before she hit the ground.

"Your face? I didn't like the sight of it, so I tried to fix it." Spider-Man said settling Gwen down and covering her body with a sheet of the web. Spider-Man breathed in, turning back at Azazel while ejecting his stinger. "But it would appear that I have made a slight mistake."

Azazel growled as Spider-Man walked towards him, his stinger scratching against the asphalt.

"You look uglier than before. I need to fix that." Spider-Man smirked raising his left. "By killing you."


As soon as Spider-Man snapped his finger, red runes appeared around his arm before creating a shockwave of energy that pushed everyone back a little.

The sky pulsed, runes forming a dome for a brief moment, engulfing them before vanishing.

Azazel looked around in bewilderment before his eyes widened in shock and horror.

*Bamf!* x2

The red monkey vanished in a show of smoke before reappearing in the same place.

"I can't escape?!" Azazel stuttered looking at his hands, before pointing at Spider-Man. "M-Magic!"

"Abraabracadabra, bitch." Spider-Man smirked as he gestured for Azazel and the rest of the remaining Hand Ninja to come at him. "Now..."

"Shall we dance?"


Alternative Titles :

- Repent, Sinner!

- Gwen, The Harem Manager

- Insert *Happy Madara Noise*



It feels so good to be back!

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the new and improved you know who! Ashes!

*Ahem* That's Square Dance by Eminem btw.

Anyways, I finished up my shit earlier than I expected so I decided to just write and write and before I knew it, this chapter was already 4K+ long. But, I don't think you'll be complaining about a bigger cut.

So, Felicia's redemption arc is about to start and the WWOT arc is about to end and the next is Avengers 1 arc. And I have realised something. I haven't written a single MCU Arc. Everything up until now has been the prequel of my original/comic-inspired arcs.

Before we move to the canon, I'd like to THANK YOU, READER, for sticking around so far. I hope I've kept you entertained and hope that I can keep writing stories for you.

Anyways, the comic book Azazel is an inter-dimensional space mutant who once fought Mephisto for the title of inter-dimensional Satan. This character is a mere vessel of that and shares the same name, that's why he is so weak.

Also, the discord is up and running. Please pay a visit and join my kingdom!


Anyways, That's all I've got for today! Go away now-I mean, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S.: I need a moderator/admin for my discord server since I know shit about it. If anyone would like to volunteer let me know.