Habitually, A Health Hazard

[A/N: Since no one guessed who the three guys were in the last chapter, I'll just say it then. They are Living Laser (Arthur Parks), Whirlwind(David Cannon), and Power Man(Erik Josten). Nefaria hired them in comics before using them to gain power.



"Go ahead, bite me." Spider-Man snarled.

"Go." Living Lazer said gesturing for Whirlwind and Power Man to attack as he prepared to fire another laser beam.

Spider-Man webbed Deadpool using one of his lances and threw him out of the way as he deflected the laser beam using a rune shield. Blocking a wind blade with one of his lances, Spider-Man ducked under a haymaker before flipping and landing a double heel kick to Power Man's face.

The force of the kick sent Power Man flying, but his flight came to a halt as Spider-Man webbed him. Spinning him around, Spider-Man threw him in Whirlwind's direction while he performed a side flip to avoid getting hit by a laser beam yet again.

Whirlwind, breathed a sigh of relief as he utilized his flight ability, and got out of the way while Power Man flew past him but was ill-prepared when Spider-Man suddenly appeared in front of him in a flash of black-red lightning.

"Fuck!" He cursed launching a deadly wind blade at an almost point blank range, intending to sever his head but Spider-Man enforced his lance with his ruins and cut his blade in half before extending his hand to grab his throat.

"Fuck! He got David!" Living Laser cursed. "Go, go!"

"Let him go, Spider-Man."

"L-Let me go-" Whirlwind knew, there was no getting out of this as the pattern on Spider-Man's mask shifted into a demonic grin. Spider-Man's lances pierced the floor as Power Man approached him. The weakened floor collapsed under Power Man's weight which caused the man to fall through.

"Die Spider-Man!" Living Laser sneaked behind Spider-Man. His hands stretched out glowing, forming a laser blade as speared Spider-Man's back, severing his spine.



Or at least that's what he thought. Before his blade could hit Spider-Man, Spider-Man disappeared into thin air with a flash of lightning as Living Laser's eyes widened in shock. Unable to stop himself, he stabbed the blade through Whirlwind's gut.

"No... No, no, no! You fucker-ahhhhh!"


"Shut up." Spider-Man whispered into his ear, as he appeared behind him. Before Living Laser could react, Spider-Man brandished his talons and stabbed them into his back, and pierced out of his chest. "Instead of screaming like a bitch, how about I give you something to scream about?"

Living Laser screamed as he tried to increase the energy capacity.

Spider-Man frowned for a moment as the energy began to fry his nanobots. The suit around Spider-Man's arm began to fall off as cuts appeared on Spider-Man's now exposed skin.

"L-Let me go-"

"Na-ah! Can't have that." Spider-Man shook his head. "Let's see if you can handle this."

Runes appeared around Spider-Man's arm as he began to channel his lightning. Living Laser's eyes widened in trepidation as he began to squirm, grasping at Spider-Man's hand only for Spider-Man to lift him off his feet.

"No, no, no!" Living Laser screamed in pain, as Spider-Man began to overcharge him with his lightning. "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Hearing his buddy's scream Power Man jumped out of the hole he fell in, snarling he rushed at Spider-Man his fist cocked back intending to blow his head off.

"Die you son of a bitch!"


Spider-Man flashed Power Man a smirk as a rune barrier appeared between them before it extended trapping Power Man in a cage.

"Not today, bitch." Spider-Man said as he lifted Living Laser above him.

"Coward! Let him go and fight me like a man! Fight me! Fight me-"


Power Man's frame froze as his friend's body began cracking like glass before he exploded into minuscule energy shards due to the energy overload.

Looking at the shards that fell like luminescent snow, Spider-Man extended his hand grabbing a sample.

"I just don't understand... Just what makes people think that they can go against me." Spider-Man shook his head in a mocking solemn manner as he turned towards Power Man who was glaring at him with a hateful gaze. Spider-Man arms had turned black, almost completely fried from the energy output. Spider-Man clenched his hands feeling his regeneration factor already kick in as his suit began regeneration too. Ejecting his right stinger Spider-Man snapped his finger and dispelled the runic barrier. "Now, onto you."

"Ahhhhh!" Power Man had lost all of his reasoning as he bolted towards Spider-Man in a mad dash while Spider-Man calmly approached Power Man. "I'm going to tear you in half! I'll kill you!"

"They all say that." Spider-Man shrugged as Power Man threw in a hook to execute him. Bending backward and onto the floor, Spider-Man let the mad guy miss and rush past him before spring jumping back to his feet.

Rolling and flipping ahead, Spider-Man avoided a rear overhead punch as Power Man twisted his body, exhibiting flexibility that should be impossible for a guy his size.

Landing on his feet, in a classic Spider-Man pose, Spider-Man webbed Power Man's face. Snarling in annoyance, Power Man tried to tear the web off his face but as soon as he touched it, it exploded propelling him back into a wall.

"Ugh!" Clearing the smoke from his eyes, he saw a flash of lightning from the corner of his left eye before his vision was filled with red. "Ahhhhhh!"

Power Man screamed in pain clutching his face, writhing in agony as he felt his wound burn and bleed at the same time. Spider-Man flicked the blood off his talons, as he approached Power Man.

"H-How... How did you manage to hurt me!"

"Ionic charged body, I knew it would be pointless to thrash you around since the damage would have been negligible. So, I had to take down your defense. Considering, that nothing less than adamantium would be needed to pierce your skin, I laced my talons with a corrosive poison that can even eat Adamantium." Spider-Man smiled to himself as Power helped himself up still clutching the left side of his face. "Now, the real fun begins."

Power Man rushed at Spider-Man once again, fist swinging, with his mind empty except with thirst for Spider-Man's blood. Leaning to the side, Spider-Man grabbed his extended arm and flipped the large man over his shoulder and into the floor.

Flipping over Power Man, Spider-Man webbed the floor and launched himself at the man like a slingshot. The floor cracked and broke, as Spider-Man slammed his heel into Power Man's stomach.

Power Man felt his ribs crack and break as he was sent through a hole once again, but this time Spider-Man was a bit merciful. Spider-Man webbed Power Man's chest as he landed onto his feet, with a tug, Spider-Man pulled and slammed the man through the ceiling and up before webbing and launching himself too.

Power-Man felt his vision turn blurry as the effects of the corrosive poison began to take effect. He felt it hard to move, let alone defend himself as the Spider teleported around him, hitting him with destructive blows and slamming him through the ceiling.

Grabbing a barely conscious Power Man by his mangled face, Spider-Man threw him through the ceiling of the top floor once again before flashing and teleporting above Power Man.

Channeling black-red lighting through him, Spider-Man launched himself at Power Man.


And they did.

Landing a last devastating kill shot, Spider-Man tackled Power Man and crashed him into the building below.

(A/N: Similar to Age Of Ultron when Iron Man crashed Hulk into a building to snap him out of Wanda's mind rape session.)


With its foundation decimated with a bang, the whole building began to collapse on itself. That was the end of the first Power Man's chapter.

Navigation out of the rubble, Spider-Man went into and then swung out of the rubble with Deadpool in his hands.

"Awwww, you came back for me!" Deadpool sighed dreamily as Spider-Man rolled his eyes.

"You didn't think that I would just leave my best friend to die in a place like that." Spider-Man scoffed as Deadpool chuckled.

"Aww, you are such a sweetheart Petey." Deadpool babbled. "You know I wouldn't die from something like that."

"Well, yeah but you would be stuck under the rubble alive until someone sifted through the rubble." Spider-Man quipped back as Deadpool nodded with a sigh.

"I guess you are right, I would be stuck under a shit ton of rubble bored out of my mind! That's a fate worse than death!" Deadpool nodded vigorously. "By the way, our job isn't over yet."


"Before you leveled a fucking building without a warning with my sorry ass still inside, a man appeared, grabbed Luchino and smoke bombed away and I couldn't even react because, you know... I was falling!" Deadpool exclaimed as Spider-Man landed on a rooftop. "And you might want to follow him before he disappears in that..."

Setting Deadpool down, Spider-Man turned around and saw Deadpool pointing at a Helicopter.

"Hah, my job is never finished. Such is my life and such is my job." Spider-Man shook his head before causally jumping off the rooftop. "I'll see you at the HQ."


"Are you okay, Count?" The pilot asked as Nefaria laid in the back bleeding from his head.

"Do I look okay? You fucking incompetent morons couldn't do one thing!" Overcome by rage, Luchino screamed at the pilot before grabbing his sides in pain. "And those three morons couldn't deal with that Spider together! Fucking waste of my money!"

"It wasn't a total waste, Count." The man who had rescued Nefaria said with a smirk as he slides a small case towards him. "Those three were well worth their money and the evidence is here."

"Is it... It's done?" Nefaria asked as the man nodded promoting a smirk from Nefaria who opened the case and looked at the injection that was filled with glowing serum with greedy eyes. "At last... We Maggia will not bow to anyone-"

"Eh, aren't you getting way too ahead of yourself?" A smug voice startled Nefaria as the helicopter tilted from the additional weight. Snapping his head in the direction of the voice that came from he saw Spider-Man with a sick twisted grin on his mask. "Boo."

Grabbing the man who saved Nefaria by his neck, Spider-Man pulled him out of the helicopter and shoved his face up into the blade of the helicopter shaving it away as his head was sliced apart. Dropping the dead body down to the world below, Spider-Man jumped into the blade, which shattered upon impact with his suit and landed on the nose of the helicopter.

"Noooo!" The pilot screamed as the helicopter began to lose altitude and head for an ugly crash landing. Breaking the glass, Spider-Man grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him out.

"Enjoy the ride down, Luchino." Spider-Man smiled. "Vai a gelare, cornuto!"

With the pilot still in his hand, Spider-Man jumped off the descending wreck as it spiraled down towards a football field.

Free falling towards the ground, Spider-Man slowed his fall using a rune platform and let go of the man before he hit the ground which caused him to land on the green grass with an audible crack.

"There I saved you. Aren't l merciful?" Spider-Man said as the man just moaned in pain as the helicopter crashed into the ground a few yards away with a loud boom. "Well... somewhat yeah?"

"Anyways, that's it for today. Just stay down until someone finds you here okay?" Spider-Man instructed before chuckling to himself. "What am I even saying, it's not like you can go anywhere with that broken back, you aren't no Bruce Wayne after all."

Just as Spider-Man began to walk away, his Spider-Sense buzzed causing him to sigh.

"Not this again." Spider-Man groaned to himself as he spun on his heel and backhanded Nefaria who claimed out of the burning rubble and attacked him, moving at a speed a normal human shouldn't be able to. Spider-Man wasn't holding back and intended to blow his head off and so he was surprised that instead of turning into a bloody mist, the backhanded blow caused him to fall back to the ground stun. "What did you... Oh."

Looking at his HUD, Spider-Man narrowed his eyes as his AI picked up ionic energy radiating from Nefaria's body. Wanting to end this quick, Spider-Man stomped Nefaria's face but he intercepted the blow, catching his feet with a smirk.

"Not so powerful are you now, Spider-Man?" Nefaria smirked as his injuries began to regenerate. "Behold, for I have been reborn as a God-guck!"

Spider-Man raised his second foot and stomped on Nefaria's face with as much force he could muster in a short window, breaking his nose which loosened Nefaria's grip on his leg. Webbing a rune platform a few feet behind him, Spider-Man pulled himself away from Nefaria before landing on his feet with a back flip.

Spider-Man grimaced as he felt his body weaken for a moment before he was back to normal. It seems to him like somewhere between his escape from Fisk's tower and his fall down to earth in the helicopter, Nefaria had managed to acquire the combined powers of Living Laser, Whirlwind, and Power Man.

The three mutants on their own wouldn't be much of a problem except for Power Man but three of their powers combined in a single man would result in a force to be reckoned by. Count Nefaria from the comics was such a man, shrewd, cunning, and a cruel bastard who managed to acquire power that he was unworthy of. In his prime, he posed a serious threat to the Avengers so this was something that should concern Spider-Man.

But... Spider-Man wasn't worried.

Spider-Man stared at the smug Luchino with an impassive stare as Luchino began to raise his powers by absorbing the energy around him. This might have been a threat to the previous Spider-Man, but to him, it was a chance.

"I am going to enjoy making you scream in agony, insect-"

"Damn, I'm really turning into a Spider as days go by." Spider-Man said out loud shaking his head and getting a curious look from the man he just interrupted. "That's rude of me..."

"What are you talking about-"

"I shouldn't play with my prey like that." Spider-Man smirked as runes appeared around his hands. "That won't happen next time, but for now how about we have a... Chat. Just me and you in a place with just us two."

A chance to let loose on a sturdy punching bag.

"W-What the hell are you doing?!" Nefaria was alerted as the space around them began to crystallize into what seemed like an array of mirrors.

"Stunningly romantic, aye?" Spider-Man smiled. "This is my first time attempting this, just hold on a minute."

"No! I won't let you do!" Nefaria raged as he began floating and rushed towards Spider-Man with his hand cocked back. "Die insect! Die!"

Nefaria's punch landed as he intended but the effect wasn't something he has expected. Spider-Man's frame shattered into a multitude of mirrors which reflected Spider-Man's reflection. Nefaria was swallowed by Spider-Man's reflection and before he could process it he was suddenly slammed into the green grass.

(A/N: Don't just touch grass, graze on it like a pig, Luchino.)

"Nah, I don't think so." Spider-Man's reflection swarmed and covered the entire array of mirrors as his demonic voice reverberated in this new dimension.


"Welcome, to the mirror dimension."

Snarling to himself, Nefarious got up to his feet, eyes narrowed as he scanned the space he was in. It was like whatever he knew about the laws of nature on earth had no meaning in this place. There was no sky, just New York flipped upside down.

"Enough of this nonsense!" Nefaria growled as he tried to break out of this mirror prison. His fists met with the mirror but the fragile-looking walls were sturdier than any steel he knew evident by the fact that his fingers busted with the contact.

"Na-ah, I wouldn't advise you to do that." Nefaria turned around as Spider-Man manifested out of thin air. "If I wanted you to escape, I might as well have killed you instantly but that would be a waste considering I want you to do something for me."

"What arrogance... What made you think that I will listen to you of all people." Nefaria hissed. "I won't do it."

"I missed the part where that's my problem." Spider-Man smirked.

"What?" Nefaria snarled.

"I said I wasn't asking you, you deaf fuck." Spider-Man chuckled as he began to roll his shoulders. "You see, I never really get to let go of what I hold back, so since you are a 'God' you probably wouldn't just die. Well, I mean I hope you wouldn't cause that would be... Disappointing."

Nefaria gritted his teeth as he felt an oppressive amount of weight settle on his shoulders. It felt like his collar bones were going to shatter under the pressure Spider-Man was putting out.

This wasn't going to be pleasant.

"It's not going to be pleasant for you but me, I'm gonna enjoy this." Spider-Man said as he finished stretching. "Now, be a good bitch and get beat down."


Nefaria and Spider-Man rushed at each other, ground cracking under their feet.


Nefaria's punch connected to Spider-Man cheek which disintegrated the suit revealing a sick fanged grin. The punch did not budge Spider-Man, who stood then landed his punch dislocating Nefaria's jaw.

Nefaria spun from the force of the punch, but Spider-Man weaved around him, his hands around his torso as he lifted him above him and slammed him on the ground with a suplex.

Jumping to his feet, Spider-Man channeled lighting through his legs and hit Nefaria's face with a falling Scorpio kick when he tried to get up. Jumping back to his feet, Spider-Man shattered into shards as a ray of ionic energy hit him in the chest before appearing a few feats away unharmed.

Growling Nefaria picked himself up from the dirt for what seemed like the umpteenth time as his hands glowed with ionic energy.

"Ah, It's good to see you keeping up." Spider-Man said but before he could make another remark, Nefaria had already crossed half of the distance, his speed far superior than before. Naturally, this pleased Spider-Man.

Raising his hands, Spider-Man blocked the first punch shrugging it off, as he slid back on his feet propelled by runes as he dodged a hailstorm of punches.

"Stay. Still!" Nefaria gritted out as he punched Spider-Man only for him to shatter and appeared behind him.

*Shatter!* x 5

Reveling in Nefaria's frustration, Spider-Man decided to get serious. Leaning back, and lowering his body under a punch, Spider-Man hammered Nefaria's gut with a rocking punch.

"Gah!" Nefaria doubled down from the force as Spider-Man grabbed his hair and kneed him in the face. One left one right, one left, one right. The onslaught of vicious blows continued before Nefaria finally broke free firing a beam in Spider-Man's face.

Showcasing inhumane flexibility, Spider-Man leaned back avoiding the ionic charged beam by an inch before transitioning into a handstand. Nefaria moved ahead to ambush Spider-Man but the arachnid twisted his torso and introduced his feet to Nefaria's face once again.

Springing back to Spider-Man extended the Stadium wall and stuck to it, watching Nefaria shake his vision clear. Spider-Man casually waved at Nefaria, who glared and then jumped at him. Spinning on the wall he avoided the fist smash, before hitting Nefaria in the face with a block of a hardened slab with a wave of his hand that send him staggering back.

Nefaria shook the attack off and assaulted again, only for Spider-Man to jump over him and kick him in the back slamming him into the wall. Flipping forward in the air, Spider-Man webbed Nefaria's back and slammed him into the ground using the flip momentum.

Landing on his feet, Spider-Man raised his hand to manipulate the stadium room and transfigurated it into giant pillars. Several hundred pillars of solid iron, hovering above Nefaria ominously. Staring at the sky with wide eyes, the Count was beginning to lose confidence in his 'godhood'.

"Fall." Spider-Man muttered as with a swift hand motion they descended down onto the Count.

"Ahhhhh!" With a war cry, Nefaria decided to take on the falling pillars head-on. His punches were accurate as he began to destroy them. He took on one, took on two, three, and then four but soon the sheer numbers overwhelmed him and when he slipped out the was smashed into the ground with an iron discourtesy.

After the final pillar hand dropped Spider-Man starred at the rubble impassively, unimpressed. He allowed a smirk to escape as the rubble began to shake.

"Fucking roach called me an insect." Spider-Man chuckled as Nefaria blasted the rubble away. With a wave of his hands, Spider-Man turned the several giant pillars into several thousand metal lances. And he wasn't done yet.

A magic circle appeared around his hands as lightning he channeled lighting through the circle. Nefaria's looked around him in a wild manner as the lances began to buzz crackling with the same black-red lighting.

Nefaria realized this was the end.

But he wasn't willing to go down, not just yet. Not without a fight. Spreading his hands he began absorbing the energy from the lightning as he powered up.

Spider-Man instead of canceling his spell only increased the output and let Nefaria sate himself on his magic.

"Spider-Man!" Nefaria screamed on the top of his lungs, as the stadium shook from his voice. His eyes were glowing white as he covered channeled ionic energy through his hand. "Die!"

If he was going down, then he was going to take this fucker down with him. That's what he wished for, but not all wishes come true.

Spider-Man stared at Nefaria who was rushing at him as the time slowed down for him. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath. He relaxed his body as copious amounts of mana leaked out of his body and in an instant, it flooded the stadium and beyond like a stream of gasoline.

Opening his blood-red eyes Spider-Man smirked as they glowed with untamed power.


And he lit the gasoline on fire.

An inch away from Spider-Man's face, a black flame sparked between Spider-Man and him and before Nefaria's could react everything around him, the ground below him, combusted into flames.


Black flames reached for the heavens as they swallowed the stadium in an explosion, their sudden emergence creating a sonic boom.

A black smokeless fire, unholy and yet so majestic.

Such are the flames of purgatory.

Even the cinders were gone of the stadium, the only indication of its prior existence were the two men who had been present before hell cracked open to peer at the ground above.

Luchino was naked on his knees as he looked up at the man that was the cause of his misery. His skin was charred, and his eyes almost melted into his skull. The fire has burnt away even the stench of his blackened skin. It was unforgiving, done with his body, it wanted its soul and the only thing that stopped the wisps of the accursed flames was the master himself.

"W-Who... M-Monster... W-What are y-you?" All sorts of liquid had been evaporated from his body, and yet somehow, Nefaria managed to squeeze out a question without lubrication for his throat. Perhaps, that would be a secret, but Spider-Man was merciful as he revealed his existence.

"Me? I am a lot of things. A man, a lover; An observer, overseer, and an inventor. Mostly wretched but sometimes wise. An assassin, a king; A murderer and a monarch." Spider-Man mused as he with a wave of hands he aimed the buzzing lighting-clad lances at the defeated man. "Also, most of the times-"

Spider-Man tilted his head as he stared down at Luchino Nefaria.

"-Habitually perhaps, but for a certain, I am a health hazard for people like you." Spider-Man smiled.

"Now go to hell."


*Shing!* x 100

With a snap of his finger, lances penetrated his skin and pierced through his flesh from every angle, decimating this burnt flesh until there was nothing but ashes left of the late count.

Staring at the ashy remains of Nefaria, Spider-Man sighed raising his hands. The flames surrounding the landscape of the mirror dimension began to swirl into his left hand while lightning crackled in his right hand. Clenching his fists, Spider-Man evaluated his own strength.

It was finally over. For a while at least.

"I guess, I am ready to take on a so-called god." Spider-Man smirked as he unclenched his fists before turning around to leave.

He stopped dead in his track, as he heard the mirror dimension shift. Turning around, saw a bald woman dressed in yellow robes step out of a sparking portal.

"What... What happened her-" Her eyes darted around the charred landscape as her body shuddered from the sheer amount of malicious mana that had flooded the mirror dimension. Her words were stuck in her throat as her eyes landed on the form of Spider-Man. "W-What in the world are you... A Nephalem?!"

True to her words, Spider-Man's current appearance could be described as a Nephalem. Black suit, with shifting blood red patterns all over his body, a constantly shifting visage, and a black halo over his head.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Spider-Man simply tilted his head in wonder.

"Well... That's new."


Alternative Titles:

- Habitually, A Troll

- Yo, That's An Amaterasu Rip-Off!

- Uchiha-fication


Ignore the last alt title, that ain't happening lol.

So, here's your chapter.

Took me some time, had to rewrite fight scenes since I wanted them to be fresh but I think I tried too hard in this one. Well, I'm not gonna rewrite this cause if I do that then this chapter probably will never get done. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one.

Let me know if you have any ideas or questions. Also, yes. Peter knows teleportation cause he took Azazel's blood and his body adapted as such.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

- Additional Notes: