Favoured By The Unknown

Staring at the awestruck woman in front of him for a moment, Spider-Man sighed tilting his head.

"Well... That's new." Spider-Man said, smiling as the lady's eyes finally left his black halo and landed on his face. "But that's not true, at least as far as I know I'm not a Nephalem. I'm a human... Well, sort of."

"Sort of?" The Ancient One echoed as Spider-Man nodded, shrugging offhandedly.

"Well, you see my DNA partially resembles that of a human and a spider. Well, it was that way when I was... Blessed you can say. But I guess it's more complicated now since I've evolved so many times." Spider-Man babbled on as Ancient One stared at him trying to keep up with his chatter. "Well to simply put it, you can think of me as a chimera."

"Human and a spider... You are Spider-Man?" Ancient One asked as Spider-Man nodded clapping his hands.

"Bingo!" Spider-Man cheered. "I'd give you a cookie for getting it right on the first try but sadly I don't have it on me~"

"But you look so different..." She trailed off as she looked at Spider-Man new suit.

"Yep. I got a new drip~ Pretty neat, aye?" Spider-Man smirked spreading his arms. "I could tell you what this is-"

"You... The web patterns at least had a spider theme... You don't even remotely resemble a spider anymore." Ancient One interjected honestly bursting Spider-Man bubble, who just sighed dejectedly.

"How about now?" He asked as he ejected his lances out of his back. Ancient One's eyes widened, tensing as she scanned the lethally sharp appendages of pain and death.

"Nope. If anything it reinforces my belief of you being a Nephalem even more." The Sorcerer Supreme replied honestly. "That black halo and your demonic appearance. You aren't a human at all. I... I can't see through you."

"Hah... Let's just leave that alone for now." Spider-Man sighed as he shifted the topic. "I'll be honest, I was surprised seeing you confused when you laid your eyes on me after all, I am something of a celebrity after all."

"Is that so?" Ancient One's eyes gleamed in amusement as Spider-Man chuckled.

"Yep, I'm pretty famous 'round the world, you see." He replied as Ancient One chuckled back at him.

"I don't know if it's your confidence or your arrogance-"

"Well, it's a bit of both." Spider-Man hummed interjecting her which earned him a look from her.

"-that you believe you are so important but yes I am aware of you and I believe the correct word is infamous." Ancient One corrected as Spider-Man rolled his eyes. "All I had heard and know about you was from a passing news and before now all that you meant me were a morally ambiguous mass executioner."

"Does this..." Spider-Man began gesturing towards the mirror dimension. "Change anything now?"

"Yes, I believe it does. Before now, you weren't my concern. It was up to the non-magical to deal with you, after all, I wasn't aware of your involvement with the supernatural or the paranormal." Ancient One replied. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have left your unmonitored."

"Hmm, Is that so?" Spider-Man hummed rubbing his chin. Tilting his head, Spider-Man relaxed his arms as his mask grinned at her. "Allow me to rephrase my question... What am I to you know"

Ancient One narrowed her eyes as she began to feel Spider-Man oppressive magic flood the mirror dimension. She had gone against extra-dimensional without an ounce of fear in her heart, this minuscule amount of magic meant nothing to her, but it was enough to alert her because as untamed this mana was, its nature was destructive. She could almost smell and taste death as his mana washed against her.

"You are a threat." Ancient One replied as she got into a stance, an orange magic circle manifesting before her palms while Spider-Man grinned ejecting his stingers as red runes appeared around his hands. The Spider was ready to pounce and was surprised when the lady in front of him relaxed canceling her magic circle. "But it is also true that I know nothing about you."

"Huh?" Spider-Man asked intelligently as Ancient One smiled.

"Before I evaluate you, I would like to know you better. While I sense you radiate killing intent that is utterly impulsive to me, my instinct tells me that you don't actually mean me any harm. I hope I am right?" Ancient One flashed him a smile while Spider-Man just stared at her.

"What else does your instinct tell you?" Spider-Man asked as Ancient One maintained her smile.

'To run.' She thought to herself but of course, she didn't say it out loud opting to keep her mouth shut as Spider-Man just clicked his tongue in disappointment canceling his magic.

He was looking forward to fighting her and testing his magic against her but alas that would have to wait.

"Whatever." Spider-Man muttered. "What do you want to know?"

"Who are you? Where do you come from?" She asked the most basic question which warranted a tasked eyebrow from Spider-Man.

"You... You don't know who I am?" Spider-Man asked. "I thought as the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth you would be the last person ignorant to my identity, my origins, and my destiny. Heck, I was considering paying you a visit in person so that you can tell me about my future after suffering through my tarot cards. Well, it's good I know now considering the visit would have proven to be a waste of both of our precious time."

Ancient One felt the weight of the barely disguised insults and had nothing to say in retaliation which was unusual for her.

"I... I see and I know a lot. But I'm not omnipotent." She answered as Spider-Man nodded rolling her eyes.

"Of course, you aren't-"

"You don't understand." Ancient One interjected her voice wary as she chose her words carefully. "I see and I know a lot. When I see someone, I can see last their disguise, their face, most of the time I can see their past and even their future... While that's not how tarot cards work, yes I can see one's destiny but you... I can't look past you."

"Hmm?" Spider-Man listened closely as Ancient One's hand glowed lights as she sent a sheet of magic towards him which slowly traveled towards him but before it could touch him, his halo pulsed, and the spell was erased, nullified. "What... What did you-"

"There is a veil protecting you. Protecting your true identity." Ancient One's eyes glowed as she looked at Spider-Man. "Your body... I believe it's a vessel... I don't think you realize this but someone is looking after you."

"What are you talking about?" Spider-Man hissed out as Ancient One's eyes tried to bore into his soul.

"Your body... It's a veil." Ancient One said as the halo above Spider-Man head gleamed and he felt his head pulse in sharp pain. "You are the veil. The veil is protecting you from yourself."

"Shut up." Spider-Man hissed grabbing his temple as murderous intent poured out of his body. The sickly aura managed to snap the woman out of her trance as her chest began to heave from the oppressive intent. Her hands glowed, ready to fight but Spider-Man just growled shaking his head. Turning away from the lady, Spider-Man groaned clearing his vision as he began to walk away. "We are done."

"Wait-" Ancient One raised her head to reach out for him but stopped as she felt a shard of mirror poking her back in her head, neck, and spine.

"I said we are done." Spider-Man said looking over his shoulder and his tone bared no mirth. He was truly annoyed.


"I will seek you out when I need you." Spider-Man said in a warning tone as Ancient One stared at him with a mixed gaze. "I had enough of action, adventure and mystery today. I have got shit to deal with outside and honestly, I am in no mood of solving this puzzle right now. I will find you when I'm in the mood for a talk. Leave me alone for now."

"I... Very well." Ancient One nodded. "I'll hold on to those words for now, can I at least know your name?"

"No." Spider-Man replied bluntly. "You'll find that eventually yourself. There is no need for me to disrupt the flow of things needlessly, right?"

Ancient One stared at his back with surprise as Spider-Man exited the Mirror Dimension without a sling ring before smiling to herself.

"If all goes well, then Stephen is going to have a senior to look and catch up to or if it doesn't then he will have a huge problem that he will have to deal with." Ancient One smiled as she opened a portal. "Either way, it's going to be interesting now that a champion favored and blessed by an unknown entity has joined the fray. This changes everything."


Spider-Man materialized into the physical world and activated his camouflage instantly. The police and the press have started to arrive at the crash site and while normally he would have stuck around to watch their reactions and sate his amusement Peter right now wasn't in any mood to do so.

Meeting with Ancient One only gave him more questions than answers, and he believed that nobody except him knew the answers to his dreams and that was most likely it especially considering Ancient One's words.

"Whatever... I need to clean shit up." Spider-Man muttered to himself teleporting onto a rooftop before he began to swing away canceling his camouflage.

Swinging for a solid few minutes his eyes landed on a female that made him smile as he decided to push his worries to the back of his mind for now.

"Yo, Natasha." Spider-Man greeted her as he suddenly landed behind her on a rooftop of a random building. Natasha's snapped back with a gun in her hand in surprise which caused Spider-Man to mockingly raise his hands in surrender.

"Woah, woah, easy there. You might kill me with that thing." Spider-Man joked as Natasha took in a deep breath before shaking her head.

"Haha, very funny." She retorted in a typical manner as Spider-Man chuckled. "You know it very well that this wouldn't even hurt you at all you jerk."

"Welp, I may have forgotten that I have a different 'normal' spectrum." Spider-Man joked as Natasha giggled with him.

"So... You killed them all huh?" Natasha asked the obvious as Spider-Man simply nodded.

"Every one of them and even their bodies have been dealt with. Well, besides Kingpin's fruity corpse that's splattered on the pavement besides where his mighty tower once stood." Spider-Man replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "You can have that one."

"Thank you. While I would normally need corpses of all of them, Wisk's body would be enough to prove that he's down forever." Natasha replied before rubbing her temples. "It's still going to be a problem considering they wanted him and Nefaria alive. Now, explaining that is going to be another thing altogether."

"Well, just put that one on me." Spider-Man shrugged surprising Natasha. "That should take any heat off you and pin it on me. Tell them I wanted to munch on their corpses or something, they will believe you haha."

"Ugh... I mean, are you sure?" Natasha asked raising an eyebrow as Spider-Man nodded offhandedly. "I thought you wanted to keep that matter under warps."

"Well, it doesn't really matter now. Spin the web as you please, this isn't going to bother me. I have much bigger issues to look forward to now." Spider-Man said as Natasha nodded after a while. "So, how long will I get to see Ms. Nora Hunt around?"

"Not for long." Natasha flashed him a gentle smile. "Ms. Hunt is going back in two days."

"Awww, bummer. I was beginning to enjoy her company. She is surprisingly a pleasant person to have around." Spider-Man complimented as Natasha's smile widened.

"Is that so?" Natasha asked as Spider-Man nodded. "Or do you just like staring at my breasts?"

"Well, that too." Spider-Man nodded sagely rubbing his chin. "They are perfect, not gonna lie."


"That I am." Spider-Man shrugged taking it as a compliment.

"I have grown to like you a lot Petey." Natasha said honestly as his suit shifted revealing his face. "Honestly, I don't want to leave just yet."

(A/N: As of that wasn't obvious from the start. You were literally trying to get in his pants lol.)

"Then don't go." Peter said. "Come join me. I will protect you from Shield if they come after you."

Natasha stared at Peter's face biting her lips in contemplation before shaking her head.

"I can't. Not just yet." Natasha replied resolutely as Peter sighed. "I have something to take care of and I will need your help with that."

"Well, like I said before. I'm down for it." Peter nodded without any hesitation as Natasha stared at him with a strange look.

"Are you sure? We will eventually be putting ourselves in the crosshairs of really wealthy, connected, and powerful people." Natasha warned but Peter just flashed her a savage grin.

"And like hell, I will ever get bored of that high. I love taking the piss out of people." Peter replied confidently as Natasha shook her head with an amused smile.

"You... You really are something else." Natasha retorted as Peter just grinned. "Alright then... I will be in your care partner."

"Right back at 'cha." Peter replied shaking her hand. "Just tell me names. Who do you want to hunt?"

"I realized that the past few years of my life, I've constantly been manipulated and lied to and I want my revenge."

Natasha spat out, venom lacing her words as her eyes glowed with the flames of vengeance.

"SHIELD and the Red Room... I want to burn them to the ground."


"Hah... Motherfucker." Nick Fury cursed as he leaned back into his chair. Standing beside him was Maria Hill and in front of him was Natasha Romanoff who stood there, as impassive as she could be. "So, Spider-Man is still alive. Good to know. I will be the one to put a bullet in his head first."

"That's still not gonna work though, Director." Maria quipped as Nick glared at her with his one good eye but Maria just looked away rolling her eyes.

"So let me get this straight Agent Romanoff. You ran into Spider-Man in the middle of the investigation and instead of apprehending him you co-operated with him?" Nick asked but Natasha didn't even twitch under his gaze. "Mind telling me why you thought it was a wise idea to make decisions on your own instead of consulting with your handler, Maria first?"

"Spider-Man's quest against Kingpin and Nefaria was something out of a personal grudge. He was rageful, relentless, and as reckless as we know him to be. He would have eradicated them on his own and if I tried to stop him, I think we all know that I wouldn't be standing here." Natasha replied as Nick hummed. "I made the next best choice and pretended to co-operate with him. I had my TFQ- tranquilizer on me all the time, in case I got the opportunity to neutralize him for capture or if he attempted something that would put civilians or the mission at large in jeopardy."

"I see, go on."

"Spider-Man lived up to his reputation, even though we agreed to co-operate it was only one-sided as he did as he pleased. Murdering anyone, anywhere as he liked. He only left me Kingpin's body because it was of no use to him." Natasha said as Nick and Maria shared a look before turning back at her. "I don't know what or how he did it, but he managed to get rid of multiple Hand Ninja and the mutant corpses before me, the local police, or any SHIELD personnel could get out hands on them. What we have that proves both of the factions are mostly been wiped are the corpses of Kingpin and various Maggia members. That's all I can give you."

"I... I believe she is saying the truth." Maria said looking at Fury who nodded after a moment of silence.

"So do I. Sounds like something that crazy monster would do." Nick said rubbing his temples. "Raid all Kingpin's and Maggia's warehouses and seize whatever you can find."

"Alright, Director." Maria nodded as she walked out of the room leaving Fury and Natasha alone.

"Before you go Agent Romanoff can you tell me something else I should know about Spider-Man?" Fury asked.

"Nothing that you already don't know of-"

"Agent Romanoff, allow me to rephrase my question." The Director of SHIELD interjected as he leveled a calculating gaze on her.

"Do you know who Spider-Man is?"

Natasha stared directly into Nick's eyes as she responded.

"No, Director. I do not know who or what the Spider-Man is."


Alternative Titles:

- The Veil

- Spider-Perv

- Naughty Natasha


So, here you go.

The next chapter would be the last before we move on to the first Avenger movie arc so keep your eyes glued to the screen for that.

Secondly, join the discord you cute fuckers. Also, give your suggestions on how Spider-Man should deal with Avengers, Loki, Chitauri, and the Shield when he comes across them? Civility or go balls out?

Do you know what I think? Fuck civility!

But hey, that's just me. Leave your suggestions in the comments, so that I can skim through them and yeah, that's all for today.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

Additional Notes: