A Wee Bit Of Me Time

Another Morning, another day. Another massacre, more bad guys put to rest. Another day of the government losing their shit, another day of shitting on Spider-Man and blaming him for all the evil in the world.

Just another day.

But even with all the heap of allegations and charges stacked against him, the lose-tongued, trigger-happy arachnid was still a miser when it came to giving a single fuck.

One would think he was a saint with how unbothered he was even with all sorts of people and organizations hunting for him. But the sheer inhumane tendencies that he unashamedly advertised for all the world to see deterred anyone from thinking that he was anything but an executioner sent to slaughter the sinners.

His stoicism to the consequences of his own chaos was displayed by his erratic posts on his social media, taking selfies with his dead opponents, and the fact that he was sitting in the middle of a talk show sipping on tea with a small smile as the rest of the room were almost pissing in their pants.

Pamela Isely, the host of 'Pick Your Poison' and Spider-Man's interviewer was resisting the urge to palm her face at the casual murderous remarks Spider-Man made throughout the interview so far.

"How... Just how are you able to ignore all this?" Pamela asked what was in the minds of everyone in the room. Her question only got her a questioning look from the masked... Hero? "I mean, just how are you able to sleep after killing and slaughtering so many people in a few hours and then putting your 'art' as you said for the whole world to see? Does it not bother you that you are sending the wrong message? Especially to the youth of our country?"

"Hmm, that's a good question. But it's not something I think about." Spider-Man shrugged.

"What... What do you mean?"

"Tell me, Ms. Isley. Every day you walk from your home to your workplace, caught up in your worries and work how many times do you think about all the innocent ants that die when you knowingly or unknowingly step on them?" Spider-Man asked as Pamela blinked. "Not a lot, huh? Similarly, I just do my job and since my job is so full of gloom I just decide to have some fun with it. Now, is it a crime to share my joy with the world?"


"Well, some might think of it as a crime but my 52 million followers don't think it is a crime. So, whatever. It doesn't bother me. I just do my work, get what I want while ridding the world of its filth in the meanwhile, and just go home and sleep." Spider-Man explained with a shrug as it was that simple. "I don't care what happens, what people think of me, what you and the dimwits in their posh offices have to say for me as I do their work of making the world a safer place."


"I am not a hero, nor am I a role model. You may consider me as a public figure or a celebrity and sure I would have an impact on the youth but it isn't my job to coddle them or change my ways for their sake. You shouldn't look for role models in celebrities in the first place and if you do, how is that my fault?" Spider-Man asked. "If your kid is being gravitated towards me and you think it's bad for him then keep him away and teach him not to be like me. Be a parent and do your fucking job, don't come at me expecting me to change."

"You... Do you understand how tone-deaf you sound?" Pamela asked as Spider-Man simply grinned.

"I don't know. As I said, I don't give a shit about that. You all are free to think and debate if I am in the good or wrong, I don't care. If you were to physically assault me, I am confident that I would come out of it without a scratch and you would end up in a ditch. You think words bother me?" Spider-Man asked as Pamela stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. "You are learning, good. I knew you were smart."

"Putting aside your assessment of my intelligence, what more can you tell us about you?" Pamela asked. "Whatever more you can tell. I mean, I would have asked for you to show us your face but that would be asking too much, wouldn't it?"

"Well, right now it would be." Spider-Man grinned relaxing in his chair. "For now, I'm planning to go on another small vacay."


"What?" Spider-Man asked as Pamela gave him a weird look. "Even I get tired of killing people."

"Pardon my french but you know that's bullshit." Pamela deadpanned as Spider-Man chuckled.

"Well, I guess not really haha. I just want to kick back and enjoy. Probably go to Malibu or Hawaii." Spider-Man hummed as he scratched his chin. "And as you know I'm planning to take over the world I need to do extensive research for my nefarious plan to work."

"You... You are joking right?" Pamela asked unsure if Spider-Man was joking or not.

"Of course, I am." Spider-Man chuckled. "It's too much of a work. If I have something similar in plans, then I would probably nuke the whole world and go live underground for a few years while the world resets."


"It's a joke." Spider-Man deadpanned.

"I... I hope so-"

"Well, Maybe." Spider-Man interjected with a grin.


"Anyways, I have wasted enough of your useless and my precious time." Spider-Man got out of his seat and extended his hand to Pamela who shook it firmly while glaring at him for basically implying that she doesn't work. "What? Gossiping about celebrities and their dogs isn't a real job."

"You... Just get out of my studio." Pamela sighed rubbing her temples as Spider-Man enjoyed annoying her. "Get out before..."

"Before?" Spider-Man asked wiggling his eyebrows eagerly.

"Before I make you listen to The Game's new diss track in a 10-hour loop." Pamela deadpanned as Spider-Man shivered mockingly.

"Geez, don't be so barbaric. We live in a society." Spider-Man sighed shaking his head while Pamela raised her clipboard and started smacking Spider-Man on the shoulder. "What the hell woman! Is this what feminism means to you? How dare you brutalize an innocent man in front of the whole world! I'll sue you! I'll cancel you!"

"Get out! Out!"

"Haha~" Spider-Man laughed as he brushed her off and began walking away.

"You... Hah..." Pamela sighed as Spider-Man started to leave, walking towards the entrance through the anxious crowd who parted to make way for him. "You do realize that there is an army waiting out for you, right?"

"Huh? And that should bother me?" Spider-Man asked as he looked back at her over his shoulder. "Thanks for worrying Pamela but this... This is all but a mere annoyance. Rest assured if things get out of hand if they misbehave..."

"I'll just crush them beneath my boots. Laters~"

Spider-Man said as he began walking out waving at her without looking back.

Opening the front door, Spider-Man took a deep breath and smiled.

"Ah, such a fine day. The sky is cloudy, the air is moist and oh don't you just love the stench of pollution and filth in the air? Stimulates my sensitive nose so much that it makes me wanna gag." Spider-Man said out loud smiling widely and waving at the crowd in front of him. "Eh, don't you think so too, fellas?"

The crowd in question was just droves of military and various personnel in authoritative positions who has set a huge perimeter around the studio Spider-Man was in. The anxious men and women, slightly shifted their feet as they trained their weapons on the anomaly in front of them.

"Wow, tough crowd? Well, let's start over..." Spider-Man began injecting his stingers and lances as the crowd unconsciously took a step back. "What do you all want, fellas?"

"Spider-Man! We come in peace!" The spokesperson began.

"Peace... A funny notion but you know peace has never been the option, don't you?" Spider-Man stated as the man tensed up. "State what you need?"

"I... Nothing. We are just here to protect the citizens." The man said as Spider-Man gave an inquisitive look.

"From... Me?" Spider-Man asked as the man reluctantly nodded. "Ah... Aha... Ahahahaha! That's some funny shit! Good... That's a good one. To think you can protect them from me."

Spider-Man loved the man's expression, as the man paled and slowly gesture for his men to steady their weapons.

"Relax, old man. I'm just fucking with you." Spider-Man waved him off. "Also, if you want to 'protect' them from me. You'll need to do better and get better toys. Well, whatever. I'm done here so I'll go first."

Spider-Man webbed up a light pole and propelled himself into the air before he began to swing away.

The guy who was on the speaker gritted his teeth as his forehead was covered in sweat.

"Shit... Goddamn it! Do it! Take the shot!" The man commanded as two men from the squad of soldiers were alerted. The two-man immediately pulled out big rifle guns and quickly aimed at Spider-Man fleeting form. "Fire!"

The guns charged up and two laser beams were shot at Spider-Man at the same time at supersonic speeds. Just as the bullets were about to hit Spider-Man, Spider-Man flipped upside down in the air, spreading out his arms as if he was embracing his fate but before the bullets could touch him, reb-black lightning crackled around him before he teleported away.

"What the-" One of the soldiers cursed but before he could finish his sentence he heard a sound that would forever haunt him.


"Boo, bitch." Spider-Man whispered into his ear before stabbing the man through his shoulder blades.

"Ahhhhhh!" The man screamed as the soldiers reacted in a frenzy but before they could rescue the man, Spider-Man removed his stinger and teleported away.

"Shit! Shit-" The second gunner realized what Spider-Man was up to but it was too late. He turned around to bolt into cover but instead, he bumped into Spider-Man's chest.

"Well, that wasn't so nice of you." Spider-Man said ejecting one of his lances.



"Ahhhhh!" The soldier fell to the ground covering his face as Spider-Man slashed across his face.

"I don't understand just how many of you I'll have to squash and make an example out of before you learn to leave me the fuck alone." Spider-Man hissed out as he applied pressure on the man's back with his feet. "But I guess you aren't to blame... At least not totally."

"S-Spider-Man get on your knees with your hands above your head or we will shoot you-"

"If I want you numb nuts to learn then I'll have to start with your superiors first." Spider-Man said as he teleported once again this time appearing behind the spokesperson that was the General, surprising him. "Let's start with you first old man."

"W-What?!-Ahhhhh!" The general screamed as Spider-Man's pierced his hands and legs with his lances and hoisted him into the air as the man screamed and thrashed making his injuries even worse. "Ahhhh!"

"Put the General down, Spider-Man! Put him down!" The soldiers swarmed him aiming their guns at him, ready to fire, shifting in their boots as Spider-Man ignored their existence and brought the man face to face. "Put him down, dammit!"

"So, what should I do to you?" Spider-Man asked as raising his hands as black flames appeared in the palm of his left hand and lighting in his right. "Should I burn you? Or should I strike you down with thunder? But why does it matter, in the end..."

"What's left of you would just be ashes of your remains."

The man's pupils dilated as death caressed his neck and tickled his windpipe. Spider-Man pheromones were doing their magic as the man was close to pissing himself in fear.

"I w-was just following o-orders..." The man stuttered as Spider-Man started at him before rolling his eye.

"Of course you were." Spider-Man replied as he grabbed the man's jaw and broke it with a tug. The man began crying as Spider-Man threw him away before retracting his lances. "Let this be a lesson to you... Next time, I'll split you open regards of you crossed me because of your orders or on your own violation. This is mercy and the most you will get from him."

Spider-Man was about to turn and leave but he decided to go an extra mile just to make sure he gets his point across. Runes appeared on his hands, and then around all the guns before they began to rust and disintegrated into dust.

Sparing the broken man the last glance he smiled before jumping away and vanishing.

"See ya, chump."

The man started at the place Spider-Man had just disappeared from and closed his eyes and let his head touch the ground below as his subordinates came to aid him.

He was so leaving this fucking job.


The Syndicate personnel froze in alert as Spider-Man teleported into the HQ, but relaxed as they realized it was him.

"Hey, Spidey!" They waved at him as Spider-Man waved back at them. "You were fantastic today!"

"Haha, thanks." Spider-Man replied as he began walking through the hallways of his organization. He walked past the containment chambers that held two more prisoners besides Elektra and peeked into the Medical Bay where Helen Cho was working alongside Susan.

Spotting him, Helen eagerly waved at him prompting Susan to notice his arrival and do the same.

He gestured for them to meet him in the meeting room and they both nodded before Spider-Man began to walk toward his next destination.

He found Yuri and Jennifer in the hallway and they had both just finished working out together. They both greeted him with eager kisses and Spider-Man could help but smile to himself as he felt his killer instincts calm down by their loving warmth.

"I missed you~" Yuri cooed into his arms as Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Petey, I need you to do something for me~"

"What is it?" He asked curiously as Yuri pointed at Jennifer.

"Tell her to fight me with one hand tied behind her back and blindfolded!" Yuri whined as he blinked before he burst into laughter. "What?! It's not funny! She is so strong! It's like my attacks don't even have any effect on her!"

"Hey, don't be like that. They do affect me." Jennifer said kindly as she patted Yuri's head.


"Yeah." Jennifer smiled. "They annoy me a lot."


"Hahaha!" Peter couldn't hold it in anymore as he began to laugh as Yuri turned and glared at him.

"Don't laugh you dolt! You are supposed to help me!"

"Haha~ I will, I will help haha." Peter replied. "But later, let's go to the meeting room now. Gwen and MJ are waiting for us over there."

"You better!" Yuri huffed as he nodded.

"I promise." He said putting his hand over her shoulders and escorting her towards the meeting room. He smacked Jennifer's tight fleshy ass with his other hand startling her but she smiled nonetheless and let him enjoy her hind assets.

Spider-Man entered the meeting and was greeted by Gwen and MJ who smiled and waved at him. Peter smiled as he turned off his suit and stored it back in its container.

Sitting between MJ and Gwen, he kissed them both as they hugged him.

"How was today?" Gwen asked.

"Meh, the usual. The show went well but you know, I can't go around without spilling a bit of blood at least." Peter shook his head as Yuri giggled while MJ looked a bit uncomfortable. "I mean, I don't mind but if the fight isn't exciting then it just gets boring."

"Hah... Only you can complain about something so cruel so casually." May said in a disapproving tone as she entered the meeting room, dressed in a tight, white sports bra and tight black, gym pants. Peter oggled May without a hint of shame which embarrassed May a bit. "W-What?"

"You look fucking sexy. Literally." Peter said with a straight face as May flushed while the rest of the girls giggled. Before Peter could embarrass May any further he was interrupted as the rest of the girls and guys arrived.

"Yo, soulmate." Wade waved at Peter who waved back with a smile, while Frank simply nodded at him with a smile.

"Hi, Peter." Helen waved at him once again, while Peter just smiled back while Susan just rolled her eyes and made the 'penetration' gesture behind Helen's back causing everyone to smile and Wade to giggle.

"Hello, Helen. I take the construction of the Cradle's new model is going well?" Peter asked as the woman eagerly nodded.

"Yes! I believe we can construct a body from scratch! But with the right materials of course!" Helen replied as Peter nodded.

"Good, don't worry about the materials right now. Just focus on running trial and error and make sure it's perfected by the time we put it into use. The matter regarding materials I'll discuss in a while." Peter said as she nodded. "Alright, now that everyone is here, please take a seat as we will go through our next phase."

With everyone seated, Eryl and Juno projected themselves through the projector.

"Hello. With Peter's latest reckless exploits, there is a huge spike of concern in the civilian populace of not only in the USA but also major foreign countries such as UK, Canada, Germany, India, UAE, China, Russia, and Japan." Eryl began.

"And such we have predicted that we have less than two years before all sorts of government abandon all tact and go all offense against us even if it meant risking a huge number of civilian death as collateral damage." Juno continued. " The US Government has realized that it would be hard if not impossible to contain Spider-Man and such they will be focusing on his elimination even if it means exhausting a lot of their funds."

"And as such, with Frank's initial suggestion we are planning to build our own kingdom." Eryl explained as those who didn't know about the matter looked at Peter with a weird look before staring back at Eryl. "For the past two months, Juno and I have been extensively planning our next steps. The first one being the capturing and colonizing of the Savage Land."

"Savage Land?" Gwen asked in confusion which prompted Juno to reply.

"The Savage Land, is a large island set in Antarctica at the base of the Palmer Peninsula. It resembles a tropical pre-historic land surrounded by volcanoes deep with its main populace being but not limited to dinosaurs that have gone extinct everywhere else in the world." Juno explained surprising everyone else but Peter and Wade.

"Dinosaurs! For real?!" Jennifer exclaimed while Gwen was almost shivering in excitement.

"Yes. The island is hidden from the rest of the world with an array of natural defenses such as extreme sea weather that makes reaching the land impossible by water and a strong electric field resembling that of the Bermuda Triangle that makes traveling by air or satellite monitoring impossible." Eryl said. "We found this information when I hacked into SHIELD's database so, with that being said it's safe to say that we aren't the only ones who know about this island's existence. The SHIELD or Hydra will jump on the first chance to conquer the island but the only reason they aren't is because they don't have technology advanced enough to do so."

"But we do, and we should make the first move before anyone else and start building our kingdom as soon as possible." Peter said. "Besides it being an extremely large island, it has resources like various variants of Vibranium, Adamantium, and other metals that will be valuable for us. The land is fertile, the weather conditions on the island itself are ideal and the ecosystem is just fantastic. Ignoring all the creatures that are very much capable of taking an average Joe's life, it the close what one can have to a paradise on earth."

The people present in the room pondered to themselves as the information began to sink in.

"So, what do you say? Should we do it?" Peter asked after a brief moment of silence and was greeted with weird looks.

"What do you mean by should we do it?" Gwen asked as her lips twitched with excitement. "We have to do this!"

"I agree. It sounds like a fantastic idea." Susan smiled.

"While I'm not excited about being a potential snack of dinosaurs I am very much interested." Helen nodded. "Plus, helping you build the greatest kingdom would be an honor for me."

"Same here." Frank smiled. "I guess, I will have a nice place to retire to and farm quitely."

"Boo! That's boring!" Wade booed as Frank flipped him off. "I want a T-Rex as a pet! I wanna ride a titanosaur!"

Peter smiled at the enthusiastic response he received shaking his head. He loved his people. They meant everything to him and he was going to create the best place for them to live in.

"Alright then, calm down." Peter said clapping his hands to gain their attention. "Since we are on the same page about creating the best kingdom, it's only right we all get to toss our ideas to make the place more pleasant. So, please feel free to share your ideas as crazy as they might be."

(A/N: That means you too, reader-kun.)

"Hell, yeah-"

"Except you, Wade."


"I said crazy. Not abhorrently disgusting."

"Awwwww. But I won't give up. I won't stop until I get to have my own magical girl theme park." Wade whined before muttering gibberish to himself.

"But before we began I want to clear a few things. This won't be easy and it won't be instantaneous. It's going to take us some time but we will work hard and we will succeed." Peter smiled.

"This will be the greatest kingdom. This going to be our kingdom."


If Felicia had actually cat ears then her sadness would be very much conveyed by them and one wouldn't have to look at her face to know that she wasn't in the best mood.

It has been a week and her mood has only gotten worse over time. Felicia was angry, sad, and apologetic but all she could do was hold herself back in her apartment and check her phone every five minutes to see if she got a reply back from her favorite person.

A person she loved and had let down. A person who not only made her feel like a woman but also protected her pride as a woman and she had let him down.

She had never been this miserable ever before.


Peter Parker


Peter: I heard Spider-Man saved you and Gwen from some gangsters. If you know him, please pass my thanks to him for saving you both. Goodnight.

Me: Yeah... He saved me. But I don't know him!

Peter: Well, alright then. Goodnight.

Me: Hey! Listen to me... I'm really sorry.

Me: Peter? Can we talk? I don't feel good.

Me: Peter, please... Just pick up the call.

Me: I'm sorry. Goodnight.


Me: Goodmorning Peter! (◡ ω ◡) I hope you have a good day.

Me: Good noon. Peter? Can we please talk?

Me: Just pick up the phone for five minutes.

Me: I'm sorry. I was stupid! Just listen to me!

Me: Peter? Please... I feel miserable. I can't sleep, I can't eat. All I think about is you and just how bad I fucked up! Please... Just listen to me.

Peter: Good noon, Fel.

Peter: You are thinking too much. Just eat well and rest.

Me: Just listen to me for once.

Peter: No. Let's not do this again and again.

Me: Please don't put distance between us! I like you goddamnit!

Peter: You sure did everything to prove otherwise, Felicia. Please, don't think about this and just go to sleep.

Me: Peter! Please! Just listen to me!

Peter: Goodnight.

Me: No! Please!


Staring at her phone and her mostly one-sided conversation, Felicia turned on her bed and started at her ceiling tossing her phone away. She felt tears begin to flood her eyes yet again as she cursed herself for being stupid.

She perked up wiping her tears as she heard her phone buzz. She quickly grabbed her phone but once again felt disappointment fill her system when she say it wasn't Peter who was calling her.

'Spider-Man is calling...'

Her phone said and Felicia cursed tossing her phone away. While Peter has been putting more and more distance between himself and Felicia, Spider-Man on the other hand was trying to get close to her.

He somehow obtained her phone number and after saving her, his calls and messages bad became more and more frequent and frankly, Felicia didn't feel happy at all. Usually, before she would be flattered and wouldn't have given up the chance to flirt and fool around with Spider-Man escaping considering that he was good on the eyes with his incredible physique but ever since she was almost taken advantage of by Ryan and then saved by Peter she just found this annoying and more damning than anything.

Peter's slap seemed to have woken her up from her egoistic sleep and now every time she got texts from Spider-Man she only felt disgusted with herself as she was reminded that she was ready to fuck Spider-Man just to get back at Peter. Just for the sake of her petty revenge, she was ready to throw her womanhood away.

Before her thoughts could get any darker, the knocking on her window caused her to bolt out of her bed and grab the gun on her desk by instinct. She quickly turned and aimed the gun at the rattling window and sighed in relief that it was just Spider-Man.

"Umm, hey. Can you open this? We need to talk." She heard his muffled voice from outside as he hung from his web upside-down. Felicia sighed in defeat and put the gun away before going ahead and opening the window.

Exchanging greetings, reluctantly on her part, they grabbed a beer from her fridge and made their way to the rooftop while refusing a lift from Spider-Man.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Spider-Man asked as he plopped himself on the parapet beside Felicia who handed him a beer without a word. "Ahhh, not my type of drink but thank you for the sentiment, I guess... What?"

Felicia gave Spider-Man a surprised look before shaking her head and looking ahead.

"Nothing. You just reminded me of someone." Felicia said sighing to himself. "Anyways, how did your... Work go?"

"Ahh, it went well. We wiped Kingpin and Nefaria's warehouse across the US and left the scraps to the government. I got a new suit, it's being repaired right now so I'm wearing my old one. Also, I was on a talk show almost a week ago and I'm being canceled on the internet once again." Spider-Man shrugged as Felicia just nodded. "You didn't know?"

"Nope. I've been... Busy with my study." Felicia faked a smile as Spider-Man nodded in 'understanding'. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"I will... It's something personal." Spider-Man said a bit hesitant as Felicia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"If you want relationship advice then, please... You are in the wrong place. My relationship is... Well, nothing." Felicia shook her head as Spider-Man chuckled.

"Well, it's similar but not exactly the same." Spider-Man said as Felicia gave him a curious look. "Alright... I won't beat around the bush so here it goes..."


"Felicia, I've come to like you and I want you to be my girlfriend." Spider-Man dropped the bombshell as Felicia's eyes widened in shock. "We have been talking a lot lately and ever since that incident I've grown to be protective of you and before I realized I have these feelings for you."

"Spidey... I..." Felicia was speechless unable to react but Spider-Man wasn't going to let this chance slip. Spider-Man pulled up his mass to reveal his mouth and he smiled at her.

"I would be really happy if you agree to become my girlfriend." He said as he leaned forward to kiss her but then.


Spider-Man blinked in surprise as he received something he wasn't expecting.

"Well, that is surprising." Spider-Man smiled awkwardly as he pulled down his mask.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!" Felicia realized what she had done and apologized as Spider-Man chuckled.

"Nah, I must have surprised you. My bad. Well, you don't have to answer me right now but please consider-"

"I can't." Felicia said firmly as Spider-Man blinked once again.

"Please don't be hasty. Just take your time-"

"No matter how much time you give me, a day, a week, a month, or a year. I've made up my mind Spider-Man. The answer is no." Felicia said with an apologetic face as she looked away. "I can't be with you."

Spider-Man started at Felicia before sighing to himself.

"Alright, but can you tell me why? Is it because I kill people-"

"No, no. It's nothing like that." Felicia replied. "It's because I love somebody else."

Spider-Man felt goosebumps as he heard the passion and sense of longing in Felicia's voice as she said those words.

"I'm sorry I led you on initially. Almost forced myself upon you but I wasn't thinking straight that time. I just wanted to feel good and I almost ended up becoming the person I hate the most." Felicia said as she looked at the sky. "I made horrible choices one after another and those choices came back to bite in my ass and they almost robbed me of my virginity. I was saved yes, but I lost more than ever could have hoped to have. For a time, money, wine, or anything else doesn't make me happy. I just feel empty. I feel miserable because of the mistake that I made and the hearts of the people I broke. I have to make it up to a lot of people."

"I see." Spider-Man said. "Well, I guess I have no chance then."

"I am sorry."

"Nah, nah. It's fine." Spider-Man smiled. "Just for the sake of sating my curiosity, can you tell me who this lucky son of a bitch is?"

"Haha. He is an amazing guy. Come to think of it he is a lot like you. Funny, talkative, strong, and loyal to his friends. He will do anything for them." Felicia smiled.

"You really love this man, huh?"

"I do." She smiled.

"Well, who is he?"

"The man I fell in love with... His name is Peter Parker." Felicia smiled sadly as she looked at the sky. "I wish I could see him right now and tell him just how sorry I am and just how much I love him."

"Ahh... Aha... Ahahahaha." Spider-Man chuckled before it turned into a hearty laugh which earned him a slight glare from Felicia.

"What?" She asked him a bit annoyed. "Here I am telling you about my worries and you are-"

"Ah no, it's not like that." He interjected.


"It's just that, it's funny that I thought that I lost my shot but it looks like I might have hit the jackpot instead." Spider-Man said as Felicia raised an eyebrow. Spider-Man smiled as she reached for his mask. "All I am saying is that you don't have to wish anything. Peter has already heard everything."

He chuckled as he saw the transformation of Felicia's expression. As Spider-Man removed his mask, Felicia was initially surprised that he was revealing his identity to her but was shocked to her core as the familiar face finally clicked in her mind.

How could she not recognize him?

She loved this man.

"P-Peter!" Felicia stuttered as Peter smiled. "P-Peter I-"

Before she could say a word further, Peter leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Felicia felt her world light up as her lips brushed and pressed against his. His hot breath warmed her cold world as tears welled up in her eyes. Leaning into the kiss she grabbed his hair and pulled him closer and closer wanting to become one with him.

They both kissed for what felt like an eternity and only parted because of oxygen. A string of saliva connected their tongues as they rested their foreheads against each other.

"P-Peter...I love-"

"Shhh... It's fine. I know." Peter whispered as he leaned in and planted several soft kisses on her lips. "Felicia... I love you. I love you too."

(A/N: Let's fooking goooooooooooooooo! Goddamnit! I feel so pleased with myself rn!)

Felicia couldn't control her emotions anymore as she began crying. Peter pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I-I'm so sorry-"

"Shhh... Forget it. Forget about it. We are past it now." Peter whispered into her eyes as he kissed her forehead. "I love you and that's all matters. I love you."

Felicia pulled Peter for another kiss and Peter naturally complied. Felicia's hands began to roam around his body, feeling his strong muscles as before she traced the Spider symbol and pulled back a bit.

She traced the symbol and looked at Peter who smiled.

"I told you I am the Spider-Man, didn't I?" Peter grinned as Felicia blinked before smiling recalling he had indeed said that before and she thought that he was joking.

"You ass... Yes, you did."

Felicia smiled as she hugged him. Peter smiled hugging her back tightly as they both enjoyed each other's warmth and the night sky.

Felicia felt complete again. She felt alive.

She felt loved.

"Hey Fel."

"Yeah, Petey?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, I will."


Alternative Titles:

- A Lot Late To Eulogy With Peter Parker

- Homey Home

- All I want For Christmas Is Fucking Lemons Author!


So, there is your chapter.

5700+ words? That should explain why this chapter took so freaking long.

So, what do you think about the chapter? I gave you all a glimpse of how Peter interacts with his women because I want to focus a bit more on his relationship with his harem and friends moving forward since I believe I have neglected that a bit.

Also, what did you think about Felicia's redemption arc? Although I believe it was a bit rushed I just wanted to finish this arc and volume up so I did my best with the circumstances that were presented. And personally, I'm happy with what I wrote for the first time. Writing Peter responding to Felicia's feelings was like a great emotional payoff to me even as the writer. Let me know, how did you all feel about it?

Anyways, we are finally done with Vol 3. Next is Avengers 1 Arc and boy am I excited for that. Any ideas on what they should do to settle on Savage Land and make it an impenetrable kingdom would be very much appreciated.

Let me know if there is something interesting going on lately. Shows, movies, music, games, stories, etc. Well, that's all for today.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S: What do you think about writing an SCP Story? Good idea or nah?