The surprising visit

After a long talk the two decided to just sleep for now and think about it tomorrow because as the coach said it is really a big decision so he better be taking his time ....

The next morning

Jay's pov :

" Jay c'mon dude i really need to use the bathroom ", Aidan started complaining because i was taking my time showering and to be honest i totally forgot about the other boy living with me , " fine shut up I'll be out in 2 minutes ", i know I've been saying that for the last 10 minutes but i can't help it i like morning showers , i can feel that Aidan wasn't happy with that and I'm really panicking now because he suddenly went silent what was he thinking about with his devilish mind? " You know what take your time bro ", he said to me after what felt like forever and now I'm really stressed out " really ? why, what's going on ", maybe it didn't sound like when i used my calm voice but i know him better, " nah I'll just go to our neighbors -" before he could say anything else I was already out giving him a death stare asking him not to bring the neighbors in everything because it wasn't fair. " And i DO NOT have a crush on her so just drop it ", I was trying to make sure that my statement was loud and clear for his sassy ass and somehow it felt like i was trying to make it clear for myself too because i ain't lying when i say that i don't know if i have feelings for her I'm just convincing my self that i don't because I just met her twice or three times i can't fall for her just like that it ain't possible but why it felt like i was lying tho.

Aidan's pov :

Jay told me to just drop it and i would drop it if he wasn't lying, i know this boy from a long time and i just know that he's trying to convince himself and not me he likes her but it's too early for him to know ... I'll just keep on teasing him like i always do 'till he admit it.

After getting ready Jay got to the cafe while Aidan went to his campus, at work Jay seemed off and kept on zoning out which made Jacob curious and concerned about him so he went to talk to him about it.

Jacob's pov :

I asked Jay about what was going on but he kept saying that he's fine and that there was nothing wrong at all. Yet before the end of our shift he came to me and said that he wanted to talk to me about something.

I was listening to him talking about the boxing competition that he looked so excited for but than he told me about the dropping out from college, i took few minutes thinking about what should i say next than it hits me " well if you were so scared yet so excited about it why don't you take a gap year ?", Jay seemed so surprised for some reasons did he not think about it ?

Jay's pov :

How come i never thought about taking a gap year ?

In my head it was either dropping out or staying in there was no in between. Now I'm glad even more for telling Jacob. " well i don't know I've never thought of it", I just told him honestly ." Well I saw you competing bro you're cool at what you're doing so just go for it regretting doing it is much better than regretting not to trust me on that one", what Jacob just said was kind of surprising to me i didn't know he watched me competing before but i felt so encouraged after what he said.

Jacob than assured me that everything will be fine and that I need to follow my dreams because he knows that I'm more than capable, I just need to start taking actions instead of the letting the fear control me.

Jacob always saw Jay as the cold, cool guy but he knew that deep inside he was lost and needed help and that's why he always wanted to be close to him to be that help because he knows how it feels to be independent and just on your own ....

After the end of the shift Jay went to his mother's grave like he always does when he feels like he's lost " Hi mom it's me again and yep you guessed it I'm not in the best situation now, i really want to do it but I'm afraid from what you would ask me well i don't know mom what if I'm not good enough ? that would be so embarrassing to me and the the coach and to our club too. What should i do mom help me ", he felt his eyes watering and his voice shaking. " No i promised you i won't cry life is hard mom but I'm strong just like you raised me, I'll be the man you wanted me to be i promise "

Aidan's pov :

After a long day of lectures I was finally home but for my surprise I couldn't find Jay ' hmm weird he's supposed to be here by now i'll just call him to see where is he ' but before calling him my phone suddenly started ringing and the name on my phone said Diana, why the hell is she calling me ? ....

Jay came back after a while and i was just sitting there looking at nothing silently, " you're okay ?", I heard him saying so i snapped back to reality " oh my god finally you're home where were you ", I said directly and he seemed to be confused. " I was walking around, everything is okay ? ", am i that obvious ? should i just lie and say that I'm fine ? nah why would i he's going to know anyway so no need i guess beside he won't leave me alone if he didn't know what's wrong he can read me very well.

" Diana called me ",I said trying to keep my cool and Jay seemed to panic immediately you might not see it if you didn't know him well but i can see through him. "Diana like Diana ?", Jay is visibly uncomfortable "yes Diana and she will visit us next week " " NEXT WEEK ??", okay that was too loud ma man chill out i just nodded in silent and Jay just sat next to me without saying a word it's gonna be a tough week for both of us for sure, preparing for her visit and her visit itself going to be a pain in the ass .

" Everything needs to be cleaned up you know ", i said looking at Jay beside me and he looked back at me mouthing I know, than we both kept quiet for the rest of the evening both thinking about this surprising visit.

The next morning

Jay pov :

" I'll take a gap year " i thought about this long enough and i had to make a decision after all " really so you're going for it yeees i'm proud of you my man ", Aidan was so excited for me as he always was and that made me feel a bit more confident about my choice.

I went to the campus because there was some paper work that i needed to get done with in order to make this gap year official, after getting done with everything i went to the coach just to let him know that i'm in and he was so happy about it am i that good ? not gonna lie i've always been so serious about boxing so i gave it my all yet i didn't know that i was so important to the team and to the coach like that i'm glad that they can see it that way.

On the way back home i started thinking about the sudden visit of Diana what does she want from him ? I'm trying not to be rude and not to think that she wants problems i mean she's his sister after all but with all what happened it doesn't make sense to me and i don't think that this visit will be innocent.

Yet we're going to wait and see ...