The project partner

Yet we're going to wait and see ...

Aidan's pov :

I can't be thinking about my sister's visit all week, i need to to do something else instead but what can I do my mind is all over the place now

'Ahaa got it why don't I mess with Jay a bit, I think is time for him to know about me and Sissel being project partners and I know the right way to let him know'

Sissel's pov :

This day been long enough yet i need to attend the last lecture because Mr.Smith can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and it can effect my grades, and it's the project lecture so i have to know what to do and what not to do for this project. I was paired up with Aidan my neighbor and he seems like a nice and easy going guy, talking about the devil there he is coming towards my direction

" Hey Sissel how are you ", He greeted me. "Oh hi Aidan I'm fine what about you ?" "I'm fine hey i wanted to ask you if you would like to meet up today to discuss what subject should we go for, for our project you know ", it wasn't a bad idea because i like to get done with things fast too so i won't be worrying about it later, " yeah that's fine", I don't if that's only me or the boy just smirked

" Alright than let's meet at 4pm at my place like we agreed to " and before walking away he turned to me and said " You won't mind Jay being there will you ?", I shook my head no then he left

'Jay !! his name is Jay oh my lord Jay will be there no I'm not fine with that like that was so random and i'm not ready for it why he'll be there ?? oh wait he lives there but no that's not fair. Wait wait hold on a second, why am I freaking out ? really Sissel really you're freaking out because of a hot boy you met 3 times well done dear well done !'

Before my anxiety could go any further the professor was in the room and he started explaining the work for us and just like that my mind was on the lecture and not on Jay

Jay's pov :

Aidan been acting hella weird from the minute he entered the apartment and from my experience with that boy i need to be worried

"Bro, what's going on with you ?", I had to ask him he started jumping all over the place " I'm going out today ", he said with a stupid smile on his face and i don't get it he's out everyday what's so different "Okaay ..? and why you're so happy ?" "oh I'll tell you later but there's one thing i need you to do for me, my project partner is coming at 4pm please stay with her till I'm back i won't be too late don't worry" Her ? so he's going to have fun and i need to baby-sit his partner ? " No i need to be in practice by 6", i tried to reject i really did but he kept going on and on about how important is that to him and that 6 was so far from 4 so i ended up accepting to help him just so he'll shut up about it and just like that he was gone and i was sitting there waiting for whoever his partner was

Sissel pov :

I'm right out of the apartment and i can hear my heartbeats already what's wrong with me, Hold your self Sissel it's just a project discussion with his friend and not even him, he probably won't even be there to start with so calm that ass down and just knock on the door

Alright 3,2,1 and 'knock knock' "coming", That's not Aidan's voice oh my god it's him and door got opened and it was him just like i expected Jay was right in front of me and he looked at me with a pure shock on his face, " Aidan is here, we were supposed to work on a project together ", that's all what i can say no more words can come out of my mouth, " Ah no he'll be here soon come in "

'Come in ? and Aidan is not here yet ? like i need to be with him only ? Nah thanks man I'm good'

" i can wait for him in my apartment and he can pass by later to let me know that he came " "oh no no he'll be here so soon just wait for him here ", I couldn't say more i just entered the apartment it seems nice, i have 2 brothers and there rooms are so messy so i assumed that all boys are just messy but i don't feel like that's the case for this apartment or maybe just because they were expecting guests. " I'll be back in a second make yourself comfortable", His deep voice is driving me crazy i just nodded and sat on the couch waiting for Mr. Aidan to be there.

Jay's pov :

I heard the door knocking so i assumed that it was the girl i went up to open the door and as soon as i did i was so surprised, it was Sissel ! Now i understand why he was acting like he's dead he's seriously dead.

I let her in and i went to my room to call that brat, and he's not answering so i texted him literally THREATENING him so he called me back. " Why didn't you tell me that it was Sissel !!", i was whispering shouting on the phone. "I have only one question why are you freaking out aren't you the one who said that you don't have a crush on her ?", I see what he's doing and he's really getting on my nerves right now

" You could've told me tho", I'm trying to play it cool but it's Aidan the brat of course he has something to say every single time, " well i didn't feel like i had to she's just a normal girl you know" after that i just hung up there is nothing more to say because he'll keep on teasing me so instead i got Sissel some water and we started to talk a bit just to know each other better. A half hour or so Aidan was finally home so i went to the practice leaving them alone to continue on with the discussion.

Aidan's pov :

Alright i think i gave them enough time to talk now I'll go home.

As i expected they were talking about themselves and getting to know each other king of conversation which is a progress, Jay went to his practice giving me a death glare why is he mad ? i made him a favor he should thank me this ungrateful kid needs to stop acting like that. The thing that i didn't expect is Sissel letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and if you know me well you'll know that i won't let that pass by.

" Is it just me or you're really stressed out because of my boy Jay ? ", I know a bit straightforward but i had to. " what no what do you mean what are you talking about stress what stress ", got her right on the trap. " girl spill the tea" "Agh fine fine but he can't know "