Slow progress

" girl spill the tea" "Agh fine fine but he can't know " ....

Sissel's pov :

' I can't believe that I'm really doing this '

" Well i just feel a bit stressed when he's around", i said avoiding eye contact with Aidan. " Around Jay ?", is he serious right now ? " Nah around Mr Smith of course Jay what's wrong with you", Aidan was laughing so hard at me right now and i don't find it that funny I'm confessing about something so serious right now yet this brat is laughing. " I was just teasing you anyway why would you be stressed around Jay ?", good question but i don't think that i have an answer for that so i mumbled a quiet i don't know and suddenly he stopped teasing me and looked like he was taking it seriously.

"Do you like him ?", that was a bit too direct and it caught me off guard to be honest. " Isn't it too early for that", I said without thinking much i feel like I'm being so open to Aidan right now and I'm just speaking my mind so my answers felt too honest and to my relief he's serious about it too. " Well i don't know girl that's up to you, but yeah it can be just a silly crush you need time to address your feelings", I like that side of Aidan i never thought that he can be like that but I'm glad that i had the chance to see this, " yep it can be just a silly crush so I'm trying to not rush things". As soon as i said that he was smirking nice the real Aidan the brat is back " So you're admitting to have a crush on him", oh my god can he stop i can feel my face turning red.

Aidan's pov :

Her face was red, teasing her is much more entertaining than teasing her soon to be boyfriend aka Jay. " Shut up", that's all what she could've said and I'm satisfied now all what i have to do is to get Mr. ' i don't have a crush on her' from his denial phase and everything will be perfect. After few minutes of comfortable silence i remembered something, " would you like to see him on a match ?" "boxing ?", she said hesitantly. I nodded and she took a moment to think about it " I'm not really into boxing i feel like it's too violent", what a soft girl. " Well it's not that bad i mean he's good at what he's doing", if that didn't work i need to pull my last card but hopefully that will work, " i don't know to be honest I'm really like not into-" before she was able to say anything else i caught her off saying " he'll be shirtless take it or leave it", her face was red again and i can't even describe how satisfied I'm right now. "Just because you're insisting" and just like that we'll be there in Jay's first match of the competition i can't wait to see his reaction.

Jay's pov :

I'm still not over the fact that i was talking to Sissel few hours ago it really felt like a beautiful dream, she's 10 times better that close but i can't believe that Aidan set me up that way i will beat him up for it for sure.

I just finished the practice but i don't feel like going back home maybe I'll just wander around and find something to eat. While i was on my short walk i spotted a small restaurant and i felt even more hungry so the plan is going in and getting something to eat, but as soon as i stepped in i saw someone that seemed familiar it was Jacob sitting alone and eating peacefully, the old me will find a place far away from him and won't let him see me but now i feel like i would like his company so much more what a progress right ? 'you see mom I'm on the right path again'.

" Hey bro can i sit with you ?", Jacob turned to face me and his eyes were sparkling he felt alone huh ? " of course you can dude have a sit ". The dinner was nice and Jacob's company is so relaxing and calm i love his vibes a lot and i feel so comfortable around him I've never noticed that before but it's obvious now and I'm glad that i can see it now maybe i don't have to face everything alone after all maybe i need to ask for help when i need it, and appreciate people that are wiling to be by my side when they're there for me.

After dinner i got back home, it was too late and Aidan was asleep so i walked in as quiet as possible than after taking a shower i slept almost immediately.

The next morning

Aidan's pov :

I woke up early for some reasons and now I don't know what to do because i don't have lectures today and Jay is sleeping and i can't annoy him because he can easily murder me, so i'll be doing what i like the most yes overthinking time ! and it's all about Diana's visit i was trying to keep myself busy with Jay and Sissel but it ain't working no more because what happened back than was hard for me yet i was trying to just forget about it.

it all started last year aka at my last year in high school

Flash back to that day :

Finally my last year in this hell, just few more weeks to go and I'll be free to do exactly what i was dreaming about, going to an Art school. I've never discussed this dream with my parents but i don't think i should i mean it's my life and my choices beside the work in my father's company is going to be for my oldest sister Diana so no worries i guess.

Little did I know there was a lot of things that i should've worried about, you see my family is wealthy and my father own a business and he's his own manager, and my mother is a lawyer a well respected one and than there's me and my sister, Diana used to tell me all the time that because she's the eldest she's going to be in the place of my father once he can't work anymore. And i never had a problem with that because i didn't like that job anyway but in that year i was surprised to know that i was going to be in dad's place and not her because I'm the man and i couldn't accept that because no one took my opinion on that ...