A Shattered Dream

The flashback :

I felt lost and unhappy it felt like everything I've ever dreamed of was falling right in front of my eyes, i was helpless but I knew that I had to fight for my dreams I can't let that happen it's unfair.

The next day of me knowing about all of it i went straight up to my father and i made it clear that i need to talk to him about something really serious so he better be ready for me and not make any excuses about work or whatever. " I don't want to study business and i don't want to be in your place ", maybe i was a bit too straightforward for my dad's liking but i couldn't give a shit about it it's my future and they're playing with it. '" Why ? ", to my surprise he didn't seem angry at all but rather concerned and i can't tell why, i had to tell him about my dreams but i feel like he's going to make fun of me what should i do now ? " Aidan tell me i want to know and you're my son i wont judge you ", they all say that they will accept you no matter what but actions speak louder than words and i can feel it already i won't like what's going to happen yet i have to for me, for my future, for my dreams.

After a few minutes of silence i finally spoke up " I want to study art instead i don't like being in a office with all those meetings and whatever i want to be creative, to be free, and travel the world to build my gallery's museum ", there was a long pause after that and i didn't know what to do or say next so i just stood there awkwardly.

" Are you sure about that son ?", finally he said something and he was so calm about it which made me kind of suspicious that's not what i thought would happen but it works i guess. " Yes dad I'm sure", i won't lie i was a bit afraid after saying that but like i said i have to do it otherwise I'll be saying goodbye to what i want and that wasn't an option for me.

" Alright than I'll respect your decision and let me tell you I'm so proud of you young man for standing out for yourself I've never had the chance to do so but I'm happy to see that my own son is not a coward but a fighter good for you Aidan I'll support you no matter what little boy ", i couldn't control my tears after that emotional speech that my father gave me i was over the moon and i couldn't believe that this is real and not a dream, i was thankful for my dad for being understanding and supportive of me, But what i didn't know is that this is not a fairy tale with a happy ending in fact it was far away from being happy.

Later that evening :

After the talk with my dad i was happy and relieved but suddenly my mom stormed into my room literally screaming at me and i couldn't understand why because i didn't get a word from what she was saying. " Mom what's going on ?", I was literally panicked she gave me no time to understand or to communicate the problem whatever it is with her. " Art ? you want to study art are you kidding me right now ? what are you going to do with art paint money ?", oh so that's what all of this drama is about my life choices.

"What do you mean mom, i love art and that's my dream i don't care about money i want to do what i want to do so don't even try to force me on working on the company", okay i think i pissed her off even more now because she looked at me in disbelief and now she's clapping her hands which usually means that she'll go off any second now. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GODDAMN COMPANY" and here she goes " You can do anything but not art what do you mean with you want art, this is not a job even you can be creative on your free time but don't tell me that you'll be an artist that's nonsense", what does she mean with it's not even a job sorry mom but i ain't letting nobody control me not now and not ever.

"Sorry mom I've already made my decision and i ain't turning back on it", after what i said she kept going on and on screaming at me, shaming me, calling me a disappointment and saying that she wishes that I'm not her son and it hurts it really does hurt. All what i wanted is to be free and to live life the way i wanted to, but my mom took it way too far i know she loves me and she wants all the good for me but killing my dreams and cutting my wings is not the right way to do so. She made it so hard for me and basically putted me in a situation where i should choose either my dreams or my mom, and i ain't dumb to get manipulated not even by my mom.

I was zoning out while she kept saying all of those meaningless things, and after a couple of minutes my father was finally home and i was sure that he's going to change his mind and take my mom's side so i was planning in my head everything that i should do while i hear his footsteps getting closer to my room. " What's going on here, what's all that screaming about i can hear you from the outside"

I didn't say a word and i let my mom explain since she's the one screaming anyway and she told him exactly what she said to me. I was waiting for my dad's reaction and to my big surprise he said that it was my life and my decision and that they should be supporting me instead of breaking me, 'he took my side i seriously can't believe it'. Now she was so silent and in a pure shock, my dad came to me and hugged me and i cried like a little baby i was broken and really needed that emotional support from him.