
Jay's pov :

The two men kept on staring at each other and I couldn't stand them no more so I wanted to send a message to my father with them instead of wasting more time with those two dumb people.

" Tell your boss aka my dear father that I'll not go back to live with him and that I don't want anything to do with him or with the gang so he better leave me alone if he wants to avoid problems ", their eyes widen and one of them nodded at me then he told me that this thing will never be over because I'm the only son of one of the biggest gang heads in the world, and he needs me around to take care of his business when he's not around.

Yes, as you know now my dad is a bad guy not only he cheats but he has a whole gang and that would explain why is he able to always track me and send people behind me, and to why he has a lot of money too. Nobody out of the gangs life knows about it not even Aidan everyone think that he's only a CEO of a small company but that's just a cover so he can mind his business in the shadows, I've never liked that and I didn't want to be his successor but he doesn't seem to get it.

He keeps on saying that he can't trust anybody out of his blood to take his place or to know the secrets of the work, but I want a legal and an honest life and this mafia lifestyle is just not mine. Beside this ugly old man was the reason of why my mom is dead now so how is he that shameless ?

Jacob's pov :

It's the afternoon and Jay should be here in any minute now, I called him earlier and he told me about the conversation with the guys and how he's fine now but I don't trust those men and what kind of fathers is his dad I can't say that mine is better but it's definitely not that bad after all.

I was anxiously waiting for him to come, and luckily he showed up and now I can breath again and he doesn't seem hurt or injured so I think that they really left him alone after all.

" Hey here's your keys, thank you again for letting me stay around it was so nice of you", this boy is really well mannered when you don't know him well you'll think that he can't even say thank you but he's saying it over and over again. " You can stop thanking me now we're friends and friends are supposed to be there for each other right ?", I want him to know that I'll be there anytime he needs me honestly so he won't feel lost when things get hard on him " beside my place is your place you can come anytime you want ".

" I lost words thanks a lot Jacob you're so sweet and nice and you don't know how many times you've helped me in hard times thanks a lot I appreciate it all", that made me happy and glad to know that I helped in some situations because honestly helping people sometimes makes you feel better than helping yourself. " You're welcome, and how did it go with the men is it over ?", he shacked his head as a no and said that it's far from over which is a bit concerning but Jay is a strong boy I know that he'll find his way out of this.

Chase's ( Sissel's brother) pov :

Today I was chilling in my room playing games like I always do, just to run away from reality the reality that I created for myself the reality that I blame myself for on a daily basis.

I don't study or work or try to do anything at all other than wasting my time on games and watching series because I am not good at anything else and I'm just a big failure but that was obvious for the longest time now the bad thing that I did was to ruin another person's life because of my insecurities and jealousy. Because I knew that my life won't be going anywhere and I'll end up just like my dad jobless and useless, I couldn't see anyone else having their life together and making an achievement after the other so I got blinded and I have no one else to blame other than myself because I knew that it was the wrong thing to do yet I still did it anyway and now regret will keep on eating me alive for the rest of my life.

If only I could've make it up for him, if I was able to comfort him, to hug him and apologize for what I did but I sadly can't because he'll never give me another chance to get close to him or even to see him, and he's right because I'm the one who betrayed him and stabbed him on the back.

Sissel's pov :

I just got home from a long hours on the campus and the first thing I saw was my dad watching Tv on the couch like he always do, I really hate that my mom has to work long hours because he can't move himself from there. I used to be so close to him when I was little because I was his little girl but now I can't even stand looking at him anymore I just hate his presence and his existence, in my opinion he's just a waste of space but I have nothing to do about it now.

I'll just wait until graduation then he won't ever see me again just like he's not seeing him, I missed him a lot but he's living a better life now away from the abuse and the toxic environment I hope you're doing just fine big brother, but why you had to leave me ? why you had to cut me off ? I was young and unable to defend you but I can understand your pain just be fine out there wherever you are.