Chapter 20

When she woke up, significantly calmer, and probably able to actually see Shikamaru without attempting to murder him, she made herself breakfast, then got ready to head to Genma's for poison lessons.

Someone knocked on the door just as she was about to leave, and when she opened it, she found Lee, bent in half and holding out an offering of chocolate.

Tenten blinked, bemused, but took them anyway.

"I apologize for being unyouthful and not speaking up when Shikamaru didn't think to consider bringing you!" Lee shouted, a bit loud for right outside her apartment. "And for going out when Tsunade had not cleared me to fight yet! I am very sorry!"

Tenten chuckled and patted his shoulder. "It's alright Lee, as long as everyone's alright."

"They are," Lee was quick to reassure her. "Even Naruto is alright, although he will be in the hospital for a while."

"That's good to hear," Tenten agreed. "I have a place to be, but thank you for the chocolates."

"Of course! It was the least I could do for all the trouble I caused!"

"Well you're the one that alerted me you idiots would need help, so it's forgiven," Tenten told him firmly. "Now please move, I have a place to be." One she didn't feel like Hiraishining to.

Lee moved aside, then turned and speed walked away, and Tenten followed at a more sedate pace because that was the way to the stairs. Which she needed to get down. Because she was a polite ninja, not one that just indiscriminately went out windows like some sort of heathen.

On the break she had after poisons and before sealing, while Jiraiya couldn't be bothered to show up because he was busy being a pervert, she dropped by the Yamanaka flower shop to grab some flowers for those still stuck in the hospital.

Ino was actually manning the counter when she got the flowers, and thus Tenten was dragged into some idle chatter while Ino rang up the flowers and tied them with cute ribbons.

"So, you apparently did something, because Shikamaru's been almost panicked about something," Ino commented like it was off handed. Tenten knew full well it was far from offhanded.

"I threatened him a bit and called him a dingus," Tenten admitted. "And gave him a bit of a lecture."

"Ah, that'll do it," Ino agreed, nodding. "I saw one of the papers he was frantically scribbling on. He's trying to find a suitable apology gift for you. Or at least I assume that's what the list was for."

"Ah, Lee dropped by my apartment earlier with chocolates and an apology," Tenten said, tapping the hip pouch that still held the chocolates, since she hadn't managed to eat them yet. She would later though.

"I'd expect an apology from the rest of the boys then," Ino said, smiling. "Congratulations, you managed to probably get the attention of several clan heads."

Tenten made a face. "Should I be glad or should I be dreading that."

"Glad maybe?" Ino suggested, shrugging. "I heard dad talking with Shikaku and Chouza last night about something, and heard your name mentioned, so who knows really."

"That's not reassuring in the slightest," Tenten groaned. "Well, I need to hurry if I'm going to drop these all off then get back for some more training."

"Good luck!" Ino called after her.

Luckily the hospital wasn't too far away, and she had a hiraishin marker there anyway just in case.

"I'm here to see whoever of the Retrieval of Uchiha Sasuke mission is still in the hospital," Tenten informed the lady at the front politely.

"Ah, nice of you to be here," Nintaimi, one of the nurses, came out of one of the hallways. "They know you better maybe you can intimidate them better than I can."

"I'll get them back in bed," Tenten sighed, well used to doing this with Lee. Repeatedly. Sometimes Neji too.

Naruto's room was first, and he was jumpy and incredibly on edge, nearly jumping onto the ceiling when they came in.

"You have got to settle down," Tenten told him sternly, approaching his bedside and putting his flowers in the vase with the others. "Nintaimi's not mean."

"I'm only mean to idiot ninja who don't stay in bed," Nintaimi agreed, smiling with too many teeth.

Naruto seemed to settle down slightly at that, although still flinched at odd sounds. Tenten assumed he had some trauma with the hospital.

Tenten was about to leave, when Naruto straightened abruptly, making Nintaimi glare at him.

"Oh! I was gonna say," Naruto said quickly, relaxing under Nintaimi's glare for stressing his body. "I'm sorry too for not makin' Shika bring you along too."

"I doubt you had a say in the choosing of the team, but I thank you for the apology." Tenten agreed, smiling. "Rest up and heal Naruto."

He brightened and nodded, and Tenten left, following Nintaimi to the next room. Choji, it appeared. He didn't seem to be trying to get out of bed, although he was still very thin. It looked unhealthy on him. Akimichi were supposed to be round, the lack of fat and muscle looked weird.

"Hey Tenten," Choji greeted her, waving tiredly. "Did you bring food?"

"I didn't, sorry," Tenten apologized, setting his flowers on the bedside table. "I only brought flowers."

"We'll get you some food in here in a second," Nintaimi reassured him.

"Feel better soon," Tenten told him, leaving for the next room. She had to be quick, she was running out of time. Although she did have a hiraishin marker where they'd be so she had more time than a normal person.

The next room was Kiba's. He was still in the bed, with Akamaru sleeping between his legs.

He blinked and looked up when she entered. "Oh, hey Tenten!"

"Hello to you too Kiba," she greeted, laying the flowers on his bedside table. "Are you doing well?"

"They say I can be discharged later today," Kiba said proudly. "Akamaru'll need more rest before we can get back to active duty though."

"Well, heal fast. I have to get moving since I'm on a bit of a time crunch."

"Good luck," Kiba called after her.

Tenten waved and followed Nintaimi to the next room. Neji, who was out of bed and staring mutinously out the window.

"Hello!" Tenten said cheerfully. "Any news on when you'll be discharged to Gai's merciful hands?"

He turned to glare at her. She smiled innocently at him.

She placed the flowers on the bedside table. "You'd better be authorized to get out of bed," she added, glancing at Nintaimi who didn't seem to be particularly annoyed at him.

"It's fine," Neji grunted.

"Your teammate is mostly done, just one more chakra healing session and he'll be discharged," Nintaimi added.

"Good for him," Tenten said, giving a more real smile.

Neji was apparently feeling antisocial, because he just gave another grunt.

"Since you're being antisocial, I'll leave," Tenten sniped. "Good luck with your last healing session."

Since Neji wasn't prone to replying to much, and Tenten was out of time, she nodded to Nintaimi, and reached out and grabbed the hiraishin seal to where she needed to be. More training here she comes.


I swear I meant to get to Naruto leaving with Jiraiya this time, but somehow this escaped me and now I'm here. Oh well. ~LeViAcKeRmAnN