Chapter 21

Okay now we get to the whole Naruto leaving thing. Meant to do it previous chapter lol. Whoops. Time for him to head back out with Jiraiya. ~LeViAcKeRmAnN


Tenten was there for Naruto and Jiraiya setting out, uncaring of how early it was for everyone who wasn't trained by Gai for a year and a half, and still regularly went to morning practice when she had the time.

When she did manage to corner Naruto away from Jiraiya to give him her gifts she'd been designing in her spare time.

"I asked Shizune, and here's a poison that'll keep him in bed and able to give you advice for a week," Tenten said, quietly, so as not to let Jiraiya know she was giving it to Naruto to use. "Send a letter if you want another dose, but that vial has three doses in it. The spoon attached to it is it's measuring thing. A bit more won't kill him but he'll be sicker, and a bit less will make it wear off faster."

"What's it for?" Naruto asked, guileless face apparently unknowing of what his now mentor liked getting up to.

"In case you need him to stick around and give you advice instead of sneaking off to be a pervert," Tenten replied, smiling wryly. "He's not a hands on kind of teacher. If you want a book from the Konoha library you can send a letter too and I'll get one of the crows to send it, they're better for carrying delicate things."

"Thanks?" Naruto said, more of a question than a statement.

Tenten just patted him on the shoulder and figured he'd get it eventually. He'd figure it out. "You have fun. Good luck." He'd need it.

With that out of the way, she went back over to stand near the gate to let them leave.

"You'd better teach the kid something," was all she said to Jiraiya as he left. He had enough of an ego he could survive without her thanking him.

"Sure kid. Sure."

Tenten just scoffed as she waved to Naruto.

Since Kakashi had finally started paying some attention to Sakura(after Tenten threatened him into it with telling Gai where he was any time he was looking for him), Yuugao was an ANBU and had other stuff to do, and she was mostly done learning from Shizune, Tenten was left with more free time then she knew what to do with after her hectic schedule from right after the exams.

She took missions with team Gai, trained with them more often, and thoroughly enjoyed kicking Neji's butt every time they were left to spar without any other instructions. Tenten was always nice enough not to use poisons. Lucky him.

Once particularly boring afternoon, Tenten remembered the scroll that had been with the summoning contract, and pulled it out again, reading it over. She did have to wonder what Itachi had meant by recent. Did he not want it looked into until it was 20-30 years after the event or was almost a decade enough time?

Either way she was curious enough to go looking for more information. Genma was out on a quick assassination, so he'd be gone for a few days, she'd already asked Kakashi, who hadn't wanted to say anything, so she had to figure out something else.

Well, the Uchiha had been the ones massacred, right? And with Sasuke gone to who knows were, and minimal security actually on the compound because no one really wanted to mess with it, she could probably sneak in and see if they had anything that could give her more information.

Most entrances were defended by at least one ANBU and a chuunin to shoo people away. The ANBU made it harder, so Tenten didn't do anything for a while.

Then she realized that the crows had been the summons of Itachi and Shisui Uchiha. Maybe they knew a back way in. Crows were very smart and had good memories, so it was definitely possible.

The crows were able to show her a back way in, and then further led her to an underground area full of scrolls.

Scrolls that would hopefully give her a better idea of what she was working with.

She had to stop after the third one and sit back to contain her nausea. She could handle a lot, but some of the plans here, were beyond even her strong stomach. They were talking about massacring most of Konoha. For what, a temporary respect? Fear? Did they want their own clan to be slaughtered? They couldn't fight against Konoha forever.

She managed to swallow back her bile to go back to reading. It recorded Itachi infiltrating ANBU to get information and be in the Hokage's good graces, Shisui growing increasingly stressed as more and more pressure was put on him as the friendliest and most open and obviously kind of the Uchiha.

All of it was recorded, recorded for history to see.

Tenten had to seal away every other scroll she found, unable to continue reading now. Maybe later when she inevitably woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares she still had regularly.

She was, of course, up in the middle of the night, as happened a lot. At least now she had enough free time to actually just get four hours of sleep at a time. Even if not all at night or even remotely in a row. She's getting enough sleep, she swears.

The one she was reading now was an investigation towards Shisui's death. His body was never found apparently, and despite the suicide note, Itachi was apparently a prime suspect. Couldn't they just leave well enough alone and let Itachi mourn his friend?

She would say it was sick, but she already knew that from the plans.

The crow currently in her room apparently sensed her distress from it and came over to demand cuddles. She was plenty happy to put the scroll down and oblige.


I would apologize, but I have opinions about Shisui and how badly he was jipped in the series, so I will not. ~LeViAcKeRmAnN