teikoku of the Kaen episode 22

*Ash going on a rampage*

*Ash is cloaked Kuroi honō*

( Lisa Creatividad )

That thing… is killing the other Akai hito.

Is that Ash? I have never seen him fight like this before.

( Akai hito )

Damn why our attacks don't work?!

( Eddie William )

Where is she?

There she is!

*Eddie grab Lisa Then put on a rooftop*

( Eddie )

Lisa! Are you alright?

*Kar appeared*

( Kar nozomi )

We're gonna get out of here.

*Akai hito is approaching ash*

( Kar )

What is that thing?

( Lisa )

Don't worry, that's ash.

( Eddie )


*Ash in attack mode*

*Akai hito rush at ash then get head blown off by ash while is left hand aoi honō burn off his fingers*

*Ash Heal then by using shīrudo heal mainichi*

( Kar )

Did you guys see that?!

( Eddie )

Yeah, as soon as he attacked he flamed his hand with aoi honō so the punch increased a pact.

( Kar )

While he is putting into work, we should go find the others.

( Ray Andāson )

Sorry for being late.

( Kar )

Huh!? Ray! Where have you been?!

( Ray )

I was traveling with my father.

I heard that you guys were fighting monsters so I came as soon as possible.

( Lisa )

Now you are here, let's move.

( Ray )

I have a question, is ash going to be ok?

( Kar )

Of course he is, look at him go.

*Ash is now cloaked with aoi honō*


( Lisa )

[Ash if it is really you, I hope you are still sane.]

*7 Akai hito are about to fight Ikari and tem*

( Ikari )

Alright then, come at me.

[Yeah that's right, i will protect Tem, and kill all of them.]

[Hehe...i will kill you all.]

*Akai hito about to attack but ash burn all of them*

( Ikari )


*Ash run away*

( Ikari )

Dare god! What the fuck is that?!

( Eddie )


( Kar )

Ikari, we got a plan!

So that thing right there that ash, i don't know why he turned African but don't ask.

We just let him go on a rampage on Akai and aoi hito and that's it!

And one good thing about it is that attacks don't work on him.

( Ikari )

No comment.

( Evîn Alvarez )

Is tem okay?

( Ikari )

As long as he doesn't die then yes he is.

*Evîn healing tem*

*Ash going rampage*

( Ray )

So when will he run out?

( Kar )

I don't know, I just see him like this.

( Rak Nozomi )

Finally, I found you guys.

*Mark, Henry, Owen and gato appeared*

( Mark )

Jesus this is tiring.

( Eddie )

Do you want me to heal you?

( Mark )

I would rather have a girl heal me but ok.

( Eddie )

Owen, why are you here?

( Lisa )

Wait, you know this guy.

( Eddie )

Yeah, he was with me on my trip.

( Owen vody )

Yes, Rico has sent both me and Gato.

*Rico appeared*

( Mark )

Master Rico!

( Rico Alvarez )

I heard that there was a monster in Azul, so I looked for my friend to help.

Mmm, where's Ash?

( Lisa )

So many things have happened that are hard to explain.

Right now he's on a rampage.

( Eddie )

We should probably look on to him.

( Lisa )


*Ash is on his knees*

( Henry Anderson )

What is he doing?

( Eddie )

Hey, look.

*The Murasaki, and aoi Jigoku no are entering ash body*

*Ash long sleeve button are burn*

*Lisa check up on ash chest*

( Henry )

Is he?

*Lisa hear Ash heart beat*

( Lisa )

He's alive.


( Ash Anderson )

What are these…saying?

Why do I…feel…damage?

These whispers…they sound like commitment.

( Akai Ash )

We have always been like this.

This is y'our world.

To live inside this universe.

We must make the decision to kill or you be killed.

Ash will do anything for his goal.

So step in his way, he will kill you.

You hear me.

( Ash )

I will kill you~.

*Eddie is holding ash*

*Ash finally have his conscious*

( Eddie )

You, good?

( Ray )

You're finally awake.

There is a problem, obviously.

( Eddie )

Listen, we gotta tell them everything.

They're terrified but they will understand.

( Ash )

Eddie wha-

( Rüütel )

Can you hear that?

( Rüütel 2 )

He said that he will kill us.

( Rüütel 3 )

There is not much you can make of that, son of bitch is one of them, you see!

( Ash )

[What is happening?]

[Why are they pointing their blades at us?]

[And why are they giving me that look?]

[Are they…terrified of…me?]

*Tem wake up*

( Kar )

You're finally up.

( Tem )

How long was I sleeping?

( Kar )

Not too long.

( Tem )

What about the others?

( Ikari )

They're fine, except for the Ash team.

( Tem )

What happened to them?

( Ikari )

It won't make sense in an ash situation if you see it.

We were driving to the Rak workplace, then Murasaki Rüütel came.

We thought that they would help but of course they always have a problem with their enemy.

Rak has no chance to reveal what is inside the truck.

Bastards won't care even if they are friendly, they are still suspicious.

( Tem )

Wait, why do they want to know ash is not hostile?

( Ikari )

I don't know.

Is it just the way it is?

( Jafien Creatividad )

Ash Anderson, Eddie William and Ray Andāson.

The three of you have committed an act!

Whether or not a swift execution depends on you!

( Ash )


( Jafien )

Any attempt to move where you stand now! Anything that I deemed that at least seen suspicious will meet with cannon fire! Do you understand!

Answer carefully! Ash Anderson, what exactly are you? Akai,Aoi hito or Kuroi hito?

( Ash Anderson )

[Why are they questioning me like that?]

[I'm always a Kuroi.]

[So why are they glaring at me like that?]

[It's like they are looking at me, like some kind of monster.]

[Or maybe that is what they think?]

Sorry sir, I don't understand!

( Jafien )

Stop playing dumb! Do you hear me, you blow up to show your true form!

( Ash )

What true form?

( Jafien )

We see you in aoi Jigoku no form while at monde grande.

While you friends over fleeing the murderer.

Killing your comrades, a aoi killing their own kind is an act of murder.

You are a threat to la Plata, so I will not waste any time!

So we want to ask you this question!

( Ray )

You know, i just got out of my murder days.

Trying to prove to people that I'm evil is pointless anyways.

( Ash )

Can someone explain to me what is happening?

( Eddie )

Ray, you can't take them all on.

Even if you took down a few, where are you going to go?

( Ray )

It doesn't matter, we were born killers from birth.

I don't give a damn what people think of me.

They are all the same.

( Eddie )

Ray please, they're just scared and confused.

We just need to calm them down.

( Ash )

[Am i the only one who doesn't understand what's going on?]

[Damnit why can't I remember what happened?]

[I feel sick and hot.]

[If I say the wrong thing, we are done.]

[Is this the area where I die? Kill by my own people?]

[He said something that I was in aoi Jigoku no form, but I never have aoi Jigoku no.]

[Is it possible that i can use more than one Jigoku no at the same time?]

( Jafien )

One more time! Are you a aoi or a Kuroi hito?!

( Ash )

[I don't know what to say, my life is not at stake.]

[I've always been a Kuroi hito.]

I'm Ash Anderson!


( Jafien )

So you say.

Forgive me.

all of us are not good.

*Jafien raise his left hand*

( Jay )

Eddie, protect ash.

( Ash )

He's going to shoot anyway.

*Eddie take up ash*

*Ash has a flashback*

*At the dinner table*

( Father )

Ash, I want to know…why do you want to become a teikoku?

( Ash )

It's simple dad, I want people to stop picking on each other because they are different.

I want a world where people would accept, be in the same place as each other, and talk formally to each other.

I want that world, and I will make it into a reality.

*Ash push Eddie off*

( Ash )

[No, I refuse to die like this!]

*Ash hold ray and Eddie*

( Ash )

[I will become a teikoku no matter if you like it or not!]

*Cannon fire*

*Ash create a giant spirit that his lower half on the ground*

*Spirit catch the cannon ball*

( Jafien )

Dear God.

( Spirit )

No one touches Ash Anderson.

*Evîn healing Ikari*

( Lisa )

I hope that Ash will make it.

( Ikari )

Don't worry, he's a Kuroi fine.

I'm sure a big ball will do no damage.

*Evîn slap Ikari*

( Ikari )

Damn girl! Why did you do that?!

( Evîn )

The girl over here is worrying and then you say to suck it up!

( Ikari )

You still have no reason to slap!

*Hear explosion*

( Henry )

What was that?!

( Mark )

Cannon ball.

( Tem )

Maybe they set it off by accident?

( Lisa )

Then why is there so much smoke?

*Henry,mark,tem and Lisa start run*

( Ikari )


( Evîn )

Hey, remember you need to stay put.

( Ikari )


*Everyone look terrified*

*On rooftop*

( Mark )

What the hell is that?

*The spirit reform*

( Jayleve Creatividad )

Sir what to do?

( jafien )

Let's see what they're doing.

Maintain your distance! All squad be alarmed they can strike anytime!

( Eddie )

What just happened?

( Ash )

I don't know.

I just picture any spirit.

Hard to tell that they are watching.

But it won't matter anyways.

Once the smoke is gone they will attack.

( Rüütel 4 )

Look, the smoke is clearing.

( Jafien )

Hold your fire!

*A gut went by*

( Ash )

Listen, I have a plan but I don't know if this will work.

Listen Eddie, I need your help.

( Eddie )

What do you want me to do?

( Ash )

I want you to approve of your innocence.

( Eddie )

What? But why me, I'm just aoi hito no one will believe that.

( Ash )

I know, but people will only believe not you nor Ray.

So telling them that you're on our side might be more believable than a Kuroi hito.

There is a reason why Murasaki hito is shujin even though they are descendants of akai and aoi hito.

And also this is a chance that there are some friendly aoi hito out there.

And if the plan didn't work then I two to escape as far as possible.

( Ray )

Nah, I'm staying here too whether or not if the plan fails I will be by your guys side.

( Ash )

Are sure about this


( Ash )

Eddie, you got 15 seconds to decide.

Think you can get it done?

Listen, I respect your opinion either way.

( Eddie )

Ash….why would you pick me in this situation?

( Ash )

The reason is because.

You're Eddie William.

I'm not you, I never even understand.

But if anybody in this world is trustworthy is you Eddie.

That is why I believe you.

( Eddie )

[Ash…thank you.]

[For being there.]

[To feel existing.]

[To feel welcome.]

[Thank you.]

[For putting your life on me!]

( Jayleve )

Sir the cannon is ready.

( Ash )

Eddie, we're out of time.

*Eddie walking out of the smoke*

*Eddie take off his gauntlet*

( Jafien )

H-hold your fire!

*Eddie raised his hand*

( Jafien )

What is the meaning of this!

( Eddie )

Ash is not an enemy! He's one of you.

( Jafien )

And how do we know you're not lying?!

And how we don't know that he forces you to say it?!

( Eddie )

Because when he's in Jigoku no form, the other akai attack!

All of them have an intent to kill him!

Which means that they see him as an enemy!

So Ash is on your side!

And that's a fact!

Now you think about it, he's right.

Yeah that makes sense.

It all makes sense.

It's true tho.

Maybe he's right.

( Jafien )

Prepare to attack!

Do, Don't! Fall into his words! All we know is that this is a trap! Remember that Kuroi hito 2 weeks ago incident!? He could be one of them!

I refuse to continue this behavior! Keep your arms checked!

( Eddie )

[It's hopeless.]

[He put fear over logic, he's too frightening to think it through.]

[Ash, Ray i-]

*Ash nod*

( Eddie )


*Eddie put his left hand to his right shoulder*

( Eddie )

My name is Eddie William!

And I have dedicated my heart to Rico Alvarez Shujin sir!

Nothing can make me prouder than to be by Master Rico Alvarez side for such a noble action!

There is a monster truck that will come here! To la Plata!

Heck it might target the castrum!

But there is a chance!

I believe that Ash Anderson will do it!

So if you can give us a chance we might be able to create a new history!

My purpose for living was for work with Ash Anderson! To be there!

And I will put my life on him!

Ash Anderson is not a foe to la Plata! Sir!

( Rak Nozomi )

Sir, can you see-

( Jafien )


[No, I will not fall into your words!]

[*raise left hand*I swear as a heitai*Ray glove is glowing* I will protect la Plata! Even if it is for the greater good!]

*Cyrillus stop Jafien hand*

( Cyrillus Alvarez )

Don't you see there is a bigger fright, Jafien Creatividad?

( Jafien )

M-Master Cyrillus Alvarez.

( Cyrillus )

Can you not feel his heart salute?

I only just arrived and I am quite aware of our situation.

Gather reinforcement, I think we can do these fellows a favor by hearing them out.

*uptop on la Plata church*

( Eddie )

[Cyrillus Alvarez, first rank shujin.]

[He's the master of kiiroi Rüütel and is known to be respectful of them.]

[He's over 300 years old and yet no one has surpassed him, not even Master Rico.]

[If anybody out of the shujin, I feel he's the most trusted worthy.]

( Cyrillus )

So not only was there a monster truck that is now heading towards la Plata, but the one who was behind it was the Akai and Aoi hito?

( Ash )

Yes sir.

( Cyrillus )

So I have a question? Can you stop it?

( Eddie )

Yes sir, I find a way to not only stop it but also bring it back where it came from.

( Ash )

Wait Eddie, what do you mean bring it back?

( Eddie )

Remember when we went to the Mylodon Cave and kýklos said be aware of the truck devil.

( Cyrillus )

So it means someone sent it here.

( Eddie )

Yes, but I don't know how it came here, but I do think that this is a coincidence.

But one thing I noticed sir.

( Cyrillus )


( Eddie )

Is that something no, a monster is the one driving.

When we fought in monde grande most of the time it was inside.

At the last moment that thing appeared to be huge, way bigger than an orcs.

But since that ash has the Murasaki Jigoku no in him, maybe there is a chance to copy that Okina to carry the truck and trap that thing forever.

( Cyrillus )

I do like that plan but there's one thing.

How long until we protect him?

( Eddie )

Since that ash is la Plata and he is going on foot.

It might take about 22 days.

( Cyrillus )

Is there another way to do it?

( Eddie )

...….. no, I'm sorry.

( Fumetsu Andāson )

Actually, there is a way.

( Ash and Eddie )


( Ray )

Dad, why are you here?

( Fumetsu )

Well it's simple, I'm just here because I really like Ash and it Really sad for my son to lose someone like Ash.

Now listen well.

I have the ability to stop time.

If I touch someone while stopping time they will move so I am by my side while he's carrying the truck devil.

( Cyrillus )

And how do I know you're not lying?

( Fumetsu )

I'm a very trusty man, after all I tell no lies.

( Cyrillus )

What you say, Ash?

( Ash )

See sir?

( Cyrillus )

Do you think you can do it Ash?

( Ash )

Well I…I don't know, it seems possible but I barely know how to use kaen the only thing I know is swing and absorb.

It's just.. a sore failure responsible to give you an answer.

Cause I really don't know.

( Cyrillus )

Ah yes, of course my apologies. I ask you the wrong question.

Can you do this, Ash Anderson, or not?

( Ash )


*Cyrillus and ash look at LA Plata*

*Ash stand up*

( Ash )

I'm going to save La Plata, Master Cyrillus Alvarez Shujin. I swear.

( Cyrillus )

Excellent said, you have the heart of a dragon.

*Cyrillus and ash walking*

*Cyrillus take sip of alcohol*

( Cyrillus )

Care for a sip?

( Ash )

Yes sir.

[Gulp] haaa.

( Cyrillus )


Take note! The truck monster is heading this way! The Akai and Aoi hito will also appear with the truck devil!

Our primary objective is to protect this person! 

Ash Anderson!

Don't let this appearance deceive you!

This young man is going to be one who will carry the truck monster! Once he used his Murasaki smoke rather than wallah! That's it!

Are you ready!

Yes Cyrillus Alvarez!

( Cyrillus Alvarez )

I can't hear you!!!!!

Yes Master Cyrillus Alvarez!!!!!!!!!!

( Henry )

Okay this is crazy.

( Mark )

Guess this guy knows how to hype people up.

( Ikari )

This sounds insane, I like it.

*Ash flying in the air*

*the truck devil fell off the*

( Ash )

I can do this.

I will do this.

We can do this!

*the truck devil fell on Ash and stop*

( Rüütel )

So… is he dead?

( Mark )

Nah, he's fine, Ash always finds a way.

( Henry )

But he gets cut so many times.

( Mark )

He will find what I said earlier.

*Ash is in darkness*

( Aoi Jigoku )

It's such a shame you can't get to kill them.

( Akai Jigoku )

What do you think is going to happen? Of course it will fail.

( Murasaki Jigoku )

After all, the plan was just too unlikely.

( aoi Jigoku )

I wish you could kill them all. ( Ken ) [muffle] Ash!

( Murasaki Jigoku )

Is such a stupid thing, I don't know why you have so much faith in it? ( Ken ) Ash!!

( Akai Jigoku )

Anything is power as long as the user feels it, that is why Nothing can replace me.

So how about you sleep, since waking is way more tiring. ( Ken ) Ash!!!

*Ash wake in the couch*

( Ash )

Man, why is today so hot?

*phone ringing*

( Ash )

Mm? We usually don't get house phone calls, I wonder how it is?

It's not like I want to become teikoku right….

*Ash pick up the phone*

( Ken Anderson )


Explain to me?

Why do you wake up in this world?

Freedom, friends, goals.

Why throw caution to the wind when you take the first step of moving forward?

( Ash )

What kind of questions is that?

You know the answer.

Stepping up stairs is a part of my life!

*all the Jigoku no turn to ash*

( Lisa )


*Ash lifting up the truck devil*

( Rak )

Everyone! Protect Ash!

( Ken )

Why throw caution to the wind when you take the first step of moving forward?

( Ash )

[Because, I will do anything to achieve my goal.]

*Evîn use mainichi shīrudo Sphere shield on Henry,  Mark and Ikari*

( Ash )

[Some say it's impossible, I'll show them!]

[Right in their face! I will make it reality.]

[Friends, freedom, goal, the whole bit, if I would achieve those things then that is what making progress is for.]

[Walk to live, even if you're in the lowest bottom.

*Fumetsu beside Ash and Evîn use mainichi shīrudo wall on ash*

( Ash )

[Doesn't matter if my legs are gone! I will climb those stairs!]

[I won't let anybody push me off those stairs even if they're big!]


*Ash is at Mylodon Cave*

( Evîn Alvares )

Do it now!

*shigo get out the truck*

( Ash )


*huge burst come out*

( Ash )

*Coughing* *sniff*

Did it work?

*shigo appear*

( Shigo Andāson )

Why didn't you die?

*shigo fire a ball of smoke at ash*

*Ash use mainichi shīrudo shield*

( Ash )

[Dammit why is he here?]

*shigo slice out Ash mainichi shield*

( shigo )

If you were dead I would get paid.

Now the plan is ruined.

( Ash )

[Why…why does his running look familiar?]

[Right, how could I forget Ken training?]

*Ash lighting his klyuch*

( Ash )

[13th dance of the Kuroi honō]

[Rainbow flame.]

*Ash slash shigo chest*

( shigo )


*Ash is pressuring shigo*

( Shigo )

[Damn why he's moving this fast?!]

[I thought his kaen ran out.]

*Ash cut shigo like a cross sign*

( Ash )

You're Finnish!!

*Ash ran out of Kuroi honō*

*shigo block it*

( Shigo )

*heavy breathing*

( Ash )

Sving! Ken! Anderson!

*Ash lighting up his klyuch by using Akai and aoi honō*

*Ash is breaking shigo sword*

( shigo )

Guh! [No, I can't die!]


( Ash )


( shigo )

[I will not die! I must for her!]

[If I die right here I won't see my daughter.]

[I will see-]

*Ash klyuch shape like a flaming dragon*

*shigo sword broke and get head cut off*

( shigo )

[I'm sorry Penavivir.]

[If only you would have been born with a good father, you would live happily.]

[I wonder if she needs my help for homework?]

( Evîn )

Ash! Ash!

*Evîn lift up Ash*

( Evîn )

Hey! You really did it.

Let's bring you back.

*At castrum*

( Rüütel )

Here he is your majesty.

( Christopher Anderson )

State your name.

( Ash )

Ash Anderson.

( Christopher )

I said! State! Your name!

( Ash )

My name is Ash Anderson!

( Christopher )

This boy right here is the savor of la Plata!


Ash Anderson!

Ash Anderson!

Ash Anderson!

Ash Anderson!

( Rico )

[There once was a Kuroi hito with strength.]

[He was able to make everyone bow before him.]

[And there was another Kuroi hito with strength.]

[He allowed everyone to raise their head to the sky.]

[I really wish I could see Ash at the end of the goal.]