Teikoku of the Kaen episode 23

*Ray in dixo deus*

( Alleo )

It looks like it's your first time here.

( Ray Andāson )

I was wondering when you will talk because you just disturb my dream.

( Alleo )

You actually dream?

There's a problem coming.

Your friends might be taking.

For you to decide which path you should take.

Will you go back or move on?

Can you stay in your spot or someone else will push you on.

These are things that you can decide that can change or stay, the way that you are.

*Alleo disappear*

( Ray )


*Ash doing his daily routine*

( Ash Anderson )

[It's crazy how so many things have happened in such a short time.]

[It started when I worked with Master Rico.]

*Ash walking to school*

( Ash )

[When I participated in the tournament, fighting with ikari was crazy.]

[Then I go up against a vody, go into a Mylodon Cave. That's when I experienced death then I found this key sword which is a klyuch.]

[Now that I look closer, weren't you a full fledged key? Why do you try to imitate a sword key?]

[Not just someone who is inside of this but it's Ken Anderson. My idle.]

[He taught me so many new things when I was in hell.]

[But i think i decided to let hatsukoi go.]

[Although it was fake, it felt like she was actually enjoying it.]

[Then I met Shujin Cyrillus Alvarez on the Same talk as him.]

[Felt like I was getting respect on another level.]

*At school*

( Ash )

[This felt like a journey but this is the beginning.]

( Evîn Alvarez )

buenos dias Ash.

( Ash )

Oh, Buenos días, Evîn.

( Evîn )

Ash, do you know that today is graduation?

( Ash )

Oh yeah, today is graduation.

( Evîn )

So any plans after this?

( Ash )

Mm, I guess I still want to work with Master Rico.

( Evîn )

I don't blame you, I too want to work with the most handsome kishi in the world.

( Ash )

Yeah, it's not gay if i did for 5 minutes right?

( Evîn )

[Suspicious laugh]

( Ikari Sosogu )

The fuck are you laughing at?

( Evîn )

Hey Ikari, are you ready for graduation?

( Ikari )

I really don't care, but since we get cake it's not a problem.

*Ikari and Evîn chatting while walking away*

( Tem Nozomi )

It can be like that sometimes.

( Ash )

I don't understand how he stands out from the rest?

( Tem )

It's natural for him, like how he resembles the light while you stay in the dark.

( Ash )

I guess that's a weird philosophy.

( Mark Alvarez )

Graduation, sheesh it felt like I just blink.

( Eddie William )

I never saw the day that I left this school.

( Ash )

Well it's one step away from becoming a rüütel.

Think about i much privilege we get and-

Oh yeah sorry Eddie you can't come.

( Eddie )

Oh don't worry it's fine.

( Mark )

I mean it's not like we can't see each other.

We can visit each other from time to time.

( Ash )

Yeah, you're right.

( Ray )

Hey, let's get moving. Graduation is about to start.

( Tem )


*At the locker room*

( Ash )

Oh wow, these ones look actually good.

( Henry Anderson )

Yeah, I like the color pattern on the clothes.

( Mark )

Aye yo check me out.

( Ash )

Sheesh! Bro got drip.

( Jon )

Everyone, graduation is about to begin! Get your stuff ready!

*At the graduation party*

Holy crap is graduation!

Yeah it's happening.

I want to see how these people are.

I believe that hot dude will leave this.

You mean Ray?

( Mr.Wane )

Attention everyone.

We are now presented as the saviour of the other school.

Now you may come.

*Ash, Ikari, tem, ray, mark, Lisa, Evîn, kar, Eddie and Henry walk out*


( Ash )

[This is?]

( Henry )

Hey, let's move.

( Mr.Wane )

Ikari Sosogu, the child who is the legendary swordsman, but not only you're also very diligent.

I hope your future will be at its peak.

*Little applause*

( Ikari )

Clap harder!

*Loud applause*

( Mr.Wane )

Tem Nozomi, you are a very good child that shows that strength and privilege doesn't matter as long as you are self confident.

I hope in the future you still have that moral.

( Tem )

Thank you.


( Mr.Wane )

Ray Andāson, one of the best students of Missouri.

I Bless your youth lifestyle.

( Ray )

Thank you Mrs.Wane.

*Big applause*

( Mrs.Wane )

Mark Alvarez.

( Mark ) yeah.

( Mr.Wane )


( mark ) uh huh.

( Mrs.Wane )


( Mark )


( Mrs.Wane )


( Mark )


( Mrs.Wane )

And fast.

( Mark )


( Mr.Wane )

These are the things that you have yet you don't abuse them. You are a very neutral person.

Don't let it get to your head.

( Mark )

Alright, I won't.


( Mrs.Wane )

Lisa Creatividad, even though you're the daughter of Shujin Belleza, you still put in effort to work and show bravery in the battlefield.

You are truly the daughter of Shujin Belleza.

( Lisa Creatividad )

Thank you so much sir.

*Loud applause*

( Mrs.Wane )

Evîn Alvarez showed us that strength and recognition aren't the only thing in the battlefield.

You are a talented person and I hope you keep working hard.

( Evîn )

Thanks sir.


( Mrs Wane )

Kar nozomi although you don't do so much you still give your life to others.

With further training, you can be a top warrior.


( Mrs Wane )

Henry Anderson, a very cunning student that knows how to play with his cards right, is good at almost everything yet so humble.

Please continue this way or better yourself in future.

*Loud applause"

( Henry )

I really shouldn't get this much praise but thanks.

( Mrs Wane )

Eddie William even though you're an enemy and destroyer yet you choose passive.

You even go out of your way to show that there are still different Aoi hito.

Please continue this way.

( Eddie )


*No applause*

( Eddie )

[Of course I'm still an outcast.]

*Ash clapping*

( Ash )

Yeah Eddie! I'm so proud of you!

*Everyone look confused*

*Eddie friends starting to clap*


( Ash )

I feel like I raised a son.

( Mrs.Wane )

Ash Anderson. Kind, strong and recipients these are the traits that make you stand out from the rest of others.

Keep working hard.

( Ash )

To the new grades, keep pushing and you will make the boulder fall!

*Loud applause*

( Ash )

[Yeah, this truly is the beginning.]

*At doença placs*

( Amrak Andāson )

Esarime, tell me why our plan keeps failing?

( Sakkaku Sosogu )

And the thing is, it's the same people too.

( Crear )

Each time we have a plan Rico is always on our backs.

( Amrak )

Esarime, is this plan of yours worth it?

( Sean Murphy )

So are you doubting our purpose?

( Amrak )

I'm cautious if our team can last long.

Our plan keeps failing and we want to know if it is worth the risk.

( Esarime Andāson )

Do you forget what we agree on?

( Amrak )

Yes, it was to get all the mainichi right?

For that "thing" of yours.

But we haven't seen one.

( Esarime )

Well actually I just found one, this girl right here.

*Complications of Evîn using mainichi

( Esarime )

I wasn't interested until she used 3 different kinds of shīrudo.

Normally you can wield two sukiru but this girl used three.

So this means that this girl has mainichi shīrudo.

You see there was a reason why I targeted la Plata not only to destroy the castrum but to expose who has a mainichi.

( Sean )

Sakkaku, kill this girl and retrieve the mainichi.

( Sakkaku )

You know I don't really care about this but esarime is making this plan interesting.

That is why I appreciate you, Esarime.

( Esarime )

Thank you.

( Sakkaku )

Goshin, come with me, we have a duty to make.


*Ash walking*

( Ash )

Man, I don't know why but does my body feel like it's light?

Feel like my back is lighter than before.

Huh? Evîn and Ikari are sitting on a couch?

You know these two are getting closer with each other.

( Ikari )

Finally school is over.

I can get away from these idiots.

( Evîn )

What about me?

( Ikari )

No not you, you fine i guess.

( Evîn )

So how about we go to kota beach, and hunt that monster that appearing on social media.

( Ikari )

How about chill off the monster and enjoy our summer?

( Evîn )

Wow ikari turn off a fight? That's rare.

You know ikari your always rebellious but deep down your very obedient.

( Ikari )


( Evîn )

Huh? *Laugh*

*Ikari smile*

( Ash )

[Ikari smile?]

[I guess you mature, ikari.]

*Sakkaku and goshin approach*

( Sakkaku )

It's so sad that i wipe a laugh away.

( Ikari )

You, who are you?

( Goshin )

We are here to kill you.

*Sakkaku created a smoke*

*Evîn fire at them*

*Goshin use shīrudo sphere shield sukiru*

( Goshin )

Alvarez, of course.

( Sakkaku )

I'll take the girl on.

*Sakkaku behind Evîn*

( Evîn )


*Sakkaku fling Evîn*

*Goshin fire at Ikari*

*Ikari reflect them by using Shiroi honō*

( Ikari )

What's the matter? First time seeing white flames?

( Goshin )

My kaen don't work i guess i use without it.

*Ikari and goshin are fighting*

*Ikari landing 3 blow*

*Ikari fires at goshin*

*Evîn and Sakkaku*

( Evîn )

[What was that just now?]

[It didn't look like it was a sukiru.]

[And why he's holding a big scissors?]

*Evîn rush at Sakkaku*

( Sakkaku )

Running full force at your enemy isn't wise girl.

*Sakkaku swing but evîn dodge up*

*Evîn do a axe kick, Sakkaku dodge*

*Evîn blasting at Sakkaku, Sakkaku dodge*

*Sakkaku kick Evîn*

*Evîn use kōgeki blast sukiru at Sakkaku*

( Sakkaku )

[This girl is not bad.]

*Evîn hovering while use kiiroi honō*

*Evîn attacking Sakkaku multiple area*

*Evîn landing one hit at Sakkaku*

( Evîn )

[8th dance of the Kiiroi unarmed.]

[Fury lighting.]

*Evîn creating lighting in her hand*

( Sakkaku )

That look frightened.

*Sakkaku dodge by a scratch*

( Sakkaku )

[She's fast!]

*Evîn chasing Sakkaku*

*Ikari winning against goshin*

( Goshin )

[Damn, i get the worst match up.]

[Not only i can't use my kaen but this person is good fighter!]

( Ikari )

BYou look your struggling.

( Goshin )

We'll see.

*Ikari use supīdosukiru frame*

*Ikari kick goshin face*

*Ikari is beating goshin*

( Ikari )

I win.

I won't kill you since I need information from you.

So tell me, how sent you?

( Goshin )

Shouldn't you worried about your girl?

Once we completed our mission we-

*Ikari knock out goshin*

( Ikari )

Don't breath next to me peasent.

( Sakkaku )

[I'm lucky since she can't use it long range.]

[All i have to do is-]

*Sakkaku gets Pierce.

( Sakkaku )

Oh my, This girl knows how to fight.

I better stop playing.

( Evîn )

[Damn, he's a mixed breed.]

[This fight is already hard.]

*Sakkaku teleport behind evîn an slash her shoulder*

( Evîn )


*Sakkaku is punishing Evîn*

( Evîn )

[Damn i can't keep up!]

[I must come up with a plan!]

*Ikari looking for evîn*

( Sakkaku )

Running will not give you avantage.

*Evîn fire a high thunder to the ground*

( Evîn )

Did I get him?

*Sakkaku stab Evîn chest*

( Evîn )

[But how?]

( Sakkaku )

You are probably wondering, "how does he get behind me?"

Well you see the person who you are fighting with Allusions of myself.

Once everybody in the same area will fall into my illusion.

So basically you don't even do damage to me.

*Ikari fire at Sakkaku*

*Sakkaku knock ikari*

( Sakkaku )

I don't need you.

*Evîn is dead*

*Mainichi come out of Evîn*

( Sakkaku )

Get up, the mission is complete.