
"I missed you too, Nhamso. Where have you been all this time? Are you okay?" her mother asked, her voice sounding worried. Even though she had seen with her own eyes that she was in good condition. But she still asked.

"I'm fine, mom." Phoenix stretched her arms, pulling away to look directly into his mother's eyes which were filled with worry. Her heart sank. "Are you okay too, mom?" and this time she took two steps back, so she could examine her in its entirety from head to toe. After making sure she was okay, only then did she feel relieved.

She had not had the chance to ask Ru Qing how his mother ended up here. but from her attitude she already knew, the nature of that one friend. nothing can be separated from her nature which is always attentive from various aspects. That's what makes them both suitable for each other and can depend on each other.

"I'm fine, ohh.... dear..." and her mother hugged her again. this time tighter than before. "I was really worried about you, Nhamso. What happened? Where are we?" without waiting for her to ask directly. She did not dare to ask Ru Qing where her daughter was. She didn't dare ask where they were, all she knew was that this place felt very safe, away from the whispers of fights going on in her house.

Phoenix sighed, smiling. She pulled away from her mother's embrace. "Let's sit down first, mom" she invited.

The two stepped over and sat down on the bench where her mother had sat earlier. Still holding each other's hands. Phoenix smiled. "This is my friend's house, Mother" so clearly, she couldn't possibly say that this was the residence of the legendary Phoenix Bird in the heaven. It's okay to lie a little... as long as she doesn't reveal the secrets of the universe. To the living beings on earth. "She was kind enough to help when she found out about the disaster we were experiencing at home, and I myself went to look for other help to build our slightly destroyed house, sorry for worrying about me, mother" she bowed hers head sadly. If she could tell her mother, how worried she was for her mother's safety when she was taken by force by Nuba.

"It's okay Nhamso, as long as you're okay, that's enough" her mother replied feeling relieved after being tense for so many days, worried about her daughter. Only now could she feel relieved and grateful that they had survived the calamity that had appeared.

And they spent the morning talking each other. Phoenix patiently listened to her mother tell how she lived in the Phoenix residence and was taken care of by Ru Qing so well. Sometimes she felt bad for troubling her. But the answer she gets is always a warm welcome from people she just met. Who claimed to be her daughter's friend. Even though she knows all her daughter friends. And this was the first time she had met her, but she had been very nice to her so far. she continued to tell, how she felt shocked when she woke up from fainting in her house and woke up in an unfamiliar and foreign place. Until the moment she was waiting in this bench. waiting for her daughter to come. Because that was what Ru Qing had said to her.

"Mom, I think we should go home. Our house has been renovated" Phoenix conveyed the good news. without the need for her to ask. Of course, Ru Qing had already cleaned up the mess in her house, which returned things to how they were before. With the aim of not wanting to attract the attention of local residents.

"Yeah, I miss our house too" she replied smiling happily.

"But before that let's have breakfast first, my friend has already prepared breakfast, and threatened not to talk to me for a week if I refuse" Phoenix said shyly. She managed to lie white karma to her mother. But inside she pouted, as much as possible she didn't want to lie to her mother at this time, but she had no other choice.

And the two of them got up from the chair and stepped into the Phoenix residence.

Phoenix, her mother in this life, Xuan Ti and Ru QIng had breakfast heartily, without any worries. In the dining room, Phoenix had to lie to his mother again, by introducing Xuan Ti as another friend, who helped them.

After breakfast, Phoenix and his mother got ready to go home to their home on earth. And Xuan Ti smoothly offered himself to escort them. After everything is ready. The three of them got on the horse that once opened the door. The horse was already waiting for them.

Xuan Ti himself sat on a horse, while Phoenix and her mother sat on the same horse. Of course, this had to be done considering that Xuan Ti would use his power to, in plain view, teleport the three of them, without having to make Mrs. Nhamso suspicious. After all, the secrets of the heavens must not leak to the earth.

When all was ready, and all had sat on the horses. They pulled the reins and with a leisurely trot, the two horses left the Phoenix residence. not forgetting to say goodbye to Ru Qing at the door. Take them along with a big smile and a friendly wave.

Approximately after an hour, the neighing of horses was heard. Indicates they have arrived in front of her house on earth. Precisely in the country of Tham, in the city of Lhasase. Her mother was very happy to have returned to her home. Without her noticing, her memories of Xuan Yuan and Chi You's fight had been erased by Phoenix midway through, just before Xuan ti teleported them to earth. And when finished they were already on earth, not far from her house.

Her mother immediately entered the house, with a happy atmosphere, without the slightest awkwardness. And entertained Xuan Ti into the house. And all back as before.

Phoenix lived her life role as Nhamso. And Xuan Ti carried out the role of his life as the heir to the Chi You throne in the Banquan palace. Xuan Yuan withdraws the Tham country colonization order. So that Tham returned to live free from colonialism. The monasteries that were destroyed by Chi You with the aim of misleading the people of Tham country and indoctrinating their beliefs by creating a modern society and ignoring the beliefs held by Tham country, were rebuilt by Tham country officials, of course with the help provided by Banquan Country.

At first Tham State officials were suspicious of Banquan Country's good intentions. From a colonial country, it turned into a country that donated aid. This was because the old ruler had been overthrown according to Xuan Yuan's confession, and after the umpteenth time Xuan Yuan offered help that seemed sincere, the hearts of the Tham state officials melted and accepted the favor. both in terms of rebuilding a country that was almost abandoned into a prosperous country in the next few years, Xuan Yuan also gave knowledge of strategies to build a strong and sturdy government, so that it would not be easily overthrown by other neighbouring countries in the future.

On every visit to Tham, in an effort to help build the country's again, Xuan Ti always steals time between his activities to come see Phoenix and spend time with her.

Days passed, one problem after another being solved with Xuan Ti's skillful lead. It doesn't feel like a year has passed.

After seeing the two countries in a prosperous and peaceful state, Xuan Yuan and Nhamso. Decided to get married. This marriage was for the sake of strengthening the defense of the two countries and merge into one country with the name Barma.

Xuan Yuan ruled Barma Country as he ruled the Yellow Kingdom 2000 years ago, with the same glory, prosperity and security. It is undeniable that he has had leadership blood for thousands of years. Of course, he was very proficient in various strategies and made Barma Country even more prosperous than it already was and lived peacefully until Xuan Yuan and Nhamso's lifetime ended on earth.

They left the earth and the leadership of the Barma country in the expertise of their children who were born from their marriage. Of course, their child would be an ordinary human, considering that both Xuan Ti and Phoenix reincarnated on earth and were in ordinary human form.

Their soul looks with satisfaction towards their children in protecting and preserving the country of Barma. And returned to the Phoenix residence quietly.

Ru Qing greeted with great joy the return of the two of them to the heavenly eternal life. They did not forget to face the celestial emperor, giving info if they had returned to life in the heaven.