Why me?

"The despair that I felt, that was due to my inability to see clearly the real crux of the problem at that time, made Hai Jian vent his anger and hatred to create an illusion that seemed real but wasn't. In the end, Hai Jian felt guilty, if only I could be more patient and mature at that time. at least I could unlock the darkness of his anger and prevent him from committing the abomination he committed at that time. And for the second time he also repeated the same incident in our lives during the golden era of the dragon king, the massacre he did during the yellow kingdom. And it all ended the last time he looked at me, in the celestial palace. Seeing her eyes filled with guilt and wanting to fix it. In that moment I forgave him when my tear fell lamenting his departure "

Phoenix tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes profusely, causing her vision to blur. She winked, letting the tears flow, and clearing her eyes. Her hand that was still caressing Xuan Ti's cheek, was stop for a moment, cupping his cheek "I forgave him, and in that moment, I felt lighten, clear, as clear as water in a pool of virtue. My inner darkness is gone and replaced with a pure soul, as pure as the clear sky in the morning. Phoenix smiled happily, in the end she could understand everything. Thanks for the journey in the universe. Not only did she manage to overcome her inner darkness. But she had also seen countless incidents that all beings in the cosmos had experienced, and so she resolved that she would use various means to help them get out of the delusions in every sentient being. She promised herself that she would not stop until all beings were freed from the delusions, which tightly gripped their souls and were reluctant to let go.

"You did well Qing-qing, I'm proud of you" at the end, Xuan Ti moved his face close to Phoenix, kissing on her lips which felt soft and sweet to him. And he will never get tired of feeling it again, again and again.

They lay down for a little longer, until both had had enough, and were ready to face and live their lives, as they wanted, in each other's warm embrace. Live quietly, peacefully, and happily.

That morning, the weather was always clear in the sky, but it felt brighter than usual. The serenity that is always present at the Phoenix residence does not make people feel bored but will feel calm and peaceful, as if your soul is filled with freshness and warmth, which is offered from the owner of the residence, namely Phoenix, a legendary and mystical bird. Who lives happily together with the legendary war of God who is also the king of dragons in the four directions of the world. Xuan Ti is determined to help Phoenix work and play a role in maintaining balance and prosperity in the universe. And they will be happy to do it. Because nothing makes them happier than seeing the happy face of a soul being freed from defilement.


A far from the serenity and peace that was offered at the Phoenix residence. in the valley of the bamboo forest where the air is always fresh when inhaled into the nose thirsty for peace. A man sits on a rock, neither too high nor too low. He sat there very quiet and peaceful. His face was bright and showed satisfaction with the achievement he had done. Closed eyes enjoyed the sound around, bringing him to a feeling of reluctance to leave there, but he knew this was not his final destination he wanted. He sat there waiting and waiting patiently. Until a soft and graceful voice sounded in his ear. Sending out a stream of serene energy immeasurable.

"You did your job well Hai Jian, you didn't disappoint me," said the voice. and Hai Jian smiled broadly. He opened his eyes and now felt clearer and bright. There he saw a figure he had been waiting for, sitting across from him. Sitting on a white cloud floating in the air. Sit with an authoritative charisma, warm, gentle, and loving. A mother figure for all children in the universe, a figure who will always be the last port of call for lost children, whom she hopes to bring back. And here he was, he had been successfully led back by her. With infinite patience.

He thought he was beyond help, he thought his soul did not deserve forgiveness for what he had done. But he was wrong. "I could have used that pearl to rule the celestial palace and sit on the throne, presiding over it in my cold and brutal style."

"Yes, you can, but you don't do it" replied the figure in front of him still in a soft and affectionate voice, as if that attitude was a characteristic that would always accompany her. Wherever and wherever she is.

"Why me?" he asked with curiosity evident in his eyes "The Supreme Goddess herself knows clearly, what I wanted and did in the golden era of the dragons, was it a test?" to speak, he had a thousand doubts about himself, when the Supreme Goddess assigned him a task and gave him an object that he could have been tempted to take for himself.

Who will not be tempted by the greatest power that has ever existed in the universe. It was just given to them.

"Because it's you, and I entrust it to you" replied the Supreme Goddess, she said without giving further explanation.

Xuan Lung's brow furrowed deepened, he recalled the time he was saved by the Phoenix from the labyrinth of lost soul introspection. As the two split up and went to their respective destinations. As he watched the Phoenix figure leave Infront of him. He headed for the Northern dragon palace, his residence palace. When he got there, the palace was chilly, sinking beneath his thick, warm skin. How could it not be, the figure of a dragon is a strong and warm figure, even though his palace is deep in the depths of a vast, cold, and dark ocean. His feelings raged, seeing the state of his palace. Though not destroyed like he did to other dragon castles, in an attempt to plunder their dragon pearls. And become the strongest and greatest ruler in the universe.

It's a shame that didn't happen. And now he was stranded here, in his solitary residence palace. He felt lonely, even though basically he liked and enjoyed being alone, but what he was feeling right now went beyond that. something is missing and he looking for what it is.

And amidst the turmoil he was feeling, a voice called him "Hai Jian".

He turned around and there, a female figure stood elegantly, her face shining extremely brilliantly amidst the humidity and cold of the northern dragon palace. Dressed in all white and her skin that also looks brilliant, the smile on her face seems to make people lulled by the melodious music. So that makes people want to always be close to her, because of the affection she always shows.

Xuan Lung immediately bowed his head, showing his respect for the being revered by all beings. "Supreme Goddess" he greeted. "It's an honor for me, for you to be here" he continued with his body still bowing.

Without wasting any time and going around in circles, the supreme Goddess spoke directly, her purpose for coming to him. "I have a task for you".

Xuan Lung straightened his body, his face looked confused, the wrinkles on his forehead were visible. "A task for me?" he asked in disbelief and confusion. The figure of the Supreme Goddess being able to appear in front of everyone is extremely rare, let alone giving a task. What an important task, that made the Supreme Goddess come looking for him. His face was filled with puzzles.

And once again, without wasting time, the Supreme Goddess directly opened her empty palm, but the next instant a pearl appeared there. And Xuan Lung's eyes immediately widened open, startled.

It was Xuan Ti's dragon pearl, because it also made him lose his mind, betrayed his dragon friends, plotted a rebellion, but his plan failed. Not only did he fail, but he also ended up trapped in a labyrinth of introspection of lost souls.

Without him noticing, Xuan Lung's right hand moved on its own. With open palms facing upwards. In the next second, the Pearl that was in the palm of the Supreme Goddess appeared into him palm. It didn't end there, the Supreme Goddess' next words made him even more confused.

"In time, you know what to do with those pearl" the Supreme Goddess' voice was clearer. Her words are short, solid but confusing.

Before Xuan Lung could ask what the words of the Supreme Goddess meant. He raised his head intending to ask more clearly, but the Supreme Goddess' figure was no longer in front of him. Just disappeared into thin air. Just as she came, she appeared into thin air.

His eyebrows knit deeper, confused. Why? what is the reason for the Supreme Goddess to just give up an object that he really wanted to have and couldn't, but now it came by itself without him having to look for it, even taking it by force.

All he knew, back then. his heart fluttered, between tempted by the seduction of superpowers or the Supreme Goddess, 'does it mean he was asked to keep it, but why? Where is Xuan Ti, this pearl belongs to him, this pearl should be returned to him, but why did the Great Goddess give it to him' and how could this pearl be in her possession. Did something happen to Xuan Ti? Or did he know that one day, it would be Nuba who sought and claimed his dragon pearl? Just like he did 2000 years ago. He thought hard, a puzzle he had a hard time solving. In the end, he decided to put it away for the time being, as he searched for the meaning of the Supreme Goddess' words.

The Supreme Goddess' words woke him up from his reverie. "I know, you have a pure heart, Hai Jian".

"Is that why, the Supreme Goddess entrusted the task or rather I could say a test for my heart?" Xuan Lung's question that he shouldn't have asked, in fact it was obvious that he didn't have to be asked. And it was even more obvious with no response from the Supreme Goddess, but all he received was a loving smile from her.

"Since you have completed your task, where will you go?" asked Supreme Goddess even though she already knew the answer she would receive, and the reason behind it. but she still asked just to give another test. Nothing can be hidden from the figure of the Supreme Goddess.

Hearing the Supreme Goddess' question, Xuan Lung sighed. The thing he had been waiting for had arrived. He straightened his upper body but still in a sitting position. By making up his mind saying "I want to disappear from existence!" short and clear. His face was without the slightest emotion, but calm.

"Are you sure?" Supreme Goddess confirming.

"Yes," replied Xuan Lung. This time he was sure, more sure than before. The task given to him has been completed. The most important thing is that Phoenix lives happily with the man of her choice. That was more than enough for him.

"As you wish" said the Supreme Goddess, and with one wave of her left hand. Xuan Lung's body began to fade, his face showed a smile of joy, his wish finally came true. There was no longer any remorse visible on his face. His soul seemed to be pure and seemed calm. His figure faded more and more and eventually disappeared without a trace. Disappeared to existence and will never appear again.

No one knew how Xuan Ti Dragon Pearl came to be in the hands of the Supreme Goddess. She knows everything and will show up when she is most needed. Sentient beings only need to have faith in her, then they will always feel close to her.

The End