chap. 2 - Time Does Not Stop

Let's skip the whole boring part about being a baby.

I am now five years old, a rather handsome boy, according to Shizune. My hair is black, with a few red tips. I asked Shizune to cut it very close at the sides and leave the top as it was, then I dyed it blond to look more like Grandma Tsunade, the problem is that the ends still have a bit of red in them. Black eyes, tan skin, and since Grandma Tsu is always running, I have a good physique already at that age. (Imagine Ryuji Yamazaki as a child, this is how I look).

"Come on Nox, we have to get to the tea village fast, there will be a big bet..., I mean, there will be a big meeting there, and I need to see my friends again" Tsunade shouts at me, trying to make me run even more. She sometimes forgets that I am only five years old.

Five years old, and I must give you some important information. Grandma doesn't suffer from blood phobia anymore, since at my birth, she had to face it a lot, and since her concern for me and Mom were bigger than her fears at that moment, it was the key that changed her thoughts and now she even does some jobs to earn more money.

Another piece of information, Shizune treats me like a younger brother, and that made Grandma get even closer to the girl, it's been a while since she's been Grandma Tsu for her too.

Tsunade only lets me train chakra control, she says that no matter how much I train it, my basic jutsus will always be a mess, thanks to my absurd chakra level.

After 2 days, we arrive at Tea Village, where Grandma rushes off to the "meeting of old acquaintances," leaving me and Shizune at an inn. Of course, both Shizune and I didn't stay long and went to the forest to train.

Never, ever, under any circumstances, stand in Shizune's way when she starts training. I learned this the brutal way when I was 4 years old. She remains the loving and gentle girl she always was, but when it involves a fight or her training, it seems the girl becomes possessed.

I must admit that this is my fault. I started my tree climbing training a year ago, and have been doing it ever since, and of course as it got easier, Grandma would put on weights, or throw something at me, come talk to me, or try somehow to break my concentration. But when she tried with Shizune, she always succeeded, unlike me. Which led her to this, to be completely committed to what she's doing, and to become irrational if someone gets in the way.

Two days later.

"Nox, now that you are used to climbing trees, let's move on to the next training topic, walking on water. Grandma tells me in the morning, as she takes us to a nearby river. "The method is the same, but since the river changes its surface a lot, due to the current and obstacles in the water, the difficulty is much greater. She sits down in a tree while reading her journal, and I go to the river.

Shizune prepares some tea for her, they are both sitting, Grandma is explaining something from the diaries to Shizune to improve her medical skills and so time passes.

On the days when Grandma is not throwing her money away, she is teaching Shizune. And multiplying the difficulty of my training even more.

"Nox, we are going back to Konoha, where you will join the shinobi academy founded by my grandfather, your bisa. I don't know how the grade is, but at least you will learn something and you can make friends there, so pack your things and let's go" Grandma tells me, who is already ready for the trip. "Of course it won't be just a simple trip, you will be training all the time, take these leaves and while we run, you keep them attached to your body with chakra."

5 months go by, as close as the Tea Village is to Konoha, I still have to train in this slow way, which makes it even harder to move, and not only that, every moment I started to get used to it and speed up the pace, Grandma would add something else.

With this training I realized important things. First, I now have the ability of perception, and a good one. Second, my control is precise, so I am ready to learn jutsus and not waste chakra. Third, Grandma wants to wait to get to Konoha, so she can access the Senju library and give me the Fuinjutsu scrolls and elemental techniques.

I still don't know what affinities I have, but I'm not worried at the moment, I just want my life to be good and I can be with Grandma and her sister Shizune. And of course, if any guy tries any funny business with them, I will kick him in the balls.

Oh yes, I didn't tell them. I am a reincarnate, yes, very cliché, right? But you see, I didn't meet a ROB or God or any entity that provided me with wishes and stuff. I guess it was just a natural passage of my spiritual being into the next life. Who knew right. Of course, if I had a choice, I would go to the MCU or DC. MCU because I'm a fan of Hawkeye and Black Widow, and DC because I hate the flying rat I really wanted to kick his ass.

Anyway, at the gates of Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama, welcome back to Konoha." Says the guard.

"Thank you, please register the entry of Shizune Katõ and Nox Senju, my grandson."

The guards look at the child, black clothes, hair cut on the sides black, on top a yellow with red tips, in short a future trouble maker. They expedite the procedure and release our entry. We take six steps into Konoha.

"Lady Tsunade, Hokage requests your presence." A ninja in black clothes and a mask is kneeling in front of her.

"Tell the old man I'll be right there, first I will stop by my residence, and after I have some tea and rest from the long trip, I will attend." Says Grandma with a disgust in her voice that I have never heard before.

The ninja disappears before my eyes, which I think is pretty cool, but he doesn't disappear from my perception, which made me calm from the beginning. I understood his arrival, but what good is it if I don't know anything about fighting, nor have a weapon.

"You perceived him right kid, so you didn't get scared or anything like that" My grandmother is giving me that mocking look that she knows better.

"Yeah, I noticed him when he was in that building coming towards us. Since I didn't sense malice or anything like that, I didn't do anything." I show the building 50 yards away from us.

"As if a kid could defeat an Anbu, not to mention I didn't teach him anything about combat, so it would be impossible anyway." She speaks to me trying to make fun of me.

"Grandma, you're forgetting that even a cornered rat, when in desperation, attacks. If he won't live, then why not take the other one with him? "If for some reason I had felt malice towards you or Shizune, I would jump on him without blinking, at least it would serve as a warning to you." I tell her with a smile.

She looks at me, smiles, gives me a kiss on the forehead, takes my hand and I quickly take Shizune's hand and we go to the Senju compound.