chap. 3 - Who doesn't like animals?

When we enter the compound, we are faced with an abandoned place, a little dried blood here and there on the ground, and the house totally marked by time. Nobody has taken care of the place for a long time, and from the bloodstains, I can assume that they tried to break in, but fell into the traps and gave up.

Granny and Shizune create several clones and start cleaning the place, while their main bodies go to clean their rooms. She leads me to one, and tells me to leave it to my liking, after all "This is your home now" she says with a slight pride in her voice, but with sadness in her eyes.

I just clean up the place, since the room is quite simple. It has a good bed, a desk, closet, closet, an adjoining bathroom, everything I need for my daily life.

After the house is clean and tidy, and a good cup of tea to take the tiredness out of my body, we go to meet the Hokage. To be quite honest, as a reincarnated person, I am not a fan of his, I find him too dependent on a friendship long weakened and destroyed by his own greedy friends. But as an inhabitant of this world, without really knowing him, I will not judge. The story is written based on what we need, not on absolute truth.

As we enter the office, Grandma sits on the sofa as if she were the owner, Shizune makes a helpless face, I am confused, and the Hokage is looking at her with his affectionate smile.

"At last you decided to come back Tsunade, I hope you are better from your phobia. Konoha needs your help a lot," he says unceremoniously. Point to him, I like direct people.

"Yes old man, I am back. As for my phobia, it has improved a little, but I don't want to test how much. I will help in any way I can, but first, I need you to enroll my grandson in ninja school."

Seeing the exchange between them, my gaze becomes more confused, until I remember that this is about teacher and student, which makes me wonder what else I might be missing by not paying attention to the details.

It may sound strange, but it is normal with time, you forget details about people, even more when this information is not remembered in conversations, I never asked Grandma how she was as a child or who taught her about things, it was always more how she is and not how she was. As the saying goes, the past is gone, the present should be lived to the fullest, so that the future will be better.

He signs some papers, hands them to grandma. "Classes start in 2 months, he has time to get to know Konoha and its places better, as well as prepare for the school tests." he looks at me, assessing me up and down, and turns back to grandma. "Whose son is he?"

"He is the son of Sara Senju and Denka Uzumaki Grandma Mito's nephew." she replies.

"I remember them, Sara was a super strong and talented kunoichi, and Denka was so fast, he was compared to the Fourth Hokage. They were good kids." he puffs the smoke from his pipe with his sad face. "I hope you carry the will of fire in you, just like your parents." he says smiling at me.

And so we leave the office and go back to the Senju compound.

Sarutobi POV ------------

As I watch Tsunade leave with her "grandson", the office door opens and my old friend Danzo enters.

"Sarutobi, give me the Senju boy, I can train him to make the most of his talent."

"For me, the answer is no, but feel free to talk to Tsunade, she would love to hear your proposal." Sarutobi replies with a smile.

With that Danzo turns around, as he reaches the door, "You're making a mistake Sarutobi." and he walks out slamming the door as he passes.

"Yes, I made a mistake yes, not curbing your greed Danzo, my old friend." says Sarutobi in an inaudible voice as he lets out smoke.

Nox POV -----------

As we walk through the village, with grandma showing me the sights, we see a blond boy, dressed in orange, being beaten by three children, while a little girl watches in fright.

I give Shizune my best puppy dog look, "Help the boy, please sister. If I knew how to fight, I would have broken all 3 of them long ago."

She looks at me helplessly, but does as I asked, she picks up the children and throws them away from the boy, and begins to tend to the boy's injuries.

The 3 children seeing that they could no longer beat the boy, run away from there.

I approach them. "Sister, how is the boy?" I ask Shizune worriedly. She turns to me, with her reassuring look, "He is only with minor injuries, nothing to worry about."

Grandma comes close to the girl, observes her a little, "Why didn't you 3 ninjas who are hiding help the children?" she asks looking at a tree not far away.

3 ninjas with white eyes, come closer. "Sorry Miss Tsunade, internal clan matters" one of them answers.

"And by any chance, is the child in orange from your clan?" she asks getting up while her hand is on the girl's shoulder.

"No, but if we get involved with him, the 2 anbus that follow him would cause us trouble, so we don't interfere." replies the first guy.

"That being the case" she turns to Shizune "Take the boy to the compound, the two boys. I need to have a word with the old man." she starts walking towards the Hokage's office again.

So it was done, we took the boy to the compound, when we arrived, Shizune put him in a room, so he could rest and recover while she prepared lunch. As I had nothing to do I went to the clan library and began to leaf through the scrolls.

Summoning technique, you need a drop of blood and use the seal sequence Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram, tap the ground and the animal closest to your affinity may or may not offer you a contract.

My eyes glaze over, imagining summoning giant wolves, or dragons, or phoenix, or Lions, and learning the wisdom mode. I give my evil laugh, which sounds more like a child who hit his little finger on the edge of the table, and run to the training area of the complex, shouting a warning to Shizune that I'm going to try a jutsu I've read about and I'll be right back.

I do the procedure described in the parchment and poof, I am teleported to the place.

I find myself at a dense forest entrance, big trees, closed and tall forest, I feel a huge presence behind me, and as soon as I turn around, an intense mixture of emotions overwhelms me.

Fear, joy, disappointment, doubt, more fear and curiosity.

What I see now in front of me is a creature that I guess is a good 6 meters tall, he wears a dark ninja suit, only his "hands and feet" are not covered by the suit, and his head is also uncovered. His ears are big like a cat's, with tufts of orange hair on the tips, his head is almost all covered by the same color hair, but where it is, his face is white, with one eye covered by an eye patch, and the other has a black fur. (I will leave the picture for a rough idea of what I mean). He is holding a katana resting on his shoulder, a black katana, completely black, with the hilt wrapped in a band that was once white.

"Child, what are you doing here?" the creature asks me. Its voice is low and deep.

"I-I found a summoning scroll, tried it, and ended up here. Where am I?" I try to sound as calm as possible, despite the urge to run away.

"You are in Racoon City, I am Kira, the head of the Racoon clan. You must be very good with space-time jutso to come to us." he looks me up and down. "We are an assassin clan kid, I don't know if it would be the best choice for you, but if you want, we can make the contract. But I already warn you, our clan doesn't have flashy jutsus like the others, we just use space-time to accomplish our missions, assassination."

"Just to know, where is the rest of the clan? and how do I sign the contract?"

"To sign the contract, you just write your name on it in blood, and that's it. As for the rest of the clan, you will meet them when you are older. I think you'd better go right back where you came from, or your parents will be worried," he tells me, and pulls from his robes a parchment, which when he opens has nothing written on it.

I bite my finger, write my full name, the parchment glows. "The contract is made, I will send you back and in two days call on me again, so I can start your training" he tells me, as he starts and performs the reverse jutsu. "See you soon kid" as soon as he finishes, I appear again in the training area of the compound, with grandma Tsunade looking at me with a murderous face.