chap. 15 - One Step Forward Two Steps Back

As I was training to improve my chakra control, now enhanced by Isobu, I discovered some interesting things.

As a sensing ninja, I can automatically sense the chakra around me, and with Isobu helping me, the area has increased quite a bit. Good point.

With my massive increase in chakra, I can now do my teleportation, more fluidly and quickly. Good thing.

While I'm concentrating, I can teleport just like Minato, which helped me to get used to my body faster. Positive point.

My control over my affinities has improved considerably. Positive point.

My control over my mokuton is now acceptable. Good point.

Counterbalancing this, my restrictions have also increased.

When I use my teleport, I can't do jutsus, because my ordinary brain can't concentrate on two different jobs. Yes, I try. I almost managed to dry up my chakra by doing that. If not for Isobu, I would have passed out in the forest and who knows what could have happened. Negative Point.

When I'm teleporting, Isobu needs to stop supplying me with chakra, because since his chakra doesn't have the space-time affinity, it's like I'm always doing a massive teleport. Negative point.

With Isobu's help, my mokuton can now be used. By Isobu and Kurama's estimates, I could hold out for 10 seconds against Hashirama, 5 seconds against Tobirama, and couldn't even begin to fight Madara.

The first because only his grandson and he would probably take it easy on me. The second because it would spare me the pain of a slow beating. The third because you simply wouldn't like an insect standing in front of you.

I need more fighting experience, they say.

I continued training that week until Hayama sensei called me.

"Nox-kun, do you want to participate in the chunnin exam?" this man always straight to the point. That's why I like him.

"If sensei thinks I'm ready, I don't see why not. But if my will alone is enough, then yes. I'd like to."

"Very well, here is the form. Fill it out and give it to me tomorrow. I'll talk to Hokage-sama to see if he can get you a team." he is about to leave.

"Hayama-sensei. If you can, I'd like to take the exam by myself. I would even help the other Konoha teams if possible. But I would like to be without a team." I stop him before he goes.

"Very well, I will talk to Hokage-sama. I think he will accept the proposal." he nods and leaves.

At home, while studying the mokuton jutsus scrolls, Isobu caught my attention.

"Since you have access to mokuton skills, you can use this technique of hiding on the surface. It is only possible for those who are mokuton users. Besides, it is impossible for a sensor to find it."

Since then. I began to master the technique.

It consists of fusing me with earth or water, but also with plants and trees. The problem is, like any technique, if I put any part of my body outside of where I'm hidden, a sensor could find me. But still, it's a very good technique.

Linked to my sensor, I find it very useful. Especially for ambushes.

Today we are going to the academy, where the first test will be held. I'm going with Hayama-sensei, while he gives me the last tips and encourages me.

As soon as we arrive, we see Lee and Sasuke fighting, we don't get involved, walking past them and heading to the test room.

"I can only come so far. Don't be nervous and good luck."

Thus, I say goodbye to Hayama-sensei and enter the room.

As expected, many gennins are here, many smaller villages are here as well, as well as two other large villages, Suna and Kiri. Another prominent village is Otogakure.

Team 7 joins teams Guy, 8 and 10, while they talk, Kabuto arrives, things unfold as in the anime, the difference is that Neji, asks Kabuto information about me, who knows almost nothing.

Then the sound team arrives, makes their show (I swear it was not intentional), Ibiki enters and the test begins.

At the end of the first test Anko appears and immediately starts the second test, we go to the forest of death.

I take my scroll, read the land, and go to my entrance gate, which is next to team 7. They show me their scroll, "Nox, we have paradise and you?" Naruto you idiot.

"Naruto, you should not give your information to another group, your team may become a target. Mine is Terra, and I am only warning you because if you need it, I will give you mine."

I place my hand on his shoulder. "I easily get others, after all, I am your older brother and will always look out for you."

He says nothing, turns around and goes back to his group, but as he turned around, I saw the tears wanting to come out of his eyes. 'Silly boy,' I smile.

The gates open, we move forward, and I see a team from Otogakure coming towards me. Without blinking, I kill them and steal their scroll. Earth scroll too. Damned bad luck.

I continue advancing and encounter another Otogakure team, which I don't think twice and eliminate. Another earth scroll. Shit. Damned Bad Luck.

I see a team from Konoha being murdered by a group from Amegakure, I take them by surprise and eliminate them as well. Two more earth scrolls.

'I'm going to look for team 7, I can give one of these scrolls to them.' I use my sensor to find their chakra signatures, and see them fighting.

When I reach them, I see that they had a relatively easy victory, but they left them alive. Well, I don't care. I go up to them.

"Please tell me their scroll is heaven." I see Naruto jump, Sakura already preparing to cut me down, and Sasuke pretending he wasn't taken by surprise.

"Never, again, do, that, brother. I almost had a seizure." he is with his hand on his chest and taking a deep breath.

"That's because you guys relaxed. You don't have a sensor ninja with you, so you must always be alert. CONSTANT WARNING." I laugh inwardly, accompanied by Isobu. He can read my memories, so I let him enjoy getting to know a different world.

"I get it, I get it." he looks at me as if I'm wrong. "Yes, his scroll is paradise." he is now downcast.

"Fine, we can trade. Give me that one and I'll give you one of mine." I show him 4 earth scrolls.

"You..." he can't finish.

"If you remember what you said before you came in, then I was the target." I hand him an earth scroll and he gives me a paradise.

"Let's go to the tower." I leave with them following me.

The other day, as we headed to the central tower, we were attacked by Orochimaru. The only changes were, he didn't seal Naruto's chakra, and he didn't try to bite me.

"Orochimaru, why the seal?" I asked innocently.

"So you can test and see if your body can be mine." he answers and I shudder.

"From what I know, what you seek is immortality." he confirms with his head. "Then why not create a clone of yourself, improving it every step of the way?" I see that crazy scientist brain of his is boiling with ideas.

"You use the seal to make the body get used to your soul." he confirms once more, but this time with palpable interest.

"So if it's a body of yours, but with minor gene enhancements, wouldn't your soul adapt faster? And automatically wouldn't it allow more time in the same body?" 'the idea has been implanted.'

"I see you have a good head for science boy. Tsunade taught you well." he compliments me.

"Not at all Orochimaru, I just got the idea based on what Grandma explained to me of your ambitions. Then I thought that would be discovered by you sooner or later. I just advanced the process" I laughed looking at him.

He laughs back. 'I expect great things from you boy'. he uses the jutsu of hiding in the dirt and walks away.

'Wait, did he just pull an Olivaras one?' as I wonder this, Isobu laughs and replies 'yes'.