chap. 16 - Qualifiers and Rescue

After talking with Oliv... I say Orochimaru, I go back to team 7, but I don't show up for them. I just keep watch in case something goes wrong or different.

I see everything happen as it should, Sasuke turned into the demon almost killing everyone, Sakura although she was stronger, she still lacked fighting experience, but she didn't need a haircut.

Seeing that they were fine. I went to the tower and waited for them to arrive.

When they approached me, I saw a Sasuke with an arrogant air, saying that he was stronger now, that it wouldn't be a problem to defeat me and blah blah blah.

I just did what a wise man would do. I smiled and nodded.

Sakura was still the damsel in love, but with much less idolatry, she knew that the boy had something wrong, and warned me about it, asking for help. Which I didn't refuse, but said I would have to wait until we could get out of here and talk to Kakashi, or when I found him.

Naruto was angry because even with all his training, he could barely stand an enemy like Oliv... Orochimaru.

We were all called in, Hokage starts explaining what the chunnin exam was about, blablabla and stuff.

Then Kabuto withdrew from the exams, which left one missing.

The first fight was Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akadō, with Sasuke beating him. While the fight was taking place, I informed Kakashi of the curse mark. When the fight was over, he took Sasuke to try to seal the mark.

The second fight was Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame which Shino won.

The third fight, Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankurō, won by Kankuro.

The fourth fight, Sakura Haruno vs Ino Yamanaka, draw, as both trained with Grandma and gave it their all in the fight. I was proud of them and Grandma too.

The fifth fight, Tenten vs. Nox, oops, now it's my turn.

When we entered the arena, she seemed nervous, so it was only when the fight started that her nervousness dissipated and she started summoning weapons to the point of no return.

She has an extraordinary talent for fuinjutsu, I don't know why she doesn't specialize in it. As a matter of fact, I do. Guy is a master of the physical arts, as are his two partners, so she has no way to learn fuinjutsu if no one guides her. That's a job for Grandma.

I use the surface hiding jutsu and appear near Granny, explain the situation and she agrees to teach the girl. But on the condition that I finish as the winner of the exam. Which I accept.

I return to the battlefield and realize that it has stopped raining weapons, I look at the girl interrogatively. "What happened?"

She scratches the back of her head embarrassed "I ran out of guns" I laugh and ask her to give up. Which she agrees. As we are walking up, I tell her that Grandma Tsunade will teach her other fuinjutsu techniques.

And with that, it's my victory.

The sixth fight was Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi, which shikamaru won.

The seventh fight, Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka was an undisputed win by a Naruto nervous at himself for not being able to fight Orochimaru.

Eighth fight, Hinata Hyūga vs. Neji Hyūga, which was more of a live training for Neji to show where Hinata's flaw lies, even though she has trained hard in recent years. Neji's victory.

The ninth fight, Gaara vs. Rock Lee. Everything was going to happen just like in the anime, but when Gaara was about to break Lee's arm and leg, I intervened in the fight, which caused Lee's defeat. And made Gaara a little more nervous.

"I think the result is already clear to everyone, you beat Gaara, Lee has already proven to everyone here that he can become a strong enough ninja if he stays the course. Right Guy-sensei?" I say as I help Lee lie down on the stretcher.

The last fight was Dosu Kinuta vs. Chōji Akimichi, which ended with Choji losing.

We were informed that we would have a month for training and that the final rounds would take place on that date. But that the choices of fights would happen now.

It came down to this:

Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyūga

Gaara vs. Sasuke Uchiha

Kankurō vs. Shino Aburame

Temari vs. Shikamaru Nara

Dosu Kinuta vs. Nox Senju

With that finished, let my vacation begin. Or I may have said too soon.

I was summoned by Sarutobi to his office. "Nox-kun, I want to know if you need anything for your training."

"No Third Grandpa, I have everything planned."

"Fine, but it will have to wait a while, I have a mission for you." he sits down and pulls out a parchment from his desk drawer.

"I need you to go to Kusagakure to rescue two Uzumaki women."

"I will leave immediately Hokage-sama." I put the parchment away I leave the office.

When I arrive at the gates of Konoha, I find Hayama-sensei waiting for me.

"Shall we go?" he has a smile on his face. "Let's go" I answer smiling back.

We set off towards the village of Kusa. As fast as we can. After we have a good distance from the Konoha village, I ask Kira to teleport to the village. I ask Hayama to wait for me for a while and I join Kira.

I kill all the ninjas that were there, using the techniques of hiding on the surface and blink. I find Karin and her mother badly wounded, and teleport them with me back to Hayama-sensei.

While I rest, I explain that my mission was to save them. I show them the scroll. They thank me and together we return to the village. As soon as we reach the gates, I faint.

I wake up three days later, with Kira explaining me that since I used my teleport in abundance, without my body being prepared, I would be forbidden to use it again, since the next time, I might not come back.

I understood what he meant, I didn't faint for lack of chakra, but for loss of blood, since in the last teleport, I didn't bring a part of my left thigh.

I dreamed of being a teleporting ninja, now I couldn't be anymore. Or at least not for now. Who knows when I'm grown up.

I focus on training my mokuton, not to think about the loss I suffered with the last mission. But first I need to make a report to the Hokage and go home to listen to grandma's scolding.