chap. 17 - How so?

After a report was made, a scolding, and three too many bumps on the head, I went to a training area near the forest of death.

"Nox boy, before you start training, meditate, try to feel the natural energy." Isobu tells me.

"For that wouldn't I have to go to Toad Mountain, Snake Cave or in the Wet Forest?"

"Actually, no. Anyone can feel the natural energy. For you, it might even be easier, since you can use mokuton, and have space-time affinity." I sense Isobu's animation.

"Isobu, what do the two have to do with each other?" now I am sincerely puzzled.

"Nox boy, when we go into meditation, we are merging with nature in an indirect way, mokuton is directly related to nature and space-time is in everything, including nature. Do you understand now?" he says as if it were the most obvious thing.

"If I understand correctly, it means I can have an easier time sensing natural energy, is that it?" I'm still confused.

"Hashirama's natural energy was known as natural Senjutsu, meaning that since he was a man with an affinity of nature, just like you, mokuton, he could enter sage mode more easily, and last much longer."

"If you can control when you enter and exit sage mode, that could help you train how to gather natura energy in a natura way." he stops for a moment, "Yes, now that I've heard myself talk I understand how confusing it can be."

"Let's try just feeling the natural energy. Then we move on to the next phase."

I sit down and begin my meditation. Automatically, as a sensor, I start to feel all the chakra around, the range begins to expand and expand, until I feel in the air, another kind of energy, an energy that touches my skin, but my body doesn't absorb it.

I let this energy touch my body, it is a warm and pleasant feeling, like a mother's hug. Wait. I already felt this once. It was the same energy I felt when my mother saved me.

Now this energy enters my skin and starts to merge with my chakra. From what I remember, I have to keep the two balanced. Wrong again. I have to keep all three balanced.

The Physical energy, the Mental energy, and the Natural energy. When I balance all three is when I can enter the Sage mode.

"Now you know what natural energy looks like." Isobu says breaking my concentration.

"Why did you stop me?"

"Because it's already going to get dark, and if you don't come home, your three roosters have won brothers." he laughs at my misfortune.

Only now do I realize how much time I spent trying to feel the natural energy. I ran home.

The other day, I trained my mokuton more, a tip given by Isobu, so that my body can exercise itself.

Since then I started to alternate between training one affinity and feeling the natural energy the next.

This continued until the final fights of the chunnin exam.

Hayama-sensei accompanies me to the stadium where the finals will take place. That month, when I wasn't training Mokuton or Natural Energy I was training with Hayama-sensei and Uncle Yamato.

I don't know how but I can sense something going on between Uncle Yamato and Sister Shizune.

Which always makes me look suspiciously at him, which always makes him look at me with that pastel face of his, but still, I see the man sweating.

Sister Shizune is a beautiful young woman with a sad past, Uncle Yamato is a young man, also with a sad past. I understand that the two can see each other, but seriously, without even talking to the family? This I don't forgive. It is treason.

The bastard refused to come with me so that he could accompany Shizune. If he makes her cry for whatever reason, I will teach him a place where mokuton cannot be summoned.

Threats aside, when we arrive at the stadium, I see almost everyone gathered and ready. Except of course for the lazy man and Sasuke.

The first fight is between Neji and Naruto. Which was a good duel. Both fought acknowledging each other's strength, but Naruto still won.

The second fight was postponed, as the star Sasuke had not arrived. I don't know what's so great about the sharingans. They are strong yes, but not invincible. A fucking child had to save his clan, that child was me, and a Senju one at that.

In the third fight, Kakuro gave up, giving the victory to Shino.

In the fourth fight, Temari and Shikamaru fought a bit, with Shikamaru giving up as his role of showing his skills and intelligence were fulfilled.

The last fight was me against Dosu, who was still alive. In the original he would have died for whatever reason but here he is. I think the uncle of the snakes wants to see my fight.

The fight starts with him using his sound jutsus left and right, and me keeping and me staying out of his sound radius.

Shortly thereafter I sense the presence of Sasuke and Kakashi, so I wrap up the fight some more. Star wanted to arrive on time to fight straight and show off is, wait like anyone would star.

After another 5 or 6 minutes in which Dosu couldn't hit me, with his tiredness, I do an eye-catching water jutsu, which floods the whole arena, and I win the fight.

As I'm passing the star duo I hear Kakashi say "Be careful using what I taught you, with the field soaked as it is, you can have a rebound jutsu that can paralyze you."

Which makes me openly laugh. As he goes to the arena, Kakashi approaches me.

"You soaked the arena on purpose right?" that one eye, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Congratulations, you found out my secret. What gave me away? The laughter or the time it took me to finish the fight?" I look at him with debauchery. 'Yeah, answer that Sherlock' I hear Isobu laugh at his own joke, which I follow.

"Why did you do that?"

"For the simple fact that he's not a fucking star, he's taking the exams like everyone else here. What right does he have to come when he wants? Does that answer your question?"

"Why the animosity against him? What did he do to you?"

Now he got me. "He didn't do anything, but you refusing to teach Naruto and Sakura to focus on Sasuke, that pissed me off. Aren't they part of your team too?" I thought quickly right?

"I get it. I don't think you are wrong. You are protecting your brother and your friend. I understand. Sorry about that." I can see that he is really sad about it.

"Kakashi, his father taught you a lot, the least you could have done, was to feel gratitude and take care even a little bit of Naruto. Which you didn't do. That's why I was angry with you. But that's water under the bridge now, I've had my petty revenge on your protégé. We're fine," I smile and go to the chairs to watch the fight.