
The sky was clear. Was because earlier kids were just playing under the bright sky but now the kids are under the roof on the side of the school watching the rain pour down from the sky. On the other hand, while the kids are busy watching the water hit the ground, the teachers are busy discussing something in the meeting room.

“I told you this isn’t the right time for that.” One teacher argued.

“But we are not doing anything to make anything better, Sir Gabe.” A female teacher argued back. She fixed her eyeglasses to fix it on the bridge of her nose and stared back at the other teacher.

“It’s almost the end of the school year, Miss Rew. Let’s discuss this in the summer before the school year starts.” The head teacher said.

“We’re going to wait that long? Kids have been performing poorly this year because of the stress. Two kids even...”

“Two kids. Just two kids.” What kind of remark is that? A teacher that doesn't care about their student's wellbeing?

“And it’s making all the parents of these kids worry for their children's well-being. Some students in my class didn’t come to school today and their parents called me the night before to inform me that they should have not enrolled their kids here. We need to change some of our techniques in teaching.”

Sir Gabe laughed, “Call them hysterical. As if we have control over that. Only the kids have control over how their mind works. Not us. It's their own fault.”

“Yes, but they are still our responsibility. Our curriculum obviously has an effect on the mental health of the students.” Miss Rew feels so defeated. She wanted change in the system because she knows how difficult it has been for the kids. For everyone as a teacher, she really just wants everyone to learn. It's her job. A service.

“Miss Rew, please. We need to push that one aside. Just focus on that one.” The headteacher is still against it.

“Is that what's really important now? Okay, sure. But still, the health of these kids?”

“i hope to never discuss this again with you, Miss Rew. You've been going about this since last summer. Let this be the last time we talk about this." The headteacher stood up without looking at everyone else. The other teachers followed the head teacher like they are his tails.

Miss Rew was defeated. She feels so defeated that she's the only one that cares about the students. She wishes that there is another way around everything.

"Are you sure about this one?" The demon standing beside the woman asked.

"Yes," the woman answered.

The demon watched as the woman revealed herself to Miss Rew.

“a very caring teacher but unfortunately, not everyone shares the same demise.” A voice whispered in her ear.

She turned to see a woman that she’d never seen this woman in her life before. She looks like she is in her early twenties so the possibility of having a child studying here is quite impossible. She's got silver hair which she's not sure is real or not. Her skin is so pale like snow. Is this person even a person?

“Who are you? How did you get inside this room?” She glanced at the door. She thought it was locked by the last teacher that went out of it.

“Listen to me, Miss Rew.” The woman said. There is something eerily weird about the tone of her voice. It sent shivers to the back of the teacher's spine.

“Leave now before I call the guards.” Miss Rew tried to sound authoritative but it still didn't manage to hide the shaking in her voice because of fear.

“Anyway, I don't care about your personal matters right now. I do feel sorry for you though."

"Who the hell are you?"

"My my, you talk to your students like that?"

"Get out now before I call the guards."

"Sure, but let me ask you first about this one person. Do you happen to know where this person is?" The woman showed a photo of a woman to her. It seems like an old photograph from the 80s.

"No. The woman in that photo is young and probably taken from decades ago. Don't you have one that is taken recently? How could I know otherwise?" Miss Rew was becoming nervous. She doesn't know why but the person in front of her seems to have ill intentions.

The woman stared at the photo she had just shown the teacher, "Supposedly, her face shouldn't change no matter what."

"Huh?" Is she saying that the person in the photo is immortal? Nonsense. There is no such thing as immortality in this world.

"Anyhow, you weren't able to help me. I guess you are going to receive a punishment for that." The silver-haired woman stared at the demon behind her. The demon revealed herself to the teacher.

"What?" Miss Rew's voice was shaking. "Where did you come from?"

"I am not a very patient person, Miss Rew." The silver-haired woman snapped her fingers and with that snap, the woman disappeared from the room leaving Miss Rew with the demon.

Meanwhile, the woman searched for a poor victim to talk to. No, not talk. Hypnotize. After all, that's the most useful power she got. She found the old man from earlier. She smirked.

The person she's been searching for has just recently reincarnated and she is now on a mission again to end her. It has been like that for the past thousand years. She has always been on the hunt.

It's a curse that the universe has bestowed upon her. Unless this person stops reincarnating, she cannot die. So, it has always been her mission to kill and she's growing sick of it.

Just as she thought that everything was going to be over. When she feels that her heart is finally weakening and that she can finally close her eyes, she feels the person's presence again and her health returns to normal.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She remembers that this guy's name is Sir Gabe. One of the imbeciles who only knows how to kiss the principal's ass. She scoffed at what the man looked like. He looks like a fool. Bald, messy polo shirt and cannot seem to stop sniffing.

Poor kids. Do they really deserve to suffer to be in the presence of this man?

"Shut up and just look me in the eye," the woman ordered.


The woman pulled him by his jaw, digging her nails into his skin until they created a mark, and forced him to look at her. "Agree with what Miss Rew said. The school really does need a new curriculum. Go, support her idea."

The man's eyes have turned blank. "Yes..." he mouthed.

The woman smiled in satisfaction. With her immortality comes a few perks. She can control people at her own will and do impossible things such as teleportation that a normal person can't do.

She let go of the guy and watched him as he aimlessly leaves the faculty room.

Somehow, she has forgotten about the other teachers in the room, she snarled at them. "What are you looking at?"

The teachers returned to their own work as if they were robots and the main system had ordered them to go back.

She knows that they have not heard the conversation she just had with Sir Gabe. It's one of her perks. It is difficult to explain but somehow it works.

The sound of the rain echoed in her ears.

She left the faculty room and watched the rain as it pours.

She will only have to wait a little longer until her plans go to fruition.

Does she feel remorse about this?

No. Not at all.

She's killed many versions of the woman she's searching for and each time she just turns more and more numb than last time. So this little play is nothing to her. In fact, she enjoys it. She enjoyed watching the tears of the people fall from their eyes as they begged for forgiveness. She enjoys their screams of redemption. She enjoys the agony.

After all, she no longer feels any of those.

She's grown tired of it.

She's grown tired of asking the heavens to forgive her. They heard her agony, her pain, cries but nothing. For a thousand years, she has only been ignored. So in exchange, she will make heaven's people suffer the way she is suffering.

If she does not deserve forgiveness.

No one else does.

Sir Gabe aimlessly walked to the meeting room he had just in not long ago to meet Miss Rew who seemed to be sweating terribly.

"S-Sir Gabe," Miss Rew stood up from her seat to talk to him. "There's this woman who entered the room not long ago. I don't know but she said some strange things to me. The feeling of worry has not left me since. And...and then there's this other woman...she said she granted my wish. I don't understand a word they said to me."

Sir Gabe ignored her concerns. "About your concern from not long ago..."


"I agree about the children's well-being...their mental health. You are right. We should be worrying about them."

Miss Rew's worries suddenly disappeared. The thought of the strange woman from earlier was now long gone. "R-really?"

Sir Gabe nodded. "I will help you talk to the principal to deal with this matter."

Miss Rew's face brightened. "Oh, thank you. Sir Gabe, I knew you'll get around it."

The next day, there was an immediate meeting. Not only with the teachers but with the parents of the kids. They've discussed the dire situation their school is in and promised to take action about it.

After the school meeting, the teachers themselves had another meeting in the meeting room.

"Headteacher, thank you very much for taking this seriously," Miss Rew smiled.

The headteacher nodded. "Sir Gabe helped and changed my mind."

The strange woman stood behind the headteacher. She is not seen by anyone. She just watches them as she waits for the whole world to burn. The anticipation makes her heart feel giddy.

"But, Miss Rew. I do have some concern about your work."

"Excuse me?" Miss Rew furrowed her brows as concern grew in her chest.

"You have been slacking off."

Miss Rew shook her head, "No, sir. In fact, I always send my work to you on time."

The principal shook his head, "it's not there, Miss Rew. I am so disappointed in you right now."


The strange silver-haired lady from yesterday revealed herself to Miss Rew.

Miss Rew pointed at the woman standing behind the principal, "Why are you here again? Who are you really? How did you suddenly appear out of nowhere?"

The other teachers stared at the area Miss Rew was pointing at.

"Miss Rew, are you alright?" Sir Gabe asked.

"That woman from yesterday," Miss Rew's voice was shaking.

"Who are you talking about?" The headteacher is starting to feel terrified. No one is standing behind him so who is Miss Rew pointing at? Is there an entity in there that he couldn't see? Secretly, he did a sign of a cross. One on his head, chest, left shoulder, and right shoulder.

"Miss Rew, stop scaring us," one of the teachers tried to hide her fear with a chuckle.

"I am not scaring you! There really is someone behind all of you!” Miss Rew pointed behind the head teacher's back.

The strange woman gave Miss Rew an evil smirk. And so it begins. Her game.

"Believe me! I am telling you the truth!" Miss Rew cried.

The principal hit the table, "That's it, Miss Rew. Out! Everyone, take her out of this room! Now!"

"Believe me! Believe me!" Miss Rew cried as the other teachers pulled her out of the room