
Brianna's POV

I watch as the sky gets filled with dark clouds. It's been a very solemn weather lately. I kind of hate it. I want to play outside but my mom won't let me because she's afraid it might suddenly rain and I would get sick. Then there was a sudden commotion.

My friend, Sofia, turned her head towards the chaos. “Is that our teacher?"

I glanced at her. "I think so."

"I going to follow them," she chuckled.

I wanted to follow her but I am really not the type to follow the chaos. I remained to where I was standing until Sofia went back to me and pulled me along with her. We followed the teachers and tried to listen to the quarrels. I really don't understand them though. The adults always fight about something and I am kind of sick of it too.

"These teachers talk so fast. I do not understand anything," Sofia frowned. "Do you understand them?"

"It feels like they are speaking a different language because of the speed of their speaking. So no. I do not understand them either."

Sofia pouted. "Let's go play in the playground?"

"It might rain."

"No. It's not going to rain. Let's go."

I wanted to follow her. I wanted to listen to the teachers. But something is bothering me. I feel like someone is watching me. I sense a weird feeling on my nape and I kind of hate it. Why do I suddenly hate everything today?

As much as I want to listen to her screams coming from the teachers, for some reason, my eyes wavered somewhere else. A person, standing not far from us was looking back at me with pure intent in her eyes.

Why? Why is she looking at me like that?

Her silver hair blows as the strong wind hits us all.

She greeted her teeth at me. That's my last memory of her.

Ten Years Later

"This doesn't feel right, Sofia," I said as I fixed the ties of my shoes.

"You're supposed to wrap it around your legs." Sofia helped me with it.

"What kind of shoes are these? It's such a struggle to wear."

"But you will look hot wearing it. It's worth it. Don't worry." She finished wrapping the ties around my legs in a criss-cross pattern.

"I can't believe that it's been years since we've seen our friends from elementary." Sofia was so excited.

"Yeah. I was surprised that we were invited too. I mean, we lost contact with them when we transferred school. I really thought that we would not be in contact with them anymore."

Sofia pulled me up from my seat towards the tall mirror. "Yep, this will suit the theme of the party. You look so pretty, Brianna."

"Th-thank you..." I blushed. I feel really uneasy when people compliment me even if it's my best friend. After all, Sofia grew very pretty too. When I look back at our old photos, it seems like a whole new different person.

"Go to the nearest exit immediately!" Someone shouted from outside the store.

Of course, this piqued my curiosity and Sofia's curiosity so we went out of the shop to check what it was about.

"Excuse me, what is happening?" Sofia managed to pull a man from the crowd to ask.

"Crazy lady. Crazy lady!" He repeatedly screamed.

"What? I don't think I understand you."

"Let go! She'll catch us! That woman carrying a refrigerator!" The man removed Sofia's grip from him and continued to rush towards the exit of the mall.

"Refrigerator?" Sofia repeated.

I just shrugged.

More and more people continued running in panic so Sofia and I just followed them. I was running with the crowd with the shoes that I hadn't paid for yet. Does this mean they are mine now?

I continued to run with Sofia but since a lot of people were in a panic, I lost sight of her.

"Sofia!" I shouted for her but she was already nowhere to be seen.

I continued to run anyway. I will find her among the crowd later once I get out of this building. That's what I thought when I suddenly felt a hand pulling me away from everyone else.

The person who pulled me brought me to a place where there were no people panicking. Then we stopped.

"Thank you for that," I breathed deeply. "I would have been crushed in that mob."

The person is still not turning so I could their face.

"Ugh, excuse me?" I tapped the shoulder.

Slowly, the person turned their head so I could see it. It's a woman after all.

"Again, maybe you didn't hear me. Thank you for saving me from--"

"I didn't save you," the woman faced me completely.

Silver hair. Her hair looks familiar. Where have I seen it before?

But then again, hair dye is quite popular nowadays so maybe I have mistaken her for another person.

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"I didn't save you from that mob of running people," she repeated. "That demon works so strangely sometimes."


"Anyway, you," she pointed at me. She took out a photograph from her pocket and stared at it then at me. "Yep, you are this person."


"How old are you now? The last time I saw you, I think you were around 8. How old are you now?"


"Answer me!"

I jolted.

Wh-why is she suddenly screaming at me?

I took a few steps back until my back hit the wall.

"I've waited so long already."

"Who are you? Why are you asking my age?"

Her demeanor changed, "huh? I am not playing games. Just tell me how old you are and we could get on with it."

"Get on with it?" My eyes widened at a realization. "Pervert!"


"Get away from me!"


I slapped her face hoping that would scare her but it didn't. In fact, if got her even mad.

"What kind of game are you playing now? I don't have enough patience anymore. Just tell me how old you are now!"

"S-seventeen..." I mumbled.

"And when are you going to turn 18?"

"I-in...six months..."

"Okay...six months...see you again in six months." The woman disappeared in front of my eyes.


Disappeared without using the door?


I must be dreaming.

No, hallucinating.

Of course. I didn't have any proper sleep the past few days because of schoolwork so I must be hallucinating now. Okay...fine...let me get out of here and find Sofia out there.

Hopefully, those people have already calmed down already.