
Faye's POV

The demon teleported us the a village close to a highway. The place is colder than I expected. I understand the weather.

Brianna was shivering too.

"H-how come you're not cold?" Brianna managed to asked even though her teeth were quivering.

"I'm a half-demon. Weather does not affect me," the woman answered.

"But you are still human, right? Half-human...I assume?"

The woman didn't answer her. I doubt that she will answer her. Me who have known this woman longer than Brianna barely knows anything about her. Not to mention that the woman despises angels.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

We continued stepping on the snow covered road and it seems endless.

The woman pointed at something I couldn't make up what it is. "That old barn. A man wished to be free from all of his debts. He can no longer pay the bastards who is threatening his life."

"I cannot see what you're pointing at," Brianna said.

"Just follow me."

We continued to walk. I kept an eye on Brianna who surely is uncomfortable with this. Her legs keep getting swallowed by the thick snow.

"You want me to carry you?" I asked her.

I feel really guilty about earlier. Even though I am hurt with how she acted, I know I couldn't blame her.

I guess it will take more time before she could fully trust me again.

"We're here," the woman asked.

We stopped in front of a house made of woods.

The woman knocked on the door but no one answered. I checked the chimney and it seems like someone is inside since there's smoke up there.

"Did this guy summoned you or are you randomly picking up victims?" I asked.

"Victims?" Brianna worried.

"He summoned me the other day. He told me that I should meet him at this place on this day."

"Maybe he changed his mind?"

She shook her head. "He's probably just drank." She knocked on the door again. "Hey, it's me. The demon you summoned."

Finally, we could hear the locks being unlocked. The door opened to show a messed up guy. His shirt is covered with stinky sweat, his under eyes are dark, unshaven, messed up hair and reeks of alcohol.

"Yo-you actually came," the man's voice was thin almost sounding like a whisper.

"I keep my promises." The woman said.

The man's eyes shifted on mine and at Brianna. "Wh-who are they?"

"Don't worry about them. They are here to help."

"Demons? I don't think I have enough soul for that."

The woman shook her head. "Their service is free." She eyed me. "Kinda."

The man opened the door wider, "come in."

We followed the man inside of his house. It looks messy too. Alcohol bottles everywhere.

"So, they will come to you later to get the payment?" The woman confirmed to the man.

He nodded.

"Okay, then we will take it from here." The woman went to me and Brianna to explain what we're going to do.

We are going to beat them until unconscious so we could call the cops on them.

Seems like an easy task but I don't want to bring Brianna along it.

Moments later, we heard heavy thumping on the door.

"Hey! Edgar! Pay up!" A voice loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood shouted.

"Go away! I have no more monry to give you!" Edgar cried. So that's his name.

"You know what happens if you don't abide to our conditions, Edgar."

"Go away!" Edgar hid in fear behind his sofa.

Out of nowhere, the door slammed open to reveal four tall men with muscly built.

"Who are you?" The angry man asked us.

Without anymore words, the woman hit the tall man with a chair. Of course, it didn't do anything but again, she's a half-demon so she got ways. She probably enchanted the chair with her power the second time she tried to hit the man because he finally fell unconscious.

"What are you doing just standing there?" She asked me and Brianna.

I picked up a heavy object and hit the men with it. I guess the woman also enchanted our objects because I was sure that my force wasn't that hard but the man I hit fell unconscious too.

"Great, the cops will arrive soon," the woman breathed.

"Th-thank you," Edgar came out from his hiding spot.

"The payment?" The woman asked.

Edgar hid behind the sofa once more.

"Hey, we had a deal."

"To-tomorrow. Tomorrow to know if everything is really better." The man sounds unsure.

Don't tell me that he's planning to out play the demon. The woman is good at hunting those who owe her so the man is really just asking for it.

"Payment? What for?" Brianna asked the woman.

The woman sighed, "you're an angel, right? You keep your memories. You should know what I meant about payment."

"Yes, but I don't. I don't know."

She furrowed her brows, "what kind of angel are you?"

"A very old one," I answered. "She's not aware of the new policies and stuff."

"Huh? She's not informed?"

"Back then, selling a soul is really not much of a thing."

"But it has always been a thing. I have a friend who has been a half-demon for over a millenia already."

"Maybe Brianna is a different case?"

"Fine, let me inform you about my kind. We take payments and we sell them to the demons. That's the shortest and best way to explain it."

Brianna looks even more confused.

"You-you're an angel?" Edgar asked.

"Supposedly," Brianna tugged on her jacket.

"You've got no wings?"

"I'm in a human body. Of course I don't have wings."

"How about you?" He pointed at me. "What are you?"

I smirked, "a vampire."

The woman and Brianna chuckled.

Edgar hid again.

"Sounds about right," the woman nodded. "Anyway, we are staying here for too long already. The police will arrive soon. The payment. Tomorrow. Don't forget."

In a snap, we're back at Brianna's place.

"Finally!" Brianna removed her layers of coat and jacket and turned on the heater of the condo. "I'll just take a hot shower," she informed us both and left.

The woman looked strangely at me.

"What?" I asked.

"She's not aware of other angel things?"

I shrugged.

"She remembers her past memories, right?"

I nodded, "but it doesn't come right in. She kinda needs to look back at them as if reading a book or watching a movie."

She furrowed her brows, "that sounds wrong, Faye. And you know it. I don't have to look at my memories like that."

"What do you mean?"

"I think she's forgetting how to be an angel."

"Huh? No. Maybe it's just an effect because her memories were locked for a while." I denied.

"Sure...if you say so. I just never heard of an angel that forgets about other angel ordeals. Even Nephelims are aware of all the rules in the celestial world even just after being born. These things are innate to them. They don't need to learn about it."

As much as I want to deny her accusations, it is hard to do so because she is right. Brianna is not the same angel as before. How could she forget about half-demons?