The Half-Demon

Brianna's POV

"I am really sorry, Faye. I don't know why it's the first thing that came into my head." I pulled her by her arm.

We're outside the condo under the dark sky. It's probably about to rain again.

"Again, you don't have to be sorry. I know what I did to you. It's obviously going to mess up with your head."

I shook my head, "you're disappointed. I can see it. Let's go back inside. It's about to rain."

"I'm fine, Brianna." she removed my grip from her arm.

" least, let's talk about it."

"There's nothing more to talk about."

"Don't leave then."

"I just have to meet someone, Brianna. I'm going to return to your room. Don't worry."

Somehow, that still do not make me feel at ease. What if she goes back to Jessica to relief her stress again?

"I'm not going to Jessica's place," she said as if she's reading my mind.

"I am not saying anything."

"You don't have to. It's written all over your face."

I felt guilty. I finally let go of her arm. I guess she needs time for herself. "Okay...make sure to come home tonight...okay?"

She brushed the back of her hand on my face, "my love for you isn't fragile, Brianna. You don't have to worry about anything."

I managed to give her a timid smile.

"Are you two done?" An unfamiliar voice joined our conversation.

Faye and I turned to where the voice is coming from. The woman is tall and lean. Her black hair dances as the strong wind hits us. She's wearing an overall black clothes completed with leather boots and silver accessories.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The woman glared at Faye.

"She doesn't tell her name to anyone," Faye informed me.

"You know her?"

She nodded, "she's a colleague. Sort of."

"Sort of?" I stared at the woman again. There's a strange aura around her that I cannot get my head on.

"She's a half-demon, Brianna. Don't mess with her," Faye warned me.

"Half-demon? There's such a thing?"

"There are also Nephelims but that's another story for another time."


"I don't have all day, Faye," the half-demon called her.

"Right. Brianna, stay in your room. I just need to help her with something."

I held Faye's hand to pull her.

"Right, you're an angel. Of course you will feel strange around her. But trust me. You don't have to worry about her."

I shook my head. "Where are you going?"

"To an old province. Well close there. We're going to help an old man with something."


The half-demon drew her way closer to us, "there's a drunkard who needs help with some bastards. We will put them in jail. Does that help?"

"Can't you do that on your own?"

"There's a plan, Brianna."

I was shocked. The half-demon knows my name.

Brianna brushed my hand with her thumb, "she was there when you were younger. Also at the debut of your friend...she knows our problem."

"You do?" I asked the half-demon. I tried to trace back my memories but I don't think I know her at all.

"She's only live for less than a hundred and fifty years. You didn't get to mert her in your past life because I just recently met her too." Faye tried to explain but I am still confused. How many woman does Faye have in her life?

"She's not my type," the half-demon told me.

Faye chuckled nervously.

"I-I didn't say anything."

"It's written all over your face. The jealousy," the half-demon pointed.

I bit my lip. I am so ashamed of myself right now.

"Fine, do you want to come with us instead?"

"Hey," Faye nudged her.

The half-demon shrugged, "your girlfriend is not at ease. As much as I am not comfortable sticking around with an angel, it seems like there's no other choice. She will not let go of your hand."

"Hey, just because you broke up with your girlfriend that you should bring mine into this."

"She's not my girlfriend." The half-demon greeted her teeth.

"Say what you want to say. Anyway, if you really want to join us," Faye turned to me. "The place we're about to go is really cold. So you might want to cover up."

I stared at my clothes. "Where are we going?"

"To the south. There's a heavy snowfall there just recently."

"Oh, right."

After fixing myself found a more suitable attire for the place we're going to I hid myself first behind a wall. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I think they are talking about something important. They are both standing by the windows looking outside while the rain pours.

"How is she?" Faye asked the half-demon.

The half-demon shrugged, "I don't know. I don't have any idea."

"You're really not going to find her again?"

"My job with her is done. I shouldn't have attached myself to her in the first place."

"I see..."

"How about you? What's your deal with her? I thought you want to kill her?"

I gripped on my thick jacket as I wait for Faye's answer. My eyes landed on the trash bin. She threw the food she cooked in there. I steal feel guilty about it.

"No. I had enough of it." Faye finally answered.


"You may not understand since you've only live for a hundred years sucks."

"I could never see myself having that kind of life. You are patient for waiting for her over and over again."

"It's fine. She remembers all of her past lives because she's an angel. You find it harder because when your love ones reincarnate, the don't remember their past lives since they are not angels but just normal human beings."

The half-demon shrugged, "that's how life is. I guess..."

"You're tired now, aren't you?"

"Yeah...but I still can't find a proper way to leave things...I feel unaccomplished."

Faye chuckled, "maybe you should go back to that woman."

The half-demon shook her head, "don't butt in to my problems, Faye. You got your own celestial problem to deal with."


"Your girlfriend is listening to us, do you know that?"

I flinched.

"Yeah, I could see her reflection from the glass window."

They both turned around to face me.

"As an angel, you kind of suck with the stealth thing," the half-demon frowned.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I tried to explain but is there really something to explain? I am already caught.

"Whatever. Let's go. The plan is delayed already."